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Katara gasped when she heard something hit her window as she was doing homework after the sun went down. She rubbed her head thinking it wasn't real but there was another tap.

She walked over confused but she paused seeing Zuko standing outside. He looked up at her and threw a pebble at the window. She pulled her hair out of its messy bun as she opened the window.

He threw another pebble and it hit her in the forehead.

"Ow," she held her forehead in pain as Zuko looked unamused.

"Your right, I deserve that," Katara gulped and he nodded.

"I want to talk," Zuko called up to her with his hands in his pockets.

"Y-yea, definitely," she nodded and closed the window before running down with a hoodie thrown on and her slip on vans.

She closed the door quietly as Sokka and Hakoda might be sleeping by now. She walked around the corner to the front of the house seeing Zuko waiting for her.

"So..." she hugged her body nervously.

"Tell me what the fuck that was all about?" Zuko said seriously and she bit her lip.

"I'm not going to degrade you for it," he sighed seeing she was stiff and keeping her head down.

"When were you going to tell me?" Zuko looked to the side.

"I-I don't know..."

"So you were going to just keep going as long as you could before telling me it was some stupid bet?" He asked confused.

"I wish it didn't happen in the first place, I tried-I tried calling it off so many times," Katara pulled on her sleeves to cover her hands more.

"Why would you agree to it in the first place?" He gulped a little.

"Because I didn't know, I didn't know you or who you are, it wasn't suppose to be serious," she explained.

"It was just me and Jet, it was suppose to be a stupid bet to get you to fall in love with me, I didn't think it would actually you know- I didn't know you would actually give me the time of day, and then we got closer and I really liked being your friend, I really like who you were, I forgot about the dumb deal until Jet kept bringing it up," Katara told him as Zuko tapped his foot and crossed his arms.

"When did you make the bet?" He asked quietly.

"The day You showed up, the first day you came to school," she said quickly.

"So it was a lie from the start?" He covered his face a little shaking his head.

"I never was fake with you, who I was with you was completely me, I never changed to get you to like me, I promise," Katara walked a little closer but he took a step away.

"Zuko I love you," she whispered and he flinched when she touched him. Katara pulled her hand back.

"I'm sorry, I know you.. I know you probably regret it and hate that you went with it," Zuko rubbed his neck unable to look her in the eyes.

"I know... it's just I-I trusted you a lot, and after everything it just was.. it reminded me of things I've been trying to forget," he whispered and she nodded.

"Just.. don't lie to me anymore, okay?"

Katara looked at him surprised as he kept his eyes down. He still looked hurt.

"I won't, that's the only thing I've hid from you, i hid it because I wished I never did it," she nodded quickly with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I know I can't change what I did but I wish I never did it," she felt tears run down her face.

"It was petty and sick, I'm so sorry Zuko," Katara hiccuped a little falling to her knees.

"You didn't deserve that, I can't- I don't know how I can make it up I'm so sorry I hurt you, I never wanted too hurt you," she sobbed with her hands at her sides and her shoulders shook.

He touched her face gently and wiped her tears with thumb. She cried harder as he pulled her into an embrace and held her tightly. She sobbed into his black jean jacket and held onto him tightly as she gasped to breathe while she cried.

He closed his eyes as he let her cry, he knows the pain of making a mistake and feeling like it was irreversible, like someone would hate you forever before even thinking about forgiving you. He knew this pain she felt of humiliation and shame for a mistake. He knew she was sorry.

"Just tell me the truth, okay? I'm tired of lies, from everyone, not just you," he whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"I promise, I swear I won't lie, I promise," she whimpered as she didn't want to let go of him.

"I'm sorry," Katara hiccuped.

"I forgive you," he said calmly.

"So did you take the winnings?" Zuko raised a brow.

"No I won't take them," she pulled away wiping her face quickly from the tears and little bit of snot.

"Dude definitely take jets money, rob that fucker," Zuko smiled a little patting her head as she looked at him surprised.

"Wait what? Isn't that..." Katara sniffled more as she used her sleeve to wipe her nose.

"I don't care about that, take his money, get that booze, and I'm taking that parking pass," he smirked as he got back up. Offering her his hand as well.

"Okay," Katara blushed a little as she took his hand and stood up.

"I can't believe I cried like that in front of you," she groaned covering her face.

"Kat, Ive literally told you about my trauma, you can cry all you want for all I care, I can't judge you for your snot bubbles if you don't judge me for my record," Zuko rolled his eyes as she frowned.

"What did you go to jail again recently?" She made a face and he whistled a little.

"What?! When?!" She yelled surprised.

"Like when I lived with my dad?" He scrunched up his face and her jaw dropped.

"... I do not make snot bubbles," she whispered covering her nose.

"Oh you definitely do,"

"Stop it!"

They looked at each other as she glared and he shrugged a little.

"Alright good chat, I'm going home," Zuko saluted with two fingers as he went back to his motorcycle.

"What your not going to stay?" Katara whined a little.

"You still have some snot from your bubble," he teased.

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