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"Sokka are you okay?" Zuko asked unamused as Sokka was standing in front of the Ferris wheel in awe as he was eating a large pretzel.

"I'm doing good, what's new with you?" Sokka didn't take his eyes off the wheel as Zuko stared at him flatly.

"Dude get your shit together, Kataras getting suspicious that your high," Zuko grabbed him to bring back.

"Your high too!" Sokka whined hugging his arm.

"Dude your a lightweight," he hissed sharply but saw some classmates walking around and groaned seeing Olivia.

"Sokka get it together I need help," he shook him a little as Sokka slowly put more soft pretzel in his mouth with his head up to the sky.

"God I hate you," Zuko whispered but looked over his shoulder when Olivia was walking over.

"Zuko hey, how are you?" Olivia blushed a little making her way to them as Sokka clung onto him like he was a heated blanket.

"What do you want?" He asked bluntly.

"I just wanted to say hi, I'm sorry for how I acted before and left," she touched her hair nervously as Zuko was pushing Sokka away from his face.

"I don't care I'm busy babysitting," Zuko motioned to the other boy.

"Also you never apologized and still called my girlfriend a whore," he told her a little softer so Sokka didn't freak out.

"It's just Katara? I've heard rumors and she lets things go easily," Olivia shrugged not understanding.

"Says the desperate," Zuko rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Hey Aang!!" Sokka suddenly screamed pointing at their friends coming back as Toph had her own soft pretzel and Katara and Aang shared popcorn.

"Go away Olivia," Zuko turned from her as Katara looked at them nervously. Zuko handed Sokka off to Toph.

"Hey, here's your change, thank you," Katara handed him a few dollars back and he kissed her forehead gently when he took her hand again.

"Thanks love," he squeezed her hand gently for comfort.

Katara leaned against him smiling a little relieved of the feeling she had before when she first saw Olivia talking to her boyfriend, she didn't know why Olivia made her so nervous now, she knew Zuko was annoyed by her all the time. But that's also how they use to be...

"We found a house of mirrors we should do!" Aang bounced excitedly. Zuko looked at Sokka unsure if he can handle it.

"Sokka and I are gonna hang outside," Toph spoke up.

"You don't want to go?" Katara asked concerned.

"You know I've never liked mirrors," she said sarcastically. "And we're both still eating so..."

"Gotcha..." Katara rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed.

"Come on I want to go on rides after before there's long lines," Aang begged the two as Zuko stole some popcorn.

Katara held zukos hand as she dragged him to the house of mirrors while he glanced back as Sokka who was staring the Farris wheel again while Toph gave appa sokkas pretzel.

"Your acting funny," Katara noticed and Zuko cursed how observant she can be.

"I didn't think Olivia would be here," he mumbled but still felt relaxed from the high he was able to have going still.

"Yea I know, she got ruder since you told her we're dating," Katara pursed her lips a little but gasped when Aang ran into the mirror house and was gone.

"Oh fuck we lost Aang," she blinked and Zuko groaned.


"Kaaaat!" Zuko hit a clear plastic window as he was lost in the house of mirrors now.

"Kataraaaa!" He yelled unable to find the exit anymore.

Suddenly she was gone, he let go of her hand to check a text and now he was alone in the mirrors.

"Aang!" He yelled louder for either of them at this point.

"Are you lost?" A little boy asked confused.

"Shut up no I'm not lost," Zuko defended quickly as the child looked at him not believing a word the teenager said.

Zuko huffed calming down and went to figure out how to get out but hit his head against the mirror he ran into. Only to hear the little boy laugh at him behind.

"It's not funny!" He spun to the kid embarrassed.

"You're funny," the child giggled.

"Are you lost or something? What do you want?" Zuko crossed his arms feeling trapped.

"Yea, my big sisters left me behind," the kid seemed maybe six or seven, he had dark brown eyes and dark curly hair. He wore overalls and held a cheap toy bunny he must've won at one of the carnival games.

"That's kind of shitty, my girlfriend left me behind," Zuko raised a brow at him.

"Shits a bad word," the kid frowned.

"Well shit happens, let's get out of here," he shrugged but ran into the same mirror from before. The little boy burn out laughing again as zukos face turned red.

"It's this way," the boy pointed behind them but ran into a mirror next. Zuko snorted covering his mouth when he fell on his butt.

"How about I go first and I'll keep a hand out so we don't get concussions," Zuko offered his hand to help the kid up.

"My names Zuko by the way," he smiled a little as the kid held his hand and stayed close.

"I'm Jacob," the little boy squeezed his hand. "Can I have a piggy back ride?"

"Haven't your parents taught you stranger danger?" Zuko raised a brow picking him up and the six year old held onto him.

"I'm wearing all black and have tattoos, you need better judgement kid," he rolled his eyes.

"My mom wears all black and has tattoos, she also has jewelry on her face, so do a lot of her friends, they're all really nice like you," Jacob hugged around his shoulders.

"I cussed," he made a face.

"My sisters say bad words," Jacob nodded.

"Dont just let random strangers pick you up, fuck dude, I'm going to see you on a milk carton next week," Zuko scoffed shaking his head. The kid trusted him way to easy for his own safety, he's lucky he's not a kidnapper.

"But your not scary?" Jacob stuck out his tongue. Zukos face softened for a moment and smiled to himself.

"Yea get better judgement," Zuko sighed a little but they both ran into a mirror again.

"You get better eyes!" Jacob yelled back holding his head in pain as Zuko rubbed his own forehead annoyed at the hit.

"I'm blind in one dipshit!" Zuko argued back.

"You still got one functional one stinky pants!" Jacob glared back at him as Zukos jaw dropped.

"Where is your mother?!" He looked at the child wide eyes.

"Where's yours!?" The darker skinned child huffed.

"May we should go back inside," Katara put a hand on her hip as everyone waited outside the house of mirrors.

"He's high as a fucking kite in there, he's never getting out, have fun finding a new boyfriend," Sokka waved them off as Aang and Katara looked at him surprised.

"What does that mean?" Aang asked confused.

"When did you two smoke?" Katara narrowed her eyes.

"Ignore lightweight over here," Toph snorted shaking her head.

Zuko walked out of the house of mirrors with jacob on his hip, he saw his friends all arguing and frowned confused.

"Do you see your sisters?" Zuko asked with a sigh putting him on his shoulders to see above.

"No..." Jacob frowned a little.

"Do you know your moms phone number?" Zuko brought him back down to have on his hip.

"No, but her and my dad are here too," Jacob said with big brown eyes looking around.

"Why don't you stay with me till we find them, or we can go to the security and see if they can help," Zuko told him and the six year old nodded hanging onto him.

"Hey guys," Zuko waved them down as three pairs of eyes looked at him in shock.

"When did you get a baby?" Sokka asked shocked.

"This is Jacob, he's kind of a fuckhead but he's cool, anyways we can't find his sisters or parents," Zuko told them calmly as Jacob waved.

"Your girlfriends way to pretty for you," Jacob looked at Zuko casually.

"I'm going to drop you," Zuko glared back at him.

"Zuko don't threaten the child," Katara crossed her arms.

Jacob smiled smugly at Zuko as the teenager glared darkly.

"I want to get rid of it, help me find its parents," Zuko said stressfully.

"Aw your kind of good with kids Zuko," Aang cooed as Jacob rested his head on zukos shoulder getting tired as Zuko held him against his chest.

"Dont," Zuko stopped him and Katara smiled a little at him.

"What's your mom and dads name?" Zuko asked him hoping Jacob didn't fall asleep.

"Jacob!" They heard and Jacob picked up his head from zukos shoulder to see his parents walking over bewildered.

"Hi mama, hi dad," Jacob waved as a African American woman with a sleeve of tattoos and a lavender sundress walked over wide eyes with a taller man that had red hair and freckles across his pale face.

"We both got lost in the house of mirrors, here's your kid," Zuko handed the six year old to his parents.

"Thanks for getting me out Zuko," Jacob waved back as the red head father held their son relieved he was unharmed.

"I hope you get glasses soon," he smiled brightly but Zuko could see the devil horns on the child.

"Thank you," the mother smiled at the high schoolers.

"It's not a big deal," Zuko crossed his arms but Katara nudged him.

"Your welcome," he mumbled and his girlfriend nodded happily.

"Come on I want to go on the farriswheel," Katara told him brightly as the family went to find their daughters next as Jacob sat on his fathers shoulder while the parents held hands walking across the fairgrounds.

"I don't think I'm ready for heights," Sokka shook his head.

"You're the one that wanted to go to the carnival!"

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