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I took aim at the target, holding my bow steady.

"Ready..... Fire," Shy said, and I let the arrow go, hitting the bullseye spot on.

I smiled to myself. Better than that last one.

"Excellent, my pupil," she smiled proudly, making me look up.

I smiled up at her. "Thanks... Really glad Sebastian put you as my teacher today," I said, adjusting the skirt of my dress.

(Picture: Example of Lynette's current outfit)

Shy had helped me upgrade to more comfortable clothes, while also remining "Obsidian-chic" as Emerson called it.

Of course, now being a Duchess, I have to start getting used to gowns and the corsets, which I'm not a big fan of....

Alongside training with archery, Sebastian's also had me in sword training with Emerson, since I was insistent on learning about defending myself, while also working to find out any clue regarding Alister and the Visigoths.

I've been here for 2 months and training to be a duchess is weird, but I've thankfully gotten the hang of it.

During my free time I'm spending time with Remington or studying more at the library, as well as working with Larisa on getting aid to the townspeople affected by the rebellion.

Remington and I haven't really spoken about what I asked of him, but I know it's killing him to ask...

I then reached for my neck and sighed once I realized it.

I got to stop doing that.....

"Are you alright?" Shy asked curiously.

"Uhh, yeah," I said, then sighed. "Uuuhh, I had this necklace... Something I had since I was a baby and.... I lost it when Trevor attacked me back on Earth..."

"Oh no...." she frowned.

"Andrew had gone to try and get it back, but, they had it cataloged as evidence and when he tried to claim it, they kept poking questions and, you know, he had to get out of there before things looked suspicious....." I explained.

"True," she sighed. "You know.... Larisa and I can try to go ourselves to get it for you."

"Its in police custody, Andrew tried," I said to her.

"Oh honey.... As my long dearly- departed mother once told me," she smiled. "If a man isn't able to do it, its because it's a job for a woman."

I chuckled softly and looked up at her. "Are you sure, Shy?"

"Of course! I have my ways," she smirked proudly.

I smiled. "Well, alright.... But not now..... Later on, once we figure out what we can," I said.

"Oh, very well," She said.

I nodded as I went for another arrow.

"Something else is on your mind," she spoke.

I sighed. How is her mate an oracle yet she can practically know exactly how I feel first?

"I......" I said, then sighed. "I asked Remington to make me his mate...."

Her eyes widen. "Lynette....."

"I love him....." I said, looking down.

She was quiet as I spoke and then turned to face her.

"I love him.... I really do..." I said. "And I'm not just telling myself that like some sort of mantra.... I may not have had a lot of love in my life, that I'm sure, but I just.... I know..... I know this feeling of safety and peace that I have with him.... I never felt that with anyone else until I met him....."

"Its a big commitment, sweetheart...." She said softly.

"I'm already his food source, and.... I'm somehow connected here, and I want to help anyway I can," I sighed. "And.... Being connected to him, it... It feels right, Shy.... I can't explain it, but it does....."

She smiled softly at me and nodded. "You'll be bound to more than just him once you become his mate, Lynette..... You'll be his partner for as long as he lives..... And for him..... Sweetheart that's forever....."

I stopped and looked at him.

"Humans they.... They don't have forever like we do....." she frowned softly.

I pursed my lips and looked down.

She's right....

"L-Look, I rather not put any ideas in your head," she said. "You need to think about this more, hun.... Its a lot you'd be signing up for...."

I felt an ache in my chest as I stood there, thinking, when suddenly....

"Lady Lynette!" a voice called and Shy and I turned to see Leda run in.

"L-Leda? What's wrong?" I asked.

"My ladies," she said as she bowed. "Emerson and I, we've found something in one of King Buckminster's files."

"Which is?" I asked.

"We stumbled across some old deeds for the inns and venues, mostly for this one hall, known as the Palais Royale."

"I assume the king signed off on many deeds, especially for venues like the Palais.... Parties and such were held there, Emerson and I even went to many of them," Shy said.

"Well, yes, but majority only held the king's seal, with an advisor's signature." Leda said, handing me and Shy two documents she had. "Look at the advisor who signed mostly for the Palais, however...."

I read mine, seeing

"Wait.... Hermes Warhol?" I asked as I read the documents.

"I've never heard such a name," Shy said, looking up at us.

"According to our other senior butler, Julian, Alister had an older brother when they arrived here," Leda said. "He's not well known, however, as he travelled a lot for the king outside of Obsidian and was mostly in training under Lieseil's eye."

"We'll have to find Hermes then.... Maybe he has some sort of information on his brother, or Lieseil," Shy said.

"Any idea where he is, though?" I asked. "For all we know, he's probably dead...."

"Its never been reported if he was or not. We found evidence he survived the fire, but his whereabouts afterwards is unknown. Lord Sebastian is looking more into it. He figures investigating the locations on these documents could give some insight on Hermes and his whereabouts," Leda said. "However, we are also keeping Alister as a priority."

"I'll take the Palais then, do some investigating and see what they know there," Shy offered. "I believe that's enough practice for today, since it is getting late. Leda, tomorrow morning, fetch me my horse andhave Andrew and 2 of our strongest guards to accompany me into town."

Leda bowed to Shy. "Yes, milady."

"I believe dinner should be ready soo. Will you join us, Lynette?" Shy asked.

"In a little bit.... I want to practice a bit more. I feel like I'm slipping a bit on my hold."

"Very well. I'll have a guard come by to stay with you, and also let Remington know you are here," she said.

"Okay. And, thanks again for the lessons," I smiled.

"Anytime," she smiled. "I'll leave you to it, but please don't stay too long."

I nodded as she and Leda headed back inside.

I took a deep breath and sighed as I held an arrow in my hand.

Shy is right.... I can't afford to jump the gun on things here.... It will only end badly, not just for me, but for Remington, too.....

I loaded my bow and aimed at the target, and shot it, making it split another arrow in the bullseye that a guard had shot when training with me.

I chuckled, suddenly thinking about Merida from Brave.

I guess it now makes sense why she's my favorite. Hehe.

I went and shot a few more arrows at the targets and test dummies we had on display.

I suddenly heard a loud fluttering sound and jumped.

I looked around, but only heard the soft winds blowing through the trees.

Weird..... Must have been a bird.....

I then noticed the sky, seeing its gotten darker.

It's dusk.... I should head back inside before it get darker. I am getting hungry.

I went to grab my quiver of arrows when suddenly...

"You're being watched."

I gasped and froze. That voice.....

Wait... What?

I then realized it....

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and a cold feeling going up my spine.

No.... I'm not alone.....

"Above you. There's danger!"

I spun around and look upl, almost screaming as I saw a large, dark winged figure standing from the rooftops.

What is that!?

It then flapped its wings and flew up before swooping down at high speed.

I screamed put and ducked down as the figure almost got me, but didn't.

I gasped as the winged figure landed a few feet away from me, making me back away in fear.

The black wings opened, revealing a tall, black haired man with cold blue eyes and pale skin.

He also had black markings on his eyes.... Wait....

Those markings on his face and body..... The book of creatures I read.....

"A reject of God, marked in black inked designs on their eyes and body, wings black as night, with a wingspan as big as 10 feet, speeds of 200 miles per hour, they are dangerous creatures ...."

"Fallen angel...." I mumbled quietly in shock.

He observed me with curious eyes, then smirked.

I then saw around his neck he had on a... Oh no.......

A Visigoth talisman....

I stepped back in horror as I saw the emblem hanging as a talisman around his neck, my back hitting the railing.

"Well well..... Looks like Alexander wasn't kidding...." he scoffed,his voice deep and like poison. "Of course, he opted out how adorably.... Tasty.... You look...."

"Arm your bow. Quickly."

I gasped and then quickly held my bow and arrow up, aiming it at him.

"Back up," I snarled, quickly arming my bow and arrow and aiming at him.

"Well that's awfully rude of you," He scoffed amusingly at me.

"You're a fallen angel, and you're part of the rebellion.... You don't belong here," I snapped. "What the hell do you want? Who are you?"

He snit. "Touchy..... Fine.... Call me Prophet," he smirked.

"Prophet? You're joking," I scoffed.

"My word tends to get to people, believe it or not," he smirked. "If I want, people can believe anything I have to say and they obey my word....."

"So then talk, you freak..... What do you want?" I asked.

"Its not what I want..... Its what my associates want," he said.

"Let me guess.... Lilith and Alexander Visigoth," I said.

"Word on the grapevine is you're the Earthling that the Blackwell brothers took in, and you have a special little mark somewhere," he said.

I gulped nervously, but kept myself steady.

"So what?" I asked. "Why I have that mark is beyond me or anyone else, and sure as hell none of your business.."

"So its a mystery to you?" he asked.

"What of it?" I snapped.

He then chuckled darkly. "You're sure one hell of a spitfire..... Just like Lilith said she was back then...."

"She?" I asked, confused.

His eyes suddenly started to glow white as he looked at me with a smirk.

What is he doing?

"Why do you come with me, little doll?" he smirked. "I'm sure you and I can have some fun together...."

I looked at him weirdly. "What the hell do you think you're trying to do?"

He seemed taken back as his eyes were that cold, icy blue color again.

"What the...." He said in confusion.

I then remembered something word for word when studying from that book about Obsidian creatures.

Fallen angels can also hold the ability of compulsion. They can manipulate their prey using their own mind. Once under their trance, its nearly impossible to break that spell. Only the death of that fallen angel can break the connection. There is no escaping their gaze, and there has never been a documented case of someone being immune.

My eyes widen in shock as I realized what he was trying to do.

He was trying to brainwash me to kidnap me....

"Now is your chance. Shoot him!"

I then quickly raised the bow again and aim for his hand, shooting it and watching as it pierced through, nailing him against the wall behind him and burning him.

"AAHH!!!" he yelped, holding it. "How the hell-!?"

"I'm no major expert in fallen angels, but I did do my research on you," I snapped, arming my bow again. "For starters.... Compared to the myth of silver being a vampire repellent, iron is your kryptonite. Just a small knick and you'll be in excruciating pain for a good few hours before it heals over completely. I aim for the heart or base of your wings, you're dust.... Lucky for me, Frederick always made sure all weapons under the Blackwell roof were made of iron."

He groaned as he yanked the arrow out, tossing it aside. "I see someone caught up on her studies."

"Weaken him. Again!"

"I'm an avid reader, I get bored when I'm on lockdown," I said, shooting another bow to his leg and sending him to the ground screaming.

"YOU BITCH!!!" he snarled.

"Tell those psychos that I'm done playing their games, same as everyone else!! They don't scare me, no matter how many assholes like you they send to try and grab me," I said.

He growled and looked at me.

"And tell Alexander that if he doesn't surrender peacefully and undo all his crimes... The Blackwell's will wipe them all out in the name of their king and queen," I snapped.

"And here I thought you were just a meek little meal ticket," the creature snarled.

"I'm still freaked out, I'll admit.... But you.... Trust me, I've dealt with worse garbage," I said, aiming for his chest. "Now, take a hike or else!"

"Shoot me again and I won't tell you how you have that birthmark!!" He snarled.

I froze and looked at him in shock. "What?"

"I know exactly why you have that birthmark.... Lower your arrow and I'll tell you everything."

I grunt and held it back up. "You're bluffing! What do you know!?"

"More than you know, pet," he snarled.

"Then start. Talking," I said. "And then maybe I'll lower my bow instead of shooting an arrow through your right eye."

He scoffed with a pained grunt. "Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree," he said.

"What, praytell, does that even mean!? Answer me!!" I shouted.

All of a sudden a bright flash skimmed passed my head and hit Prophet right in the shoulder, making me realize it was a familiar sword.

"LYNETTE!!" Remington shouted as he ran up to me, pulling me behind him.

"I thought I smelled vermin," Sebastian's voice snarled as he and Emerson walked up, Emerson yanking the sword back with his mind and pulling it back in its sheath as Prophet yelped in pain.

"Blackwells.... Nice to see ya again," Prophet smirked. "Might want to keep that new pet on your's on a leash, or else someone is gonna want to put her down."

"Watch your mouth, you mangey rat," Emerson snarled as his eyes went red and the white streak in his hair grew out.

Next think we knew, blood and bone burst out of Prophet's wing, making him scream in pain as it snapped in half.

"One more wing and you're done for," Remington snarled, eyes red as he held me close to him.

Prophet writhed in agony as he held his damaged wing, almost instantly starting to look pale.

"Now why did you come?" Sebastian ordered.

"He wanted to try and kidnap me for the Visigoths," I interjected. "Saying he knows about my birthmark and how I have it."

"What?" Larisa snapped.

"Well, that's overselling it, really," Prophet groaned.

"What the hell is a fallen angel doing working for the rebellion?" Remington snapped.

I glared at him and that's when something clicked in my head.

"H-He was recruiting....." I said, making everyone turn to me.

"Wait, what?" Emerson asked.

"Those disappearances in the village..... It was him!!" I said, pointing at him. "He brainwashes them into joining the rebellion, that's why the attacks were growing.... He's giving the rebellion more members...."

"You're sure?" Sebastian asked.

"It makes sense..... After all, he just tried it with me," I said sternly.

"What!?" Remington snarled as he turned to the creature, his fangs protruding.

"Okay, okay now you're exaggerating,"the fallen angel scoffed, his voice strained from the pain he was most definitely in.

Emerson's eyes went red and he held his hand up to Prophet, who then started to choke, as if the air was getting sucked out of him.

"You will answer for your crimes, you reject....." Emerson snarled.

Prophet gasped for breath as he started to levitate from the groud, thrashing around and trying to breath.

"Alan, wait!" I exclaimed.

Emerson blinked and the fallen angel suddenly sucked in a breath of air before hitting the ground, panting hard.

"Lynette?" Remington asked.

"He might have information on the rebellion, and if he knows anything about my birthmark then it can help us figure out what it means," I explained.

Everyone looked questioningly at each other before Sebastian spoke.

"What do you suggest we do with him then, dear duchess?" He asked.

"Bernadette could use a cellmate, don't you think?" I asked, glaring over at the injured creature. "We keep this creep in the dungeons, in irons, get information out of him... See what he knows, and if its useful in any way...."

"Sounds like a good idea.... I'm sure Alan can think of creative ideas to get him to talk," Shy said. "We could use him as leverage...."

Alan smirked mischievously. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve..."

Sebastian thought about it, then nodded. "Very well.... Andrew, Austin.... Take this piece of filth to the dungeons, keep him in irons and in the cells, put our best guards to watch. We'll let him squirm for a while."

"Yes, my lord," Austin said, and they were about to grab him when Sebastian stopped them.

"Wait.... Lady Lynette," He spoke."Aim an arrow to his side... Just in case he has any fight in him."

I took a deep breath and pulled my arrow from my quiver, loading it and aiming for the side of his stomach, and shooting.

"AAAHHH!!" The fallen angel wailed as he gripped his side, almost going completely limp.

"Do it again, that was funny," Emerson urged with a smirk.

"Alan," Frederick scolded him.

Austin and Andrew then grabbed the fallen angel's arms, cuffing him.

He groaned in pain as the iron burned his wrists and they drag him away.

"Come... Let's discuss how we'll approach this," Sebastian said to us.

We nodded as we started to head inside, but then Remington stopped me and pulled me into his arms.

"Are you alright, Lynette? Did he hurt you?" he asked, pulling back to examine me.

"I'm okay, honest....." I assured him. "He barely even laid a finger on me."

He sighed with relief and nodded as he kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug.

"A-Aldous... Wait a second....." I said, using his alias in case there were any other surprises lurking around outside as I clung to his hand. "Something just doesn't feel right...."

"What do you mean?" he asked me.

"That fallen angel, he..... He tried to use his compulsion powers on me, but.... It didn't work...." I said, confused.

Remington furrowed my brows.

"I was supposed to be under some hypnotic trance if I read that book right..... Yet I'm not...... How is that possible?" I asked.

Remington looked back as they dragged the prisoner down the hall to the dungeons.

"I don't know....." He mumbled worriedly, looking back at me.

I frowned and looked down before walking up and hugging him.

He relaxed softly and hugged me back.

"Come on... Let's get you inside, before we get anymore unwanted surprises...." he said, gently holding my cheek in his palm.

I nodded as he kept his arm wrapped around me and we headed inside.

As if we all didn't already have enough questions that need answers.....


More and more clues.What could this lead to? Any new theories so far??? 🤔🤔

Also, didn't want to put an exact face for the fallen angel character, mostly because he's only a (somewhat) SMALL supporting villain character, but I'm pretty sure you guys have an idea. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Going to take a pause here at 20 chapters to focus on any other stories for a while, since I've fallen behind on a lot of them.

Meanwhile, this short little break of mine can let you all get into the story, brew up your theories and stuff. 💁🏻‍♀️

I will, of course, also be drafting behind the scenes and have some stuff ready for when I'm ready, so stay tuned! 🌻

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

My Chemical Romance
"Save Yourself,
I'll Hold Them Back"


♡~ sapphire.

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