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⚠️ Warning: scenes mentioning nightmares, and mentions of abuse and trauma. If affected, please proceed with caution.⚠️





A man's voice echoed in my head.

Fire spread throughout the room.

Blood curdling screams echoed around as everything was distorted.

Yet there was one scream that stood out....


A-A woman.... She... She sounds like she's in pain......

That's when I see a portrait of.... Wait.....

Different images were suddenly flashing like some strange flashing montage.

A match being lit.


Someone running through the woods.

A tavern....

A shipwreck....

Hooded figures.

"Dream...... Little dream...."

All of a sudden I see a cloaked figure running down a hall, carrying something, but then the image goes back to the the flames and screams start to get louder.

That... That voice..... I know that voice...

Where have I heard that voice...?

Red eyes....


A desert.

A pocket watch.

"Sweet... Find... Precious....."

White horses.


A wanted poster of.... Wait, who is that?

The screams got louder and louder as the fire grew.

P-people... I-It sounds like..... T-They're getting tortured..... Oh my god.... W-Who's gonna save them....

What.... W-What's even going on....?

More and more strange images flashed across my mind.

A ballroom.... People dancing....

More blood.

Letters.... W... S...?

An alley... Dead end.....

A cross... Wait.... Those crosses......

Someone wearing a straight jacket, facing the corner of a room.

Does that say.... Patient X....? Who is Patient X?

"Forgive me...."

The flames suddenly turned purple and there was a flash of light as the woman's painful screams suddenly became blood curdling.


I felt my heart start to race faster as more and more images came to me.


More blood.

Fangs, but in someone's hands.

Rain.... A storm....

Someone drowning...

A dungeon.

A coffin.... W-Wait, is that....!?

Different images filled of symbols, blood and death continued to flash in and out of no where, until it slowly started to go black and quiet.

Then, as if he just appeared from the shadows, a figure in a gas mask emerged and rushed towards me and grabbed me by the throat.


[end of nightmare]

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I panted, sitting up in bed in shock.

I looked around, panting as I saw I was back in my bedroom, alone.

It was grey outside, with some soft morning light from the sun peeping through the window blinds, meaning it must be another rainy day.

I looked at the alarm clock next to me to see what time it was.

7:47 AM

I frowned and caught my breath as I held my head.

What the hell was that?

I sighed as I then remembered what today was.

I should start getting ready....

I got up and went to shower quickly so I can meet Aldous.

Hopefully I'm not late to meet him.

I then felt a strange sting on my side, and frowned as I pulled my shirt up.

My eyes widen as I saw the area by my birthmark....

It.... It was red... Almost blistered......

I looked up in the mirror in shock.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled in shock, trying to make sense of this.

Trevor isn't even here.... H-How.....

I then hurried back to the bedroom and knelt down, grabbing my secret little box fro under the bed frame.

I opened it and there lay my necklace.

I flipped it to the back, where the swirly "L" stood out on the gold of the pendant.

For some reason this strange little trinket always seems to put me at ease......

"Forgive me...."

I sighed as my mind wandered back to that voice.

It sounded so familiar.... who could that have been?


I sat at the table, waiting for Aldous to show up and playing with the ends of my scarf, my book on my lap.

I sighed as I rubbed my temples.

What the hell even was that dream?

I'd have dreams before, but.... But never that vivid..... Let alone so graphic....

There was so much going on.... It made zero sense....

That voice, though.... There was something so strange about it....

"I hope I'm not interrupting a train of thought.." a familiar voice said, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I looked up, seeing Aldous smiling down at me, two drinks in hand.

"Hey.... S-Sorry, head in the clouds," I chuckled.

He chuckled. "May I?" he asked, motioning to the chair across from me.

"Uhhh, yes, of course!" I said, nodding.

He took a seat across from me.

"I hope you don't mind, I ordered ahead for us, had to take a guess on what you would like," He said. "The baked goods are up to you, of course. A waitress should be by soon."

"Vanilla cappuccino with cinnamon.... I do like vanilla in my coffee," I chuckled as I read the label.

"Thank goodness, because I had pegged you for a chocolate lover at first, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. My brothers say I'm a lousy guesser," He laughed shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I like chocolate, too," I laughed. "What did you order?"

"Well, I was going for a latte, but there was something here called a Nutella frappuchino, and I believe I just found one good thing about Seattle since I arrived," He smiled, holding up the sugary drink.

"I see you have quite a sweet tooth," I smiled.

"You could say that," he smirked.

I smiled as I looked at him while opening the menu. He looked up at me and then furrowed his brows. "You look troubled..."

I sighed. "Well.... More like confused, I guess...?"

"Indulge me," he said, listening carefully.

I sighed, looking down. "Nah, I just had this weird dream.... I mean.... We all get those, but this one, I..... It was a lot going on, I couldn't even explain it....."

"What do you remember?" he asked curiously.

"Ummm.... Fire.... And screaming, a lot of screaming.... And all these strange random iages of blood and drowning and.... It was really fucking scary," I sighed, trying to calm down. "But I can't understand what any of it means...."

He looked at me worriedly.

"What?" I asked.

"Its just.... I don't like seeing you scared," he said.

I frowned and then shook my head.

"I-I'm so sorry, you probably dont even want to hear about this, especially after we first met," I said, covering my face in embarrassment.

"Lynette, please, its really no problem," He assured, placing his hand over mine. "Whatever is troubling you, even if we did just meet, I want to help in anyway I can."

I looked up nervously into his eyes, and suddenly, I felt something I haven't felt in years.


I took a deep breath and couldn't help but smile when the waitress approached.

"Good morning, welcome," the waitress greeted. "Anything you two want to eat?"

"Uhh, yes," I said. "Just the strawberry yogurt with granola, please?"

"Okay, and for the gentleman?" she asked.

"The bagel and cream cheese, please," He smiled as the waitress nodded and wrote it down.

"Alright... Coming right up," she said and walked off.

"Alright, so... What do you want to talk about while we wait?" Aldous asked me curiously.

"Uhh, I don't know," I shrugged. "We covered a lot of bases last night... What do you want to know?"

He looked hesitant, but still answered.

"If you don't mind... I'd like to get back on those bruises from your, 'fall,' as you mentioned...." He said softly.

My blood went cold at his words.

"Is someone hurting you, Lynette?" He asked cautiously.

I gulped as I looked down, pursing my lips.

"His name is Trevor... I met him after I grew out of the foster care system...." I mumbled, feeling tears.

He closed his eyes and looked down.

"I-It wasn't always like this.... He was sweet at first, but.... T-Then the alcohol and drugs happened and.....H-He'd get so angry and...."

I then realized his fist was clenched, as if he was trying not to explode.

"A-Aldous..." I said, reaching over and almost gasped as I held his hand.

He's freezing...!

"You're scared to leave him.... Right?" he asked, pulling me away from my shock.

I gulped and looked down.

"I have nothing left if I leave him.... He got me a job, and a roof over my head....." I said.

"But at what cost?" Aldous asked.

I looked away, feeling more tears form.

"He's out of town for a few days... I get a break from him until he comes back," I said.

He looked at me sadly. "Lynette.... If you let me.... I can help you..."

I frowned and looked up at him.

"You just say the word, and I can help you escape from this, to someplace better, where you don't owe anyone anything, " he said.

I pursed my lips and looked down. "How do I know I can trust you, Aldous..... You've only known me for a day...."

He sighed. "I don't blame you if you don't.... But no woman deserves to have those kind of bruises on her... Especially from someone who's supposed to love and care for her," he said.

I frowned and looked up at him nervously.

"And.... I've been in your spot once before...." he said.

My eyes widen. Someone hurt him?

"I was hurt by people who I trusted.... Me and my brothers.... I understand how scary it be to trust people, especially when nobody wants to help you," he said. "But I want to help you, and I'm hoping you'd let me...."

I gulped and tried to think. "I.... I need some time..... Just to be sure...."

He nodded, holding my hand in his. "Understood..."

I couldn't help but smile at him, then held onto his hand.

"Your hand is cold..." I said.

"Sorry," he said shyly.

"Its okay," I assured, then reached into my bag and pulled out my gloves. I carry them around in case it gets too cold, especially during the fall or winter.

Today thankfully isn't too cold, but Aldous did mention he's from Las Vegas. He's probably not so used to the Seattle cold yet.

I placed my gloves over his, which thankfully stretched enough, and rubbed them a bit to warm them.

"There... Better?" I asked, and he laughed.

"A bit snug, but better, yes," he smiled, moving his fingers. "Thank you."

I smiled as them the waitress arrived with our food.

We continued to talk as we ate, continuing to talk.

Once we finished, Aldous paid (despite me protesting to him about him doing so), throw our trash away, and then we exit the cafe.

"So, do you have any other plans for today?" he asked me.

"Uhh, not really.... Why?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Would you like to join me for a walk around town?"

My eyes widen.

"I am still new.... I would like someone to show me around...." he said, giving me a sweet smile.

This isn't right.....

I'm still with Trevor.....

But..... Trevor treats me badly....

Aldous has been so kind and gentle with me.... Yet I only know him....

God.... What am I gonna do?

My mind kept processing everything, until suddenly the words came out of my mouth.

"Okay.... Sounds fun," I said, smiling.

"Great," he smiled. "So, where do we start?"

"Well, uhh... I guess we can start with Downtown, which isn't far," I shrugged. "See what we can do from there."

"Sounds like a plan," He said, holding his hand out to me.

I felt nervous, but.... I can trust him....

I took his hand and smiled. "Let's go."

I hope this is a good idea...


Definitely a lot of Easter eggs and clues thrown in there at once for this part. Hehe.. 😁

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far! 🌻

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Camilo "Vida de Rico"
(Translation: "Rich Life")


♡~ sapphire.

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