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"Hey Katara," Jet ran up to the girl as she was leaving school at the end of the day.

"Wait up," he painted as she turned down the road to walk downtown.

"Oh hey," she turned to him confused.

"Where you heading?" Jet asked as he walked with her curiously and she kept her arms covered over her torso.

"Home? What do you want jet?" She sighed knowing he only wants something from her.

"I just wanted to walk with you, don't act so glum kat," he teased a little and she frowned.

"Please don't call me that," she pursed her lips.

"Sorry," Jet rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Look, I just.. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out for dinner or something sometime?" He stopped her and Katara paused with wide eyes.

"What?" She made a face.

"I think your really pretty and your really nice... and I feel bad for making you do something you didn't want too, so can I take you out?" Jet smiled softly, Katara hesitated and looked away.

"Sorry jet, I don't think I want a relationship right now," she mumbled but he grabbed her hands.

"I like you Katara, please," he asked again gently.

"You blacked mailed me Jet," she crossed her arms.

"You agreed to the deal," he groaned. "It was a joke,"

"It wasn't funny," she glared.

"Whatever come on," Jet rolled his eyes.

Katara was about to open her mouth but gasped a little seeing a familiar face walking across the street to a certain tea shop.

"Zuko?" She whispered running from jets grasp and jogged to see if it was him.

She saw Azula and a man walk into the shop as Zuko looked different, he wore a nice shirt and jeans. There was a new tattoo peaking from the collar of his shirt, it was still red so it must've been a few days old.

She gasped seeing iroh inside as the store wasn't open for customers since he just got back from his trip.

Zuko had his hands in his pocket as he stood with his father and sister.

"What is the meaning of this Ozai?" Iroh narrowed his eyes.

"Here is 50 grand," Ozai handed his brother a yellow envelope.

"Zuko is staying with me," he grinned.

"What?" Iroh breathed in horror.

"I think he's more financially stable with his only parent left, I can grant him a proper education, a boy should stay with his father and what little family he has left," Ozai said with a shrug and iroh looked at the boy.

"Zuko speak up, what is the meaning of this?" Iroh looked at him disappointed. "Did you ask for this?"

"Yes sir," Zuko gulped.

"Look at me," iroh said in a low tone. He didn't.

"I was gone for two weeks and I'm loosing my boy? This is illegal!" Iroh barked and Zuko flinched at the tone.

"I adopted him! I took him in when you beat him and burned him! You have never given that child love!" He raised his voice.

"Kids why don't you go outside for a minute, the adults have to talk," Ozai looked at them flatly and Zuko nodded walking out.

"I shouldn't have gone with," Zuko hissed as he grabbed his cigarettes and lighter.

"Zuzu your literally fine, chill out," Azula rolled her eyes and grabbed the cigarette from his mouth. He quickly grabbed her wrist and yanked it back.

"Dont fucking touch me," he breathed.

"Uncles going to hate me," Zuko covered his eyes a little. "He already hates me,"

"Boo hoo, you want to be apart of dads life, he should understand that," she scoffed waving away the smoke from her.

"S-sure," he sighed looking down.


He snapped his head up and saw Katara walking over concerned. Zukos eyes darted down again as he inhaled more of the nicotine.

"Where have you been?" She walked up to him as Jet jogged over.

"Kat you need to go," he whispered as he pulled her away from the other two.

"You disappeared, what happened? Are you okay?" Katara looked at him worried.

"I-I'm fine," he looked away. "My dads.. here,"

"How long till you can go back home?" Katara gulped a little.

"I-uh I'm living with my dad now... he wants me back," Zuko rubbed his neck a little around his throat.

"What?" She whispered horrified.

"Just with working with him a-and all, it'd be easier, and I only have my dad," he said looking her in the eyes but his tension told her otherwise.

"Dumbass, what about your uncle?" She smacked his arm a little, not to hurt him but to catch his attention.

"He'll understand it's for the best," he gulped.

Katara frowned a little and looked back at the shop seeing the two men yelling at each other, pain was on the old mans face.

"Can we hang out tonight? I miss you," she asked quietly.

"I can't," he shook his head.

"Please?" She grabbed his hands.

Zuko hesitated as he stared at her, her blue eyes looked pleading as she squeezed his hand tighter.

"Yea, sure," he gulped and she smiled hopeful.

"Zuko, Azula, let's go," Ozai walked out as iroh was no where to be seen. Zukos heart sunk a little.

"I'm going to be out for the night, I'll be back tomorrow," Zuko told him calmly. Katara turned to the man and narrowed her eyes.

This was the first time she's seen the man she knew her friend feared, but it was scary to see how similar Zuko looked like his father.. he didn't look pleased when his son spoke.

"Please? He's my best friend," Katara hugged zukos arm and batted her eyes.

"Your gross," Azula called from the back.

Ozai watched her as Zuko was tense under his fathers watch. He was about to call it off but Ozai interrupted him.

"You've been working hard," he nodded and Zuko let out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding.

"Then I'm going to ty lees," Azula scoffed and Ozai nodded at his daughter to approve.

"I'll see you tomorrow, don't get in trouble," he told them coldly and they both nodded as he left them.

"Asshole what the fuck?!" Katara hit his shoulder as soon as Ozai was gone.

"I-uh Katara?" Jet waved from the side.

"Sorry, I have plans," Katara frowned and Zuko smiled gently at her as she didn't let go.

"Wow kind of a bitch move kat," he smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they walked away together.

"He's been annoying me," she hugged him around the chest.

"But you, we're definitely talking when we get back to my place," she said in a warning tone.

Jet gulped a little as he remembered when they were young... it felt like deja vu seeing how the boy was under his fathers watch. The defensiveness, the insisting, the coldness... it was all to familiar.

"What a dumb ass," he scoffed shaking his head.

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