How Does A Moment Last Forever-Battle of Sokovia

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6 months later, Sokovia, Amara's POV:

I whip around with a roundhouse kick, successfully knocking away 2 advancing robots. "Duck!" I hear Cap shout ,and I tuck and roll as the red, blue, and silver shield whizzes over my head and decapitates several foes. "Nat! I need a gun!" I shout while fending off another robot goon. She makes her way over and tosses me a simple yet effective pistol. Without looking, I shoot five Ultron minions behind me. Touching my comlink, I ask, "Tony, Thor, you got that machine worked out yet?" "Not quite, sweetheart." Tony responds immediately. "Have you wiped out the demon robots yet?" "This is harder than it looks, metal man. Bet I could break that thing in a heartbeat." "I'd like to see you try, beautiful." Steve cuts off our banter with, "Quit the flirting you two, and get-Freefall, watch out!" I whirl around as an enemy wacks me in the chest with the force of a titanium wall. Even with my superstrength, it hurts like hell. I fly backward into the grasp of the one and only, completely insane Ultron. He clutches me by the throat, cutting off my air supply, and I drop the pistol instinctively as the metal monster flies to the edge of the city. I start to lose consciousness as I jab and swing at the AI beast. He just chuckles evilly and swings me over the edge. A five thousand foot drop is all that stands between me and certain death.

Same battle, Tony's POV:

"Freefall, watch out! Agent Freefall? Amara!" Spangles shouts in my earpiece. "Miss Perle's communication link has been disconnected, sir." JARVIS informs me. "Where is she, JARVIS? Cover for me, Legolas." I say and scan the area quickly. "You're lucky the world is going to die, or else-" "Yeah, yeah." I mutter, catching sight of Amara on the scan. "Sir, Miss Perle's oxygen levels are decreasing rapidly." JARVIS informs me and I fly as fast as I can toward her and the metal menace clutching her by the throat. I'm only a few meters away when Ultron tosses Amara's limp body over the edge of the levitating city. "NO!" I scream and dive after her, but the insane android sends me flying through the glass wall of an office building. I skid against a wall as the building starts to crumble around me. I struggle to stand, all my thoughts echoing, I have to catch Amara...

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