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⚠️Warning : slight mentions of violence and murder. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️



I groaned as I woke up, my body feeling a bit sore as felt my eyes slowly open to a dim light.

I frowned as I looked around, seeing I was in a strange room, and laying on a large... canopy bed.....

I slowly sat up, feeling a little stiff as I looked around the room, groaning as I felt my head throbbing a little. A lot of antiques and Victorian looking items.

Wh-Where am I? What happened?

I then looked down, seeing I was covered in elegant looking comforters and also seeing I was wearing different clothes....

(Picture: Example of the clothes Lynette is wearing)

As I looked at the clothes, I then realized...

My stab wound.... My ribs... It... It doesn't hurt...?

I lifted the hem of my top and gasped as I saw nothing there....

Did.... Did I dream that...?

I then realized... My arm.... I could have sworn it was broken.....

I looked at it, moving my hand and arm slowly, surprised I didn't feel any pain.

I then looked back up around the room I was in.

If I did dream it.... Then.... Is this part of that dream, too?

What is this place?

I stood up from the bed and observed the bedroom I was in.

Everything looked like straight out of a steampunk convention... And the room was pretty big too....

"I figured you needed a change of clothes," a voice said and I jumped, turning towards the noise. "My brother has a strange obsession with Victorian vintage, so its the best we have... They're more comfortable than the gowns, I can assure you..."

There he was, sitting in an arm chair in the corner of the room, hidden in the shadows.

"A-Aldous.....?" I mumbled.

The figure stood up and came into the light, and I felt relief.

"Oh god, Aldous...!" I gasped as I rushed over and hugged him as he caught me.

"Lynette... thank goodness you're awake..." he said with relief.

I sighed, feeling safe as I observed more of the room.

"Where... Where am I?" I asked him, looking around as I pulled back. "W-What happened?"

He looked down at him.

"Those animals tried to hurt you...." he said. "They chased you, you were badly hurt....."

I frowned in confusion, trying to think, and then I gasped as remembered everything.

"T-Trevor, he..... He came back early, and.... A friend of his, he was watching us the entire time...." I said, feeling tears. "T-They thought you and I... T-They even threatened your brothers, o-oh god....."

"Sshhhhh, its okay," he said softly as he softly stroked my hair and then pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back.

"He stabbed me, a-and threw me out the window, a-and..." I whimpered as .

"Its alright, Lynette...... They won't be a problem for you or any other woman ever again..." He said. "I made sure of that...."

I froze and looked up at him "W-What do you mean?"

He was hesitant to answer as I realized it and I froze.

"You... You killed them?" I asked in shock.

He was quiet before he spoke. "They all had to be eliminated.... They were a danger to you and to other women..."

My eyes widen in horror. "A-All of them...?"

The chase.... The blood.... The alley.... The....

The red eyes..... Aldous had red eyes.....

I then pulled away slowly and looked up at him.

"Your eyes.... T-They were red......" I said. "I-I saw them... Eyes I have seen in my nightmares...."

He pursed his lips and looked at me.

"And my wounds.... I'm sure my lung was punctured.... M-My arm was broken..... A-And yet I have no fresh wounds anywhere.... It makes no sense...." I stuttered.

"That's because the blood of a vampire can heal any fresh wounds, no matter how severe they are," he said. "But at a price...."

I froze as I looked up at him in confusion.

"V-Vampire?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

He sighed and took a deep breath.

"W-What is going on?" I asked him, feeling scared.

He hesitated as he then sighed in defeat.

"I wanted to tell you properly, Lynette, I swear.... But you have a right to know the truth...." he said.

T-The truth?" I mumbled, confused.

He nodded, looking nervously at me. "I... I'm not exactly who I said I am.... I'm not like you....."

I looked at him in confusion as he then took a deep breath and shut his eyes for a moment.

He raised his shoulders as he then opened his eyes, and I froze.

His kind, brown eyes..... They were tainted bright red now...

I gasped in shock as I took a step back and he let out a deep breath, his lips opening to reveal sharp white canines. His hands also had sharp claws, and I swear he almost seemed even taller than usual.

I gulped nervously as he then walked up and I caught my breath softly as he slowly approached me.

"My god.... A-Aldous...." I said, feeling my heart beating hard against my chest.

It all made sense.....

He was always cold, and his skin was pale.... I remember if it were sunny he wouldn't always come out he'd make some excuse.... He would appear out of no where.... A-And the morning I cut myself, when he got ill all of a sudden he.....

My god, he wasn't ill.... He was getting bloodthirsty....

I gulped as I then remembered something else...

The murders around town.... All those drained bodies they kept finding.....

"A-All those bodies they found...... I-It wasn't some serial killer...." I said in realization.

Aldous continued to look at me and shook my head. "My brothers and I only hunted the guilty... We never killed the innocent...."

I covered my mouth in shock as I stood there, and then he stepped up to me, making me flinch.

"Lynette..... I'm not going to hurt you...." He murmured softly.

A slight shiver shook me as I pursed my lips, closing my eyes as he slowly reached over, resting his hand on my palm.

His skin was cold as always, yet.... I still felt safe....

I slowly relaxed into his touch and looked up at him and took in his features.

He looked like he always has, only his jawline seemed a little bit more sharper. His soft brown eyes were now tainted in red, yet despite that they still looked kind.

I hesitantly reached up, softly stroking his cheek as I observed his features.

My fingers then softly trailed down to his full, pink lips, tracing them gently with my fingertips, and he opened his mouth just a little bit, enough for me to see his fangs.

I curiously stepped closer and observed them feeling how sharp they were and then pulling my hand back slowly, I looked down before noticing his hand.

I carefully took one in my hands, holding it close and gulping as I examined his claws.

"Aldous..." I mumbled.

"That's..... Actually not my real name... Its my alias...." He explained to me with a nervous smile.

I looked up at him, surprised. "Well... What's your real name?" I asked curiously.

He looked up at me. "Remington... Remington Leith...." he responded.

I nodded. "Remington," I repeated, then took a deep breath.

"God... Vampires... I-I never thought....." I said, in disbelief, placing my handbon the table behind me for support.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking worried.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said quietly, my fingertips on my temples. "Its just... This is a lot to take in at once...."

He nodded in understand as I crossed my arms softly, looking down.

"Lynette..." he murmured softly. "I would never hurt you.... I made a vow to you that you would be safe and sound at my side....."

I gulped nervously, so many questions still running through my head, it was even starting to make me dizzy..

Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the door and we looked as two servants then opened the double doors and in walked a tall man with a jawline sharper than Remington's, wearing a dark burgundy suit and black silk scarf tied around his neck like a tie.

The man saw Remington in his current state, making Remington hide his hands behind his back and blink, his eyes now brown again and looking as he did before.

"I am hoping you were subtle with her when you told her the truth..." he sighed, then turned to me. "Lady Lynette... Its good to see you are awake and improving..."

"Lynette, this is my older brother, Sebastian.... his alias was Frederick...." Remington explained.

(Picture: Sebastian Danzig, alias Frederick Blackwell)

"H-Hello...." I greeted nervously.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. You are safe here, so long as you stay within the walls of the castle," Sebastian said. "Enough trouble has happened enough, we can't afford to have anymore problems..."

"Hey, don't reprimand her, this is not her fault," Remington scolded at him.

"Wait... Did you say castle?" I asked, confused.

Sebastian looked over at Remington. "I'm assuming you didn't tell her yet... Did you?"

"I was getting there," Remington sighed as then the other man sighed in annoyance.

"You two take too long," he said with an eyeroll. "By the way, I'm Emerson, alias Alan Blackwell. I'm the younger, more cuter one of the bunch."

(Picture: Emerson Barrett, alias Alan Blackwell)

I furrowed my brows as he took my hand and dragged me over to a curtained window.

"Emerson," Remington scolded as he then threw the drapes open, revealing intricate balcony doors.

"Wait a minute, where are we? A-Aren't we in Vancouver?" I asked, looking at Sebastian and Remington.

"Well, not exactly," Sebastian said. "Unless Vancouver looks like this...."

I furrowed my brows as Emerson then opened the doors and let dim sunlight in, which blinded me only a little bit.

"Milady," Emerson spoke as my vision came back a little and I looked outside, and my eyes widen in surprise.

I stepped out as I looked at the view, which seemed almost surreal.... Almost like some sort of drawing....

I walked out to the balcony rail made of stone, and sure enough, there was a cloud floating in front of me.

I reached out and hesitantly ran my hand through it, feeling as it got damp from the water in the cloud, and pulled back before looking up at the view before me.

"A-Are we...." I asked, trying to make sense of it.

"In the sky?" Remington asked as he walked over to me with a smile. "Yes..."

I looked at him questioningly as I looked out at the horizon, admiring the view of the town below.

"Impossible...." I mumbled.

"Looks like it.... But its real," Remington smiled as we looked at each other and then back at the view.

"Its our home," Emerson said with a proud smile.

"What even is this place?" I asked, making Remington look over at me before he answered, his hand gently on my back.

"Welcome to the Obsidian Empire."


Decided to post this since it was already done and the next few chapters are halfway done so here it is! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope you are all enjoying the story! Let me know if I should continue or not! 🌻

**Reminder: The story is based on the music videos from the Bastards era, as well as including clues from other Palaye music videos, and also inspired by the The Bastards graphic novel. All rights still go to XOBillie, Emerson Barrett, & the rest of Palaye Royale.**

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Neon Coven
"Blame It On the Drugs"

♡~ sapphire.

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