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⚠️Warning: Chapter contains mentions of self harm, violence and death. If affected, please read with caution.️⚠️



She breathed softly against me, her fingertips softly tracing the tattoos on my chest.

Her body was warm against mine, my arms around her small body as she curled up against me under the sheets, the only sounds heard were the soft winds blowing against the sails outside, along with the waves crashing against the rocks and shore.

"Thank you....." Lynette softly whispered.

I smiled and looked down at her, then leaned down as I kissed her temple and stroked her cheek with my thumb.

"I love you," I murmured, pulling her close as she softly twirled a strand of my hair between her fingers.

"I love you, too...." She said.

She smiled as I pulled her closer to me, when I suddenly felt something on her leg.

I furrowed my brows and looked down, Lynette freezing and covering her scars.

"Lynette, what happened to you....?" I asked in shock.

She looked away. "I-I swear, Remington, I...."

I was confused, but then it hit me.

That's why the smell of blood would be so strong from her....

"Lynette..... Oh...." I said sadly, softly stroking her hair. "When did this begin?"

She looked down. "After around my 16th foster home..... The dad there practically beat us for sport....... Made me feel like I deserved all of bruises, since I was the oldest.... I was only 12....."

"My god....." I said in shock.

"Thankfully, a neighbor called the cops when we managed to escape a drunk rampage, and..... We got moved to another home..."I said. "The habit stuck, though.... Got worse after I aged out, and then more so after Trevor became abusive himself..."

I pulled her into my arms, letting her cling to me.

"I tried stopping after I met you, but.... The nightmares started getting worse, and.... The rebellion, all the questions..... It...." she mumbled.

I looked down and sighed. "I'm so sorry, Lynette..... You never deserved any of that...."

She sniffled and wiped at her tears.

"Tell me what I can do to help you..." I asked.

She looked up at me. "You don't hate me?"

"Of course not.... Why would I?" I said. "Lynette, you've suffered far too much, and have been alone for so long.... You don't have to be alone anymore...."

She looked up at me, her eyes getting watery.

I pulled her into my arms as she sniffled and clung to me. 

"I'm going to help anyway I can.... You don't ever have to torture yourself like this ever again...."

She looked up and smiled at me as we shared a passionate kiss.

We then laid back down and held each other close.


"Unbelievable.... You'd think they would at least try and make it back as soon as they could," I grumbled.

"Would you quit muttering like a madman?!" Emerson sassed. "Come help me with these death records already! Its like everyone's having the oracle do all the damn work here!!"

I looked over and sighed as I walked over, sitting across from him.

"Okay, I set aside all the females who died the night of the fires, whether it be in the manor or the town," Emerson said. "Of the 146 total victims from the fire, 92 were female, children included."

"What's your range for age?" I asked.

"From what Lynette described, I estimate around early to mid-20's... She couldn't have been past 30, honestly, but without a full view of that portrait, its the best I could do."

"Alright, any blondes?" I asked.

"Fourty-five were blonde or light haired, and by that age range it narrows it to about 27 candidates," he said. "None were nobles, however. All commoners or at most business owners or ladies of the night, since a brothel was also set ablaze."

"Hmmm..... Are you sure the portrait was of a noble?" I asked.

"From what Lynette described, yes," He said. "Despite seeing only a partial, I agree.... The woman was definitely in a painting that indicates it."

I took a deep breath and tried to think while looking at the crazy wall, which was covered in all kinds of notes, sketches and such.

"Something's missing.... The connection between this woman and the three families could be what answers everything...... If that winged bastard didn't go and get himself killed, then he would have told us something by now," Emerson said.

"Still no luck figuring out what happened?" I asked.

"None.... My guess, he managed to block whatever happened from even me," he sighed.

"Great.... I swear, Warhol and Lieseil have me fed up with their games..... Even Father got migraines because of them...." I sighed.

"If only we find either Hermes or this woman..... Or if Alister and Bartholomew finally come out of hiding....." Emerson said.

"We can try another search--" Emerson said before he suddenly gasped, his eyes going white and the streak in his hair suddenly sprouting from its roots.

I sat up worriedly. "Emerson....?!"

"O-Our brother, a-and Lynette......" He mumbled blankly as his hand suddenly curved on the table and started to twitch.

I realized what that was and quickly grabbed a nearby notepad and pencil, putting both in front of him pencil in his twitching hand, and he began to quickly draw.

"What is it, what do you see?" I asked.

"R-Remington.... Lynette.... They're in danger...." He said blankly.

"What!? Who do you see!?" I asked.

"H-He's there...." Emerson mumbled. "T-They're at the shipwreck......"

I looked at the drawing and let out a deep breath.

Lynette on a familiar beach, arrow pointed at Alexander as he stood a few feet across from her.

"Oh no...." I said in horror.


I smiled as I watched her sleep, but then sighed.

She's so strong and brave.... She could have run away scared after seeing my world......

Yet she chose to stay, and help defend the people of a land she barely even knows, while also struggling with her own inner demons.....

I carefully wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close as I gently kissed her temple.

I will protect her with my last breath....

I closed my eyes as I held her close as I started to drift to sleep.

However, all of a sudden I sensed something.

I sniffed the air softly and felt my vision start going red, a growl resonating from my chest.

If unfortunately woke Lynette and she looked up in confusion.

"R-Rem-" she started to murmur, making me gently cover her mouth and surprising her.

"Shhhh.... Someone's coming...." I said quietly.

She looked up with wide eyes.

"Hurry, put your clothes on, we have to go," I whispered, removing her hand.

We quickly got up from the bed and pulled on our clothes.

Omce we were dressed, Lynette reached for her quiver and bow as I peered out the window.

Three hooded figures stood outside at the beach.

"Its them...." I snarled.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Come with me, but stay close to me, okay?" I said.

She gulped and nodded, arming a bow before we hurried out to the deck of the ship, peering over the edge.

The one in the middle then pulled his hood down, and that's when my suspicions were confirmed.

"Alexander....." I growled, feeling my claws grow out.

"Aldous.... I always wondered what your little hideaway looked like...." He smirked, that familiar deranged look in his eye.

"This is sacred land, Alexander..... Leave now and things won't get ugly," I warned as Lynette took aim next to me. "Or surrender now and we can go abiut this peacefully."

Alexander smirked before looking over at Lynette.

"Well this beautiful little creature must be the famous new Blackwell duchess I've heard so much about," He said. "Lynette, wasn't it?"


I gulped nervously as I kept my aim at Alexander.

"Lord Aldous gave you an order. Leave now or surrender while you still can!" I told him.

"I've been wanting so much to meet you..... The poor little Earth Realm girl, abused and left for dead by nearly everyone she knows," he smirked.

"You don't know anything about me!" I snapped, pointing the arrow at him.

He smirked as he looked up at me.

"Back on Earth, you were considered an orphan after being found abandoned in a dumpster, and placed in an orphanage, where you were rejected by one family after another, up until you were old enough to be thrown to the streets," he said.

My eyes widen at his words as he continued.

"You struggled until you met a man who promised you nirvana and sanctuary, however eventually he beat you and made your life miserable, made you think you owed him all of that for saving you," he said. 

"You leave her alone!!" Remington snarled.

"Your whole life you are left with answers  on why you were left to such a miserable life, yet you decided to figure out why someone else was making other people's lives miserable instead of thinking why any of that ever happened to you..." he said.

"I don't have any questions on my past, there's nothing left for it!" I snapped at him. 

"You sure about that?" Alexander asked. "I'm pretty sure your birth parents might know something...."

I froze at his words, but then shook it off.

"My parents are from Earth, and still there," I snapped.

He smirked. "Are you really sure about that?"

I furrowed my brows as then one of the rebels threw something at the ship.

I gasped and raised my bow at it.

"LYNETTE, NO--!!" Remington screamed as I shot the arrow and suddenly.


The small item blew up a few feet away from us in a bright flash and next thing I knew, me and Remington are sent flying backwards, off the ship deck to the sand below on the other side.

I groaned as I felt a loud ringing in my ears, my body in pain.

A bomb.... He threw a fucking bomb!!

I then felt arms shake me and I looked up, seeing Remington trying to talk to me but it was hard to hear him.

Soon enough I was able to slowly hear him, but it was almost like he spoke through a filter.

"...nette!! RUN...!! GET UP, LYNETTE COME ON!!" He shouted, his voice getting louder as my hearing slowly came back.

I quickly scrambled to my feet, gripping his hand as we ran.

I quickly turned around, loading my bow and seeing as they ran after us.

"There's the balloon! Hold them off as long as you can!" he shouted.

"Okay!" I said, aiming my bow once we arrived to the balloon.

I shot at one of the rebels, getting him in the stomach.

He fell to the ground as I kept running, before arming by bow and shooting the other one right in the eye.

I then aimed for Alexander and shot it, but his hand just shot out and caught the arrow.

My eyes widen as he snickered and snapped the arrow in half.

"I would have though you wouldn't be so damn predictable," he laughed almost maniacally.

"Get back!!" I shouted.

"Hell, you even look just like her, her damned twin!!" he snapped. "Only difference is you got stuck with your bastard father's eyes!!!"

"Who are you talking about?!" I snapped, arming my bow and aiming for his eye before shooting.

He caught the arrow with ease and laughed.

"You really have know fucking idea, do you!? I would have thought you'd know by now," he said wickedly, snapping the arrow in his fist.

"KNOW WHAT!!?" I screamed, trying to shoot again as I aimed for his neck, feeling panicked, but he kept catching all my shots like bugs.

"Come on, Lynette! You're a smart little princess!! Think!!" He snarled. "Think like your damn father did!!"

"What do you even want from me!?"  I shouted, trying to shoot again.

"The same thing that was taken from me, princess!!" he snarled. "Your crown...!!"

I looked at him in confusion, my arrow aimed at him. "What...?"

"I'm King of the Damned, for Christ's sake!!" Alexander snarled. "That bastard, Frederick, stole that from me, and all of a sudden YOU get to have it!? No.... No, I won't let you or Aldous take the crown from me....."

I looked at him, completely lost. 

"You're mad.... You're fucking insane!!" I screamed.

"Maybe I am.... But I know who you are.... So I'll make things easier for you...." he snarled.

I stared at him in confusion. 

"Hand me your crown.... Come with me...." he said. "In return.... I release my prisoners...."

My eyes widen in shock. 

"I don't know who you think I am.... But I'm not next for the throne by a longshot...... Frederick Blackwell and his mate, Larisa, are," I snapped. "Whether you like it or not!"

"Oh, princess, you have no idea how wrong you are..." he said with a sneer. "Ask your parents."

My eyes widen. "My parents are back on Earth, probably dead or something... They abandoned me!!"

"Somewhat right.... They just didn't have a choice....." he said. "They had to protect their little princess-"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" I screamed, shooting an arrow at him before grabbing a nearby piece of driftwood and swinging at his head.

I managed to hit him and knock him down, and went to swing down at him again but he sat up and kicked me hard in the stomach, then punching me in the face, sending me to the ground and knocking the air out of me.

"LYNETTE!!!" Remington shouted as Alexander stood up, but was suddenly sent flying back, slamming right into the hull of ship.

Remington rushed over as he held his hand up, a black streak in his hair and his eyes red.

I then noticed the balloon was in flames as I sat up.

"A-Aldous......." I asked in shock.

"Just trust me," he said, reaching into his jacket and tossing me a bottle with purple powder.

Transport powder...

"You know how to use it, right?" He asked.

I nodded quickly.

"Start the portal," He said when suddenly.

"ENOUGH!!!" A voice roared, making us jump as Remington got ready.


"AAAH!" Remington snarled, grabbing his shoulder and stumbling.

"ALDOUS!!" I screame din shock, rushing to his side.

Alexander laughed as I looked over and then noticed something on the ship and looked back at Remington.

That cannon..... Hmm.....

Once I got it, I then quickly took aim and shot an arrow, hitting the rope, knocking the cannon into the mast.

"HA! I thought you were as good as Lilath," Alexander laughed.

"Wasn't aiming for you," I smirked.

He looked at me in confusion as then thw whole mast fell forward, sail and all, and landed on top of Alexander.

"Aldous, come on!!" I shouted as I grabbed his arm and we ran back to the balloon.

He started pouring the dust as I then saw the ship, destroyed because of the bomb and the mast.

I looked back at Remington, my heart breaking.

This was his safe space..... Now its ruined....

I then saw some fire from the balloon burning with some driftwood with some of its fuel dripping.

I took one of my arrows and held it to the fuel, then to the flame, lighting it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Its not safe anymore....." I said, loading my bow and shooting to the ship's sail, watching it catch flames and burn slowly.

He pursed his lips as I looked back.

"I'm so sorry.... Better it be destroyed than in their hands...." I said painfully.

He nodded sadly at me as he got some flaming driftwood. "Let's go."

I nodded and hurried over as we stood over the pile of powder.


Bullets wizzed near our heads, hitting some of the rocks nearby.

"Do it, Lynette, NOW!!" Remington shouted.

"TO BLACKWELL CASTLE!!" I shouted as I slammed the fiery driftwood into the power at our feet and purple flames immediately engulfed us.

We soon appeared right at the courtyard outside and collapsed onto the ground in a heap.

I groaned as I sat up, my body feeling sore as I checked on Remington.

"Are you alright!?" I asked frantically as I held on to him, seeing the wound.

"I-I'm fine," he said, holding his shoulder. "Bastard shot me with silver."

"I-I thought that was a myth," I asked.

"Only if blessed by a priestess, which means that fucker has one," He groaned.

"Take my blood, quick, I'm still your source," I said, holding ny wrist up to him.

"Not now, you need to heal also," he said sternly. "I'm fine, it just stings..."

"I'm fine, too," I said, even though my body disagreed.

"ALDOUS! LYNETTE!!" A voice called and we turned to see Leda, Sebastian, Emerson and Shy rush towards us.

"What happened!?" Larisa asked as they arrived.

"Visigoths.... On the beach...." Aldous said. "I.... We had to burn the ship.... They had found it...."

Sebastian and Emerson looked in shock. "How.... Your balloon should have been cloaked outside of the kingdom....." Emerson asked.

"Someone must have tipped them off," Remington snapped, then groaned in pain.

"He got shot with blessed silver," I said.

"Lynette, your ear is bleeding," Emerson said in shock. "And your hand is burnt...."

I frowned and held my hand to my ear, then looked, seeing blood smeared on my hand, my other one blistered.

I must have burnt myself when I got the driftwood and didn't notice..... Or maybe even when I detonated the bomb....

"Leda, Shy, get them both to the infirmary," Sebastian ordered. "Now. We can discuss punishment for sneaking off once you two are healed."

Jeez... Seriously?

"What will you do?" Emerson asked.

"I'll be with the Andrew and the guards. If there's going to be an attack, we need to shut down the castle, and have the kingdom on lockdown," Sebastian said.

Leda helped me up as Emerson and Shy helped Remington stand.

"We have new information, too," I said before we could go. "Alexander knows something."

"Like what?" Sebastian asked.

I pursed my lips and looked down.

"He might know who my real parents are...."


The plot THICKENS !! 😱😱

Could Lynette really be connected to the Visigoths, or is there more to it?

What do you guys think is the connection between the mysterious woman and the three Obsidian families?? 🤔

Next chapter coming soon! 🌻

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Depeche Mode
"Enjoy the Silence"


♡~ sapphire.

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