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I had dinner with Remington, Emerson and Sebastian soon joining us.

Its so weird being served by maids and butlers. Kind of makes me feel like this is Buckingham Palace.

How are they so used to this? Its so weird..

Once we ate, which was actually food similar to Earth, we moved to the sitting room and then explained everything we could for her.

"So... Start from the beginning," she said, a maid coming in with a cart to serve us tea.

"Depends... Which beginning do you want to hear?" Emerson asked as he sat on one of the armchairs, playing with some matches.

I furrowed my brows.

God, where do we start?

The aliases? The vampire thing? Remington giving me his blood?

I was trying to think when the young maid walked up to me.

"Which tea would you like, ma'am?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh, uhh.... I-I don't...." I stuttered, not exactly knowing how to answer that.

"Umm, chamomile is fine, please, Leda," Remington asked politely.

He looked over at me, as if wanting my approval, and I spaced out a little.

"Oh, uhh, y-yeah... Chamomile Tea is fine, please," I said awkwardly, mentally face palming myself.

Way to make an first impression with the castle staff, Lynette...

She smiled kindly at me as she poured some tea into elegant looking tea cups.

I then noticed... Her eyes.... They were turning red....

Is... Is she a vampire, too?

"Sugar or honey?" she asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"U-Uhh, honey, please, thank you," I said.

The maid, Leda, finished preparing everyone's tea and served mine.

(Picture: Leda Muir)

"I slipped some lavender in yours," she said kindly. "To help with your nerves...."

I smiled kindly at the girl as I took the teacup and plate in my hands. "Thank you..."

"You bought my favorites, right Leda?" Emerson said innocently.

"Yes, Lord Emerson," she smiled happily. "Vanilla spice cake and cranberry scones."

"You are a saint, my dear, as always," Emerson smiled, obviously pleased with the pastry choice. "Oh, help yourself, Lynnie! Leda is literally a genius when it comes to baking. Her orange muffins are the best!"

I chuckled at how he was as Sebastian face palmed, Remington laughing quietly. Leda looked a little bashful but still giggled.

"Shall I leave the tray, sir?" she asked as Emerson placed a muffin in my hand.

"Yes, no worries, Leda. I'll have someone fetch it later the clean. You can take the rest of the night off," Sebastian said. "Refresh and rest once you finish hunting. Stay safe."

She nodded with a smile and stood straight before bowing at me and the guys.

"Milady... My lords...." she said.

"Thank you, Leda," I said as she walked out of the room.

"Don't worry.... I know you're still a bit overwhelmed," Remington assured. "And I'm sure you're probably not so used to high class life."

"That's putting it lightly," I said with a deep breath, taking a sip of tea. ".... Wow that is really good."

Emerson chuckled. "Don't worry, Leda's one of our most trusted maids. You'll get the hang of it."

"Royal life? Not sure if I can," I chuckled shyly. "You guys are like princes, and I am definitely no princess."

"True, because all women are queens," Emerson smiled cheekily. "Its how it is here in Obsidian, honestly. Even our father treated our mother higher than him, and she called most of the shots."

I smiled bashfully, also impressed at how matriarchal it can be here. 

"I believe its time we start telling you everything, of course," Sebastian sighed as he finished the gin in his glass before putting it down.

I pursed my lips and looked up after taking another sip of my tea.

"So, to begin.... I suppose the reason why we have aliases outside the castle and realm," Remington sighed.

I looked over, putting my tea cup down.

"The story of the bastards.... It begins.... With the end," Emerson mumbled to himself, twirling the spoon around his cake.

I furrowed my brows at his words, then Sebastian spoke.

"We are of this realm... But we are not originally from Obsidian...." Sebastian explained as he stood up, pacing a little. "However, the memories of our lives before that were lost..."

"Lost....?" I asked.

Sebastian stopped before looking out the window at the night sky. "We were on a ship.... Something went horribly wrong.... And the three of us ended up going overboard."

"I held on to Remington and Emerson.. They were unconscious.... Then, a current pulled us away from each other...." Sebastian mumbled. 

"Oh my god..." I said in shock.

Sebastian sighed, as if it were difficult to remember.

"We were drowning..... And we thought it was over....." He said. "It went dark..."

"All of a sudden, we all woke up, next to the shipwreck.... But something was horribly wrong with us...." Remington spoke.

"You became vampires..." I assumed.

"Precisely.... From what we were able to learn, someone had slipped vampire's blood into our system before we went overboard....." Sebastian said. "Now we must feed off a living source in order to survive.

I froze at his words, as then I realized something, placing my hand over where there once was a stab wound.

"D-Didn't you said you gave me your blood?" I mumbled in fear. "A-Am I...??"

"No.... You're not a vampire, Lynette," Remington assured. 

I sighed with relief.

"Vampire blood is a powerful healing agent, with the ability to heal you of any ailment, disease or injury, no matter how severe," Sebastian said. "Hence why your injuries, though serious, are now completely healed."

I nodded in understanding.

"However, even sometimes it might not be enough, depending how seriously injured you are... If you end up dying with a vampire's blood in your system, you turn into one," Emerson said.

"Sounds like The Vampire Diaries," I chuckled with a sigh.

"The what diaries?" Remington asked curiously.

"Its a show about vampire brothers fighting over the same girl," I explained. "Typical drama-fueled angsty supernatural romance show that a lot of girls like, mostly teenage girls."

The three of them looked at each other in confusion.

"So, our kind are fetishized in a television show for hormonal teenage girls wishing angsty vampire brothers fell in love with them?" Emerson asked, raising an eyebrow. "That sounds a little scary."

"Thank goodness we left the Earth realm," Sebastian sighed with an eye roll, but then continued.

"But, yeah, in the show, anyone who took vampire blood and died was turned into a vampire," I said.

"Well, I suppose that's the same case here, aside from the drudge thing?" Emerson asked.

I furrowed my eyes. "Wait, what? Drudge?"

Remington sighed and looked down, almost in shame.

"Unfortunately, there is a price to pay when healed by vampire blood," Sebastian sighed.

I frowned in confusion.

"The blood of the vampire who saved you binds you to that vampire," Sebastian explained. "You become connected to that vampire as...."

I furrowed my brows. "As..... As what?" I asked.

"His food source," Emerson blurted out, biting into a cupcake.

"Emerson!" Remington snapped.

My eyes widen in shock.

"What? It's the truth, we're telling her the truth," He scoffed. "Why don't I sugar coat it for you then, huh? You were her hero and now she's your snack. See how that sounds even worse?"

Sebastian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"So, wait... That means that I....." I said, taking a deep breath. "I have to..... Provide Remington with.... With my blood.... Like some weird thank you...?"

Sebastian nodded.

I looked at Remington worriedly.

"I'm so sorry, Lynette..... You were badly injured, and dying.... I didn't want you to die like that, and it was the only way I could save you....." he pleaded.

I pursed my lips and wrapped my arms around myself, and he slowly stood up, appoaching me and making me stand still.

"If I had known another way to save your life without that, believe me,I would have chosen that option, and then let you have the choice yourself instead of forcing it upon you," He said, standing close to me.

I gulped and looked up at him, his eyes sincere and sadness.

I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself.

"Do you need it now?" I asked.

He hesitated to answer that, but sighed. "I'm fine...."

"That wasn't a no," Emerson said.

"Emerson," Sebastian scolded.

"What?" he asked.

I gulped and looked down.

"W-Will it hurt?" I asked, feeling scared.

"Its not excruciating pain...." he said. "If its the vampire you serve, unless their intent is to harm you, you'll feel something similar to the prick of a needle, but slightly bigger....."

I gulped and nodded.

As I thought about it, I paced a little.

I then nodded, mentally preparing myself as I faced Remington.

"Okay...." I nodded. "Let's do it then..."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Remington asked.

"I mean, I don't have much of a choice, but.... Yes...." I nodded. "I'm sure..... I just...."

We looked over at Sebastian and Emerson, Sebastian nodding in understanding.

"We'll give you two some privacy," Sebastian mumbled, motioning to Emerson.

Emerson put his empty plate aside and followed his older brother out, closing the door after them.

I took a deep breath and faced Remington as he took a step closer, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry," He mumbled, his eyes slowly going red.

I looked up at him.

Even with his crimson eyes.... Why do I feel safe...?

I took a step forward and couldn't help but hug him "Its okay... You did what you could....." I mumbled.

He hesitated slight before his fangs elongated and he slowly leaned in, gently moving my hair to the side.

"I'll try and make it as painless as I can, I promise," He whispered softly in my ear.

I took a deep breath, feeling the blood in my veins pumping hard from how nervous I was.

Is my life now....?

Remington pulled me closer to him as he softly trailed his lips up my neck.

I don't think there's anyway I can go back home.....

.... Then again.... Did I ever really have a home....?

A place where vampires exist.... Where a castle in the sky is real..... A place full of mystery......

Can I really stay here?

I felt Remington's lips slightly part, his fangs carefully tracing over my skin, making me shudder and cling to him.

I then felt him bury his fangs into my neck and gasped at the sharp pain.  

I could feel him drinking from me as I tried to relax.

It stings..... But its not as painful as I feared.....

I soon relaxed my body as he held onto me, drinking from me.

His hold tightened only a little bit, and I suddenly felt calmer.

Maybe.... Maybe this is something better.....

Despite everything..... Maybe..... I can have a better life here.....

It felt like forever before I felt Remington pull back, licking over my wound before looking down at me, blood smearing his lips, and looking down at me.

I sighed softly as I then felt my legs give out and he caught me in his arms.

I looked up at him, seeing him looked down at me sadly.

He never wanted this... He didn't want this for me..... He only wanted me to live.....

I was going to die at Trevor's hands, bleeding and broken...... And Remington didn't want that.....

I pursed my lips and then reached up and softly stroked his cheek.

He seemed surprised by my actions, but still calmed himself for me.

A vampire.... My vampire.... My new life.....

I curled up closer to him as he held my, his head resting on top of mine.


"I..." he said, making me shake my head.

"Its okay.... I'm willing to do this.... For you....." I mumbled.

He frowned softly as he then helped lay me down on the nearby loveseat, sitting next to me.

"Remington..." I mumbled.

He looked up as I leaned my face closer, and I don't know what made me want to, but I slowly leaned in and kissed his lips.

He was surprised by my actions, but still kissed me back, holding me close before we pulled back.

I looked into his eyes, seeing they were back to their sweet chocolate browns.

"I promise..... I will protect you, no matter what...." He assured me

I looked up at him.

"Protect me from what.....?" I mumbled curiously.

He hesitated to answer, holding my hand.

"Obsidian hasn't always been perfect.... We face something serious... Something dangerous....... An enemy, that if they learned of us.... Of you especially....." he said, a pained tone in his voice.

I frowned and slowly sat up.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a little worried.

He looked up at me, before he began to explain......

{•Blackwell Servant Girl•}

"How curious... Someone from the Earth realm...." I spoke as I finished wiping the kitchen stove.

"She is not to be trusted," Miss Bernadette, our older servant, grumbled as she swept the floors.

"What? Wait, Miss Bernadette, you helped clean her, didn't you? When she arrived? Why would you think that?" I frowned.

She looked over at me, her old eyes both concerned and angered.

"When I helped change her clothes... I saw their mark, on the side of her hip..." he spat.

My eyes widen.

"What..... Y-You mean...." I asked nervously.

"Exactly.... It was right there.... Red as the blood on their hands, and even the exact shape as well," she said.

"But.... Lady Lynette, she.... She seems so kind.... Even Leda said she was very nice... A little awkward,  maybe......... She can't actually be dangerous... C-Can she??" I asked worriedly.

Miss Bernadette looked over at me, and then in direction of where they went.

"We know nothing of the realm she was in, only that it's dangerous.... All we can do is have extreme caution....."


I feel like this is somewhat sloppy-ish in some parts, so I might edit this later on. 

Also, I added Leda Muir as a supporting character, because why the fuck not.. (I ran out of ideas and I just stumbled across her picture on WeHeartIt while looking for a character to pick for a supporting role... 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Hope you all enjoy the story so far! Let me know what you all think! 🌻

🎶 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Dynoro, Gigi D'Agostino "In My Mind"

♡~ sapphire.

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