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I stepped out of the shower and heard my phone beeping. I checked and it was a text from JB.


"I had a great weekend, thanks for the good memories – JB"

I opened my eyes widely as I left my phone back on the bed and stood there in the middle of my room, with a towel wrapped around my body, dripping water on the carpet from my wet hair. I sat on the bed and thought about last night. It was chaotic but I admit I couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending it with JB. A few weeks ago I'd have hated being again with him trapped in a place like it happened to us yesterday, but now the feeling is different.

I grabbed the phone and saved his number to texted him back.

To: JB

"Thanks to you for inviting me, I truly had a great time." 

I hit send and went to grab some clothes to wear. I had the rest of Sunday free so I decided to bake some cookies.

I heard someone knocking at my door, I opened to find Yugyeom standing there looking nervous."Can I come in?" He was moving slightly his legs around, I could see he was uneasy. I stepped aside to let him in and closed the door after he walked to my living room. I followed him, he turned around to face me.

What could possibly he would like to talk to me? What is he doing here? I thought he hated me.

"Manager-nim was talking to JB in the dorm, I heard what happened. Are you okay?" He asked.

I froze in my spot. Does he knows I had a weekend trip with JB?

I cleared my throat. "I – I am fine, sure." I said nodding. He looked at me and blinked a couple of times, his eyes looked a bit glassy.

"It was nothing... Really, I am fine." I reassured him. He sighed heavily and looked down to the floor. I could see the disappointment all over his face.

"So you and JB..." He started shaking his head slightly. "No. Yugyeom is not like that – " I started but he looked at me with sadness on his face.

"You don't need to give me any explanations Hazel. I get it." His voice sounded hurt. I felt my heart breaking in thousands of pieces.

"There's nothing going on between JB and I, we're friends-

"What happened back there Hazel?" His voice was sweet but he was definitely serious about the question.

"JB looks different... Something must have happened." He insisted as he took a step closer to me. I didn't want to hurt him but lying to him is not the solution.

"JB confessed to me." My voice was barely audible. Yugyeom stood straight and swallowed hard.

"Did he kiss you?" He asked looking straight into my eyes. I froze as my heart was pumping blood faster than ever. I can't keep lying to him... I've done it more than once before and I always end up feeling worse.

I looked down and he understood my answer. He nodded a couple of times and breathed out.

"How do you feel about it?" His eyes looked a bit expectant, he bit his lip. I shrugged.

What am I supposed to say?

"I don't know... I – I am... Confused." I said as if I was realizing it for the first time. An unfamiliar warmth took over my body and face. Now I know what it means, I am blushing at the thought of JB.

"It's exactly how I thought it would be." His voice was almost a whisper. He nodded sharply and turned around to walk to the door but he stopped in the middle and turned to look at me.

"I am happy to know that you're okay. Stay healthy." He said and with that he walked out of my apartment slamming the door. I found myself clenching my fists as my chest was going up and down really faster.

"I am sorry Yugyeom." I whispered to myself, even though I wanted him to hear it but it was too late.


"Hazel-ah!" I heard Lorel's voice as she entered my cubicle. I stopped what I was doing on my computer and looked up at her.

She smiled and stood in front of me. "We need you to help us a bit with GOT7 today, perhaps are you free? Their cameraman for today called in sick." She said.

I swallowed hard and quickly stood. "Yes I am free unnie." She smiled widely and clapped.

"Quickly, follow me." She said. I grabbed my phone and did my way behind her. We took the elevator and went to the studio where GOT7 usually hang out.

"Good afternoon boys." She said as she walked into the studio, I followed her. They all greeted me. I noticed JB's gaze fixed on mine. I smiled at him.

"Marcel is sick today so Hazel-ah is going to be filming you today. Chen is waiting for you already downstairs. Nana is already in the location so come on, let's move, now now!" She exclaimed. We all did our way to the elevators, the mood was a bit awkward. I sense it was maybe because Chen went yesterday to their dorm to talk to JB about the weekend, maybe the rest heard what happened.

"We all won't fit in the elevator, let's separate in groups." Jackson said and they all agreed.

"Let's go." Yugyeom said as he stepped inside. They all looked at each other and soon Bambam, Jackson and Youngjae followed him. "I'll see you guys downstairs." Jackson said as the doors closed.

The ones remaining looked at each other and then my eyes met with JB's, he gave me a reassuring smile. A few seconds later the elevator doors opened and they all waited for me to get inside so I rushed inside.

When we walked outside the elevator, I saw Chen on the distance talking with the boys. "Hazel-ah good morning, welcome back." He said, I greeted him properly.

"Okay now all of you go to the van. Come with me Hazel-ah, let's go to the crew's van." He said. I looked at JB once more time, he looked a bit worried but Chen dragged me to the other van before one could say anything.

"I'd like to talk to you for a minute." He said and I nodded in response. "Sure oppa." He smiled tenderly as he invited me to go inside the van. I noticed a couple of bags at the back but there was only two crew members who were asleep.

"Uhh... Jaebumie informed me what happened during the weekend – He started as he ran a hand through his hair – I am glad that you both are alright and healthy but that was irresponsible." I felt he was scolding me for what happened.

"Now JB told me it was his idea so I already talked to him – He said as he looked at me with empathy – Next time... You should insist JB to tell me first? If I knew he was going there during the weekend, that accident probably wouldn't have happened." I nodded.

"I am sure you know I have to take care of the boys no matter what. I talked to him and he refuses to follow my orders so that's why I am talking to you. It' s fine if you go out but you have to inform me, I insist on this, especially with JB since he's the leader and the first one who is pointed at when it comes to GOT7." He added a bit worried. I felt a bit ashamed since everything he was saying was probably right.

"I understand." I simply said he smiled tenderly and nodded. "Very well. I didn't mean to scare you, it's just... It's my job to be a bit strict sometimes for the sake of the team." He said as he cleared his throat.

"No problem, I understand perfectly. It won't happen again oppa." I said and he nodded proudly.

"Great. I am happy you're back with us. I kind of admit we missed you. How is 2PM treating you?" He asked and I smiled.

"Great. They're very funny oppas. But I am not exclusively working with them, I work for everybody." I said and he narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Do you enjoy it?" I nodded eagerly. "I truly love doing this." He seemed to understand my words.

"Well I am happy to hear it, you've been doing a pretty good job. The boss is happy." He said as his phone started ringing. "I am sorry I have to take this." I nodded in answer.


We arrived the building where the photoshoot was taken place. I helped the crew members to get inside the building. I spotted Nana and she smiled at me.

"Omo Hazel-ah you're here!" She exclaimed as she hugged me.

"I happy to see you again, how are you?" She looked at me and shrugged while smiling. "I feel better now thanks." She said patting my back.

I noticed some of the GOT7 members gathering around her stylist station. "I have to go back to work, you wanna come with me?" She asked. I saw JB smiling at me but I noticed Yugyeom was there too, he was focused talking with Bambam.

"No. I have to do my thing – I said pointing at the bags on the back – We'll talk later." I said and did my way to the camera bags.

Soon I felt a presence behind me, I turned around to find Jackson looking at me as he narrowed his eyes. "Hey Jackson – oppa." I said smiling nervously. I noticed JB looking at us.

"I need to talk to you." He said a bit serious, I felt like my hands started sweating. I was pretty sure he was going to say something about me and Yugyeom and JB. My knees started shaking when I noticed JB approaching us slowly.

"Sure, what about?" I asked, praying for JB to arrive here faster, not that he was going to save me or anything but maybe with his presence, Jackson could avoid the subject and just go away.

"I was rooting for you and Yugyeomie... And now you do this to him? Look Hazel-ah -

"Jackson, what are you doing here? It's your turn." JB said as he crossed his arms on his chest. I froze at Jackson's words. What do they think about me?

He jumped when he heard JB's voice and turned around to look at him. "Hyung... yah I am going, I am going!" He exclaimed moving his hands and returned to Nana not without giving me a one last look. I sighed once he walked away.

JB turned to look at me with worried eyes. "What was that?" His voice sounded serious now, almost like he was mad at Jackson. I shrugged.

"I am pretty sure it was nothing." I said as I kept thinking about what Jackson said. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.

"You're keeping something from me, what is it?" He asked leaning a bit closer. I looked back at GOT7's direction and I received some judgmental stares, I instinctively took a step backwards.

"Nothing. I have to go back to work, see you later." I said and turned around quickly to get the cameras done. I didn't dare to look back since I didn't want to see JB's disappointed face.


The photoshoot started and they wanted me to film the backstage scenes, while they were getting ready and how the photos were taken. I took several shoots and after a few hours the work was done, they changed and we returned to JYP's building. I took the cameras back to the storage place and did my way to my cubicle to organize the videos.

The door suddenly flew opened and JB stormed inside and then he locked the door and turned to look at me. I stopped what I was doing and stared at him. He looked furious.

"Uhh... Is everything okay?" My voice was a bit nervous, he looked angered by something but it was impossible for me to know what caused this.

"No, everything's wrong. What was exactly what Jackson told you this afternoon? Please give me a honest answer." He demanded as he approached me.

I swallowed hard and met his gaze, his eyes looked darker now. "He said something about rooting for me and Yugyeom and asked me how I did this to him..." He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Why? What happened?" My voice was nervous, I was afraid of the worse. What if they're fighting and I am the reason?

"I confronted him and he denied it." His voice furious now filled the whole cubicle.

He remained silent for a couple of seconds and then sighed heavily. "Chen told you something too, what was it?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Hazel don't do this again, just fucking tell me!" He exclaimed while opening his eyes widely.

"Why are you doing this!?" I exclaimed as I felt the anger growing inside me. My temples were sweating as my heart was beating faster. He looked at me in horror.

"Doing what?" He asked annoyed.

"Asking me all these questions... Somehow turning all the people against me with my answers." I said as I felt my eyes filling with tears.

His chest was going up and down really faster, he took a step back and looked at me in awe. "I am not doing such thing, I am trying to protect you." He mumbled.

"Please leave-

"I need to know what Chen told you." He insisted and I rolled my eyes and turned around to avoid his face since my tears started to fall.

"He said you should notify him every time you do something." I was proud my voice didn't crack. A groan left his throat and a curse in Korean. A few seconds of silence filled the room before I heard him unlocking the room and slamming it again. I turned around quickly and I found myself alone in the room. The tears began to fall as I couldn't help but think how everyone hates me now.


Back in my apartment I decided to unplug my phone, turn off my laptop and my phone. I didn't want to talk to anybody right now. Judging by Jackson's words and what happened on the elevator I was pretty sure most of them were angry at me, JB included.

I took a quick shower and put on a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater. I did my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard someone knocking at my door. I quickly took the pill for my headache and went to open the door.

I grabbed the latch and turned it around, I slowly pulled the door towards me but a pair of hands pushed it towards me strongly. I took a couple of steps back and JB stormed into my apartment, he slammed the door and faster walked towards me.

His jaw was clenched and his eyes fixed on mine. He closed the space between us when he grabbed my face and crushed his lips against mine. I instinctively closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I responded to the kiss as I felt all the tension I was carrying leaving my body. He forced me to open my mouth to give him more access so I did.

His kiss was greedy and needy, I've experienced nothing like this before. He pushed me toward the wall and I felt his hands running through my body. His touch was totally unfamiliar but my body was welcoming it. His tongue was moving faster inside my mouth and I had to make an effort to keep up with his rhythm. He'd give me some breaks to breath as he kissed the corner of my lips desperately.

After a few seconds he grabbed my face and pulled me roughly away from the wall and pushed me gently inside the bedroom since the door was next to us. He was walking us faster toward the bed, he pushed me towards the bed and jumped on top of me.

I knew I should be stopping him but I couldn't, I felt myself blushing as I acknowledge my feelings in the moment. I want this as much as he does.

He removed his leather jacket and threw it across the room and returned to kiss me. I ran my hands through his soft straight hair and pulled some locks. His hair smelled fresh like shampoo, my fingers were cold and a bit wet so I assumed he just took a bath not so long ago. He broke the kiss and his lips traveled down to my neck. He started kissing and biting the skin in there.

A thought of stopping him flashed again but it was useless, he got me under his command and I liked it. I felt his hands caressing my thighs, his fingers running free against my warm skin. His hands coming closer to my short sent shivers down my spine. I thought for a second he was going to remove my shorts but his hands traveled up to my shirt.

His strong hands were running under my sweater, caressing my belly and now my breasts. I blushed deep red when I felt his hands touching me this way. This is something I'd never imagined JB doing to me and the most crazy thing is that I was enjoying it. He quickly removed his shoes and his shirt as he looked at me.

I noticed his eyes were full of lust with a darker tone now. I know he was asking me for permission to keep going so I bit my lip in answer. The shirt flew across the room and he gave me a few seconds to admire his physique which was perfect. I could spot a well formed abs and marked biceps on his arms. He leaned down on top of me again and kissed me roughly again.

I touched his arms and they were firm, the skin was smooth. I ran my hands down to his abs and felt my blush growing. He broke the kiss and bite my lip. His hands took the hem of my sweater, he looked at me once more before pulling it over my head. He looked at me tenderly before looking down. He leaned and kissed my belly slowly as he looked at me, a road of butterfly kisses from my belly, passing through my breasts and up to my neck sent shivers down my legs.

I moaned as his wet kisses focused on my neck again. I felt his hands caressing my tights again, his hands were now grabbing the hem of my short, he pulled down slowly and threw it away. He kissed softly my inner thigh, I could feel my skin burning in the place where he placed the kisses. His hands rested possessively under my thighs. He brought his mouth closer to my underwear but he stopped and looked at me for a few seconds.

I felt my heart racing almost like it was going out of my chest and my eyes filling with tears. He approached me, lying on top of me he took away some strands of my hair and looked down at me.

"I'll stop if you want me to." His voice was sweet. He rested his hands around me to support his own weight. I nodded.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He asked in a low voice as he caressed my hair with one hand. His chest was pressed against mine and he realized how my heart was beating faster.

"Are you okay?" He asked but I shook my head. His face looked worried now, his lips became a thin line as he looked straight into my eyes.

"Won't you tell me what's bothering you?" He insisted. I covered my head in embarrassment. "I am sorry... I can't do this right now." I said and he quickly got off of me and laid next to me, he pulled the blanket on top of me and stared into me.

"It's okay." He whispered as he caressed my cheeks. "May I know why?" His voice sounded disappointed but it was sweet.

"Everybody hates me now-" I started but he chuckled and placed a finger on my mouth as he shook his head.

"I don't hate you." He said tenderly. I looked up to him, his face looked funny now. His hair was ruffled because all the pulling.

"I am sorry about that." I said pointing at his head. He turned around to look himself at the mirror on the vanity I had on my room and laughed.

"It's fine... I don't mind." He said smiling with his eyes. His head was resting on his palm as he looked down at me.

"The rest of JYP hates me." I said and he tried to not roll his eyes. "Fuck them." He immediately said. I opened my eyes at his words and he smiled widely.

"Their opinion is so not terribly important to me." He added as he caressed my hair. I turned my body to his direction to get a better look of him.

"GOT7 hates me." I said and he shook his head. "They don't... Some of them are just mad at me, but they'll get over it, trust me."The look on his face changed a bit, it was now sad.

"They cannot hate you, you're their leader." I said sitting straight on the bed. He looked at me quickly and copied me, but he leaned his head on the head of the bed.

"Well... They're angry about Yugyeom's situation. I can't blame them." He said looking down at his fingers. For a second I felt guilty over this, but he had fault too. I sat next to him.

"Are we the worse who ever existed?" I asked and he chuckled and looked at me.

"For falling in love? I don't think so Hazel."

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