Chapter 25: Capturing a Sniper and Saving Recker

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The Scene opens up in the Border of Argus, where two Mistralian Guardsmen are checking a Russian SPM-3 and they are seen talking.

Russian Soldier: So we're clear to go, Da?

Mistralian Guardsman: You're Clear, you can move up.

Mistralian Guardsman #2: We're gonna check for any other vehicles coming up to the Border. Goodbye comrade.

Russian Soldier: Do Svidanya.

As the SPM leaves, the Guardsmen see a Pickup Truck coming and the first one raises a hand held stop sign. The truck later stops for inspection and they Check the trunk, and it has two luggage bags, and a person is seen and it is one of the Marines arriving to Firebase Atlas. But after the truck left, the two Guardsmen are killed by an unknown assailant. Who is not seen, until an HK417 Sniper Rifle is seen in Winter Camoflauge, and a Woman is seen wearing glasses, a Black long sleeved shirt, with dark grey gloves, two small belts on her left leg, a pair of Dark Green combat boots, and has Purple hair, makeup and black lipstick.

Female Sniper: Target down, anything else?

Caller: Kill Ironwood.

The Sniper ends the call and runs to the Helipad where Ironwood will be on a Black Hawk heading to Atlas. The Sniper later takes the position and kills the two pilots, as the Blackhawk was in the air, and it crashes into a forest Near Kuchinashi, leaving the Helicopter a pile of scrap, and Ironwood is killed in the crash, or at least a body double of him, as the Assassin does a retinal scan and the DNA Doesn't match The Real Ironwood's DNA and she gets the caller up.

Female Sniper: The Target's dead, but it's not Ironwood.

The Caller's eyes are seen and the caller turns out to be Recker, now brainwashed after his capture, and she is ordered to Capture Yang. It cuts Yang and Imlay on a ship heading to Fort Mantle, at Atlas, but after getting off and taking a Jeep there, a Sniper bullet rings out and kills the driver, and they Crash into a tree, Imlay is unconscious and as Yang got out, she is shot in the neck with a Tranquilizer Dart, and the Sniper is seen before Yang blacked out.

Female Sniper: Well, Well, Well.... looks like the dragon was defeated, huh? Bye-bye.

Her vision blacks out and she later Wakes up in a room with her hands tied to a chair and is with the same Sniper she had seen before she blacked out.

The Sniper: You haven't met me yet, I'm Alexa Jacobs, I'm the top Sniper of the Gunners. Since you're Yang, due to your Name saying Xiao-Long. So do you know someone by the name of Daniel?

Yang does a middle finger with her prosthetic arm, and it is blurred, meaning screw you.

Alexa: Hmm..... Well you're going through a test.

A weird brainwashing tune is heard and she is now in a chair and she later breaks free and Grabs an SAI Glock 17 and kills two fellow captives who try to kill her, and she later moves to another area and she Grabs an Uzi and kills 4 more, and she later grabs a SPAS-12 and hits  of them hiding in the corners, and she Grabs an M4A1 and kills some more of them and she later grabs an MP5A3 and does the same, after that she slides through a vent and comes through a bunker and Grabs an M249 SAW and Kills more, until she accidentally kills Whitley, and Olivia herself insults her and it changes to the Same area where Recker built a Bunker and his body falls into the ground, and Weiss pulls a Pistol on her.



Winter takes the pistol off her hand and tells Yang that it was not her fault.

Winter: Xiao-Long, it's not your Fault, either kill or capture that woman, you're getting our boy out of there, but if you don't, I'm demoting you.

Yang: Yes Ma'am.

Yang gets out of the area where Whitley died and she gets Tombstone Squad and they Grab their guns, But Yang instead Grabs an M4A1 Assault Rifle and it Has an EOTech Hybrid, Silencer, and a Grenade Launcher. They get on a Helicopter with Suppressed Equipment. And it later cuts to Recker and Alexa, and Recker is now Tied, since he broke free of his brainwashing. As Alexa leaves, Fear kicks into Recker and he cries for help, but as he was tied, he was drugged with sedatives and his voice goes weaker and he falls unconscious, then the recording stops, and Yang's boots are seen, and They open fire on the guards, Irish orders Yang to go in there herself, while they don't let anybody get in, she later scans the keypad with a scanner that Nicholas gave her.

Yang: Okay, I bet I can  figure out this dammed code.

She scans it and the code was when Alexa was born, the 4th month of April 22, in 1996, and she manages to use the code. Alexa meanwhile grabs and wears a Kevlar Vest and she Grabs a UMP-9 SMG, and after that, Yang opens fire with her Carbine Rifle at the Ones guarding Alexa but When Yang is going through the storage, She appears on a vent, landing onto her and fired her UMP at her while Yang's Rifle was shot off, and she was stuck with a Vickers M1911, and she opens fire, but Ava's gun runs out and they fight hand to hand, with Yang losing the 1911 and they fight for the gun, but Ava gets it and shoots Yang, on the Abdomen,  checks her body, but when she leaves, Yang hits her on the head and she falls on her back.

Yang: Well Alexa, guess the dragon broke free and has defeated you, but I will spare you.

Yang cuffs her and tape gags her before heading off to the room where Recker was held after checking the Cameras. And she puts in the code.

Recker: Yang, You real?

As a TV is shown With Recker crying out for help, and as Recker was untied, he stumbles.

Yang: You okay?

Recker: They said I was weak, and I deserved it..... Maybe She was Right, Maybe I deserved it, Maybe I Did...

Recker grabs a Sledgehammer and he says this as he starts to destroy the equipment.

Recker: Maybe I Did. Maybe I Did! MAYBE I DID!

He Destroys a lock off a Crate containing an M60. And Yang remembers the time she did this.

Recker: Yang, They made me Strong, and now they're weak,and the weak must be culled.

He points the machine gun and yells as he pulls the trigger.


Recker stops Firing and ditches the M60 for an M416 on another Crate.

Recker: We gotta go. The whole place is flooding.

Yang: Ava's Captured, remember that Purple Haired Woman?

Recker: Yeah. Where's the Rest of my Squad?

Yang: Your Squad is being led by me. But you're back in Command.


Yang: Are there any Bases nearby The Gunner Plaza?

Dunn: We got a Russian Base near here, and we need them ASAP, we're contacting the base there. Out.

They contact the base and they come to their Rescue as the Gunners Surrender to the RGF and they are brought back to base.

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