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⚠️ WARNING: Chapter contains scenes depicting violence, blood and death. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️



The guards grab Aldous by either arm and proceeded to drag him outside.

The juniper in his system should be wearing off soon... Yet he wasn't putting up much of a fight as they dragged him off.

Not like he had much of a fight left in him... His heart and soul laid dead on the alter.... It was over....

He could only hope his brothers and friends are safe....

"Amadeus! Make yourself useful with that disgusting stump of yours and grab the girl!!" Lilith barked as he walked over..

"Yes, your greatness," Amadeus said, and walked over behind the guards that took Remington.

"Take him to the courtyard," she snarled as they dragged him outside.

Amadeus huffed and looked back at the lifeless Earth Girl's body on the alter.

He chuckled and walked over.

"I only wish I had seen Eloise's lifeless face to laugh at.... You're her spitting image, however, so this is just even better...." he laughed.

He went to grab her with one hand, annoyed that he had no help especially witb his new handicap.

"Damn it..." He snarled and then.


He froze and slowly looked up at the corpse, seeing it was still.

"What the...." he said, and quickly reached over and checked the girl's pulse.


He just scoffed. "You're paranoid, Amadeus," he said to himself.

He went to grab Lynette again when...


He stopped and looked up, seeing Lynette's body slowly moving a little.

He was not imagining things...

All of a sudden, Lynette gasped and eyes opened wide, revealing....

Blood red eyes.... Fangs in her mouth....

"Oh no...." Amadeus said in shock as he backed up and she sat up and turned towards him.

However, before he can even take one step back, Lynette growled and pounced on him like a wild animal, burying her new fangs deep into his neck as he screamed.

Amadeus screamed and struggled to get the girl off him as he felt her sucking his blood hungrily.

It wasnt long until he fell limp to the ground as Lynette drank what was left of him.


Blood.... I need..... Blood..... So good....

I groaned as I drank the sweet nectar from the man's veins, onky seeing red.

I felt him suddenly go dry and pulled back as suddenly, as if a light switch went off, my vision was back to normal, and everything suddenly tasted like metal.

I coughed and gagged in disgust as I fell back and wiped at my mouth, and saw Amadeus, bloody and dead on the ground, almost skeletal.

I gasped and back up in horror, then saw my hands.... Covered in blood....

O-Oh my god.... H-How....

What... What happened!? Where is everyone!?

Did.... Did I.... Did I kill him!?

That's when I remembered everything and my eyes widen in shock.

I was dead.... That stake went right through my heart.....

I gulped as I slowly stood up, wiping my mouth.

I looked down at Amadeus, then calmed myself as best as I could.

He's dead... The man that caused so much pain for many years.... I.... I killed him.....

I don't know how this happened, but I did it.....

I gulped as I took a deep breath, steadying myself as I glared at him.

"That was for the Blackwell's.... A-And for Eloise....." I muttered at him.

That's when something occurred to me.

Remington got his blood in my system before I died.....

A-Am I.......??

I gulped and looked down and pressed my hand over my chest, but frowned in confusion

I... I have a heartbeat....

I looked around, so confused and not knowing what was going on, seeing I was back in the Blackwell Castle, in the chapel by the alter.

The stained glass windows were all shattered, however, and everything was knocked over and almost completely destroyed.

Did... Did I become human again? How is this possible?

"W-Where is everyone....?" I muttered softly in confusion looking around.

"No time for questions right now. He needs you!! Hurry!!"

I gasped as the voice in my head urged, and I then remembered something.

"Remington...." I gasped, noticed my my bow and arrows at the foot of the alter and I exited the room.

My god, what happened here!?

Every window was shattered, along with mirrors and other items, things knocked over and broken.

"There she is!!" A voice shouted as I'm met with a bunch of rebels.

I quickly loaded my bow and shot at them.

One then threw a hatchet at me, which I was able to dodge before shotting an arrow at his head, turning him to dust.

I kept running, trying to find him.


I then found my way outside, and gasped as I looked at the courtyard, seeing it was still raining hard.

That's when my heart stopped at the sight before me.

Lilith stood over Remington, who was held by two of the hooded guards, Alexander standing nearby.

That's when I saw the stake in her hands.

"NO!" I gasped and hurried down the steps towards the courtyard where they were.


The guards had me dragged out and held me on my knees as Lilith approached me.

I then started thinking, hoping I was wrong, but still did it as a way to comfort myself.

Emerson... If you're there... Look away.... Just look away, little brother.....

I glared at Lilith as she held the stake to my chest.

"Any last words, monster?" she snarled.

I just glared at her as looked down on me.

"Only this.... Stake me or my brothers as many times as you wish.... Obsidian will never truly be yours...." I said. "You will never be Queen Mother....."

She grunted as time suddenly went quiet and she bought the mallet down, and I close my eyes...

"I love you forever and always, Lynette.... I'll be with you very soon...." I murmured.


Everything was silent, and my breath stopped as Lilith bought the mallet down and the stake pierced through Remington's chest.

I gasped as I felt the horrible ache immediately radiate inside my chest.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" a blood curdling scream erupted from my throat, echoing as Remington's body slumped forward.

My bow slipped from my hands as I immediately broke into a run towards him.


I pushed two of the guards aside before throwing myself at Remington's side, holding his still face in my hands as I sobbed.

"No, Aldous, NO!! STAY WITH ME, PLEASE!!" I screamed.

"L-Ly-L-Lynn....Lyn-nette......" he mumbled, looking surprised but weak.

"Stay with me, please, Aldous, please," I cried, hanging on to him. "T-Take my blood, please, Aldous! Aldous!!

He groaned weakly as black veins started to appear on his skin and soon he went completely still, falling limp in my arms..

"NOOO!! Aldous!! Aldous, wake up please please don't leave me, Aldous, please!!!" I sobbed him as I held him in my arms. "Please, oh god, Aldous, wake up!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"


I cried out as a strong force struck me across the face, knocking me to the ground.

"Vampire thirsting whore," Alexander snickered. "I don't know how you're alive after that, let alone human, but we'll be taking care of you soon enough."

I groaned as I rolled onto my side in pain, tasting my own blood, when I noticed the stake still poking out of Remington's chest as I laid next to his body.

I looked over, seeing a familiar face looking beyond the bushes as I struggled to clear my vision.


He looked horrified, seeing his brother dead next to me, tears streaming down his face.

He saw everything....

I pursed my lips and nodded at him before looking, seeing as Liith had her back turned while Aleander stood over me.

I then, in an instant, quickly took the stake, standing up, and screaming as I ran it through Alexander's chest.

He gasped in pain as he looked at me in shock, everyone freezing and surprised.

Lilith looked horrified at us as she turned around.

I glared into his eyes as I twisted the stake deeper and then leaned my lips to his ear.

"For the Void.... And for Aldous....." I snarled as I pulled the stake out of him, letting him fall to the ground.

Emerson's jaw dropped in shock as he then disappeared into the bushes.

"NOOOOO!!!" Lilith screamed as she tackled me to the ground and before I knew it the mallet that was still in her hand struck down on my face and it all went black.


I groaned as I woke up, feeling freezing cold and my body in pain, my brain pounding against my skull.

I sighed as I opened my eyes and saw I was in a dimly lit room.

I grunted as my vision cleared and saw it was.... A dungeon.... Almost similar to where I was with Priestess Genevieve.

I tried moving, only to realize my hands were bound above my head by manacles hooked to the ceiling of the cell and I was standing, barely on my toes, back in the same dress I had when they kept me in here.

"Some time here will make you cool down," A voice snarled.

I turned and saw Lilith standing there, glaring at me.

Everything then came back to me and I grunt and pull at the chains, trying to charge at her.

"LET ME GO!!!" I screamed.


She then swung her hand and her palm collided with my cheek, making me yelp in pain, tasting blood.

"You're the reason my husband is fighting to live right now after that stunt you pulled," she spat. "You no good bastard child!!!!"

I groaned as I tried to see straight again.

"But I'm willing to forgive your little tantrum and grant you mercy...." she said.

I looked back up at her with a glare, my cheek stinging.

"Tell me the real names of Frederick and Alan Blackwell and where they are right now, and I might consider letting you go," she snapped.

I looked up at her in shock.

They all escaped.... Thank god....

She then grabbed my face and leaned in close to mine.

"START! TALKING!!" she snarled. "You're alredy on thin fucking ice, and my patience has worn out!!!!"

I can't reveal who they are.... Everyone will be in danger....

Remington.... Oh god, I'll never see him again....

"You tell me everything, and I'll let you go," she bargained, then dug into her shirt. "Maybe even send you off with a souvenir.... You might even enjoy it...."

She pulled out a chain she had with something hanging on it.

I whimpered in horror as I realized what it was as she snickered evilly, almost derangedly....

Remington's fangs..... S-She didn't.....

I whimpered held back tears as I looked away, but then looked back at her with a glare.

I then growled and spat right in her face

"Ahh!" she yelped, stepping back and wiping at her face.

"I'm not telling you shit, you evil hag....!!" I snarled. "They're gonna find you, and tear you to fucking pieces, just you wait!!! YOU WON'T FUCKING WIN THIS WAR!!!"

"You little bitch!" she snarled, as then a storm of fists and kicks hit me in all directions, like I was some punching bag.

I'll protect them with all I can, Remington... I promise you....


Emerson and I continued running through the forest, going as fast as we could as rain from the storm fell like bullets and looking for everyone.

"Alan, hurry!!!" I shouted as we ran.

"Wait!!" Emerson shouted, making us stop as he panted once we arrived to a clearing. "Wait!!! W-We have to go back!!"

"We can't now, we have to go!!" I urged him.

"Lynette risked herself for us!!!" He argued. "We can't just leave her and Aldous behind!!!"

"I know!!" He shouted through the rain. "But we are no match without our powers!!" I said.

He whimpered softly as we looked back.

"Our brother..... Lynette...." He said, his eyes watery. "T-They killed him...."

I tried to fight back my tears as I took a deep breath, looking at my little brother.

His hair was soaked and sticking to his face, and he shivered in his clothes from the cold, looking scared and lost......

He looked so small.... It was like seeing him the day we woke up by the shipwreck.....

Add to that it was Remington who first found him before I found them both..... Then just knowing that he saw everything....

My heart ached as I rushed over and pulled him into my arms as I hugged him, letting him cling to me.

"I'll come back for them, I promise you.... But we have to get to safety first...." I swore to my little brother. "We're mo good until our powers come back."

All of a sudden, we hear galloping and froze as then 2 horses approached us.

"GO!!!" I shouted as we went to run, gripping his hand as we ran.

"STOP! Its us!!" we heard a familiar voice shout.

We turned and saw it was Austin and Leda riding them, one of them I realized was Avant Garde. Leda also seemed healed from her wound.

"Hop on, hurry!!" Andrew shouted.

I quickly climbed onto the back of Andrew's horse, Emerson riding with Leda on Avant Garde.

"Where's Shy and Larisa!?" Emerson shouted.

"Austin's getting them," Leda assured, and slapped the reins.

We took off as quickly as we could into the rainy night...

As we rode, I looked back and saw the fires burning red and hot across the land, despite the harsh rain falling.

Our people.... Our home....

I pursed my lips and looked down in shame as I clung to Andrew while we hurried through the storm to our sanctuary.

We failed... Obsidian has fallen....

I sniffled quietly amd looked back at my Emerson as he clung to Leda.

Mother... Father.... Please forgive us...

Remington... Lynette... I'm so sorry.....


{•In Another Part of the Void Realm•}

The tired white hawk flapped his wings as he flew, trying one last spot.

He finally found the known estate and swooped down.

He traveled for many days and nights, persistent on following his orders before giving ip and flying home.

He swooped into the open balcony he found, and screeched with glee at who he fpund.

The man held his arm up to the large bird, who landed and perched himself on the man's arm, chirping excitedly.

"Horus.... My old friend.... How did you find me?" The voice slowly chuckled. "Bring some nourishment for our loyal little visitor, please."

"Yes, my lord," The young maid said.

"He's been traveling all this time?" the soldier sat across from the older man said in surprise.

"He can fly for weeks on end," the man explained. "A very resilient creature."

The bird only chirped as the man retrieved the message from the bird's carrier, and then he was set up on a nearby chair to rest after his long journey.

The man opened the letter and read it:

To Lord Alister Warhol,

You don't know me, and I know you are in hiding, but we desperately need your help.

My name is Lynette Smith. I am from the Planet Earth realm, and found myself in the Obsidian Empire, along side Aldous Blackwell and his brothers.

The Visigoth Rebellion you worked so hard to rid from your empire has risen again, and are trying to overthrow Frederick, Aldous and Alan.

Somehow, it is possible that I have a connection to not only this rebellion that I have no further knowledge of, but to this empire itself, which makes no sense as I am only an orphaned girl from Earth.

The empire needs you, Alister Warhol. Your people need you, same with Lieseil..... Or Obsidian will fall....

Please help us.

-Lynette Smith

"Lynette Smith..... Hmm...." He mumbled softly in thought, then looked at his companion. "What a peculiar name....."

"As mentioned, she is the duchess at Blackwell Castle, born in the Earth Realm.... However, there is something of her that not even she seems to know or understand," the soldier explained. "She needs answers, and the rebellion may have them, hence their taunts and threats...."

The older man put the letter down and began to think.

"I see things have become quite interesting on my leave," he sighed as he gently pet the majestic bird who perched on the arm of his chair. "Those Blackwell boys were always troublemakers...."

Horus chirped curiously as then the man stood up, cane in hand.

"Albeit, they do tend to have a.... Unique way of doing things.... However, they've taken care of things in your absense, my lord," the soldier added.

"I don't doubt that.... However I do believe it is time the Warhol Stars come out of hiding... We've trained enough..... Don't you think, Leo?" he asked his right hand.

"I do believe so, sir.... The fate of Obsidian depends on us once again," he said.

"And this young duchess, Lynette.... She sounds.... Interesting.... Almost familiar....." the man said curiously. "I should meet her..... How could she have a connection to this realm...?"

"I'm not sure... We'll need to meet her in order to find out ourselves, sir..." Leo said.

The man nodded and turned to the soldier. "You sure there is nothing found, Samuel?"

Samuel sighed. "Nothing as far as I know, unless they found something while we were gone, or know what you've told me.... Look, I appreciate all you have done for me and my men, but we need to hurry home. They might be worried and we have no idea how things have turned in our leave, or what's happened...."

"Which is why I propose you and your men join us," the older man said. "The Warhol Stars are always up for new recruits, especially now that Obsidian needs some backup.... You're skilled already, so trainingwould barely even take days, enough time to prepare for the journey back to Obsidian, which is far...."

Samuel's eyes widen, but then pursed his lips.

"You have something planned.... Don't you....?" He asked.

"A few tricks," he said. "Its time I show my mother and father their place...."

Samuel thought about it, then nodded and took a deep breath, holding his hand out. "Very well.... Me and my men are at your service.... Lord Warhol...."

(Picture: Alister Warhol, portrayed by Nigel Mogg)


e smiled and shook the soldier's hand.

"Excellent, lad," he said, and turned to Leo. "Then Leo, ready the soldiers and summon Hermes....As well as our new recruits..... We're going home...."

"But.... Lord Warhol.... What of Lord Lieseil?" Leo said. "We still don't know of his current location or whereabouts....."

Alister Warhol pulled his jacket on before turning to the young vampire with a smirk.

"We'll find him..... Or he'll find us, whichever comes first....
Believe me, he wouldn't want to miss the rest of this show...
... No one would...."

{•To be continued... 🥀•}


🩸🖤 Sequel coming soon!! 🖤🩸

I hope you all enjoyed this story so far! Stay tuned for more, coming very soon! 🌻

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Starbenders ft. Remington Leith "Precious" (Depeche Mode Cover)

♡~ sapphire.

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