Chapter 9

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"So he has no idea you all were in Berlin and saw him?" I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my pen cap.

"Correct," Tony said, "Our next step is an evac team. But we need to be careful."

"I still don't understand. Why didn't you just get him when you knew he was there?"

"Because this is a sensitive area, Cara," he said harshly.

I looked down at the table silently. Tony had called the entire team down to one of the conference rooms for debriefing, and the entire group felt tense.

"Well, then who are you sending?" Clint asked from across the table.

"That's why we're here," Steve spoke up. "Nat and Tony are too close, we've already decided. Barton, you and I would have a difficult time persuading him to come with. So, that leaves-"

"Me," I said, "I'll go."

"I'm not sending you alone," Tony said quickly. "There is no way in hell that-"

"Send Bucky with her."


"Bucky," Steve repeated, "He's smart, capable. They'd get the job done."

I made eye contact with Bucky, who looked extremely surprised.

"That's not a bad idea," I said casually.

Tony nodded, "I like that more than Cara going in alone."

"It's decided, then," I capped my pen and tossed it down.

"There is one thing you two should be made aware of," Tony said a little uncomfortably. "Apparently word that we, ahem, lost Doctor Banner spread like wildfire. He's become a hot target for several terrorist organizations. Unfortunately, that includes Hydra."

I could see Bucky tense up under the table, and I did my best to give him a comforting look.

"We'll be fine," I told him, "we go in dark and undercover. We're already the least recognizable team members, so it'll all work out."

"I don't like the idea of you guys going in there completely dark," Steve said worriedly.

"We'll go in dark, but check in briefly if there's anything suspicious," Bucky said quietly. "It's an easy in and out. We'll be ready for an evac in less than 24 hours. We can handle it."

Steve and Tony looked at each other for a few moments, and I looked at Bucky. He smiled slightly at me, and I felt a blush working its way up my face. Tony nodded at Steve and sighed.

"Fine. You'll head out first thing tomorrow. I'll go book tickets and find you guys some new identities."


"God, I can't believe Bruce is staying at a place like this," I muttered, looking around at the luxurious Berlin resort Bucky and I stood in.

"Shh, we're up."

I turned towards the reception desk and smiled widely at the woman behind it. "Oh, hi there! We're checking in for our honeymoon, under Lucas and Maria Willis."

The woman smiled shortly at me and began typing away at her computer. I wrapped my arms around Bucky and leaned against him exaggeratedly while playing with his hair. He glanced down at me and his jaw clenched as he tried to hold back laughter.

"Ah, right here," she held up a small key and slid it across the counter. "Mr and Mrs Willis, enjoy your stay at Hotel Schön. And tonight, we invite you to a complementary dinner at our five star restaurant as part of the honeymoon package."

Bucky thanked her quietly, and we headed towards the elevators. A bellboy ran out of no where and tossed our bags onto a trolley and followed us towards the elevators. I hung all over Bucky, talking nonstop about how happy I was to finally be married and trying to make myself sound as idiotic as possible. I could see the bellboy rolling his eyes to the back of his head every time I said the word love, which was a lot. The elevator finally stopped and we exited. He lead us to the end of the hallway, unlocked a door and unloaded our suitcases onto the floor as I began rambling about how uhhhhmayyzing the room was. Bucky handed the bellboy a twenty, and he left quickly and eagerly. He watched as the bellboy entered the elevator and the doors closed before shutting the door. 

Immediately after the door closed, I picked up two of the bags and lugged them deeper into the massive room. I opened the first one and pulled out my laptop and a variety of other computery things and tossed them onto the massive bed. Bucky yanked the tight nude colored glove off his metal hand and flexed it tiredly. I reached up and pulled the long blonde wig off my head and tossed it into another bag.

"God, that was uncomfortable," I opened the laptop and plugged in the flashdrive that would get me through any firewall I might come across.

Bucky smirked and began unpacking his own bag. He lifted his shirt and removed his gun from his waistband as I typed away furiously.

He came and sat next to me, glancing over my shoulder. "Hows it going?"

"Hello, Hotel Schön," I murmured, "show me all your secrets."

As I spoke, several small squares popped up on the screen, all showing different areas in the hotel.

"Alright, we're in the security cameras." I pulled out yet another laptop and began typing on that one as well. "Now it's time to get in the guest roster and cross check all those names with all known people associated with HYDRA."


I smiled and started to speak, but was cut off by a sharp knock at the door. My head shot up, and Bucky swore quietly. I shoved the laptops under the blankets and threw the bags across the room.

"One second!" I yelled and pushed Bucky off the bed. "Take your shirt off and keep your arm behind the door," I hissed.


"What do people do on honeymoons, Buck? Sex, and a lot of it," I whispered. "So, slide that door closed so they can't see me and act like they've interrupted us consummating our marriage."

There was another knock and Bucky stumbled towards it. He took his shirt off and threw it at me, as he started to slide the bedroom door shut.

"Wait," I flew off the bed and mussed up his hair before running back and laying down. "Okay, go."

He slid it shut and quickly opened the other door. I rolled off the bed silently and pressed my ear against the bedroom door.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, sir, I'm sorry," an unfamiliar voice said.

"Yeah, yeah, what do you want?" Bucky responded shortly.

The other man cleared his throat, "I heard we had a few honeymooners checking in. I'm the hotel manager, and I wanted to congratulate you."

"Uh, thanks."

Bucky was clearly struggling to come up with some witty remark, and I glanced around the room. The man is an impeccable soldier, but not very quick on his feet when it comes to interacting with others. I sighed lightly as I realized what I was going to need to do.

"Luuuuucaaaaassss," I trilled, disgusted by my own voice. "What's taking so long?"

"If you don't mind, I was in the middle of something," Bucky told the man and shut the door in his face.

I quickly opened the bedroom door and rose my eyebrows. He silently glanced through the peephole, and turned back to me.

"He's still there," he mouthed.


He pressed his finger to his lips and I fell silent, but motioned for him to come closer to me.

"That's not the hotel manager," he said lowly. "I have a bad feeling about this. He knows we're lying."

"We've gotta get him to leave," I whispered.

Bucky smirked and grabbed me by my hips suddenly. I gasped as he pressed me up against the wall next to the door. I started to speak, but he quickly cut me off with his lips on mine. His mouth traveled down my face and neck, and before I could stop myself, I moaned loudly. He smirked yet again and lifted his head to look at me.

"Now I bet that may have made him leave."

I pursed my lips together, knowing my face was beet red. To make sure Bucky wouldn't make fun of me, I turned to look through the peephole. The hallway was empty, as he had predicted. I turned back to him and exhaled loudly.

"Alright. We've got a lot of work to do."

Bucky made a face. I rose my eyebrows at him and he smirked. Suddenly, he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around my body. He kissed me sloppily, and my fingers entangled themselves in his hair. We stumbled towards the bedroom, and when we reached it, he started unzipping my dress quickly. I reached for his belt, and he smiled lopsidedly at me.

"I think I like the idea of doing this first," he murmured.

I pulled the dress off over my head and put my hands on his abdomen. "Well then that makes two of us."

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