Chapter 7

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"Of course," I said quickly. "Of course, I'll stay."

He let go of me and crossed the room to his dresser. He opened a drawer and fumbled around for a moment, then pulled out a large shirt.

"Here," he came back over and handed it to me, "I don't know if you want to change or-"

I took it instantly and thanked him. He turned around as I began changing, and I smiled to myself. After I finished putting his shirt on, I turned around and walked over to him.

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?" I asked quietly, wrapping my arms around his.

He nodded silently. I took his hand, and lead him towards his bed. It was meticulously made, like a soldier's. I pulled back the sheets and clambered in. He followed me, and laid down next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked after a few moments.

He thought for minute, and I put my head on his shoulder. When he stayed silent, I reached over to his opposite shoulder. His breath caught as I gently touched the area between his scarred skin and the smooth metal.

"You can tell me," I whispered. "It won't change anything."

He sighed and closed his eyes. "They took Steve and," he paused for a moment and blew air out of his nose, "And you. And they told me to choose who I could save, and that if I didn't choose, they'd kill both of you."

I though I felt my heart break as he talked. All I wanted was to make everything bad he felt go away. But I knew I couldn't do that. All I could do was be there. To talk if he wanted to me to talk; to listen if he wanted me to listen; to just lay there if he just wanted me to lay there. I kind of assumed he wanted the latter, so I scooted even closer to him and pressed my lips against his neck softy. His arm wound its way around my waist, and his cheek settled atop my head.

"It's okay, it's just a dream."

"I know," he sighed. "I know."


I woke up the next morning wedged between Bucky's arm and his torso. He snored softly beside me, his hair falling across his face. I smiled to myself and pulled his arm closer to me. He exhaled loudly and shifted slightly, putting his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled even wider, and put my hand back on his face.


"Hey," he said quietly and opened his eyes a little bit.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Better after you came."

I turned so that I was facing his chest, and kissed his shoulder. "Good."

He pressed his lips to my forehead and propped himself up on some pillows so be was sitting up a little more. I sat up and gathered my hair on top of my head in a bun.

"I need coffee," I announced, and he smiled at me.

I crossed the room and found my clothes from the night before on the couch. I pulled my jeans on under the shirt and tucked it in.

"I think I'll keep this," I smirked and walked back over to Bucky.

He rose his eyebrows and put his hand on my hip as I reached the side of the bed. "That makes things a little obvious, doesn't it?"

"Nobody needs to know who owns it."

"Good point."

"It'll be out little secret," I kissed him softly. "I'm going down to the kitchen."

"I'll wait a few minutes," he said, getting out of bed. "See ya down there."

I nodded and peeked out into the empty hallway. After making sure that nobody was there or coming, I slid out and began walking down towards the kitchen. When I reached it, Tony, Natasha, and Steve sat at the table eating waffles that Wanda was helping Pepper make. I poured myself a cup of coffee from the machine and took a seat next to Steve and an empty chair. Bucky entering moments later, got himself coffee as well, and sat down next to me. He had changed into a pair of black joggers and a navy hoodie.

"Cara, Bucky, you guys want waffles?" Pepper asked, pointing her wooden spoon at us.

We both shook our heads.

"New shirt, Cara?" Tony asked, grinning slightly.

"Yeah, it is."

Bucky smirked into his cup and I kicked his leg under the table. He covered his surprised cry with a fake cough, and Steve rose his eyebrows at him suspiciously.

"So who's the boy?" My brother questioned in a high pitched voice.

The corners of my mouth turned upward, and I stood. "Well if I told you that would ruin all the fun, now wouldn't it?" I picked up my mug and walked towards the lab, imagining Tony's reaction as I turned away.

I walked towards the lab, my hand finding the small object in my pocket. Once I had made it to my desk, I pulled the flashdrive out and tossed it on the surface. I stared at it for a few moments, sipping my coffee and debating wether or not to open this can of worms.

"Why the fuck not," I murmured, and quickly plugged it into the USB ports that connected my desk to the hologram screens.

I selected the file off the flashdrive and tossed it up in front of me. Immediately, it denied me access, and I reached into my desk for my decrypting drive. I plugged it in next to the other flashdrive, and tossed its screen up next to the other. I hit the decode button, and began typing whatever showed up on the hacking screen onto Bruce's file. Several long minutes later, a small box popped up, asking for a pin. I cracked my knuckles proudly and smiled slightly.

"Alright, Bruce," I muttered to myself. "Let's see what you were hiding."

Decoding a pin is easy. If you have the right software and know how to press enter on a keyboard, you can crack almost any pin by almost anybody. But then come passwords. A little more difficult, but still not too bad. I was feeling confident, so I decided to try guessing the password a few times before letting the software do its job.


I sighed, my fingertips hovering over the keyboard. Okay, maybe that last one was a long shot, but I had hope for the guy. I was about to hit the decode button on the hacking screen when I thought of something.


The screen didn't flash red like it had when I entered other things. Instead, it went black. I swore loudly. Of course, I'd managed to guess the wrong password so many times that the flashrive deleted itself. Natsha shoudl've gone to Tony for this. Sure, I can hack minor things, but the guy hacked the Pentagon in high school because he was bored. My phone began buzzing suddenly, and I quickly picked it up.


"Hey, Cara. I wanted to ask about that little project I gave you," Natasha said quietly. "Have you found anything?"

I sighed heavily and my shoulders slumped. "Listen, Nat, about that-"

A quiet beep from the screen in front of me cut me off. I looked back up, and my eyes widened. The word TRACK was splayed across the screen in white letters. I reached forward and hit the enter on my keyboard. I gasped quietly, and my face broke into a grin.

"Cara? What's going on?" Natasha's voice brought me back to reality.

I swallowed and stared at the screen in front of me. "You need to come to the lab. Now."

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