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⚠️Warning: This chapter contains scenes depicting blood, violence and death. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



A scream suddenly erupted from the hall as then three women collapsed, and I see Emerson, Andrew and Sebastian with blood on their mouth.

Two men were suddenly slammed against the wall across the room, blood splattering the walls as screams echoed the ballroom.

That's when I turned to see Larisa and Shy stood in the middle of the room, blood smearing their fanged mouths and clawed hands.

The room then filled with screams and chaos as four people propelled from wires down to the dance floor, and I saw it was Leda, Julian, Hyacinth and Bella, our other maid.

Alexander and Lilith glared in surprise at everything.

I held Lynette close as she clung to me, and we hurried out of reach from the mayhem. "Run, hurry to Shy over there," I told her.

She nodded and hurried over, holding her skirt as she ran to Shy, who unsheathed her sword nd stood with Bella.

"SHY!!" Lynette screamed as she ran towards her, making her turn when suddenly.....

"NOT SO FAST!!" Alexander snarled and I saw as he waved his hand.

Lynette gasped as the corset constricted her waist tightly, almost immediately pulled to a wasp waist.

"NO!!!" I snarled and ran towards him, tackling him down to the ground.


"Lynette!!!" I hear Shy scream as she quickly grabbed me and rushed me to a nearby hall with Hyacinth, Larisa rushing in as they sat me on the ground. "Oh no!!!"

"I-Its getting tighter...." I gasped with a whimper as I felt my waist getting smaller and smaller.

"Quickly, get this off her, or she'll snap in half!!" Larisa exclaimed as I felt my ribs constricting into my lungs.

"I can't, its sewn tight!!" Shy said frantically as she tried ripping it open.

"I got it!!" Hyacinth said as she grew her claws out and quickly sliced the dress open, making a loud rip noise.

I breathed deeply as the corset immediately went slack and I panted with relief as Larisa and Shy hugged me.

"Thank goodness," Larisa said with relief as I clung to them both, Bella ripping the corset off me and tossing it aside. "Just take slow deep breaths, you're safe now.... We're here...."

"I'm sorry I ran away..." I murmured once I caught my breath.

"Don't. It was reckless, but you're safe now, that's all that matters," Larisa assured.

I took a deep breath,the soreness on my waist slowly going away.

"Do you guys have my bow....?" I asked.

"Here, its here," Shy said as she quickly handed me my bow and arrow. "Fully loaded with a new trick Alan added."

"Good," I said as they helped me stand and I steadied myself.

"We got you newer clothes, too. Quick change," Hyacinth said.

"Okay," I nodded as she handed me a bag.


Remington continued to try to fight Alexander, who then pulled out a large dagger to him.

"Its a shame you're taking my little princess so soon, Aldous," He snarled, sqinging the dagger at him as Remington dodged it. "It was a very well-deserved family reunion after all!!"

I then sped towards him, grabbing him and knocking the stake from his hand as I slammed him against the wall and gripping his neck.

"Round Two, Alexander?!" I snarled, Remington getting closer.

"Looks like I win this round, seeing as you are technically killing your own people," He snarled.

"These traitors are no better than you or your deranged wife," He snarled. "You all funded and supported for all the imprisonment, death and destruction of Obsidian Empire and its citizens."

"Collateral damage," Alexander scoffed.

"Families were slaughtered because of you!!!!" I snarled, my grip on his throat tightening. "Mothers.... Fathers.... Children barely even a month old!!! All just to steal a throne that isn't even meant for you!!!!!"

He glared as he smirked dementedly at me.

"I will never show mercy to anyone who considers any of that as 'for the common good,' let alone supports any of it.... Especially when our parents fought to their last breath to keep it from you!!!" I sneered, then threw him against the wall again.

"My greatest kill yet," he snickered wickedly as he stumbled. "I still laugh when I remember how much your beloved Queen Mother screamed as I-"

"RRAAAAAHHHH!!!" I growled loudly and then threw him across the room, slamming him towards the chandelier, bringing it down with him.

I watched as it landed on top of 2 other people.

A woman then ran screaming before bumping into me, and thats when I recognized her.

"Countess Druidon," I snarled with a fanged smirk. "Its been a while...... Didn't expect to see you here...."

"Y-Your majesty, I-I can explain--!!"

I cut her off as my claws slashed her throat open, blood spraying me.

She choked on her blood and collapsed to my feet.

"Mother never really liked you anyway," I scoffed, licking the blood off my hands. "Always too chatty and nosy...."

I then noticed as Shy and Larisa appeared with Lynette, safe and sound and in new clothes that was similar to what the rest of the Blackwell women were all currently wearing, holding her bow and arrows. Larisa and Shy also wore similar attire now.

(Picture: Lynette's Current Outfit)

"Split up!" Larisa shouted and each of them and they went in different ways, Lynette shooting at a guy who were attacking Remington.

The minute the arrow hit the guardin the chest, he yelp and then exploded into a bright flash of light, turning into a pile of ash and sparkling dust.

Lynette seemed surprised by Emerson's new trick he added to her bow using a defensive spell he learned.

"NOT SO FAST!!" Remington snarled, and I see him about to go for Alexander, who was trying to escape, only for Alexander to wave his hand and sending him flying into the dining table nearby.

"ALDOUS!!" Lynette screamed, and went to shoot but he grabbed the arrow and snapped it in his fist before running.

I then looked around as Lynette grunted and shot at a guard that was coming for her while Aldous got back up, looking angry before going to Lynette.

Damn it... Where did Lilith go?!

Larisa rushed over just as guards came in and everyone started to fight them.

"We need to get the talisman off of Alexander, it can give us an advantage," She said.

In an instant, a guard suddenly came and started swinging a silver sword at us, and then...


Larisa then yelped and held her cheek, which was immediately covered in blood.


I heard a yelp and turn to see Larisa's cheek covered in blood.

Sebastian then looked over as his eyes then went red, and the red pieces in his hair appeared. However, his eyes glowed a much brighter red than i have ever seen before.

"Uh oh..." Remington said worriedly as he stood by me.

"You just injured my wife...." Sebastian snarled, his fangs protruding more, along with his claws.

The guard suddenly seemed nervous at Sebastian's sudden behavior shift.

"You have officially forced my hand...." he growled, almost sounding like some demon.

Just then he bought his right index finger to his lips, and knicked the tip with his fangs before pulling back his hand.

I watched in shock as then blood started to actually snake out from his finger and snake out, Larisa stepping back a little as the cut on her cheek began to heal, a small smirk on her face.

The guard dropped his sword and backed up in fear before Sebastian swung his arm and the strange blood whip met with the man's neck and next thing I knew, his head was snapped clean off and blood splattered everywhere.

I gasped in shock as his head rolled off and the body dropped to the ground.

"This is for the good of Obsidian!!!" Sebastian snarled, and swung his arm again, taking out another guard, and then another, and another.

"Starting to see why he was runner up on the throne, too," I said as we backed up a bit more.

"Yep," he said taking my arm. "Come on."

"The talisman. You have to get it away from him."

Now he decides to show up again.

"We have to get the talisman away from Alexander, and give Priestess Genevieve her powers back," I said urgently as we rushed to another direction, then shot an arrow at an upcoming guard. "Something tells me we'll need her here, too."

I nodded and tried to think. "Okay.... T-Those talismans I know store powers until you break them, and then the powers go back to whoever it belonged to."

I nodded as I looked over, seeing Alexander was fighting with some of our soldiers.

That's when I had an idea and pulled one of my arrows.

"Think you and Alan can get me a clear shot?" I asked.

"Let me find Alan and I'll get you close to Alexander," he said. "Be careful."

"You too," I said as we shared a quick kiss and ran in different directions.

I shot at another guard, and then another screamed as someone grabbed me from behind.

"Stop right there!! A voice snarled.

"GET OFF ME!!" I sneered.

"RELEASE HER, YOU ANIMAL!!" Shy snarled as she swung her sword at his back, disabling him and sending him to the ground as he released me.

I turned and saw it was one of the male guests who chose to stay and fight instead of running away.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem. Come on," She said as we hurried to help Leda and Andrew nearby.


I watched from the shadows as the wife of one of the top supporters backed up into one of the rooms.

I've met them before.... The husband is a con man, and she was always helping him.

I then growled and pounced on her, making her scream as I bit down on her neck and drained her.

I then let her go ad she dropped to the ground, dead, and I wiped my mouth.

"For the Void," I spat, then hurried out of the room, meeting with Remington.

"Alan, there you are," He said urgently.

"Did you find Lynette?" I asked.

"She's with Shy," he said. "However, we got to do something real quick which might help the prisoners."

"Which is?" he asked as we rushed out.

"The talisman that Alexander has on is storing Lady Genevieve's powers," he said. "Question is, how exactly do we get her powers out of that?"

"Is it that big stone amulet?" I asked.

"Yeah," he responded.

"Easy. Just breaking it can do the trick," I said. "Its a tough stone, however, If im correct, which is why we may need Lynette's arrows and good aim."

"You're a bit faster than me or Frederick. Think you can grab the talisman off Alexander?" he asked.

I scoffed. "When did you start suddenly underestimating me, big brother?"

He rolled his eyes as we rushed back into the ball room, seeing it was still a bloody battle, Blackwells vs. Visigoths.

"Ready?" I asked as I unsheathed my sword from my cane.

"Always. Go!" Remington said, and the we sped forward.

I took to the left while he took the right, taking out a few people as he went and dodging killed bodies.

I did the same as we came at Alexander from both sides while I saw Leda come up to him, her claws already grown out as she swung at him and dodged his dagger. Lynette also helped as she had gotten a nearby sword from a fallen guard and swung at him with it.

Just as I taught her. I'm so proud.....

.... Her form could use a little more flair and spark however, but we can work on that later....

Leda managed to knick his face with her claws before he waved his hand and sent her flying back right into Lynette and knocking them both to the ground a few feet away.

Remington then sped forward and punched him, which surprised him a bit and then gave me a chance as I sped right towards him.

I reached up and yank the talisman from Alexander's neck with my sword, catching it as I slid across the dance floor.

"NO!!!" he roared as then Sebastian grabbed him with his blood whip and threw him across the room.

"LYNETTE!!" I shouted as she and Leda stood up, then took out and arrow and arming her bow, and I throw the talisman up into the air.

She quickly raised her bow and shot it at the talisman, hitting it dead at the center of the large stone.

The second the arrow touched the stone, bright rays of pink light exploded and flooded the room, blinding us a bit.


I sat in my cell when suddenly I felt a sudden light filled into the dungeon.

I looked over as it suddenly a trail of pink light sneak into the cell and come right towards me.

I gasped as I looked around and then saw my chest was glowing, and suddenly began to feel much stronger.

That's when I realized what must be happening.

Alexander's talisman.... It must be broken!!

My powers are back!!

"Lynette... Thank you...." I smiled, knowing it must be her.

I then smirked as I faced my cell door, my hands glowing.

I then waved my hands and blasted the cell doors out of its hinges and destroying it completely.

I walked out and saw as some guards comign for me.

I smirked and waved my hands, slamming them hard against the walls and then to the ceiling.

I then grunted and threw them down the halls, where they laid still on the ground.

I then faced the cells, seeing all the prisoners peering on.

"Everyone stand back!!" I shouted.

I watched as they backed up and I held my hands up while concentrating, and then chanted a spell.

All the cell doors burst open and collapsed where they fell.

I hurried out to see the other prisoners

"EVERYONE HURRY OUTSIDE!!!WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!" I shouted, and then we all started to run out.

Two men took the weapons from the guards I took out as we all rushed out.

That's when I met up with one of the servant prisoners, Ciara, who ran towards me, along with a few others, and the girls fromt he Lieseil Dance Academy.

"Its the Blackwell's! They're slaughtering everyone in the ballroom!!" she said.

"Anyone associated with the rebellion is killed," One of the dancers said.

"So what!? They deserve it!!" one of the men snarled, everyone agreeing with him.

"Ciara, get everyone out through the sides," I told her. "Knowing the Blackwell's, they came with help. If you happen to find one of their soldiers or someone with them, have them help you."

"Yes, priestess," Ciara nodded as I went ahead. "Wait, where are you going?"

I turned back, clenching my fist, warmed by my own flames.

"I have a bone to pick with a certain King of the Damned...."


Finals Week has me more sleep deprived than usual. 💀💀💀

Also, there are about three chapter left to this story!

Hoping you guys have enjoyed the story up to this point. 🌻

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

M.I.A. "Bad Girls"

♡~ sapphire.

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