How Does A Moment Last Forever-Character Stats

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*This is the reader's character. If you want, you can change Amara to Y/N*

Name: Amara Selene Perle / Freefall

Age: 37

Job: SHIELD Field Agent / Part-time Avenger

Love: Tony Stark

Alliance: Good

Personality: Bold, cocky, quick-witted, curious, stubborn, ambitious, observant, fiercely loyal, outgoing, has a fiery temper

Looks: Fair skin (freckles across nose), auburn hair (shoulder length, very curly), dark brown eyes (kind of cat shaped), a little tall (5'7"), slim


Amara grew up in a happy, stable family in the state of Illinois. When she graduated college, with a doctoral degree in terrorism studies, she applied and got a teaching position at MIT, where she worked for the next 8 years. She had a few boyfriends, but didn't really feel anything for any of them. She was crossing the street one day at age 34 when a car appeared out of nowhere and slammed into her, the hood exploding in the process. The driver was apprehended and jailed for 6 months, and Amara was in the hospital for the next 3 months, consequently losing her job. During physical therapy one day, she astounded the trainers and herself when she reached a speed of 75 mph on the treadmill without even breaking a sweat. Then she saved another patient when a bookshelf almost fell on him. Amara leaped forward an astounding 20 feet, caught the 300 pound shelf, and held it up while two trainers helped the man to safety, then pushed the bookcase upright and held it to the wall while a mechanic bolted it to the wall. After being released from the hospital a week later, she was paid a visit by a Mr. Nick Fury. He offered her a new job at SHIELD as an agent and to pay for the hospital care. Amara jumped at the chance, and for the next year, she jumped through the ranks, eventually becoming one of the best field agents and often worked with Black Widow and Hawkeye. She assumed the alias 'Freefall', based on her enhanced agility and often impulsive behavior. She fought with the Avengers against the Chitauri and admired Tony Stark's selfless decision to redirect the missile through the portal and likely die himself. He survived, though, and a month later, he threw a party for no apparent reason. It was there, after pestering Natasha to let her leave, Nat formally introduced her to Tony and left with a, "There, now she's your problem. I need a drink..."

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