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⚠️ Warning: mentions of violence/abuse, trauma, and  mentions of murder.⚠️



I decided to take her for a walk around downtown and she showed me all the good spots.

We went to an art museum, and she seemed pretty passionate about all the paintings and sculptures. We also visited a nearby garden that was lovely and reminded me of home as well.

Seattle is..... Unique....

We ended up at a park near the Space Needle, where there was a fair taking place. We decided to enjoy the rest if the day there.

We enjoyed the rides, had some lunch before we walked around seeing what else we can do.

I smiled at how peaceful she was, smiling and laughing as we talked about, pretty much anything.

I know deep down she must be nervous. After all, she is still taken, unfortunately by some brute who mistreats her.

What I would give to be able to keep her safe, always and forever.... Alongside me....

"Try your luck!!! Knock down the pins and win a prize!!" one of the vendors nearby shouted, making us turn over.

"Parlor games?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they're always rigged so it would be hard to win, especially for guys on dates," Lynette said. "I remember on one of our first dates, Trevor spent nearly a hundred bucks trying to win me a stuffed giraffe toy that would have probably costed just $3 at a toy store."

I scoffed a laugh. "I take it he isn't much of an athlete, is he?" I chuckled.

"Well, he managed eventually, I guess," she laughed as we looked over. "I just find it fun maybe the first or second times, at least to do something more around here, you know? Not just rides or food."

I was deep in thought as I observed the tent.

"You never played these games before?" She asked curiously.

"As a child.... But not much," I shrugged as I continued to watch.

Seemed simple. Three balls, three piles of three milk bottles. Take down three in a row, you get a big prize. Two gets you a small one. Nothing if you win just one or nothing.

I guess most humans in this realm l can't really aim so well..... That's sad....

Although, I'm sure Lynette would enjoy a gift to remember today.

I smirked, taking out some money from my jacket pocket. "Three balls, please, sir!"

Everyone turned, Lynette looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Aldous, what are you doing?!" she asked, holding my arm.

"Giving it a try. What can go wrong?" I shrugged playfully as we walked over and I hand the money to the vendor.

"Aldous, don't, they're all rigged anyway," she pleaded. "The guy that conned Trevor that one time had even glued one of the bottles down, its all a scam."

"Don't worry, I got it," He assured me, putting his hand over mine.

She furrowed her brows as I got one of the balls and readied myself.

"Try not to look like a sap in front of your girl there, Goldilocks," the vendor teased.

"Hey!" Lynette snapped at him.

I smirked and then swung my arm and threw the ball towards my target.


The bottles blew apart into pieces as the ball smashed into them.

Lynette's jaw dropped in shock, along with the vendor's, and a few bystanders.

I grabbed the other ball and threw it at the second stack, smashing the bottles to pieces as well.

I grabbed the final ball and threw it, smashing the bottles to pieces, the bottom shard of one of the bottles stuck to the table.

The crowd cheered in utter amazement, most of them speechless.

"That was awesome!"

"How much is he benching!? He's a fucking twig!!"

"Holy shit, what an arm!!"

"Hey, that guy did glue the bottles!!"

"What kind of steroids is that freak on??"

"Now, my good sir," I smirked at the vendor. "I believe a prize is promised for the winner? Whatever this lovely young lady wants."

"O-Of course," the vendor said nervously before facing Lynette, her eyes wide. "W-W-What do you want, sweetheart?"

"U-Uhh... I-I'll have that bear?" she said with a shrug as she pointed at a stuffed bear in an angel halo with wings and a white dress.

He got the stuffed bear and quickly gave it to Lynette. "H-Here, enjoy!" he said.

"Thanks...Sorry....." Lynette said awkwardly as she took it and then took my hand before walking away from the tent, letting the vendor deal with some angry customers.

"My god, are you some Olympic pitcher or something?" She asked in complete shock.

"I, uhh... I eat a lot of protein," I shrugged.

Damn.... So much for Sebastian's "don't attract unwanted attention" speech.....

She chuckled softly. "I can tell... Is Superman your supplier for that? That was crazy!"

I chuckled. "I just follow a very strict regiment."

She smiled humorously at the my response, looking down at the prize she won.

"The chivalry was a little cocky of you, I admit, but.... It was also very sweet," She smiled, looking up at me. "And you also showed that guy, he was an asshole."

I smiled back at her as her soft blue eyes looked up at me.

Though still seemed to have many questions in her eyes....

Those beautiful eyes.... Why do they suddenly feel so familiar.....

"C-Come on... Why don't we get something to eat?" She asked, blush tinting her cheeks.

I nodded. "Of course. Let's go..."


I bought us some lunch at one of the stands and we sat by the lake nearby the fair, kind of like a little picnic.

It was a peaceful spot away from all the noise and not far from the woods either, so it was quite scenic.

I looked over, seeing as she picked at her food.

Her mind was still wandering, I can tell....

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked her, making her look over.

"Oh, uhh..." She said, as if trying to think of something to say.

"You're still thinking about your dream?" I asked her, making her look up at me.

She sighed softly and looked down.

"Sorry.... D-Don't get it wrong, I've had nightmares before, like anyone else would," she said. "Usual stuff, too...... Being chased, falling, monsters, usual stuff to expect, you know," she said, making me nod in understanding. "But this..... I-I never had anything so vivid or.... I can't even describe it, this was all something else.."

I frowned worriedly.

"It was like some scary puzzle that I can't put together... And there was so much chaos and fear..... I'm hoping that was a one time thing and I never have that dream again...." she said.

I frowned and placed my hand on her back. 

"I'm sorry you were scared... Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

She sighed and hugged herself before shaking her head. 

"Not right now... I don't want to ruin our.... I guess our date?" she said.

"Date?" I asked, smiling amusingly.

Her eyes widen at her words and she looked away, blushing.

"I-I'm still taken, Aldous..... Its not fair....." She mumbled.

I frowned softly. "Maybe.... But is it fair to be treated so cruelly?"

She looked up at me sadly.

"Lynette... You can leave him...." I assured her. 

She pursed her lips as her eyes watered. "He'll hurt me.... Or worse.... He feels like I owe him for helping me...."

"You don't owe anyone a damn thing, Lynette," I said sternly. "No one should have to treat you like that just because they feel you owe them for helping you. No one should have to give you cuts and bruises and burns when they promise to take care of you..."

She sniffled and looked down. "I'm scared...."

I frowned and then reached over and held her hand.


"I can protect you...." He said.

I gulped and looked up at his soft, brown eyes.

"You've only just met me, Aldous.... Why?" I asked.

He gave me a small, kind smile and shrugged. "I don't know... I just feel like.... Like I've known you my whole life... Like I want you to be safe, no matter what.... Is that wrong?"

I thought about it, and took a deep breath, smiling at him as I held . "No..... I... I just don't want you to get hurt, too.... Trevor is dangerous....."

"He doesn't scare me.... Trust me," he assured.

I couldn't help but smile at him, then looked out at the sunset and sighed. "The day's almost over already...."

He looked over at the horizon and then back at me. "So it seems.... I should probably get you home then...."

I nodded and looked down, taking the stuffed bear in my hands.

I sighed as I look down at it while Aldous stood up, adjusting his jacket, then looking at me.

He then knelt down and held his hand out to me.

"You don't want to go home... Do you?" he asked.

I pursed my lips and looked up at him. "Is it even considered a home at all.....?"

He frowned as I sighed and took his hand, letting him help me to my feet.

He looked down at me. "How long is he away?"

"Usually weeks at most, especially with friends," I said. "He'll be out for a week at most this time though...." 

He nodded. "Is there somewhere I can take you to instead?" He asked.

"Uhh, no.... Not really.... Its always just been me..... I-I'll be okay, though.... So long as he's not there...." I said.

He nodded. "Don't take this wrongly, but.... You are more than welcomed to stay with me and my brothers if you ever need to...." he said. "They won't mind it, I'm sure of it.... And you'll be safe there as well....."

I smiled up at him and nodded. "T-Thank you, Aldous, that's very sweet.... I-I'll think about it...."

He smiled and nodded as we cleaned up our trash before heading out.

Thankfully his car wasn't far, despite how much we've walked today.

Soon we were at my house and I sighed as we walked up the porch.

"You have my number.... Do not hesitate to call me if you ever need anything...." he said.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course... Thank you again for tonight, Aldous... I had a great time..."

He smiled. "Anytime you wish," he said.

I smiled and then couldn't help but lean up and hug him.

He seemed surprised, but then relaxed and gently wrapped his arms around me.

At that moment, I felt safe in his arms as he held me.

If felt like time went still as he hugged....

We then pulled back and I smiled as I got my key and unlocked the door.

"Have a good night," I said.

"Good night," he smiled as we went our separate ways and  I walked inside, closing the door.

I smiled as I leaned against the door, holding the bear close to me with one arm while I held my pendant in my hand.

I took a deep breath, but then remembered....

I have to be careful.... If Trevor ever found out about this..... 

I shuddered at the thought as I decided to shake my mind off of this.

Aldous shouldn't be hurt because of me....

I took a deep breath and looked at the time on my watch.

Its almost nightfall.... Maybe I can order in something in a bit if I get hungry... I'll just watch some television for now...

I turned on the TV and sighed as I took my jacket and scarf off.

"In other news, authorities confirm the identity of the hiker who was found dead in the woods last night as 38 year old investment banker of Wall Street, Galvin Johnson," the news reporter said. "Johnson's company was under investigation of embezzlement of millions from certain charities funded by his company, including for children's hospitals," the reporter said.

My eyes widen.

"Johnson was also being charged for assaulting an escort who claims to have asked him for her services one night. Police continue investigation of the murder, looking for clues for cause of death, which is yet to be determined. Johnson leaves behind a wife and 2 children--"

I mute the television and sighed.

I guess that guy wasn't really some innocent bystander... He was horrible person who hurt people.. Maybe even his own family for all we know...

Still.... Who could have killed that man so viciously...? Or... What....?


"You could have risked us getting caught!!" Sebastian snapped as he paced the living room.

"I have to agree.... They already found your dinner after all, Remington," Emerson said. "You taking your human crush out on a date could have exposed us...."

"And you getting a dog doesn't?" I scoffed.

He looked over as the small little white Pomeranian he was playing with, then squinted at me.

"Pepper is an exception..... Leave her alone," He pouted, holding her close.

I rolled my eyes as Sebastian pinched the ridge of his nose in frusteration.

"Seriously, you two, you can't keep this up. We don't belong in this realm, you know that!" Sebastian said, upset. 

"And she doesn't belong with that monster who beats her! He even burns her, Sebastian!" I snapped.

"I understand that, and I myself want to kill him, too," Sebastian said calmly. "But this isn't our place.... The authorities here would have to deal with that, we can't.... We'll be exposed, and they will find us...."

I frowned as I looked at him angrily.

"Look at me like that all you want, but this isn't our world...." Sebasitan said. "And its my job to keep you two safe..."

"But.... What if..." I said, looking up at him.

Sebastian looked at me in confusion, before his eyes widen in shock. "Absolutely not!!"

"She'll be safer there!" I pleaded.

"Its not her world, Rem! This is her world! Plus, do you even have any idea the risk she will be in back home!? It'll make her current situation look like child's play!" 

"Then I can protect her!!" I said. "I can keep her safe with us!!"

"No, Remington!" Sebastian said. "I bring that girl with us, who knows what'll happen!"

"Sebastian, please," I begged.

"I almost lost you both," he snapped. "I can't lose either of you again.... Can't you understand that?"

I pursed my lips and sighed, looking away.

"I know you care about this human girl, Remington.... But its not our place...." He said. "We don't belong in her world, and she's not part of ours... You know that... You know the risks....."

I scoffed and closed my eyes, turning away.

"Both of you, get ready... We have to hunt again...." Sebastian sighed, walking off to the next room.

I grunt and tried to think of something.

"Do you need me to see something?" Emerson asked me.

I sighed. "No... Not yet, at least...."

He nodded. "Don't take it personal.... You know how protective he gets.... He is right, though... This is her realm.... We're the nomadic strangers here...." he said, placing the dog on his lap. "We get in the middle of something, and it won't end well.... And bringing her back.... She's an outsider.... Who knows what they'll do if they find out about her...."

I looked over at my little brother and sighed. 

"There's just something about her... She different from other humans.... I can't put my finger on it," I sighed. 

"What do you feel?" he asked curiously.

I sighed as I tried to think about it.

"Something familiar....." I said. "I can't explain it aside from that...."

He tried to think about it. "Could it be a memory coming back?"

I shook my head. "No... This is something else...." I sighed. "I have to know her more....."

Emerson looked over. "Well..... The scummy guy she's with.... You said he'll be out for a few days, correct?"

"Yes....?" I asked.

He sighed and nodded, looking down. "Go see her... I'll cover for you as much as I can... You have to promise you'll be careful, though...."

I smiled at him. "And that is why you are the best little brother ever," I smiled.

"Duhh, of course I am," he sassed me, continuing to give his little companion more affection.

I rolled my eyes and went to get ready for tonight's hunt.


Okay, I'm gonna stop here for now so I can draft up the rest of the chapters a little and then continue from there.

I've been kind of getting some mixed feelings of how the story is coming out so far, so I hope you are all enjoying it! Let me know what you all think so far! 🌻

Anyone have any theories so far? 🤔

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Felix Cartal & Lights "Love Me (Felix Cartal's Chill Mix)"

♡~ sapphire.

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