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⚠️ Warning: mentions of violence in this chapter. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



We all stood on the courtyard, looking around as we tried to get an idea of what exactly happened.

We had found Avant Garde not far from here, unharmed but frantic, and Lynette's quiver and bow laying right in the middle of the courtyard.

Remington was a nervous wreck, and honestly I can't blame him. If this were Shy, I'd be terrified, too.

"Her scent stops just at the archway," Andrew stated as he walked over.

"Yeah, I can't get much of a read on her at the moment...." I sighed.

"Look at this..." Austin said as he grabbed something from the quiver, and I noticed it was a red envelope taped to it.

Remington walked over as Austin opened the envelope and pulled out a card, reading it.

"You have been cordially invited to the homecoming gala of the Lost Princess, tomorrow the 31st of October, 1833," he read. "Food. Drinks. Grand Show. More to follow."

"Princess?" Sebastian asked. "He's far too dillusional.... Why are they so convinced that Lynette is some princess?"

"He must really know something, but what?" Austin asked.

Remington took a deep breath before looking at me.

"Alan.... You ready?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I'll do my best to connect to Lynette...." I said.

He nodded as I motioned Austin for the arrow, having him hand it to me before walking to the center of the courtyard, ad pulled out the vial of black dust.

I poured it into a neat circle around me before sitting in the middle and closing my eyes as everyone had stepped back.

"Spiritus Vacui... Audi mandatum meum..." I chanted. "Ostende mihi puellam sagittam quam quaero...." (Spirits of the Void.... Hear my command..... Show to me with her arrow the girl that I seek....)

The wind soon started to blow around us as then I felt a strong heat overcome my body, and my eyes opening as my vision went completely white.....


I sat next to Genevieve against the wall of our cell, my cheek still hurting from Lilith's slap.

"You don't have any powers by any chance?" I asked her softly, looking over. "You're a priestess.... Any chance you have, I guess, magic, or whatever it is priestesses have?"

She sighed as she looked down, upset. "Alexander stole my magic, so I wouldn't be able to escape... Stored it in some talisman of his, no thanks to that damn fallen angel Lilith hired to brainwash.... At least that winged vermin was taken out like they all should..."

I took a deep breath and pursed my lips.

"I should have never left the castle...." I said, making Genevieve look over. "Alan was right, I should have taken sidelines...."

She frowned and patted my back. "You only wanted to protect us.... Don't be so hard on yourself...."

"Still.... Coming to Obsidian changed me, and that change just got me into a hell of a lot of trouble just now....." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "That stupid voice was right.... God, Aldous must be so worried..... I should have turned back when I had the chance......."

"Voice?" She asked, confused.

"Oh and there's that," I scoffed as I shook my head. "A voice in my head was telling me all these clues, and then told me I needed to head back home...."

"Is it a conscience?" she asked curiously.

"Well.... The voice said he could see what I could see..... So I guess....?" I shrugged.

"Hmmm...." she said, and I looked over.

"What?" I asked.

"I mean.... I know of a very complex potion that can let a person access another person's mind when they drink it, no matter how far. Last I heard, however, it was mostly experimental," she shrugged. "Its supposed to mimic psychokinesis in a way, but without controlling the individual...."

"So..... This voice is.... Someone connecting to my mind?" I said.

"Basically, yes...." she said.

"W-Who could it be?" I asked.

Before she could respond, Genevieve suddenly gasped and her eyes went white, her face blank.

"Genevieve? Genevieve!! What's wrong!?" I exclaimed.

She then turned towards me, looking confused.

"Lynette?" she said, but..... It wasn't her voice....

"G-Genevieve?" I asked, not knowing what happened.

"No, its me!" his voice said in surprise through Genevieve. "Its Alan."

My eyes widen as I realized it. "A-Alan? Wha....?" I said, confused.

"Looks like my mind projection is improving.... I ended up taking over another person instead of you, though... Oh well, at least an oracle like myself is able to connect to a priestess. This must be Lady Genevieve's form I'm using," Genevieve/Emerson said. "That, and I can't see you, or where you are... However, I can hear you..."

"Oh my god..." I said in shock.

"Are you hurt?" He asked. "Where are you right now?"

"I-I'm okay," I said. "I'm in the dungeons, but they won't release the prisoners, they lied. Something changed."

"Well no duh, you got captured," Emerson scoffed, crossing Genevieve's arms.

"Okay, thank you Alan, but how about saying 'I told you so' once we're all out of this mess," I grunted.

"Alright, alright, but Frederick's said it a bunch of times already," he/she shrugged.

I groaned. Oh great. Now I'm never going to hear the end of it....

"Please.... Just tell me you have a plan," I said.

"Working on it," He said. "Just hang tight. The Visigoths are planning something for tomorrow."

"Yeah, some homecoming party," I said. "They're convinved I'm some sort of lost princess."

"We don't understand it either," he said. "Is there anything you can tell to be able to help pinpoint your location?"

I took a deep breath and tried to think.

"Come on, Lynette.... Think like a vampire," he said. "What do you see? Hear? Smell?"

I tried to focus and look around, before standing under the nearby barred window above me.

I took a deep breath and tried to smell.

"Can't see much, the-the window's too high..... I-It smells.... L-Like rain... I-Its a bit humid..... I can hear the wind rustling through trees....." I said, concentrating on the smell. "Its also a smell of.... Pine?"

"Pine?" He asked.

"Yeah, like pine trees.... A-A forest?" I asked.

Just then there was a door slamming down the hall and I jumped.

"What was that?" Emerson asked.

"Shhhh," I said to him.

Soon the cell doors opened and two guards walked in, along with some man I've never seen before, dressed in all black.

All of a sudden...


I froze as the voice in my head roared in anger, and that's when I realized who this was.

"Amadeus," I snarled.

"Hmm... You seem to know who I am, princess," he scoffed.

I then ran up and swung my fist at him, punching him square in the jaw, causing him to slam against the cell doors.

"Lynette!? Lynette!!!" Genevieve/Emerson screamed as then her white eyes turned back to blue, looking around confused.

"Son of a bitch!!" I screamed as the guards then grabbed both my arms and pulled me back as Amadeus composed himself and I struggled."Let go of me!!"

"Enough!!" Amadeus snarled, grabbing my face, his nose bloody. "I will not have you disrespecting me just like they did!!!"

I glared at him. "You don't scare me.... You're just a sad, pathetic, jealous little fucker who betrayed his own people all because he can't handle rejection.... You should be ashamed to even consider yourself a man, damn you!!" I spat at him.

He then forcibly released me with a shove.

"Take the princess to the bedroom, so that she's fitted into her gown," He snapped at the guards.

The guards then started to drag me out as Amadeus slammed the cell door shut and locking it and I begin thrashing around..

"LYNETTE, NO!!!" Genevieve screamed in her voice, running to the locked doors and trying to reach to me, meaning the connection between her and Emerson must have been interrupted.

"GENEVIEVE!!! TELL ALAN ITS A TRAP, I KNOW IT!!! LET GO OF ME!!! AAAAAHHHH!!! PLEASE, TELL THEM, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!" I screamed as they dragged me and I tried to break free from their grasps.

I was dragged from the dungeons before she could respond, and then taken through some hallways.

It all looked like a mansion of some kind.

Eventually we arrived to some door and they opened it before literally throwing me inside.

I quickly got up as they shut and locked the door as I tried to open it.

"LET ME OUT!!! I screamed, pounding and kicking on the door. "THE BLACKWELLS WILL HAVE ALL YOUR HEADS FOR THIS!!"

"Take some time to calm yourself, little girl," Amadeus snarled from behind.

I growled. "YOU RAT BASTARD!! THIS IS WHY ELOISE HATED YOUR GUTS!!!!" I shouted, trying to push his buttons.

All of a sudden the door slammed open, hitting me and making my yelp as I was knocked to the ground.

Amadeus stormed in as I laid there.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN KNOW, YOU LITTLE BITCH!?!" he shouted, grabbing me by the neck and slamming me against the wall.

I screamed and struggled in his grip as he held me when suddenly....

"THAT..... Is enough, Amadeus," a voice spoke, and we turned to see Alexander strut in, a light haired girl with tattoos behind him with some gowns in her arms.

Amadeus grunted before slamming me against the wall, making me yelp and fall to the ground as he released me and then angrily stormed off.

I coughed and rubbed my neck as I sat up and Alexander walked over at me with a smirk.

"My, you definitely have proven to be quite a firey spirit, my dear," he chuckled. "I didn't even know you had that all in you.... You always were such a shy and quiet little thing."

"You dont know a damn thing," I snarled.

He chuckled and walked over, holding my chin in his fingers as he leaned in.

"Darling, you have no idea what I know," he said with a wicked smirk, making me smack his hand away. "I've watched you for a very long time, love."

I glared as he then snapped his fingers.

"Ciara," he snapped.

The woman flinched and then she stepped up "S-Sir...?"


(Picture: Ciara Bruce, portrayed
by herself)

"Make sure our little princess looks her best for tomorrow... Or you know what'll happen....." he ordered.

She whimpered quietly and nodded. "Y-Yes sir...." she said.

"Good. Enjoy," he smiled as he walked out, shutting and locking the door.

I grunted and got up before I grabbed a nearby vase before screaming and throwing it at the door.

Ceramic glass shattered and went all over the place with a loud crash upon impact.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" I screamed out at him, and then Ciara rushed over and held my shoulders.

"Please, please, calm down," she said. "He'll come back and beat you black and blue, trust me."

"I don't care, I'll die before I let him or Lilith hurt anyone else," I snarled.

"Its better you be living than dying ot dead," he said. "Please.... You want to fight, then you have to try to survive as long as you can, no matter what you have to do...."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down as I looked at her.

"Ciara, right? Your husband's the barkeep in that tavern?" I asked.

Her eyes widen. "Y-You know Ben?"

"I met him before they captured me," I said, pursing my lips.

"P-Please tell me he's okay? What about my kids?" she begged urgently, tears in her eyes.

"He's safe... He volunteered to stay behind after we evacuated everyone and be one of the night guards in town, to look for you," I explained. "He sent your kids with his mom to Wismont Island, along with the other refugees."

She whimpered and covered her mouth, trying to keep it together.

"Listen to me, though.... I'm from the Royale Council, along with the Blackwell Brothers, and we won't rest until we stop the Visigoths, even if we try and try again," I said to her.

She looked at me, as if observing me.

"You.... You're so familiar.... Have we met before?" she asked.

I took a deep breath."You're not the first person to say that to me...."

She looked at me curiously as I tried to stay calm.

"We should get started... Before we're both in trouble...." She said.

I took a deep breath. "Okay... I'm just hoping the Blackwell boys have a plan...."

She nodded. "You and me both...."

Remington... Guys.... Please hurry....


"LYNETTE!!" Emerson suddenly gasped as his eyes turned green again, meaning he was back.

"Alan!" I said in surprise as Sebastian and I rushed to our little brother and  knelt down in front of him.

I held his shoulders as Sebastian held his hand on my back. "What happened!? Did you see her?! Is she okay?!"

"I-I don't know, I could hear her, but my vision was blank the whole time," I said worriedly. "They're definitely planning something with her regarding this party."

Remington shuddered out a nervous breath as he let me go before helping me up and then pacing anxiously.

"She's with Priestess Genevieve,  though, I was able to connect with her," I said.

"Did our duchess give any indication as to where she is being held?" Austin asked.

Emerson tried to think but then nodded. "Yeah.... I think I know where they are...."

He then turned to Sebastian.

"You have a plan brewing somewhere in your head?" he asked.

We all looked at Sebastian, seeing it did look like he was thinking about something.

"I may have something building up.... It'll take a lot of risks.... That, and some of our best clothes....." he said, looking over.

Emerson then looked and me and smirked as everyone looked at each other.

"Good thing we're known for it... Let's get started...."


Picture: Emerson Barrett 🎩♥️

So, I want to apologize for not being around for a while and not updating.

A few weeks ago, a very close friend of mine, who I've known since my first year of high school and basically grew up with ever since, had taken his own life. It's hit me extremely hard, as well as for everyone who knew and remembered him. He was a kind and amazing soul, who made so many people around him happy, but inside him he was battling severe depression, anxiety, and suffering mentally.

The first couple of days after receiving the news have been hard, I've been loosing even more sleep, and grief was even affecting how i eat.

I had a billion questions in my head (Why did this have to happen?? What pushed him over the edge?? Did I ever do enough to help him?). Processing what happened was not easy at all, and I kept hoping it was all just some fucked up nightmare, and that he was fine, (I even tried calling his phone after I got the news from hiw in denial I was....)

I would also deal with many questions from many friends and family, like how I was feeling after the funeral, how did he do it, the usual stuff. I didn't really mind the questions, honestly, since I understand that to most of the people, its not every day someone is lost to them like this. All I could tell them was that I didn't know how, and honestly I couldn't even look at his body during the funeral. Reasons stem from childhood trauma mostly, but also, I didn't want to know how it happened either, because I don't want that kind of image in my head of him.

I want to remember him as I saw him the last time- alive, and smiling and laughing, and not as a corpse in a box.

I eventually started to accept the fact that he is unfortunately gone, despite still having questions, I had gone out of town for a weekend after everything, and started to feel just a bit better and just coping with everything.

Loosing someone this way is never easy, and I would never wish that on anyone. Life can be short for us and for everyone around us, and we can't take it for granted.

Struggling with mental health can be very hard, and its why its important to take care of it and make it a priority, not just for yourself but also for your loved ones.

As I mentioned before in my message board, talk with your loved ones as much as you can, espeially the ones who are going through a lot. You never know what they could really be going through, and even the small gestures like talking or spending even a little time with that person can mean to them more than you realize. Let them know they are loved and they are not alone. Hold them close and support them as much as you can.

Even if it does not seem so, it does get better, and you are not alone, and you have more worth than you realize.

Stay safe. Take care of yourselves and of each other. Much love to you all. 🌻

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Linkin Park
"Leave Out All the Rest" 

♡~ sapphire.

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