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[* Pic heavy chapter.  With dialogue sections, I am adding the speaker names from now on]

Ishmael was up at 6, with an arm across her head.

"Good grief..." She sat up, fully wake.  Looking over, Sean was nothing but a tangle of limbs, wild hair and sheets.   'Good luck with that Haru.'

She got out of bed to get ready for the day. First, she needed something to wear and a shower. Ishmael had stayed up too late cooking and making desserts that she was still tired. But she had a lot to do at work.  She would keep today simple in terms of dress. Black leggings and a stonewashed shirt. Ishmael needed boxes to carry stuff as that would be sturdier than tote bags. Searching the bedroom closet, she found some and brought them out to the table. Ishmael thought she should wake up the sleeping octopus so he could also shower, dress.

Walking into the bedroom she nudged him with her foot. "Wake up sleeping beauty!!" He shot up in bed, the sheet over his head.

"Ugggh. I stayed up too late!"

"Both of us did. Up, up!"

Sean rolled out the bed. "I'll be back sis."


Ishmael returned to the kitchen to finish preparing things. The coffee pot, water kettle and carafe fit in one box with room for a bag of coffee. The other box went the Daifuku, mochi and the eclair along with serving utensils. Min's special dessert went into their own cute container and she brought an empty bento for Haru.  She would make sure he got some of the casserole and meat which she needed to get started on. She lined one of the small tupperware containers with paper towels and grabbed her apron to cook up sausages and the rest of the bacon. Sean peeked into the kitchen after returning.

"Smells good sis!"


He looked over at the boxes on the table. "We're taking all this!"

"Yup! If you want you can carry the box with the coffee maker to your car."

"Okay, man are the guys in for a treat today!"

"Hey I'm not cooking anything for lunch. I want to go out for that today. This is enough cooking already."

"Okay, I'll let Haru know."


As Sean carried the box down to the car, she placed the cooked meat in the container. She went back to the bedroom for the large insulated bag she had gotten at costco. Securing the lid to the crockpot, she wrapped it in a towel and placed it in the bag along with the meat. It was almost 8 so she hurried up to make sure she had everything. Carrying the box of sweets and her bag to his car, she passed him on the way down.

"Doors unlocked sis."

"Okay, careful of that bag, it has the crock pot in it. You can lock the door."


She waited for him in the car. It looked like rain. She was still worried about Haru so she decided to text him while she waited.

My Sis: Hey ge, you doing okay?
Er Ge: Yeah, just have to wrap up things with the folks. Save me some food!!"
My Sis: of course!

As Sean approached the car, she opened her door to take the bag from him. He just stood there and looked at her weird.

"Uhh, sis you still have your apron on..."

"Ha ha haaa!"

"Dork!"  Sean walked around to the driver side and got in.  "Hey Haru said save him some food!"

"I will. Let's go!"

They chatted about how excited they were to move in together and the upcoming trips. Pulling into the parking lot, Sean drove around for 5 minutes trying to get a spot as close to the entrance as possible. She put her backpack on fully so her hands were free. She carried in the crockpot which she wanted to plug in right away. Sean carried the coffee box.

"Oooo! You brought the good coffee!"

"Yup! I brought some of the creamer packs too."


Walking into the building it was packed. It was going on 8:30 and more people were showing up for work. Getting into the elevator, it was full, luckily they were at the front of the pack. Others instantly began sniffing and whispering. One of the guys from the office next door leaned over and looked in the box.

"What smells so good?!"

"Breakfast!" Sean had a huge cheesy smile as others began to complain that they wanted breakfast too. Soon they were at their respective floor and the elevator emptied. A few of the others tried to follow but Sean shooed them away. Walking into the office it was empty. Ishmael wanted to hurry and get things set up. Sean offered to go back for the dessert box which she was fine with. She told him not to tilt it and to carry it from the bottom.

{ Office Breakroom }

Ishmael headed straight to the breakroom. Setting her bags down, she moved the three tables together and rearranged the chairs. With that done, she took the crock pot out, uncovered it and made a spot for it on one of the tables and plugged it in.  Setting it to warm, she opened the lid, it smelled wonderful and soon so did the breakroom. Crock plugged in, meat safe and warm in the bag, she set up their new coffee station. The carafe she brought was large enough to hold two pots worth of coffee.

Ishmael had to get water out of the water dispenser in the main office as the one in the breakroom was empty. Walking into the office, she almost ran into Seo as she turned the corner.

"Oh! I'm so sorry sir." She immediately bowed.

"No harm done Ms. Turner. Why are you here so early?" Just then Sean rushed into the office.

"Sis people are going crazy over seeing the tre-...oh! Good morning sir!" Sean awkwardly bowed while trying not to drop the box of goodies.

"Uhh, I made stuff for us to eat and treats. Will you join us? Things will be ready by 8:30."

"Did anyone ask you to do this?"

"No. I'm doing it because I want to and the guys helped me out yesterday."

"Yes, I saw that. I look forward to breakfast." Seo smiled at Sean first then Ishmael as he walked off to his office. The 'siblings' both looked at each other.

"Whoa sis...Oh! The ladies next door saw Min's treat and had a fit! I practically had to fight them off!"

"Come on, there's still a lot to do and it's almost 8:30!"


Ishmael filled the pot with water for the first pot of morning brew, Sean was peeking in the crock pot.

"No peeking!"

"Damn that looks good sis!"

"I know!"  Ishmael quickly got the tables wiped down, she noticed she still had on her apron.


"What?" Sean turned to her, still holding the fridge door open. She simply pointed to her apron as the both laughed. Josh started to walk in.

"Is that coffee!?"

"Out!" Both Mel and Sean yelled at him with Sean pushing him out and slamming the break room door.

"Crap! Min's surprise!" Ishmael took her treats out the box and wrote her a small note on a posty note she found.

"Glad you feel better!! Join us in the break room at 8:30!"

"I'm going to take this to Min-Min. Will you fill up the hot water kettle and get another thing of water for coffee?"

"Got it sis." As she left the breakroom, the aroma of coffee wafted out with her, soon filling the office. Ishmael was focused on getting to Min's office before her as Sean again kicked the guys out of the break room. Ishmael sat Min's treats on her desk as Mr. Hideki came out of his office.

"What's this!"

"Shh! Treats for Min since she was sick. We're all meeting in the breakroom at 8:30, will you join us?"

"Of course, Mr. Seo has requested my presence there also."

"Oh? Uhh...okay!" Ishmael hurried back to the breakroom. Sean was standing outside the door, arms crossed acting as security.

"What are you doing?"

"Seong keeps trying to come in! The bonehead!"

"Oh hush and get inside dork!"

Ishmael and Sean quickly got things ready. Sean placed plates at each of the seats and Ishmael went behind and sat coffee cups down on top of that. On the far end of the table went the crock pot and meat along with serving utensils. Before anyone got there, she took the bento box and spooned out some of the casserole and meat.

"Ah, is that for Haru?"

"Yup! I want to make sure he gets some." Casserole and meat went on the first layer which she placed the cover on to keep it warm. She gave him 2 each of mochi and ichigo on the top tier along with a helping of eclair, placing the desserts back in the fridge. The second tier she covered with foil and put in his mini fridge. Walking into the office all the guys were waiting, impatiently.

"I'll be right back guys!"

All she heard were groans. Going back in, Sean was setting the creamer packs and what sugar packs he could find in two small bowls.

"Oh thanks ge! Everything ready?"

"Let's eat!"


Opening the door to the breakroom, that's when the entire building heard it. Min had found her adorable treats and was screaming her lungs out in happiness.

"You go get Seo, I'll deal with Happy Ethel."

"Yes you will!"

Sean went to inform Seo as Ishmael returned to the others. As soon as she came into view she was tackled by Min.


"OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod they're so cute I don't even want to eat them thank you so much you're so sweet!!!"

"Breathe Min-Min!!"   Kim had had enough of her hysterics.

"Look what she made me!!" Min had to show the guys her cute mochi. "Oohh I have to show the other office!" Min was gone in flash.  Ishmael was still in shock but not for long.

"Let's eat guys, Mr. Hideki!"

Walking into the breakroom, Sean was talking to Seo, but Sean acted like it was the principal or something. Even Ito and Miko were there, Miko not looking happy about it. Everyone bowed good morning to Seo.

"Find a seat and dig in guys! Leave enough so everyone can get some!"

"Whoa!! Thanks Ishmael!"

"Sean helped too!"

"Yeah right!" Seong didn't believe that.

"Hey! Who do you think carried all of this in?!"

"Oh hush and fix your plate!"

Min came in still excited about her special treat. She completely ignored Miko. "Look Mr. Seo!!"

"Well those are cute! You make those Ms. Turner?"


"She made everything. So let's enjoy it, shall we?" Even Mr. Hideki was ready to dig in but Seo was given priority as going first.

"Wow, this looks really good, what is it?"

"It's a breakfast casserole, it's an American thing. It's just eggs and veggies and a little milk to make the eggs fluffy. And there's meat for the meat eaters."

"Thank you for doing this Ms. Turner."

"Of course."

Josh spied the dish of meaty delights.

"Is that sausage wrapped in bacon!?"


"There is a God!"

Everyone enjoyed and raved about the morning meal. The guys loved the coffee while Ishmael and Min had tea. Ishmael sat next to Min and Sean, the two ladies chatting away as Ishmael explained to Min how she made her cute mochi.

"This is really good Ms. Turner!"

"Thank you Mr. Seo."

Sean hit her on the leg which she ignored. She was glad she had gotten some for Haru before others arrived as they had eaten everything. Miko, fortunately, refused to stay for any of it and had left defiantly. Much to the relief of everyone else. Ito just fixed himself a plate and left leaving the guys, Min, Mr. Hideki and Seo in the breakroom. The guys were finally starting to relax around Seo and the atmosphere became less tense. Mr. Hideki noticed.

Ishmael got up to make room for the desserts. Empty crock pot and meat dish she sat in the bag and took the containers of treats out and sat them on the table on at a time.

[Seong] "Whoa!!!"
[Kim] "I can't believe you made all of this for us!"
[Josh] "I'm in heaven, heaven"** He was singing this.

[Min] "Oooo I want the chocolate thing!"
[Hideki] "Impressive Ms. Turner."
[Seo] ** He didn't say anything

Ishmael was glad she had precut the eclair as everyone went straight for that first. Seo got one each of the mochi and daifuku and a half a piece of the eclair.

"Thank you Ms. Turner."

"You're welcome sir."

With that he returned to his office. She turned back to the guys.

"Don't eat too much of that eclair, it will make you sick!"

The guys got some desserts and sat them at their desks. They all returned to help her clean up and return the breakroom back to it's original setting. Before returning to her desk, she washed up the dishes, while Seong and Sean dried them and put them away. Josh wiped down the tables and Kim put the desserts back in the fridge. Seo walked past and glanced in before going to Hideki's office. Just as they were about done, Min came running into the breakroom.

"Guys! Seo just went into Hideki's office and closed the door!"

"Okay?" Seong was looking at her like she grew an extra head.

"I'm sure things are fine Min." Ishmael suddenly became the voice of reason as everyone returned to their desks. Walking into the office, Haru was coming in the door.

"Hey guys!"

"Haru!" Ishmael had to stop herself from pulling a Min-Min and bum rushing him with a hug.

"Hey man, we just finished, you're food is at your desk."

Haru seemed in good spirits which put Ishmael and Sean at ease. Before he sat down, she let him know there was fresh coffee in the breakroom. He wasted no time in heading in that direction. As Haru left, Seo exited Hideki's office for his own.

Going to his office he saw Haru in the breakroom and stopped in the doorway.

"Sorry you missed out on breakfast Sato"

"I didn't sir, sis....ugghhh Ishmael set some back for me."

"I see, it was good." With that he walked off.

Haru shook his head. Seo had to be one of the coldest human's he'd ever met. He took a sip of coffee and went to get started with his day. Back at his desk, he cradled the still warm bento section.

"Wow sis this looks good! Seo was right!"

"What?" Sean was the one to speak up at the mention of Seo's name.

"He said breakfast was good."

Sean threw a paper clip at her.


Haru wasted no time in enjoying the food and treats.

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