Chapter 8

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"It's a tracker. I can't believe it."

"Nat, we don't know that that's what it is. It could be a dead end, just like the quin-jet's tracker. If it is a tracker, he could have dumped it somewhere random. Although it doesn't make sense that the quin-jet was in the middle of the ocean and this tracker is in Berlin, but-"

"Wait," she cut me off, and pointed to the upper right hand corner of the screen, "What is that?"

A small icon glowed there, standing out agianst the map that showed up when I had hit the track button. I clicked on it, and a large play button took the place of the map. Natasha reached over and hit it before I could, and we both gasped.

"Hi, whoever this is," a video of Bruce in Stark Tower's lab began speaking, "if you're watching this, there are two possible scenarios as to why. Either, I'm missing or dead. After New York, I decided to inject a tracker into my bloodstream. The coordinates on the map that just showed up is the location of the tracker and myself; given that it's still in my body."

"Told you," Natasha hissed.

"Shut up."

Video Bruce hesitated, and stared down at his hands. "I do ask one thing. If I don't want to be found, and you know that, please, don't try. It's probably for the best. But, if the circumstances are different," he chuckled and smiled, "I wish you luck. Hopefully, I'll see you guys soon."

The screen went black and Natasha and I looked at each other.

"We need to find Tony," we said in unision.


"Wait, so you found him?"

"Sort of. I hacked into the flashdrive that could track where he is. Technically, everyone else found him."

Bucky and I were sitting in the living room, my head in his lap as I explained the events of the day to him. After Natasha and I had found and told Tony, he immediately gathered the team to go see if Bruce was really there. I had bullshitted a reason about why I couldn't go (I told him I was having lady issues, and he didn't say another word) so that Bucky and I could stay at the tower. Alone. So there we were, and I was happy.

"So," I said, sitting up and leaning agains this chest, "what should we do tonight?"

He smirked and pulled me onto his lap. "Well, I've got a pretty good idea."

I laughed as he kissed my neck, and I put my hands on his chest. "Or," I said quietly, "We could watch a movie."

He wrinkled his nose at me, "I like my idea more."

"Come on, Buck," I rolled my eyes. "It'll be awesome, I promise.

He finally agreed and I whooped out of happiness. Abount an hour later, Dirty Dancing was on the television, and tears were in my eyes. Bucky didn't understand why I was so close to crying, which resulted in me calling him a heartless Patrick Swayze hater every few minutes. When we reached the final dance scene and Johnny stormed into the dance hall, I screamed "NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER," right along with him.

"I don't get it," Bucky said loudly, "why doesn't he just tell her dad that he's a good person and-"




"Cara, I understand that, but-"


Bucky burst into laughter and kissed my forehead lightly. I turned my face and brushed my lips against his. Then suddenly, I was straddling his lap and my lips crashed against his passionately. My hands wandered to his shirt, and he pulled back a little.

"Upstairs?" I panted slightly.

He picked me up and carried me up the stairs in response, putting me down when we reached the landing. I connected my lips to his again and pushed his jacket off his body as we made our way towards my room. Bucky pinned me up against the wall and kissed my neck sloppily as I pulled his shirt off over his head. My breath caught as I looked down and saw the scars that covered his chest and abdomen. I put my hand on the largest one, and traced it lightly. He cleared his throat loudly, and I looked back up at him.

"I don't care about those," I muttered, beginning to remove my own shirt. "Right now, I only care about you."


The sound of running water woke me up. I lifted my head off the pillow slowly and glanced around the room. The first thing I saw was the messy trail of clothing beginning in the middle of the room and concluding at the foot of my bed. Bucky wasn't in bed with me anymore, and I assumed he was showering from the sound of running water. I was debating whether or not to go join him when a loud knock sounded at my door. Instantly, I was in panic mode.

"One minute, please," I cried.

I fumbled around to try and find something to cover my ass naked body, and eventually located Bucky's shirt from the night before. I pulled it on, and figured it would work since it hit my legs couple inches above my knee. The person knocked again, and I opened the door just enough so I could stick my head out.

"What do you want Tony?" I asked quickly.

He rose his eyebrows at me and grinned, "Cara, do you have a boy over?!"

"No, I do not have a boy over, Tony."

"Then why is the shower running?"

"Because I'm about to get in, duh."

The water suddenly shut off, and Tony's jaw dropped. I shut my eyes and internally cursed Bucky.

"Oh come on, let me in, let me meet him!" Tony was almost jumping out of excitement from catching me. He tried to push past me, but I stood firm in the doorway.

"Tony, you need to leave, please," I said gritting my teeth.

He stared at me, squinting slightly and still trying to look into my room. "Fine. I just wanted to tell you that I need to talk to you whenever all this," he motioned to my room and attire, "is through."

"Sounds good, I'll be down when I can, bye, Tony," I called loudly and pushed him out the door.

"You have fun," he grinned as I shut it, "but not too much fun. You are my sister after all. Hey don't-"

I was finally able to shut and lock the door, cutting off Tony's protesting. When I turned around, Bucky was standing in the doorway to the bathroom. He grinned at me and started laughing at my bright red face. A towel hung loosely from his his hips, and beads of water still dripped down off hair

"Shut up," I hissed, throwing a pillow at him.

He caught it easily, still laughing. "Come on, it's funny."

"No, it really isn't, Buck." Now I was holding back laughter too. "Can you imagine if he had just barged on in here?"

"Well that would've been awkward," he smirked and grabbed my waist as I walked by him. "So thank god he didn't."

Laughter fell from my mouth as I squirmed in his arms and tried to avoid getting my, his, shirt all wet. He attacked my jaw with his lips, and I could feel him grinning. I put my hands on his cheeks and lifted his face up so that I looked him in the eye.

"I have to go shower and then talk to my brother," I told him.

He frowned. "Well if I had known you were going to shower I would've waited."

"Ha ha, funny."

"Oh, I'm serious," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "So am I. I have to- mmm"

He pressed his lips against mine to cut me off and I smiled.

"Bucky," I said, holding his face back again, "I need to get going. We'll have plenty of time for that later."

"Fine," he muttered, fingering the hem of the shirt I wore, "But I'm gonna need this back."

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