How Does A Moment Last Forever-The Party

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At party, Tony's POV:

Nat walks up to me with a pretty woman who looks rather bored. She introduces the auburn-haired beauty as Amara Perle, who I now recognize as the super strong lady who helped us defeat the robo aliens about a month ago. Nat then walks away, muttering something about 'now your problem' and 'I need a drink'. I turn to the new girl and say flirtatiously, "Amara, huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." She raises and eyebrow and immediately shoots back, "Tony, huh? A good name for a stubborn playboy billionaire, I suppose." I smirk. Clearly this girl has some wits about her, unlike quite a few others I've met. "Nice place." she notes, glancing around the room. "I mean, among all NYC's generic skyscrapers, this one has a giant, glowing 'A' on the side!" Amara finishes sarcastically. "Sassy." I respond quickly. The bartender looks over and I ask for a round of drinks as Legolas and Point Break walk over. Ms. Perle leans over and whispers something in the man behind the counter's ear. He nods to her as Thunder Boy practically shouts, "A drinking competition would be enjoyable at this moment!" I nod, smirking as the bartender pours our drinks.

Amara's POV:

Less than an hour later, Robin Hood dude has quit, Metal Man's wobbling on his feet, and Thunder Guy is jabbering on and on about his 'amazing feather pillows' in his Earth apartment. Stark seems astonished that I'm not passed out or even slightly woozy. Little does he know, I haven't had a single drop of alcohol all night. A few shots later, Point Break (Stark keeps calling the thunder god this) stumbles to a couch and promptly falls asleep. Stark sighs and says, "Fine, sweetheart, you win. Ms, Perle, care to reveal how you won?" I start laughing at the tipsy billionaire and have to take several breaths to calm down. "Well, Mr. Tony Stark. It just so happens I am allergic to the taste of bare alcohol, so, consequently, water is all I have drunk tonight." He stares at me in disbelief as I continue, still trying not to laugh again, "Instead of feeling tipsy and giddy, like yourself and 'Point Break'-" I gesture to Thor "-I only feel humor and the strong need to use the restroom." He shakes his head in wonder as the bartender winks at me. I smirk back, look at the billionaire host, and ask, "Where would that be?" "Uh, JARVIS, answer her." Stark spits out, looking rather woozy. "Leave through the black door, take a left turn, then a right turn. The ladies' restroom will be the first door to your left, ma'am." The AI replies from the ceiling "Thanks, JARVIS." I say to the nearest security cam and saunter to the black door referenced. "Always happy to help, ma'am." he says as I wink at a dazed (and now slumped on a couch) Tony before heading to relieve myself, a satisfied smile on my lips.

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