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⚠️WARNING: Chapter contains scenes depicting blood and death. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



We appeared back at the castle courtyard, the rain continuing to fall hard, as Remington held Lynette in his arms, blood pouring from her.

My body felt different, almost weak, and that's when I knew what it was.

Juniper was in the smoke bombs.... It was meant to mute most of our powers for a few minutes... So they can try to kill us easier.

"GET A MEDIC!!! WE NEED HELP!!!" Remington screamed as he tried to pick Lynette up.

Lynette cried out in pain as he did and quickly laid her back on the ground.

"We shouldn't move her, I'll get something to help," I said urgently as he handed Leda to Austin and then me, Andrew and Shy ran as fast as we were able to into the castle.

Our vampire speed is gone... Damn you, Lilith!!

"Hurry, Alan!!" Larisa cried out as we rushed inside.


I quickly took off my jacket and knelt down, Larisa with me.

"Lynette, we have to remove the stake and put pressure on your wound, at least until Alan comes back," I said.

She whimpered as Larisa gripped her hand, and I carefully but quickly got the stake and pulled it out.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Lynette cried out as I then quickly pressed my jacket against the wound as Remignton held her, trying to calm her.

"Ssshhh, shhhh, its alright, Lynette," Larisa tried as she sat near her while Remington held her.

All of a sudden, Lynette then started coughing up blood and convulsing.

"LADY LYNETTE!!" Leda cried in shock as Austin held her up, holding pressure on her bullet wound.

"R-Rem-" Lynette coughed, choking on blood as she struggled.

"What's happening to her!?" Remington asked frantically.

Lady Genevieve quickly knelt down to examine her wound.

"Oh no.... Lilith poisoned the stake!!" she said, having me look and sure enough, a strange green fluid also leaked from her wound.

Lynette whimpered weakly as she gripped Remington's hand.

"Rem.... R-Remi--" she coughed.

"Shhh shh, try not to speak Lynette, its going to be okay," Remington said, then quickly bit he wrist as hard as he could.

He managed to break skin only a little bit, seeing as though the juniper smoke kept his fangs held back, and I quickly grabbed Emerson's cane that was on the ground.

"Brother," I said quickly as I unsheathed the sword and he held his wrist out, having me slice it open.

He grunted in pain as he held his bloody wrist to her lips.

"Here, quickly, take this," he urged her.

"His powers are muted, though, will it work!?" Larisa asked frantically.

"I'm not sure," Genevieve said worriedly. "The juniper should be wearing off soon, but its different for most vampires...."

I pressed my wrist against her lips as she held onto it.

I stared in horror as Lynette tried to drink my blood, clinging to my wrist as she then pulled back, but coughed more blood.

"Lynette, j-just stay calm, it's gonna be okay," I mumbled.

She let out shakey, slow breaths as then her eyes started to close

"Lynette, no no no no hang on, hang on, please," Remington begged frantically. "Listen to me, okay, you're going to be okay. You'll feel better and-and we can go away for a while, yeah? W-We can even go to Vancouver, just like we had planned when we met... Like you always wanted....."

She groaned in pain as she looked up at me with scared and tired eyes.

"I-I don't know what's in Vancouver but w-we can find something to do, just you and me, I-I promise," I whimpered as I held her face in my hands. "Please, just... D-Don't leave.... Don't leave us, don't leave me, please......"

She coughed as more blood dripped from her lips, tears pooling in her eyes. "I f-feel... Its co... I-I'm cold...." she struggled to say.

Emerson then came running back outside with the others, a few items in his hands.

"Here, I bought something to cauterize her wound!" he said.

"N-No, it... It... Its too late...." Genevieve whimpered in shock as she held onto Lynette's other hand...

I quickly felt her pulse on her neck and pursed my lips as I felt it getting slower, then looking up at my brother's pained face, tears forming in his eyes.

"No..." Shy cried as Larisa pulled her close.

Lynette then weakly reached her hand up to Remington's face as her labored breathing started to get slower.

"R-Remington....." she mumbled almost incoherently as he held her.

"P-Please...." he cried.

"I-I..... I love y-you...." she whimpered softly, tears streaming down her face.

He whimpered as he looked down at her. "I... I love you, too..... I'm so sorry...."

She tried saying something else, but gasped weakly as she went a bit stiff, gripping to his arm, but then suddenly breathed out and fell limp in his arm.

I felt as her heartbeat slowly came to a stop, her hand falling to her side.

"Nooooo, Lynette.....!" Shy sobbed as Larisa hugged her close, also crying.

Leda cried and looked away, Austin holding her consolingly as Genevieve, Andrew and Emerson watched with tears in their eyes.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Remington wailed as he clung to her, holding her lifeless body close to him.

I pursed my lips, holding back tears as I slowly reached out and gently placed my hand over her lifeless blue eyes, closing them.

"Go now, dear soul, into the Void.... Your journey has come to its end.......Hear the angels sing, as the moon and stars guide you from this life into the next one...." I prayed softly for her as we all mourned. "Rest now in paradise..... Lynette Smith...."

My little brother held his mate as the rain fell hard on us, kissing her forehead before crying into her hair.

"W-W should get her inside, Aldous...." I said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder.

He cried as he buried his face into her neck, and then that's when something suddenly felt a bit off.

All of a sudden, Remington's black hair suddenly grew out on half of his head.

"A-Aldous?" I asked, confused as he cried quietly.

That's when he looked up , his eyes blank and a bright red, red as the blood that started to suddenly stream down his cheeks, the white in his eyes now black, and a furious look on his face as his fangs protruded even more than usual.

My eyes widen as everyone looked at him, and suddenly horns then sprouted fo from his head.

"Oh no...."Emerson said nervously, shielding Leda and Austin.

"B-Brother...." I said nervously as we backed up slowly. "T-Try to calm down.... P-Please......"

"Aldous, wait, calm down, w-we're going to avenge her, we-" Alan tried when suddenly....


Next thing we knew, as Remington suddenly roared loudly, glowing almost red, we were all blasted backwards by a strong force, shattering all the windows and shaking the grounds.

We all went flying right into the surrounding woods and landing in different aread.

I landed hard against a tree, hitting the ground, and then everything went black....



The young maid slapped the reins of her horse as she trotted on the road, until the manor finally came into view a few yards away.

"Finally," I said with relief. I then paused and looked back worriedly at the distance, seeing a trail of black smoke rising from far away and splitting the gry sky in two.

"I hope that isn't the castle...." I mumbled softly.

I looked down at the bag I carried under my cloak.

This is valuable treasure I'm carrying with me....

The Obsidian Crowns. The research obtained throughout the past few months. Anything regard the true identity of the Blackwell Brothers.

Other valuable things were included, like some of King Buckminster's and Queen Marguerite's old belongings (jewels, letters, heirlooms, irreplacable things), and also the pocketwatch Lady Lynette and Lord Remington obtained.

I also had to carry in a sack on my back Mishka and Pepper, who Lady Shy gave a sleeping potion to in order to sleep throughout the trip.

I took a deep breath.

"Let's go, Muse," I murmured, patting the horse's chestnut colored neck, and slapping the reins to continue, letting him trot forward.

I was soon arriving to the manor, where a familiar young red and black haired maid exited the front and smiled at me.

"Billie? What a wonderful surprise!" she greeted excitedly as I came to a stop.

"Hello, little Jay," I smiled as I climbed down. "Hopefully they've treated you well here."

"Sempre," a voice said in Italian, and I turn to see Viscountess DeAngelis coming down the stairs.

I bowed respectfully. "Viscountess DeAngelis."

(Picture: Victoria DeAngelis of Måneskin)

"Its good to see you again, Billie. Of course, something tells me your visit is not out of pleasure," she said curiously.

"I only wish I was here for that.... I'm afraid to say that things are bleak in Obsidian, and there's trouble back at the kingdom," I said, then reached into my bag and pulled out the crowns.

Her eyes widen. "Le corone reali...?" She said, confused, then gave me a serious look. "What has happened?" (The royal crowns...?)

"They've all gone to fight the Visigoth Rebellion head on and rescue the kidnapped Duchess Lynette,"

Her eyes widen. "Kidnapped?! A Blackwell duchess!?" she asked in shock.

"They seem to know something regarding our new duchess, Lord Aldous's mate," she said. "However, we've all tried finding connections to what it could be."

The vicountess let out a shakey breath. "Dannazione..... This is very serious... Come, we can discuss more with the boys," she urged. "Jay, prepare a room for our guest, please." (Damn....)

"Yes, milady," Jay nodded with a bow as we all quickly went back inside.

I just hope everyone is alright.....


Bloody tears continued to stream down my face as I carried Lynette's limp body, into the newly destroyed castle.

My love.... I couldn't save her...

I cried as I held her close, and soon made my way to the chapel.

I sniffled and gently laid her down on the alter.

Was I truly too late to save her...?

I sniffled as I looked at her "I'm so sorry....." I mumbled to her, my hand on her face.

I then sensed something and looked back, and growled as I realized what it was....

The Visigoths.... They're here.....

I stood up and turned slowly and there she stood, in the middle of the aisle, her own bow and arrow in her hands.

"You did this...." I snarled at Lilith.

"She had a chance to be accepted back home.... However she chose this fate instead," she spat.

I glared as she walked over.

"If you knew what I knew.... You would have never bought her here....." she said. "If anything.... This is your fault..... Her blood is on your hands....."

I looked at her in shock.

"Be honest, demon... Did you really think you would have any sort of life with her?" she scoffed in disbelief. "Look at yourself... You're an abomination... Hell, a worse one than your brothers....."

I looked up at her with a glare.

"...She's wrong..."

Wait.... What was that....?

"You should have kept her on that disgusting realm where you found her....." she said, then turned to the guards in the back as they entered.

"Take him outside... I want all of Obsidian to know this...."


....I can feel many people plotting my murder.... Especially -SADGRRLFRIEND..... 😅😅💀

Managed to finish this chapter and decided to post it today. 🌻


🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Poppy "Sick of the Sun"

♡~ sapphire.

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