{1} The Beginning

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"Ow!" A high pitched squeak came out of the woman as she tumbled onto the ground. She had long red hair that flew in front of her face, with radiant pink eyes. The lady had distinctive features, with her skin presenting pink hearts all around. She was quite pretty and unique, and her squeal caught everyone's eye.

She slowly looked up, shock present in her face. Her eyebrows rose, eyes widened, and mouth slung open. "Ah, um" She paused and recollected herself as she stood up. "Ground Zero! You see-" She was quickly cut off.

"Watch where you're going twerp!" The explosive hero got ready to turn around till he was abruptly stopped.

"Wait! Look!" The lady quickly reached out grabbing Katsukis hand. Only for it to now have a red string lightly tied onto his ring finger. It draped down flowing in the wind going farther than he could see. "Its my quirk." She suddenly quiets down, making sure the people staring couldn't hear what she was saying. "The person you find at the other end of this string. Is your soulmate"

"There is no such thing! And even by the fucking chance there was, itd be my choice! I'm not letting fate decide shit for me." Katsuki quickly swipes his hand away. "When the hell does this shit disappear?"

"I'm not sure." She looked down at the ground and intertwined her hands. What can you expect? She is a citizen, which means she had no way to train her quirk.

"Whatever, just get going!" Katsuki jolted himself around thoughts were swimming through his head, but either way he looked forward and stomped his way back into action.


Cut dammit! Katsuki kept chopping the scissors at the red string but it was more like he was trying to cut the air. UGH! He came to the conclusion that the string was a kind of figment of his imagination, god this was annoying! He laid back onto the cold floor of his living room. The hardwood made his back uncomfortable, but at the moment he couldn't find the strength to care.

There wasn't a single person he could imagine to be his soulmate. No one was good enough let alone tolerable. This had to be some sick prank! Soulmates aren't even real. Soulmates are made and created not forced by some shit universe.

-Bro! Tomorrow Mina and I are throwing a party!!!!! You should definitely comeee~~~-

The text broke his thoughts away. A party? That's normal. He should've expected the two to throw so many parties once they became heros. Maybe he could see who is at the other end of this string.

-Sure. I'll be there-

Katsuki sits up, immediately regretting that he agreed to come. This party was probably going to be full of heros, and there is no way his soulmate is a civilian. So the chances of figuring out his "soulmate" would be pretty high. Yet he was already getting a headache from the loud annoying music he was getting ready to hear. Whatever.

He stood up walking into his bathroom. He felt the cold floor hit his feet. The light slapping sound of his stomps as he headed into the bathroom. Grabbing the toothbrush with a little clink noise and started to brush his teeth. Once he was finished he stared at himself in his mirror.

As he raised his hand the red string was still attached. Romance has never been on his mind till this day. Throughout all of high school he was too focused on his future to even care about such feelings. Which may not be considered normal for a high school boy, but he didnt care. Now what?


"Hey bro!" Eijiro shouted as he ran over to Katsuki. "Heard Uravity and you caught a big shot drug dealer. That's so impressive!"

"Its my fucking job."

"What a manly response!" Eijiro clutches his chest. "Anyway, heard you're coming to Pinky and Charge Bolt's party!."

"Shouldn't you get back to work?"

"Same to you!" Eijiro teases slapping the other on the shoulder.

As Katsuki turned to go back to work he caught a pink blob in the corner of his eye. He quickly turned his head twords that blob, seeing the girl who cursed him. She waved and signaled him to come over. He walked up to her, the usual stomp in his step. Yet he stayed cautious.

She handed him a note,

"I'm sorry for the quirk incident. Here is my number, we can call about my quirk when you arent busy. I'll give you as much info as I have. ### #### ####"

He gives the girl a glare, then shoves the note in his pocket. Katuski still isnt sure if this is some prank. For all he knows she could be some crazy fan trying to get near him. Yet the string isnt attached to her, so its unlikely. Still on the table though.

No matter how hard he tries he cant imagine himself with another person. Throughout all of high school even friends were barely on his mind, now to think about a potential lover. It's an odd change, it makes him shiver and cringe to even think about it! This is bullshit!

No matter how disgusting it seems to be with someone he cant help but look. Who is it? Who does the universe think the number two hero Ground Zero destined for. The universe who already denied him of his dreams, better repay him with a perfect soulmate.


919 Words

September 13 2021

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