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"That was fun right?" Yugyeom asked as we walked out of the subway, I nodded. The fresh cold night air hit our faces while we made our way through the crowd.

"Thank you. I still wonder how you know where I live though." I said and he laughed.

"Because I live here too." He said pointing to my building.I looked up and saw the white building. I couldn't believe I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings since I was mainly focusing in Yugyeom's lips moving every time he spoke.

"Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded with a wide smile. We went inside and pressed the elevator button. We remained silent for a couple of seconds until I took the courage to speak.

"Do they leave you behind often?" I asked. I noticed he was moving his legs while his hands were on his pockets. He looked surprised with my question.

"No. But Jaebum hyung is strict with schedules and times. If some of us are not there in time he would take actions." He said and I sighed loudly.

"It's fine. It's discipline... He's the leader, it's his work." He said letting me go first into the elevator and then walking behind me. He pressed a button and then looked at me as if he was asking me what floor was mine. 

"Oh 9th floor." I said and he pressed the number 9. I noticed the number 5 also enlightened in red on top of us.

"We live in the 5th." He said once he realized my eyes were glued to the keyboard. I nodded.

We remained silent for a couple of seconds until the beep of the elevator made us jump. I looked up and saw the number 5 enlightened and then turn to look at him but he didn't move.

"This is you." He had his hands on his pockets and he nodded when he heard my words but  immediately looked down.

"I thought about walk you to your door." He said with a tender smile. I felt my cheeks burning and my ears on fire.

What is happening?

"Thanks."Just when the door was about to close, we saw a savage Jaebum appearing in front of us. He stopped the doors from closing with his hands and the doors backed up, letting him going inside with us.

"Where were you?" He asked to Yugyeom in Korean but looking at me with tense eyes.

"We returned on the subway-

"You could have just take a cab, it's faster." Jaebum said in Korean. I felt my legs going weak as I turned to look at Yugyeom. He looked ashamed, his eyes were glued to the ground.

He insisted on taking the subway, why? If we could arrive faster in a cab. I looked away and finally the doors opened on my floor. I still didn't understand what was Jaebum doing in the elevator with us but I didn't want to know, I stepped outside and turned around to look at them.

"Thanks for bringing me back home Yugyeom." I said bowing a bit and turned around without saying anything else and walked to my door. I could tell by Jaebum's look that he was annoyed by my behavior but I couldn't care less. I quickly entered my password and the door opened. I stepped inside and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

My head was aching.

Jaebum really knows how to get into my nerves. He has humiliated Yugyeom in front of me so many times that I even lost the count. 

"I won't let this happen ever again." I found myself mumbling.

I was determined that next time he'd try something like that, he'll find me and he won't like it.

After I took a long bath I curled up on my bed and turned on the tv but all the channels were in Korean and all the people reminded me to Jaebum.

Why can't I stop thinking about his stupid face? He's always giving me such a hard time so he's the last person I should be thinking of right now.

I turned the TV off immediately and rolled in bed to grab my phone that was on the nightstand. I unlocked it and saw a couple of notifications on my Instagram account so I opened it.

"yu_gyeom is now following you" I read and felt my heard beating faster.

"yu_gyeom liked a picture" I checked it and it was the selfie he took of us. I felt my cheeks burning and laid back holding my phone in front of my face. I went immediately through his Instagram account and checked his pictures.

He had tons of videos of him dancing, I saw a few and couldn't help but smile. He has some pretty sick skills and he was definitely the best dancer among his members. I also checked some of his selfies which were extremely cute, I found myself lowkey fangirling because he looked so adorable.

Should I follow him back? Would that be alright?

I bit my lower lip while I kept thinking if I should follow him or not. I looked down at my phone and saw his smiley face in one of the selfies and automatically hit the FOLLOW button.

"Well it's done." I said putting the phone away and staring at the ceiling like a fool.

Maybe we can be friends? Would that be alright too? I sighed. Maybe not. He's a Kpop idol after all, his friends are probably famous people.

I turned around and curled up in my bed hugging a pillow. I need to make friends.

I miss my brother. I thought.

When I arrived in the morning I saw Lorel waiting for me in the entrance. She had a big smile on her face and she was holding two coffees in her hands.

"Hazel-ah good morning, just in time – She said handing me one of the coffees – You look so pretty today!" 

I grabbed the coffee and bowed as well. "Thank you Lorel sunbaenim you too." I said and she blushed slightly. She made language signs for me to follow her.

"Park Junmyeon wants you to go with the boys and the crew today, they're filming a video for their web series, it's a karaoke thing." She said and I nodded.

I noticed she handed me a blue fold so I took it. It was heavy and she chuckled when I grimaced in pain. 

"This is your schedule for today, you can add it to your agenda later. Chen will need all the help possible." She said and I nodded faster.

"I'll make sure to be available at all times sunbaenim." I said and she smiled.

"Great. They're in the back, going into the van now, you should hurry." She said and I bid my goodbye to her and rushed to the back of the building.

When I arrived I saw the crew members and greeted them. I immediately grabbed some bags and started helping them, a few minutes later the boys arrived and greeted us all. I saw Yugyeom walking towards me and my heart started beating faster to the point I found myself sweating.

"Noona." He said bowing quickly. I looked at him confused but he just smiled. I didn't understand why he was being so formal all of sudden but then I remembered we were surrounded by the staff members.

"Hey Yugyeom... How are you?" I asked. He took his hands to his back and looked down at his feet while smiling.

"I am fine, how about you?" He looked at me tilting his head aside. He had such pretty eyes, it was really bright outside so they looked a beautiful brown color.

"I- I am f-fine." My voice cracked, I feel nervous when he's around. His face was distracting enough. I don't know why I feel this way though, I am older than him, I shouldn't be this nervous around him.

"Are you coming with us today?" He asked and I nodded in response. The less I talk the best, this way I won't embarrass myself more.

He smiled widely.

"Great, then it will be a good day." He said dancing like a fool. I laughed at his weird but cute quirks.

"Okay everybody inside the vans!" I heard Chen exclaiming. I nodded and got into the nearest van, I felt Yugyeom's presence behind me and lowkey giggled. I like the rest of the members, except from Jaebum but the one I like the most is Yugyeom for sure, I always spend good time with him.

We got inside and he sat next to me, I couldn't help but smile until I saw Jaebum entering the van too, then my smile faded away.

Why is he here though? I rolled my eyes and automatically locked myself and looked through the window. I noticed Yugyeom going tense next to me.

Jaebum sat behind us and soon the van started its engine and we were leaving the JYP building. The atmosphere was a bit tense, although most of the crew members were asleep since it was early in the morning, Jaebum, Yugyeom and I were awake.

I heard Mark's voice too so I supposed he was sitting next to Jaebum. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it and thought about texting my brother.

Me: Hey dumbass what are you doing? 

I hit the send button. I think he's awake right now even though the time zone difference. I wanted to talk to Yugyeom but I didn't want to upset Jaebum and cause a scene in front of all this people since I promised myself the next time he'd say something rude to Yugyeom or myself, I wouldn't hesitate on giving him a lecture, I don't care if he's older than me.

"What are you thinking?" I heard a voice that woke me up from my daylight fantasy of slapping Jaebum and turned around and found Yugyeom with his hands on his pockets and his low gaze, looking at me like a lost puppy. I blinked twice and then he leaned a bit closer.

"Are you okay?" He asked whispering. I nodded in response and he smiled.

"Why whispering though?" I asked and he pointed at Jaebum with his eyes. "He doesn't like when I talk." He said and laughed but I didn't.

I thought he meant it deep in his heart and that was something that bothered me, just the thought of it. I can't believe someone could make Yugyeom feel like this, especially if that someone is his leader and hyung. 

I sighed and looked down to my phone. I felt Yugyeom's presence closer to me to the point in which I could smell his perfume and feel the warmth leaving his body and entering mine.

"Are you playing a game?" He whispered.

"Yeah, it's called This or That." I whispered too, he was looking at my screen. His eyes were widened, he looked focused and genuinely interested. 

"What it is about?" He asked with his low voice.

"The app gives you two choices and you have to choose one." I said and he smiled.

"Is that it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Can I try?" He looked eager like a kid. I smiled tenderly and handed him my phone. He opened the question and immediately looked at me with widened eyes.

"What kind of questions are these?" He asked shaking his phone. I started laughing because I remembered I had the "Crazy" pack so I grabbed the phone to read it.

"Pee yourself every time someone touches you or poo yourself every time you talk to someone of the same gender." I read and couldn't help but laugh, I covered my mouth with my hand since I didn't want to disturb the rest of the people in the van. Yugyeom laughed with me.  

"I mean... It's a weird question." He said taking my phone from my hands.

"I am sorry, it's in the crazy pack." I said and he looked at me confused. "I mean... There's a lot of packs which are like the kind of questions you have, this is the "crazy" one." I said and he nodded.

"Ahh I get it. Cool." He looked down at the screen unsure of what to answer and I chuckled. 

"I've played that game is cool." We felt Mark's presence between us. He had a smile on his face and his eyes were big now.

"Have you hyung?" Yugyeom asked looking back, his eyes traveled from Mark to Jaebum who apparently was sleeping. I lowkey smiled to myself because if he's asleep then I could be more open and talk to Yugyeom in the van.

"Look at this question." Yugyeom said to Mark, Mark leaned closer to read and started laughing.

"Pee, definitely pee. It's less... Gross" He said and Yugyeom nodded and they both looked at me as waiting for my answer. 

"Uh... Pee, yes." I said and Yugyeom nodded pressing the Pee answer.

We kept talking and answering a few more before we arrived to the place. We stepped outside of the van and I helped the crew members to take the bags inside. After a few minutes we were ready to start rolling inside the Karaoke building.

"Hazel, can you please hold this camera? I need you to shoot them here outside." Chen said. I nodded and grabbed a camera and placed myself where he indicated.

"And we're rolling!" Chen said.

The boys started talking with the lady on the lobby, they were talking about who was going to pay the Karaoke service until finally Jaebum agreed that it was his treat today. He pulled up his credit card and paid for the service, he also bought some drinks for the members.

"Okay. Hazel-ah great job, inside there's another cameraman and he's going to shoot the takes in there. Make sure you pick up all the equipment, and wait here with Nana." He said and I nodded.

I watched the boys going inside the room as I packed all up, once I finished I sat next to Nana and we started talking.

"I am tired." She said and I turned around to face her, I put one leg on the couch.

"Why?" I asked.

"I had to do 2.PM styling because their makeup artist is sick so I have double work." She said auto-massaging her neck. I frowned.

"How long have you been up?" I asked, she yawned.

"Since 3 a.m, because they had an early shooting." She said and I felt bad for her.

"Who do you prefer more?" I asked and she looked at me amused.

"Between GOT7 and 2 P.M? – she asked and I nodded – Well actually GOT7, they're more fun."

When we returned to the JYP building I saw Chen calling me, I picked up the phone.


"Hazel-ah I need you in edition area, can you come?" He asked.

"Sure, I am on my way." I said placing the phone in my pocket as I made my way to the elevator. I noticed Jaebum waiting for the elevator as well. I thought about going back and wait until he was out but then Chen will think I am not on time aka I am not responsible, so I took a deep breath and stood next to him. I cursed JYP on my mind because they only have one elevator, if there were two, things would be different.

He noticed my presence and sighed, moving his neck as if he was cracking it. He looked to the numbers enlightened on the top of the elevator and we remained silent.

I felt a bit awkward because I knew my presence bothered him but I wish he knows his presence does the same to me. The elevator soon arrived and we both stepped inside at the same time. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. He sighed too and pressed the number 7.

I sighed in relief since I was going up to 10, so after he pulled back his hands, I quickly marked the number 10 and turned my back to him again. He sighed loudly.

"Do you know that is bad education here in Korea?" He said in Korean. I understood but I played and pretended I didn't.

I raised one hand and started checking my nails, ignoring him completely. He sighed again.

"I am talking to you." He said now in English with clear annoyance in his voice. I turned around and faced him with the same bitch resting face he had.

"Oh really? I didn't realize." I said and he shook his head closing his eyes.

"Why are you so-so – He said moving his hands and clenching his jaw. 

"So what?" I asked tilting my head.

"So difficult and rude!" His eyes were widened and his face red in anger, he pressed his fist to each side of his tights. I couldn't understand what he found rude? It was ridiculous this whole situation, I didn't understand why he cared so much. 

Suddenly the doors opened and I saw the number 7 enlightened on the top.

"This is you." I said pointing at the now opened doors, he shook his head and he roared in rage.

"You're impossible!" He exclaimed.

"Me? Have you ever thought that you are the impossible?" I noticed the doors closing and he didn't move. He was just staring at me with his tense jaw, still inside the elevator. 

"I tried to be acquiescent with you and you only-

"Acquiescent? Is this some kind of joke?-

"Let me talk. You're so rude that you don't even respect my time to talk. I've never met someone like you before, so rude and bad.mannered, you have no respect for anything nor anyone!" He shouted.

"How can I respect someone who doesn't respect me back? Respect works in both ways in case you didn't know and you haven't said a respectful word since I met you!" I exclaimed and with that the doors opened and I stormed outside the elevator without any concern about what just happened.


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