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Ira has always been one of those people who claims to have their body, mind and soul connected. He always eats well, rests and do exercises in the mornings, nothing really can stop him. So he woke me the next day to tell me that he was going to go for a run that morning. I yawned as I watched the clock and it marked 7:55 a.m, I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"It's freaking Sunday Ira... Why did you woke me up?" I asked, he shrugged.

"I think I am jet-lagged. I need to go for a run." He said while trotting on his feet on the door. His hands were two fists as he moved quickly around.

I groaned. "Fine just go, and please take your phone and turn on your GPS otherwise you'll get lost." I said and he nodded.

"Got it." He said motioning a kiss with his mouth. I remained sat in the bed as I thought about my existence and why exactly did he needed to woke me up to tell me just that, he could have left me a note or something like that.

I decided to take a long warm bath and prepare breakfast. Soon I heard someone knocking on my door. I frowned at the thought of Ira returning so soon from his morning routine.

"Whoa that was fast." I joked as I opened the door only to reveal JB with an annoyed face. He pushed the door towards me and stepped inside without an invitation. He looked around in the living room and them turned to me.

"Where is he?" He asked, his fist closed now. I walked towards him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I mumbled as I noticed his strange behavior. His chest was going up and down really fast and he had his jaw clenched.

"Don't lie to me dongsaeng, where is he!?" He exclaimed, his voice because more audible in the room, it felt like he was screaming at me.

"JB calm down, I don't know what you're –

"The man... The man that slept here!" He said raising his voice now. He walked faster towards me and held a finger in the air, near my face.

"Don't think I am stupid! You've been cheating on Yugyeom. Now speak! Where is HE?" He exclaimed once more.

Oh god no.

I covered my mouth in surprise. I can't believe he thinks I was cheating on Yugyeom. The look on my face must have been revealing since he took a step back and eyed my expression with awe.

"Oh no! No, no no!" I said moving my hands.

"What?" He asked

"It's my brother!" I exclaimed moving my hands around like crazy. "It's my brother, he's in Korea visiting me for Christmas." I said but his harsh expression didn't change at all.

"Do you expect me to believe that foolish story?" He asked clenching his teeth.

"You all foreigners are the same!" He yelled and groaned in frustration.

I took a couple of steps back and looked at him in awe.

"I knew you'd so something like that. Is that why you're with Yugyeom? You just want money and fame like all." He kept saying.

I felt my knees shaking and my heart breaking. I can't believe he's saying those words to me. I covered my mouth as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

He shook his head. "You're all the same..." He didn't finished the words, he just shook his head and did his way out of my apartment. I felt so void right when I heard him slamming the door. I took a couple of steps and sat on my couch. I was perplexed with that just happened.

My heart was raced as I felt and intense pain in my head. I thought about going after him and explain again but then I thought that just might worsen the situation. I feared that he'd say those things to Yugyeom and then Yugyeom would believe I was cheating on him with my brother.

I shook my head as I shook my thoughts. Yugyeom will understand, he knows me and he had seen pictures of my brother before on instagram. Even thought I wanted to believe that, I still felt like I was falling into an abyss of not knowing what will happen next.


A few hours later I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the ID and saw an unknown number and even thought I almost never answer these kind of calls, I did this time.

"Hazel?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Ira?" I asked.

"Yeah... Uhh... Look, I got lost." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"What? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah I am sorry. I just realized I left my phone at home and this lovely French lady borrowed me hers to call you, good thing I know your number by heart and all –

"Shut up, tell where you at?" I asked.

"Excuse moi, where are we?" He asked the lady. I heard the woma's voice mumbling something.

"She said we're around the han river. I can see a McDonald's from here." He said and I opened my eyes widely.

"Holy sh- You did a long way my friend. Wait for me there." I said and hung up.

Even though I was still hurt by JB's words and I tried to call Yugyeom several times and he didn't pick up, I wasn't in the mood to go out at all but since my brother, the biggest dumb on earth, was lost I had to go and get him back.

I put on a pair of jeans and a white sweater, I grabbed my jacket and my phone and did my way outside the apartment only to find Yugyeom walking towards me. He looked a bit lost, his eyes seemed bigger and he was giving weak steps. He looked at me and stopped walking.

"Hey... I've been calling you." I said approaching him. He scratched the back of his head and nodded.

"I know... I – He started but then stopped talking when our eyes met. It looked like something was bothering him, like he was in pain and then I knew, JB probably had told him about my "affair". I swallowed hard and grabbed his hand and caressed it.

"Yu... It's my brother, Ira." I said in a soft tone. He opened his eyes a bit and sighed loudly.

There was a small silence between us as he looked around maybe analyzing the situation. He closed his eyes slowly and then opened it to look at me. I saw how his tensed muscles, relaxed quickly.

"Why... Why didn't you tell me he arrived?" He asked curiously without letting go of my hands.

I shrugged. "I knew that you guys would like to meet him right away and I wanted to catch up with him first. I was going to introduce you all to them tonight during Nana's birthday." I said, he nodded.

"I see." He said, his worried expression softened as he pulled me into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his torso. Even though we were in an awkward situation a few seconds ago, I couldn't help but smile at the feeling of having him so close to me.

"Did you come all this way to talk about this?" I asked and he nodded.

"I just... I couldn't believe hyung's words... I know you wouldn't cheat on me." He said kissing my knuckles. A smiled formed on my face as I extended my hand to caress his cheeks.

"I'd never do that." I said once I was lost on his brown orbs, they felt so familiar to me now.

I was lost on his undeniable charms when a thought popped into my head. Ira.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed. He frowned and then laughed at my expression. "Hey... Language!" He said placing a finger on my lips. I blushed and giggled.

"What happened?" He asked.

"My idiotic brother... He went out to his morning routine and got lost." I said as I walked to the elevator, I still was holding his hand. He looked at me confused.

"I mean... He was supposed to take his phone and turn on the GPS but he left it at home now he's lost." I said and he laughed mischievously.

"He sounds like a case." He said covering his mouth. I chuckled.

"You have no idea." I said once the elevator doors opened, we both stepped inside, I was about to push his floor number when he stopped me and pushed the ground floor instead.

"I am coming with you." He said as his whole face turned into a tender smile. I felt my insides melting at his cute expression. I nodded quickly and grabbed his hand.


Once we arrived the Han river, we went straight to the McDonald's and I spotted Ira sitting on a bench outside, he was playing with a small dog who I believed it belonged to an ahjumma that seemed delighted with Ira's presence. She was laughing and smiling all the time.

"There he is." I said to Yugyeom pointing at my brother. He was holding the dog on his arms and dancing with him, the poor bastard looked like he was enjoying it.

Yugyeom chuckled behind me as we walked towards Ira. Yugyeom and I greeted the ahjumma properly and then I directed my eyes to Ira who looked like a lost puppy at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked and he bowed at the ahjumma. She smiled.

"Cute. Cute foreigner!" She exclaimed with a big smile on her face, I laughed awkwardly and nodded.

"Ne..." I said bowing as I grabbed Ira by the shirt and dragged him away from the ahjumma.

"What was that?" I asked hitting his forehead. "You can't go out in a city you don't know without a GPS you animal." I said and he laughed.

"Easy... Easy... I forgot okay?" He asked.

"Anioo... Jagiya give your brother a break." Yugyeom joked. My brother turned to look at him and then looked at me and smiled.

"I already like him." He said pointing to Yugyeom. Yugyeom laughed and held a hand on the air, Ira gave him a high five and they both chuckled.

"Great. This is perfect." I said rolling my eyes, they both laughed as Yugyeom introduced himself formally.

"You don't need to be that formal with him, he doesn't deserve it anyway." I said. Ira pouted.

"He's still older than me, he's hyung." He said.

"Oh yeah, I've heard that before... What should I call you?" He asked.

"Just by my name, or dongsaeng." He said and Ira narrowed his eyes. "Yeah your name is easier." He said patting Yugyeom's back.

"So... Is he your boyfriend?" He asked as we walked down the street.

I turned to look at Yugyeom who was looking at me with a shy smile. "I am." He answered for me.

"Great." Ira nodded and patted his shoulder.

"You seem nice but don't think I'll be easy on you just because you're adorable and an Idol." He said, Yugyeom laughed out loud as he winked at him.

"I expect nothing less hyung." He said smiling with his whole face.

"Good. I am hungry. Shall we go to eat something?" He asked and we both nodded.

"I know a place, let's go." Yugyeom said extending his arm to me. I smiled shyly and took it. Even though I've had boyfriends before, I've never hang out with them and my brother at the same time, especially because during the time I had them, Ira was out in South America during an exchange program to learn Spanish; so it was still a bit awkward for me to PDA in my brother's presence.

"Just like I said, I like him already." He joked as we entered the restaurant.

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