Chapter 24: Falling into a Trap.

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The Scene opens up in Brunswick Farms where Recker and The Rest, with Tombstone, now redesignated into a Squad again, Recker is Checking his surroundings, armed with the Same AR-15. And it cuts to the POV of Ruby.

(Ruby's POV)

Recker and I, alongside RWBY and Tombstone are in the farms here. sadly, everyone in brunswick is dead, and Recker's already all stoic, plus the comms here were dogs***. These enemies call themselves, Gunners.

Ruby: Fortress, this is Huntress Actual, no Hostiles whatsoever, over?

Ironwood: *static*

Ruby: No response Actual, Comms are like busted here.

Recker: Roger that, safeties off, Fingers on the triggers.

As everyone moves into a house, an Enemy appears and tries to Kill Recker, but Pac shot the enemy with his MP5A5 which had a railed handguard. And a RX01 Sight and a Flashlight.

Pac: Parker, check the body.

Emily: Yes Sir.

Emily turns on her night vision Goggles and she checks the body, Eli and Rook joined them in the Mission and they are later ordered to follow Blackburn and Michael. And when they open a door leading to the cropfield, Irish is shot a lot of times and Eli takes cover, with Michael trying to hit the Gunner, since an MG opened fire, while Rook covered Eli when he was changing Magazines on his M416, It later cuts to Emily finding the body and the enemy is wounded until the enemy tries to kill her with a USP-45, but it is unloaded, and the Enemy passes out. Emily finds the body and it turns out, the person is Female, and she reports it to Recker.

Emily: Sergeant, the enemy is a woman, and there's like a skull symbol on the back of their uniform, and she's wearing Fingerless gloves, a Cap, Headset, and a Balclava.

Pac: Parker get over here! We got an MG Firing!

It later cuts to Michael, loading a Magazine into his BAR.

Pac: Black's gone! WE FELL INTO A TRAP!

Recker: Dammit, we gotta kill the Gunner..

Emily: Recker! The enemy's all female!

Recker: Okay...... Don't kill em, Michael cover us, I'm getting the f***ing Gunner.

Michael: Roger that Sergeant, COVERING FIRE!

Recker rushes as Michael covers him with the BAR, although it had a slow fire rate, Recker managed to get to the Gunner, but his AR-15 Jams on him, but he manages to hit the Gunner on the Abdomen with his G-17. Eli and James soon follow and open fire on the other enemies, but he is shot on the head by a Sniper, fortunately the bullet grazed his skull, but as Eli tries to drag him, he is shot in the Leg. As the Enemy comes closer, a 40MM GL Round hits the group of enemies and It came from a Soldier who has an MCX Spear with a Different Holographic Sight and a Grenade Launcher, Then a Helicopter comes and another one with a ghillie suit kills the pilot, while a Female Korean Soldier opens fire with an SMG-45, and another one comes with the Same MCX Spear, then A Tank comes and the last one hacks it and the weapon systems are deactivated, And these soldiers are Webster Mackay, a Retired JTF2 Operative. Maria Falck, Former German Army Soldier. Navin Rao, Formerly an Indian Navy and MARCOS Soldier. Ji-Soo Paik, A former ROK SOF Soldier, and Wikus "Casper" Van Daele, a Former SF 5 and MONUSCO Soldier from South Africa. Recker is holding his scar on his head and Falck comes to his Aid.

Falck: You okay there?

Recker: I'm fine, who are you?

Falck: Maria Falck.

Recker: Master Sergeant Daniel Recker.

Falck: Sergeant, your face has a wound.

Recker: Yeah, That Sniper hit me right on the head.

Ruby: *offscreen* Anything happened?

Ruby peeks and Falck points her MCX at Ruby, But Recker tells them they're friendly, Falck later grabs her Syrette Pistol and shoots Recker with a Healing dart, the pain is relieved and he gets on his feet and escape the Farms by commandeering two abandoned trucks with MGs, and they ram through a roadblock, escaping to base, but an RPG hits the lead truck where Tombstone Squad is.


Recker grabs the radio and tells Yang that they're okay, but a capture party comes in and they try to capture every member of Tombstone but they Don't get Pac, Dunn, or Irish, but they instead grab Recker as he orders the rest to get to the others while Recker is left behind. Irish instead tries to get Recker to come with them, but he orders him to leave him, Pac orders Irish to get to him, and he was forced to leave him, Irish and Pac run off to the Trucks, but Recker sacrifices himself and he is shot in the shoulder, and Irish watches in horror as he is shot and Recker pulls out his MP5K and fires but he is knocked out by the gunners.

Timeskip to 6 days later, And Yang is Driving Recker's Charger, and it doesn't have the Armor or any of the Kevlar coated tires and is repainted to her Yellow color and has her symbol on the Front Passenger and Driver door, Ruby is on the Passenger seat and has a seat belt on, just like Yang, Weiss and Whitley Returned home and is ready for Jacques' tests and they tell him that they will be using the Training of the Marines, while Blake returned home, after she took a Helicopter there, Tombstone Squad, is looking for a replacement Squad Leader and Yang was suitable to replace him, and Team RWBY was Broken up, Yang is very pissed inside and she is later going to the Valkyrie, and she now enters her quarters. meanwhile, in the same place where the School where Recker used to study as a teen, instead of an Adult, a US Marine knocks on someone's door and Monika opens it up, the Marine tells her That Recker was Supposedly K.I.A, Monika doesn't cry but Monika sighs and she tells the Marine if They find his dead body or found him alive, it's still okay.

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