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The atmosphere on the house has been weird for the last hours. Yugyeom's older brother went out to buy some stuff with their mom. Ira was out for the day with GiYeom and Mark, since he offered to show my brother around the city and they were attending a skateboarding event. I stayed with Yugyeom the whole day since he's in bed, he's not feeling well. Immediately after he broke down to cry, he started feeling fever.

"Here. Drink this." I said to him as I entered to his room. He was lying on my bed. He sat down and grabbed the cup from my hands. I stood and went to the wardrobe to get a blanket for him. The weather changed drastically, this morning was the sun shining but now it's cold and grey outside.

I placed the blanket on his body and he looked at me in a tender way. I smiled and caressed his cheeks. "So... What do you want to do?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know." He answered as he took a sip of the tea I made for him.

"Do you want to play some video games?" I asked but he shook his head. "I am not really in the mood." He said and I nodded.

I noticed he was still feeling sad about this afternoon's altercate. "What about a movie?" I asked. He hesitated a bit but then he agreed. I walked to the shelve that had a lot of DVD boxes and grabbed the first one.

"This one?" I asked.

"Sure. I love it." He said smiling. I set up the movie and climbed the bed, he brought me closer to him and pulled the blanket on top of us. I noticed how he laughed a few times as Toy Story was playing on the flat screen.

It made me feel warm inside, seeing him genuinely happy about an animated movie. I moved closer to him to kiss him on his cheek. He jumped in surprise when he felt my lips on his hot skin. I noticed he still had fever.

He turned around and looked at me with a mischievous look. "You're so cute." I said answering at his confusion. He smile widely and returned his eyes to the movie. I grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to my chest and hugged his arm. I felt so safe and happy being so close to him. This was probably my favorite place in the whole world.


"How are you feeling love?" Her mother asked in Korean. Yugyeom opened his eyes since he was taking a nap on the living room.

"I feel better now." He said sitting down straight. I smiled at him and brought him a glass of water.

"Dear, could you please get me some herbs from the garden?" She asked and I nodded.

"Right away." I said and stepped outside to look for the herbs. I walked towards the small fence and leaned on the rail. My eyes scanned the pots until I finally found the herbs so I tore a few branches. I heard someone clearing his throat behind me. I turned around and found YuHeom standing behind me. His eyes were fixed on the ground and his hands rested behind his back.

"Hazel-ssi... - He started without looking at me – I am deeply sorry for my behavior early. I not acted like a gentleman and gave you a unpleasant welcome to our house." He said swallowing hard.

I felt a little nervous since I looked behind him and saw the door closed so now I was alone with him outside. I nodded but of course he couldn't see me since his eyes were still on the floor.

"I feel ashamed of my behavior, I hope you can find forgiveness in your heart." He said now looking up to me.

I froze in my place as I saw his eyes were watery. It shocked me again how much he looked like Yugyeom without the idol look that Yugyeom has. His brother instead has plain dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Now that he was standing in front of me, I realized he's not that old, he must twentyish.

I swallowed hard and nervously nodded. "No problem at all. It's in the past now." I said and he bowed.

"I am sorry for being rude about the foreigner issue. I... I-" He started but his voice cracked. I noticed how he shed a few tears that he wiped away quickly, no giving it a chance to run down his cheeks. I could see he was in pain but I didn't understand why.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. He looked back at me and nodded.

"I... I unburdened in you when I shouldn't have. It was so careless from me." He said bowing again.

"It's fine. I know you didn't want to hurt me or Yugyeom." I said and he looked at me with confusion.

"I am going through a divorce right now. I married a foreigner and – He started and sighed loudly – You reminded me of her. It's a foolish thing to say and I am not looking for excuses in this." He said.

I sighed in relief. I thought he hated me but now I realized he's been hurt and that's why he acted that way. "I've suffer a lot Hazel-ssi. I don't want Yugyeom to go through the same as I did." He reasoned.

I nodded in understanding. "Thanks for confessing me this. Please have in mind that not all foreigners are the same. I truly care about Yugyeom." I said and he smiled genuinely at me for the first time since we met.

He bowed and thanked me. "I know Yugyeom thinks I don't care about him but I do. It's only... Since father died I assumed his role on this family and I had to be strict with the my younger brothers at times, he doesn't understand sometimes." He said.

I felt bad for him for a second and I thought of Ira immediately, they've lived similar lives, taking care of younger brothers and sisters because of the weight that leaves the loss.

"Hazel-ah?" I heard their mother exclaiming from the kitchen. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Don't worry. I know what is like, I hope we can get along well in the future." I said and he nodded in response. "I'd like that. Thanks for forgiving me, now go inside, mother needs you." He said in a gentle tone. I bowed and did my way inside.

I turned around before closing the door and noticed YuHeom leaning on the rail, his shoulders shaking, it looked like he was crying, there was a sting in my heart since I felt bad for him in that moment.


We were preparing for the Christmas. I've helped Yugyeom's mother to cook all day since tomorrow is the big day. GiYeom which is Yugyeom's favorite brother offered to take us to the fair today and I am taking the opportunity to buy some presents for the Kim family.

"I like this place." Ira said as he waited with me and Mark outside of the house.

"Yeah me too. I always come here when we have vacation and I can't go to the US." Mark said playing with a dead branch.

"Do you miss your family?" I asked and he nodded with a sad smile.

"I thought I was going to be able to travel this Christmas but it wasn't possible." He said.

"Are you guys ready?" Yugyeom's brother, GiYeom said coming out of the door. Yugyeom was behind him.

"Yeah we are." Ira replied as he followed him to the car, they sat on the front. Mark and I waited for Yugyeom and we followed them.

"Did I take too long taking a bath?" Yugyeom asked me. We were squeezed on the car since Mark, Yugyeom and I were sharing the back seat, it was fun to see Yugyeom's uncomfortable face being so close to Mark since he wanted to be in the middle.

"No, it's okay." I said giving him a reassuring smile. GiYeom who was driving apparently fell into a pit on the road since the car jumped and we all bumped into each other, Yugyeom rolled his eyes when Mark laughed out loud since his hand accidentally landed between Yugyeom's legs.

"Yah hyung, keep your hands to yourself." He said to throwing Mark's arm back at him. Mark chuckled.

"Can't keep my hands to myself." He sang to Selena Gomez song. I laughed and Yugyeom shoot a deathly stare at me.

"If you were that uncomfortable sitting next to Mark, why didn't you let me go in the middle?" I asked sarcastically

"I don't want you near him, look what his crazy hand just did." He said as if it was obvious. We al laughed.

When we arrived the fair I felt so happy. The atmosphere was incredibly warm even though we were in winter, the Christmas market was beautiful. There were plenty shops with different products and I could smell the food cooking on the tents. I noticed Yugyeom close to me as we watched Mark, GiYeom and Ira walking ahead.

"Do you like it here?" He leaned to whisper on my ear. I nodded.

"I do, it's really festive." I said, he smiled tenderly and grabbed my hand. My heart raced as usual, we walked through the people and I could see some staring at us but it seemed like Yugyeom didn't care at all.

I noticed a shop besides me with beautiful teapots with different colors. Since Yugyeom's mom use usually a pot to heat the water I thought it would be a good idea to get her one of these teapots as a Christmas present.

"You see something you like?" He asked leaning over my shoulder, I nodded.

"I'd like to give a Christmas present to your mom. I am thinking about one of these teapots." I said turning my head around to see him. His chin was resting on my shoulder and he had a funny face.

"What do you think?" I asked pinching his nose, he chuckled.

"I think you don't need to get anyone a present-

"I want to." I insisted, he sighed and finally nodded. "I think she'd love that." He said.

After a few minutes of trying to pick the right teapot for Yugyeom's mom, I finally decided for one that was light blue and had patterns of small white flowers all over. It was hard for me to choose it because every time I'd show one to Yugyeom he'd say that one is perfect, so at the end it got me confused but finally found the right one.

I remembered Yugyeom's kitchen is all white, so this cute light blue teapot would stand from the rest of the home appliances. We kept walking together and I bought the rest of the presents and some wrapping paper to get them ready later.

After the fair we went out for dinner and then returned home. Yugyeom's mom was waiting for us to bring her dinner. I went straight to my room avoiding her since I didn't want her to see her present for tomorrow. Yugyeom knocked the door of his room and I tell him to come in. He walked inside with a big smile on his face.

"Need help?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not exactly." I said putting away the bag with the presents, since when Yugyeom went to look for his brother, I took that time and bought him a present and I want to surprise him. He smiled and nodded.

"Mom asked for you." He said.

"I know. I'll be downstairs in a minute." I said.

"Did my brother talked to you?" He asked looking at my hands.

"He did, how did you know?" I asked. He shrugged and then looked back at me.

"He talked to me first." He said. His face looked a bit relief and less angry than before.

"He... Told me he was sorry and that he was going to ask for forgiveness too, did he?" He asked and I nodded.

"He was very nice about it and he explained it to me." I said.

He nodded and his lips became a thin line. "He had a bad experience, that doesn't mean that'd happen to me." He said.

I grabbed his hands and caressed his thumb. "I know, that's exactly what I said to him." I said and he smiled tenderly.

"Great. Shall we go back?" He asked standing from the bed, still holding my hand. I nodded and we did our way downstairs.

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