t h i r t y t w o

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A few days passed since I saw JB on the terrace that night. I was focused on my work in JYP. I've been editing some 2PM and 2AM videos this week and I finally got to see Taecyeon after such a long time.

"Hazel-ah!" He exclaimed when he saw me on their studio.

"Oppa!" I said and he chuckled. I have walked towards me and pulled myself into a quick hug.

"How have you been? I believe we have not seen each other in a long time. "He said while crossing his arms on his chest.

"I know, since New years eve party. I worked a lot with GOT7 the last month but now I am back with 2PM. "He smiled widely and clapped a couple of times.

"Great. I must admit we've missed you and could not help but wonder where you have been lately. "He said inviting me to get a seat next to him on the couch.

"Although we traveled to Japan and stayed there for a couple of weeks, maybe that's why we did not bumped into each other lately." He said and we both laughed.

"How is Japan?"

"Ahh ... One of my favorite places. Have you ever been there? "I shook my head in response. I've never been there but I'd love to go someday.

"No?" He asked shocked. "Well you should ... It's amazing." He took his phone from his pocket and started showing me some pictures of him and the rest of 2PM members during their vacation in Japan.

"We shoot a lot with the self cam, I guess you have plenty work." He said and I laughed.

"It's fine. I don't mind." I said. Suddenly the door flew open and Yugyeom entered the room.

"Hyung! Now I remember the song, it was-" He stopped talking when he realized I was there. I felt my heart sinking since I haven't seen him in a while now. I've been avoiding his presence just to avoid some pain.

"Yes?" Taecyeon asked a bit confused. Yugyeom was looking in my direction, he just stood there without saying anything. Taecyeon looked at me, maybe asking for answers. I just stood and bowed to him.

"I have to go now Oppa, have a good afternoon." I said and walked outside of the studio. My heart was breaking for what I just did, but I didn't want to give any explanations about anything and I didn't want to embarrass Yugyeom with my presence there. 


I returned to my apartment and checked the clock. It was 9:12 p.m. I 've bought a pizza on my way home, I thought about going to the terrace to eat while I read my new book. I found a magical place where they sell books in English at low costs and I bought like ten. I did my way upstairs and sat on one of the chairs. I opened my pizza box and my book and turned on the flashlight.

The air was fresh and slightly cold but it was totally bearable. I thanked myself for wearing comfy but thick pajamas before I came here. I heard the door open and turned around to find JB with a book and a big plastic cup. He stared at me for a couple of seconds but shrugged and closed the door behind him.

"I am reading, I hope you don't mind." He said shaking his book on the air. I shook my head.

"Go ahead." I said. He sat a few meters away from me on the floor. He wasn't that far actually and I am pretty sure he choose that spot because is one of the few in the terrace where you can get a nice amount of light to read at night.

I went back to my reading and my pizza in silence, but eventually I couldn't help but peek in his direction now and then. He looked so calmed and focused on the reading when he suddenly looked up and our eyes met, I quickly returned my gaze back to the book. I heard him chuckle.

We did this a couple more of times before he sighed. "Is there something on my face?" He asked, pulling down his book and looking at me through his glasses.

"I...I can't see from here." I said genuinely. He stood and walked toward me leaning down his face close to mine.

"And now?" He asked tilting his head. I swallowed hard and almost fell of my chair when he the proximity between us because almost none existent.

"There's no-nothing." I said and he laughed.

"Okay." He said and looked down to the pizza box on the floor and then back at me.

"Thirsty?" He asked shaking the plastic cup.

"It's fine, that's yours." I said but he brought the glass to my face and smiled tenderly. I was so taken aback for all this that I didn't dare to refute, I took the cup and drank through the blue straw.

I tasted the strawberry milk sweetness on my lips. I returned him the cup and bowed slightly. "Kamsahamnida." I said and he smiled.

"Uh... Hungry?" I asked pointing to the pizza, he nodded. I grabbed the box and brought it to his face just like he did with me, he chuckled and grabbed it. He sat on the floor at the feet of my chair and started eating the pizza quietly.

After a few seconds he finally spoke. "This is good, where did you get it?" He asked.

"Pizza hut." I said and he laughed.

I was so confused by this smiling JB. I didn't want to talk or do anything, I just wanted to enjoy this right now, I was amazed like in those animal planet tv shows when they show you a new rare species they just found.

He kept munching and then turned slowly to look at me, once our eyes met I jumped in surprise and returned my eyes to the book. I could hear him laughing silently. "So... What are you reading?" He asked.

"Uhh... The solitude." I said showing him the book, he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" He looked up at me. He moved a bit closer to me, resting his back on the chair legs. I felt a bit uneasy with his proximity, he shrugged.

"It seems like you rejected Jinyoung's recommendations." He said munching a slice of pizza.

"Uhh... It's not like that." I said and he looked at me sarcastically.

"Okay yes. But in my defense his readings are a bit –

"Weird." We said in unison. We looked at each other and then giggled.

"I agree. That's why I never read anything he recommends." He said and lifted the plastic cup clearly offering me some more strawberry milk. I found his gesture sweet and I didn't want to disappoint him right now, he was being nice with me, plus I love strawberry milk, so I took it and sipped a bit.

"That book you're reading though... I don't think is appropriate to your situation right now." He said.

"What do you mean-" I started but then I stopped talking and a "O" was visibly formed on my lips. "It's not like that, the title has nothing to do with the reading." I said and he nodded narrowing his eyes.

"Do you feel lonely?" His question woke me up as I blinked twice in disbelief. He truly says what he thinks.

"I – I –" I found myself stammering. What am I supposed to say? I do feel lonely lately. Yugyeom's not in my life anymore, GOT7 members seemed to notice this and they avoid me sometimes, maybe this is because they don't want to create a tense atmosphere with their maknae. They're obviously going to support their little brother. The only one that changed in a positive way toward me was JB.

"Sometimes." I found myself answering, he nodded as if he understand.

"Don't read books with obvious titles. It makes you look pathetic." He said between a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and smacked his head with the book, he faked an "ouch" and kept laughing.

"Fine... Then recommend something to me." I said and he started thinking hard.

"Okay, meet me here tomorrow at the same hour and I'll bring you my most precious book." He said munching another piece of the slice.

I felt an unfamiliar warmth on my cheeks as I nodded in response. He smiled widely and shook his head returning to the pizza. We remained silently reading our books for the rest of the night.


"You're late." He said once I walked into the terrace. I narrowed my eyes at the view, JB was sitting on the floor and he had a backpack that seemed heavy next to him, he also had one of these camping lamps lying on the floor. He motioned me to come toward him, I walked slowly and stood a couple of meters away from him.

"Uhh... What is this?" I asked.

"I brought books." He said pointing to the backpack next to him. "Come sit." He said pointing to the ground. I looked down at my body, I was wearing a skirt. His eyes followed mine and he soon realized the same.

"Oh..." He said and stood quickly taking off the sweater he had wrapped around his waist and placed it on the floor. "There you go." He said pointing to the empty spot with the sweater on the floor.

Is this real life? Am I dead already? What is this happening?

Who is this person and what did you to JB? I thought of ask but then I decided I should not, he might get angry at me and throw me throught the rail and I'll be dead in seconds.

I sat next to him and smiled warmly. He opened the backpack and pulled out a brown bag, he opened it and tossed it on the floor. It had tons of candy, I looked at him confused.

"I have a sweet tooth." He said a bit embarrassed.

"Uhh you don't have to eat if you don't want-" He started pulling some of the candies back into the bag, he clearly was embarrassed. I stopped him.

"I love candy." I said taking one of the chocolate bars and opening it in a swift move and taking a bite. It was delicious.

He smiled widely and then pulled out the books. The whole scene was pretty weird. He has been nothing but weird and obnoxious toward me since the day I arrived, yes he had some nice episodes in the past, but right when he did something nice for me, he then did around three hundred times worse.

Still it was hard for me to get used to his smiley face and his kind treatment. "I love this one, is one of my favorites." He said handing me a book. I took it between my hands; I felt his eyes on me.

"I've never read it before." I opened it and realized it was in Korean, I looked back at him with a sarcastic look.

"Yah you can't read it yet?" He asked and I shook my head. He took the book back from my hands and sighed.

"Then I am afraid you can't read any of these." He said shaking the backpack.

"They're all in Korean?" I asked and he nodded. He had a sad smile on his face. Was it really important for him to show me these books?

"Uhh... Give me one, your most favorite one and I'll try to read it." I said smiling. I don't like to disappoint him and make him believe I don't intend to learn more Korean in the future. He smiled widely and looked for the book until he finally pulled it from the bottom of the backpack.

He handed the book to me and locked his eyes on me. I could feel his intense stare, maybe he was waiting for my reaction.

"What do you think about birds?" I asked unsure if I had read the title correctly. He nodded and smiled tenderly.

"That's right. Although the reading has nothing to do with birds." He said scratching the back of his head.

I nodded. "Thanks, I'll do my best." I said shaking the book on my hand. He seemed satisfied with my promise, he offered me some candy and I took a bag of gummies.

"How long have you been coming here?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Since we moved here... So... Maybe three years." He said munching a chocolate bar.

"Just you?" I asked and he nodded. "The others hate the cold breeze, but I love it." He now made some space and laid on the plain floor with his both hands under his head.

"I... I never knew we had a terrace until Nana's birthday." I said and he tried to smile but failed at it. He remained silent a few seconds, looking straight into the camping lamp between us.

"About that... I am sorry if I caused trouble." He said, I shook my head.

"It's fine. You didn't." I said looking up to the sky. It was really dark now and a couple of stars could be seen in the pretty navy blue sky. Being here is quite relaxing though. This is a tall building and the city noises almost can't be heard here.

"You seem troubled." He said, I looked down and our eyes met. I shrugged.

"It's just... I feel a little weird." I said, he tilted his head and leaned on one arm, resting his hand under his cheek.

"How?" He looked at me intrigued, narrowing his eyes. "It's weird when you talk to someone every day and suddenly they stop talking to you, it's like they've taken a piece of your life away, leaving you there lonely." I shrugged.

"Thanks god you stopped reading that book, it wouldn't make you any good." He joked and I tried to suppress the laugh.

"Don't you have any friends?" He asked casually, I shook my head.

"Wae? Just Yugyeom?" He looked a bit shocked about this. "Well it's not exactly like that. I am friends with Nana but she's busy a lot." I said.

"Only two friends? He asked still in awe.

"Stop bullying me about my amount of friends." I said and he laughed. "I am not." He said running a hand through his hair.

He mumbled something in Korean I didn't catch. "So... Now that you feel lonely and lately you have been seen walking near rails by yourself while crying... –" He started and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's do something together." He said it casually, trying to pretend not to care, giving the sentence a lack of importance in the air. I looked down at him in awe.

What is happening?

I cleared my throat and tilted my head. "Uhh... Like what?" I asked.

"Have you ever went fishing?" He asked looking at me straight into my eyes, he didn't winked even once.

Damn... JB how do you manage to be so sure of yourself?

"No, never." I hugged my legs. "Well... It's fun. You'll like it." He said grabbing a candy and throwing it into his mouth.

"Okay." I said with a weird voice, as if I was trying to convince myself while saying it.

Is this a good idea?

"Great. I am free next weekend." He said smiling, I nodded in response. "Me too." He pulled out his phone from the pocket and handed it to me. "Type your number there." He commanded me, I tilted my head in confusion but did it anyways.

"You know... To text you the hour." He added and my lips formed an "O" as I nodded in understanding. I give back his phone and he smiled. I coudln't help but think that if he wanted me to know the hour, he could just told me anytime, we bump into each other literally every day.

"Then it's settled. We're going fishing next weekend, Hazel." He said in a low voice now. His voice was very sweet; it had a cozy tone while he spoke that made me feel a sensation of melted chocolate being poured in my ears. How odd...

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