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Zuko sat in the back of a car as Ozai sat on the other side, he was wiping the fingerprints off a gun as Zuko looked bored staring out the window.

"You can drop me off here," Zuko said to the driver and the car stopped.

"Don't tell me you aren't embarrassed of me Zuko?" Ozai raised a brow at his son as Zuko unbuckled his seat belt to get out.

"We're co workers, I just like to keep my private life away from my work life, try keeping it professional," Zuko said flatly but grunted when Ozai grabbed the back of his head and pulled him close by his hair.

"Do not think yourself as my equal boy, I am your boss and you are my employee, show some fucking respect," Ozai snarled in his ear and Zuko closed his eyes turning his face away.

"Sorry," he whispered as his father let go of his hair aggressively.

"Also, by next weekend get better at your aim, you look like a fool who doesn't know how to use a gun," Ozai glared at him as Zuko got out of the black vehicle.

"... yes sir," Zuko bit his pride and closed the door.

He sighed at the freedom of someone not breathing down his neck, he grabbed his cigarettes but didn't realize his hands were shaking.

"Fuck me," he tried holding his lighter but his hands trembled for much.

"Need a hand?"

Zuko paused and saw jet walking up to him, Zuko narrowed his eyes and lit his cigarette before jet got close.

"I'm not in the mood," he scoffed.

"Dressed up for a date?" Jet looked at him as Zuko wore a very dark green button up with black jeans that had holes in the knees, his tattoo peaked from the bottom of his rolled up sleeves.

"Just got off work," Zuko inhaled deeply and watched jet get closer. He raised a brow looking at the car that left Zuko behind.

"Yea? You a dealer or something?" He chuckled but coughed when Zuko blew smoke in his face when he turned back.

"Wouldn't sell to you if I was," Zuko said flatly and started walking.

"This is like a mile from your place?" Jet followed him curiously.

"How do you know where I live?" Zuko glared at him.

"Saw you working, cute shop," he hummed but wheezed when Zuko elbowed him in the gut.

"Leave me the fuck alone, you dirty lying bitch," Zuko looked down at him darkly and he held his cigarette in one hand.

"I'm not in the mood Jet," he said again.

"Wait I literally just saw you on the street, I'm not doing shit!" Jet snapped back but Zuko didn't care.

"I would've loved if you just ignored me," Zuko quirked a brow seeing jet still wasn't leaving.

"Yo are you and Katara still doing your thing?" Jet asked curiously as he caught his breath.

"What's it to you?" He frowned.

"Look Kataras a nice looking girl, fine piece of-" "finish that sentence and I'm breaking your thumb," Zuko warned quickly and jet put his hands up.

"I'm just trying to see if she's available, take her on a nice date or something, have you seen her body? She's a cutie that I'm just trying to get on my arm ya know," Jet waved his hands in defense seeing zukos glare harden.

"She's single, but don't even fucking try it," Zuko stepped closer to him but jet took a few steps back.

"Got a crush on her? She's very nice looking buddy," Jet nodded smirking.

"No, but I know she won't even hesitate to put scum like you down when your only objectifying a woman, she's not a body, not a piece of ass, she's a kind person with fucking intelligence and if that's not the reason you want to take her out then get the fuck out of my sight," Zuko grabbed him by the shirt with a sneer as Jet felt his soul leave his body.

"You are a possessive man, wow okay you can let go," Jet smiled nervously but Zuko clenched his fist full of jets shirt.

"Kat can make her own choices, so no I'm not possessive, I don't care if she dates someone, but I know I'm not the only one that's gonna make sure she's not getting used," Zuko shoved him back and Jet felt like he could breathe again.

"Yea sure, she's the one being used, ironic," Jet chuckled under his breath.

"Since your not in love with her or anything, maybe I'll keep it on the table, love our chats, Lee," Jet watched Zuko leave with his broad back turned to him and smoke following the paler boy.

Jet had a mix of adrenaline and fear as he touched the ruffled fabric that Zuko clenched. He couldn't wait to see how the bastard was going to react to those news Jet had waiting.

No it wasn't today, or tomorrow, Jet smiled knowing he had time, lots of time, it was a good thing he was a patient man.

Zuko sighed as he locked the shop door behind him as his uncle was already gone for his trip, luckily.

He went to the back door that led up to the stairs to his home, his feet felt heavier and heavier as he walked inside feeling mentally drained. Zuko unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it on the floor when he got in his room and flopped on his bed, still in his jeans.

"Hi durk," Zuko mumbled into the pillow as his cat paws at his shoulder.

"I'll feed you later," he whispered and pulled the cat into his arms.

"Guess it's just you and me this week buddy," he buried his face in the scruff of durks neck.

He felt a nap crawling up on his as he relaxed in his bed and pulled a blanket tucked on the side of his bed that was stuck between the crack of his mattress and wall, pulling it over himself. He already worked today, he was going to take the rest of the day off, he was exhausted from dealing with shitty people all day, he just wanted to be alone.

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