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I sighed as I woke up the next morning, feeling tired again..

I rolled over on my bed and was feeling cold.... Lonely.....

Its been almost 3 days since the blood incident.... I've been kept from Remington out of safety, but also since I needed space to think...

It was like he..... He was someone else....

Then again... Vampires are predators.....

Remington, he... He is a predator.... One that was starving.....

I grabbed my pillow and pulled it close to my chest.

Did I really make a good decision to stay here...?

There was a knock on my door and I sighed, expecting it to be Leda.

"I'm awake, Leda... I-I don't really want to do anything today....." I said.

"Well, we don't think that's a good idea," Another voice spoke, making me furrow my brows and sit up to see who it was....

[Picture: Larisa & Shy]

"U-Uhhh...." I said in confusion.

"You must be Lynette," One of the girls, who had dark, long hair, full lips, and bright eyes said with a curious smile.

"You're prettier than described," the other girl, who had light short hair and big eyes said.

Both were dressed very elegantly.

I sat shyly on my bed as they approached.

"I'm Shy, and this is Larisa," the girl with the dark hair introduced.

My eyes widen, realizing who they were.

Sebastian's fiance and Emerson's mate....

They must have gotten back from their assignment...

"You.... You are also vampires... Aren't you?" I asked.

"From here on, nearly everyone you will meet here in the castle is either a vampire or immortal," Shy said, sitting on the side of the bed next to me.

I sighed as I pulled my legs to my chest.

"According to Sebastian you've been upset after a certain accident...." Larisa frowned.

I looked up at her in shock before I sighed and looked away. "Its my fault.... I'm Remington's food source, I should have looked out for him more....."

"Oh, honey..... No," Shy said. "Its not on you..... Remington just wasn't careful...."

I sighed. "He must be upset, too.... I-Is he okay?" I asked them.

"He's, uuhhh... Trying to cope...." Larisa said.

"We're here to help cheer you up, however," Shy smiled.

I looked up curiously at her.


"You see? I told indigo was her color," Shy said proudly. "It may clash a little  with her eyes, but it just suits her skin tone so well."

I looked in the mirror at the dress Shy put me in.

[Picture: Example of the ballgown
Lynette is currently wearing]

All of a sudden I'm missing the gowns Emerson got me.... At least they weren't as puffy.....

Shy then placed the large matching fascinator on my head, nearly blocking my view.

"Perfect!" Shy smiled.

I tried to blow the feather away from my face. "Ummm, girls.... Not to sound ungrateful, but.... This seems a little.... Much...."

Shy tilted her hear curiously. "Honey.... Its Versailles.... The latest fashion, I assure you."

"Maybe the fascinator is overdoing it a little bit" Larisa said, trying to think. "I can just do her hair, make it a little more comfortable."

"Oh, very well," Shy sighed a little dramatically, removing the fascinator. "Deprive me of having some flair."

She really is a lot like Emerson... Hehe...

I sighed as I finally had full vision again and Larisa helped me down, a small chuckle and eyeroll coming from her.

"Come here," she said. "I'll help with a simple look."

I smiled softly and nodded. "Thanks..."

She lead me to the vanity chair and sat me down as I turned towards the mirror and she took the brush.

"I'm just not used to all the royal pampering and stuff," I admitted.

"Sweetheart, you might as well start getting used to it," Larisa smiled as she worked on my hair. "At this point, you're practically a Blackwell lady... Eventually, you'll train to be a duchess one day, maybe even a princess.... Or hell, even queen if possible."

"Even though Larisa is first in line for the throne," Shy smiled, adjusting the fascinator before putting it back in its box, a teasing look on her face. "Once a certain heir finally asks her a certain question..."

"Shy..." Larisa scolded bashfully as Shy giggled.

"Wait, so, you're like.... A princess?" I asked her. "Or a queen?"

"In simpler terms, yes... I suppose princess is the right label for it..." Larisa chuckled softly. "Shy and I both are... Shy being more of a duchess..... However with the rebellion causing trouble, Sebastian wanted to hold off on the coronation, at least until things calm down."

"Or Warhol or Lieseil return," Shy said.

"Doubt it," Larisa sighed. "If they cared so much, they would have come back by now to help us... Now its up to all of us to help our empire...."

"You... Don't have good thoughts of them I'm guessing..." I said.

"I'm not saying they were terrible people.... Yet I wish at least Alister came back.... The rebellion feared him more...." Larisa said as she was finishing with my hair.

"Not Lieseil?" I asked.

"Well, they feared both, I assume.... However.... Alexander and Lilith seemed to have a lot of anger towards Lieseil for some unknown reason.... Hence why his castle was burned first," Larisa sighed. "As for Warhol.... It was hard to tell, really.... It always seemed personal between them all.... However, the details were very secret....."

I furrowed my brows and sighed.

"This is basic knowledge for when you become duchess, by the way," she said.

"Duchess?" I asked.

"Or princess," she shrugged. "Depending it Remington proposes."

"P-Proposes!?" I said in surprise. "H-Hold on, uhh, w-we aren't even dating.... I-I think?" 

"He hasn't asked?" Shy asked curiously. "I told you he gets too shy."

Larisa scoffed as she finished. "Okay, we are done," she said, holding a hand mirror behind me so I can see her work.

[Picture: example of Lynette's hairstyle]

"Wow.... I love it," I smiled softly. "Thank you..."

"You're very welcome," she said with a smile. "The perfect look for a princess." 

"Princess? Doubt it," I chuckled. "I wasn't exactly a royal back on Earth..."   

"We know.... Emerson told us...." Shy softly said.

"And he's also mentioned how Sebastian's been quite strict on you regarding your freedoms around the castle, education about the empire, and more...." Larisa said, sounding unamused, fluffing my hair a little, gently moving a strand. 

"H-He means well.... I know that," I defended. "He feels I'm safer inside the castle, and he has a lot on his plate.... I'm grateful to him, Remington, and everyone else here... And he's right about my safety, the Visigoths are dangerous..."

"I know.... Nonetheless.... I'll be having a stern talk with him to take it more easy on you," She said. "Just like him, I can imagine you also having a lot on your mind as well...."

I sighed and looked down. "He is harsh, I'll admit it.... And it can be frustrating... But I know he only wants to keep everyone safe, especially his brothers...."

She sighed. "I know..... I just don't think its fair to take it out on you..." she said. "You've already been through enough..."

I sighed and looked down, deciding to change the subject. "U-Uhh..... You two know Remington more than I do, right?" 

"Why yes," Larisa smiled.

I took a deep breath. "I-Is he..."

"You're wondering about his self control," Shy said.

I took a deep breath and looked down. "I'm guessing you were also told..."

"Emerson told us....." Shy nodded. 

"Remington can be able to control his hunger.... but a vampire's blood lust is powerful," she said. "Deprive us of it for too long, and.... What he did was still reckless...."

I sighed and nodded. "It was my role to make sure he fed, though...." I said.

"Maybe.... But Remington cares deeply for the ones he loves...." Shy said. "He's stubborn, and reckless.... But his heart is in the right place."

I sighed. "I just.... I want to know if I really am more to him than that.... If I can trust him...."

They looked at each other and Shy then walked over and held my hands.

"You should talk to him.... Its good to be honest with him," she said. "Despite the vampires, I believe your place is here

I pursed my lips and was about to say something before there was a knock at the door and we turned to see Leda enter the room.

"Your highness," Leda said, bowing to Larisa and then to Shy. "My duchess..... Our military captain requests your presence to welcome you back home, and to report the new information obtained."

"Of course. Thank you, Leda," Shy said. "You can wait for us outside..."

Leda nodded and stepped outside as I decided to stand up.

"It looks like we are being requested to provide information we gathered against the Visigoths," Larisa sighed.

"What, you go undercover or something?" I asked.

"I suppose that's one way of putting it....." Larisa said. "Its a little complicated....."

I furrowed my brows as then Larisa turned to me. 

"Tell you what.... Ignore Sebastian's orders. I'll have a word with him later once I see him at dinner. You enjoy everything the Blackwell castle has to offer, like the Blackwell Gardens, " she said.

My eyes widen at her order.

"The gardens have a large variety of roses to admire, and I heard some gardenias were recently planted around the gazebo," Shy smiled. "My favorite fragrant flower..... Emerson's birthday gift to me...."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I will.... I-It was nice meeting you both...."

"Likewise..." Shy smiled. "It would be nice to have you around, of course. You would be like our little sister."

I chuckled a little, but smiled up at her. "I..... I would actually like that...."

They smiled before we walked out and they went down the hall with Leda while I stood on the hall.

I took a deep breath and looked down at the ballgown, smoothing the skirt down a little.

Well..... At least the dress is beautiful...... 

..... Of course I kind of feel like I'm about to audition for 'Hamilton'....

I sighed and decided to look around for the garden.

It thankfully wasn't hard since I started to somewhat get a hang of things here and found a door that lead outside....

 I peeked out and gasped...

(Picture: Example of the Blackwell Gardens)

My god.... Its so beautiful here.....

I walked down the steps and admired all the shrubs and plants, the statues made of marble and some of bronze, even an elegant gazebo not far by a large fountain and lake surrounded by three with purple flowers cascading all around.... 

Even cherry blossoms and rare plants were seen, everything in full bloom.

I even spotted the gardenias Shy had mentioned.

So many beautiful flowers.... Some that don't even look like they're from Earth, and some even taller than me.

Its almost like Wonderland....

I then noticed a small sitting area with beautiful small trees, arches made of marble and ivy, and at the center a large bush with large beautiful red flowers. A marble statue of an couple waltzing together sat in the center surrounded by the red roses.

I noticed a small plaque at the foot of the rose bush and knelt down.




I smiled at the sweetness. 

The king's present to his queen.... How romantic....

My smile fell as I remembered, holding one of the roses in my hands.

They were such good people... Who loved each other and their sons so much..... How could someone just kill them?

I smelled the red rose in my hand, smiling softly as its sweet scent relaxed me a little.

I looked around before sensing I was being watched.....

I looked over at the large mansion and noticed Remington stood at the balcony.

He observed me curiously from the balcony above.

He had a calm expression, but looked.... Sad....

I pursed my lips, looking back at the roses, and sighed.

Maybe... Maybe the girls are right...

I mean, its not like anyone is probably missing me anyway...

I sighed as I walked over and sat at a bench placed under an ivy arch in the spot, closing my eyes a little as I breathed in some air.

I have nothing... I never really had anything.... Most likely not even missed much.... I would die and nobody would so much as blink.

No parents, no friends, no other family.... Trevor was all I really had in my life....

Yet... Now.....

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest a little.

Remington saved me... He treats me well and has given me no reason to fear him...

..... Until recently....

I sighed and looked up to the sky

Its so peaceful here.... Why anyone would want to ruin this....?

"This is a good place to think..." a voice said, spooking me a little bit.

"Sebastian..." I said.

"Our father had it built this spot for our mother.... As an anniversary gift. She loved red roses, it was her favorite flower" he explained, sounding almost nostalgic and sad.....

I sighed and looked down. "I.... I didn't mean to walk outside, I....."

"We all need fresh air, and you are not forbidden from the gardens," he assured. "I am not upset."

I sighed and nodded.

"However, milady," he spoke softly. "You look upset..."

I sighed. "I'm not.... Just... Lost in thought, I guess?"

He nodded. "Understandable......" He said.

I nodded, looking at my lap.

"I never really thought I'd be here.... Not even in a dream," I said, looking up at him.

"I can assure you that you are safe here, Lady Lynette," he said. "Guards are everywhere, and the castle is a fortress..."

I sighed softly. "And.... Remington?" I asked. "Am I really safe with him?"

He looked at me before looking at his brother up in the balcony, and then back at me.

"Remington has always been unpredictable and stubborn.... But he's never hurt someone without good reason...." he said. "Like those piece of scum who chased you into the alley that night...."

I looked over at him.

"You mean a lot to him, Lady Lynette...." he added, as if assuring me.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, rubbing my arms.

"I can see you still need some time alone with your thoughts. I'll be off, since I must go welcome Larisa home," he said, then bowing his head at me politely. "Milady."

I nodded a little bit. "Thank you," I whispered softly to him as he walked away.

I sighed and rested my back against the bench as I looked up at the gray clouds above.

Is he right? Am I really safe?


Since yesterday was my 25th birthday, I usually always try to have something new for you all for my birthday, but this year unfortunately I haven't really come up with much since I've been a little too busy to plan a new story, aside from this current one, so I've mostly just been updating what I can. 🎂

HOWEVER, I do not come empty handed, so here is a new chapter featuring the story's prologue! 

Of course, I did edit the prologue a little bit, so it'll be different at the beginning now. 💁🏻‍♀

Hope you all enjoy the story so far, and next chapter should be up soon! 🌻

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Trevor Daniel "Falling"


♡~ sapphire.

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