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Greetings, greetings, so you've decided to come see me for assistance in the dialects of Middle Earth, hmm? How may I help you? Do you need help with the lofty, luxurious elven language of Sindarin, the strong and secret language of the dwarves named Khuzdul, or the also-elf-spoken enchanting, lilted Quenya? However you may be in need, I gladly now offer my services. Here is a list of all I can do:

-- Translate these languages to Westron (English) and vice versa: Quenya, Sindarin, and Khuzdul. I can also translate further on from that Westron translation to another one of the three other languages.

-- Transcribe songs from Westron to Quenya, Sindarin, and Khuzdul.

-- Translate phrases such as insults, greetings, professions of love, warnings, and much more throughout all three languages.

-- Do any other translations asked of me if I can understand them within my time limitations and limited smartness capacity. For example, I will not be able to translate your 5,000-word essay on wildebeests into Sindarin and be given a week to complete this. It would take me at least a month, tbh. And I don't think there even is a word for wildebeest in Sindarin...

(IMPORTANT NOTE: The source I use to translate Khuzdul is, in fact, Neo-Khuzdul, an almost-identical branch of Khuzdul. I use this branch because the original language is too incomplete to fully translate pretty much anything.)

Here's an example of a translation I did just for fun a short while ago:

Translations of "Noble Maiden Fair" from the Pixar movie Brave
A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth
Mise ri d' thaobh, Ó mhaighdean bhàn
Ar rìbhinn òg, fàs a's faicDo thìr, dìleas fhéin

A ghrian a's a ghealach, stiùir sinn
Gu uair ar cliù 's ar glòir
Naoidhean bhig, ar rìbhinn òg
Mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Little baby, hear my voice
I'm beside you, O maiden fair
Our young Lady, grow and see
Your land, your own faithful land

Sun and moon, guide us
To the hour of our glory and honour
Little baby, our young Lady
Noble maiden fair

Pîn gwinig, lasta-nín laer
Ni amdh ah, A gwend bain
Vín neth hiril, galaarcen
Bârgen, Bâr thenidgen

Anoryë Ithil, cennadamen
I lû uin vín aglar adh eglerio
Pîn gwinig, vín neth hiril
Arth gwend bain

Picina hinyë, lastanya óma
Nányë arldë, Ó wendë vanya
Menya nessa quimellë, altayë véla
Nórlya, vórimalda nór

Calaventë ar Isil, tanalwë
In lúmë omma alcarye laitalë
Picina hinyë, menya nessa quimellë
Arata wendë vanya

Mim nadan, aklut kemathê
Erami astû, Ó zain amrâlul
Khim naithmâ, i'birî ra iskhî
Azhârzu, agnurzu munus azhâr

Ibriz ra Zaglêl, adnun mâ
Tagnigîn adrâmu akrâzmâ ra akrâg
Mim nadan, khim naithmâ
Suknâ nathûna banmâna

Great! Thanks so much for reading all this way, and I hope I can assist you in any way possible with your ventures into the fair languages of Middle Earth.

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