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I was on the garden helping Yugyeom's mother to plant some flowers. She was an avid gardening lover and she dedicated her free time to plant flowers and different types of vegetables. She was gladly teaching me some stuff.

"Pass me that bag of seeds please dear." She said. I was holding a basket of different garden tools. I handed to her the bag of seeds. I could hear some laughs coming from inside the house. We've been here since yesterday. Yugyeom's mom prepared for us a delicious dinner yesterday and a lovely breakfast today.

We were currently planting some seeds and then I am helping her to make the lunch. I noticed Yugyeom walking toward us. He smiled widely as always.

"Are you done?" He asked me. I tensed a bit since I feel like there's still some work to do and I wouldn't like to leave it all to Yugyeom's mom.

"I am sorry, we're not finished yet." I said and immediately noticed Yugyeom's disappointment on his face. Her mother looked at us.

"It's fine dear. I just have to plant this one and I'll be done. You can go now, thanks for your help." She said kicking us out with hand gestures.

"Are you sure omoni?" I asked and she smiled widely.

"Yes. I'll see you two later." She said hushing us. Yugyeom extended his hand to help me stand from the floor and lead me back to the house as our hands were entwined.

"You could have waited." I scolded him, he made a pout.

"I am jealous." He said with a girly voice which made me chuckle.

"I am being serious Yugyeom, I want to make a good impression on your mom." I said and he held my face between his hands and leaned closer to me.

"You silly, there's no need of that. She loves you already." He said giving a peck to the tip of my nose.

"Plus. I was being serious too." He said letting go of my face and crossing his arms on his chest. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I loved the playful Yugyeom.

"How come? Jealous of your mom? Are you serious?" I asked imitating his gestures.

"Yes! You only hang out with her since we arrived yesterday-

"And?" I asked and he looked at me annoyed.

"You're mine. You're supposed to be with me." He said walking closer to me. "You're my girlfriend." He then whispered into my lips and gave me a peck.

I felt my cheeks burning at his words and couldn't help but smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're so selfish Yugyeom-ah." I said and he laughed.

"Don't call me like that. It's so weird." He said while laughing.

"Why Yugyeom-ah?"I said again and he groaned and started tickling me.

"Okay okay, fine, I'll stop." I said and he grinned.

"Much better. Thanks." I said once he let go of me. He blow me a kiss and grabbed my hand again.

"Where is my brother?" I asked. He shrugged.

"He's playing video games with Mark and my brother." He said.

"Why aren't you playing with them?" I asked and he looked at me as if it was obvious.

"I prefer hang out with you." He said as we did our way to the backyard.

"Do you like bikes?" He asked. I noticed a car parked. Some boxes and a few bikes. I looked around and then our eyes met again. He had a bike between his hands and he raised a brow.

"Are you serious?" I asked coming closer to the bike. I brushed my fingertips on the light blue color of the wheel.

"Is it yours?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wanna go for a ride?" He asked. I smiled widely and nodded. He climbed on the bike and looked back at me. "What are you waiting for? Hop up!" He said.

I climbed behind him and wrapped my arm around his waist. I felt him laughing since his stomach was shaking, even though I couldn't see his face. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and rested my head on his back. He began pedaling and soon we were far from his house. Living on the outsides of the city provided such a beautiful view, the sea was so pretty and the sky was a pale blue. Even though it was winter and soon the snow will come, there was a fresh cold air that I really enjoy since it made me feel like I was back home.

We arrived a beautiful park that had a view to the sea. We got off the bike and sat on a bench. He held my hand and we stayed there for a couple of minutes, silently watching the sea stirring every so often. The sun shone although it wasn't as bright as I'd want to but I knew I'd miss this in a few weeks ahead. I turned around and saw Yugyeom with his hands resting on the bench serving of support to his body while he was looking at the sky. He had the cutest smile on his face, he looked innocent and adorable. I felt my heart warming.

There were some trees around us, I didn't know exactly what type but every time the wind blew, there was a fresh aroma everywhere. I smiled to myself and thanked god for this incredible view. I knew I'd treasure this moment forever. Yugyeom turned around and met my eyes. I felt a bit shy since he'd probably think that I was staring at him which is totally what I was doing. He chuckled and then held my hand again.

"Do you like it?" He asked returning his eyes to the ocean I nodded.

"Beautiful." I said looking at him. I am pretty sure he thought I was talking about the view and the ocean, and even though it was a pretty view, it wasn't to compare with the one I was watching right now.

I felt stupid for a second, thinking this way might be childish but Yugyeom makes me feel some way I've never felt before and I am grateful for that.

"I wish we could stay here forever." He said in Korean. I caressed his slim fingers between my hands. I could tell how much he liked being back home. I understood the feeling, even though I like Korea, I always get homesick.

"We could." I said jokingly. He turned around and smiled sadly.

"Stop teasing me Jagiya." He said in a sweet voice. He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

He shrugged and looked back at me. "I wanted to share my favorite place to my favorite person." He said. I wanted to jump and kiss his whole face, the gestures he makes are always cute and very much of my liking.

"Thanks, I feel honored." I said. He had a proud smile on his face. I took his phone from the pocket of his jacket. He followed me with his eyes.

"Shall we take a picture for the memories?" I asked and he nodded quickly smiling widely. I opened the front camera and we posed.

"I'll take a few." I said.

"Okay." He answered. We both smiled tenderly at the camera and I took the first picture.

"Next one." I said. He smiled now widely and just when I was about to take the picture I turned my face to his and kissed his cheek.

He turned to look at me in surprise but I crushed my lips against his and took the next picture. He laughed between the kiss and once we broke he had his cheeks bright pink.

"Jagiyaaa!" He protested. I laughed and handed back his phone. He smiled like an idiot watching the pictures I took.

"I actually love them." He said showing me the picture of the kiss. I felt a bit shy now that I watched the picture, but I don't regret taking it.

"Why the sudden pictures?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I thought that we should preserve this memory. We're having a good time, aren't we?" I asked and he nodded.

"We are." He said.

After that we walked closed to the ocean, holding hands. He'd eventually tease me and I'd go running after him to punish him. We laughed so much that my stomach begin to hurt, our faces were red from all the running and the blushing. We looked like a pair of teenagers in love.


We returned to Yugyeom's house and I noticed a car parked outside. He stiffened under my arms as he stopped the bike, he remained watching the car for a few seconds before he continued his way towards the house.

We got off the bike and he parked it when it was before. He grabbed my hand and he stopped in front of the back door. I noticed his shoulders tensed.

"Hun is there something wrong?" I asked. He turned to look at me with widened eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked. He smirked ad he squeezed my hand.

"That's the first time you call me like that." He said. I opened my eyes widely as I realized what words I just said and felt immediately shy. It's true, I've never said something like that to him before, and I said it without asking first. Maybe he's annoyed by it.

"I am sorry. I – I should have ask first-

"No. Are you kidding? I like it." He said and kissed my knuckles. He smiled widely with his whole face and I felt a warmth on my chest.

"Let's go inside." He said without giving me the chance to ask him again why he had such a worried face. We walked inside and I saw his Mother coming out from the kitchen with a tray of tea and cookies.

"Oh you're finally here! YuHeom arrived a few minutes ago, he can't wait to meet you!" She said gesturing with her face for us to follow her. She disappeared through the living room door.

I started walking behind her but Yugyeom stopped me by grabbing me by the arm.

"Hazel wait." He said in a soft tone. I turned to look at him and frowned at his expression. He looked scared, he blinked a few times and I noticed the concern on his face.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"It's just... It's my hyung, my older brother. He – He's not exactly nice." He said almost stammering.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Please – He started and closed his eyes then opened them – Just... Don't pay too much attention to him, he's an asshole." He said grabbing my hands and kissing them.

I nodded in reassurance and smiled. "Let's go, I don't want to keep your mom waiting." I said and he nodded. We did our way to the living room where his supposedly brother was waiting. I felt a knot in my stomach after he said that. He looked really concerned about this whole situation so I imagine he can't be lying but on the other hand, his mother looked so happy to see us and to finally meet his older brother that it makes me think that maybe he's exaggerating a bit.

We walked into the living room. I noticed Yugyeom's mom pouring the tea and next to her was a man who looked slightly like Yugyeom but older. He looked at us when he noticed our presence. He remained silent.

"Oh here they are. Come dear." She said to me. I nodded and walked towards her.

"Look how cute she is, isn't she?" She asked the older son. He eyed me carelessly and nodded.

"Sure, for a foreigner." He said in Korean. I noticed Yugyeom breathing heavily next to me. The mother looked a bit ashamed and she smiled.

"Such a cute pair of eyes. I've never seen green eyes like yours before." She said kindly to compliment my attributes. I smiled warmly.

"Kamsahamnida Omoni." I said. She smiled back and offered me a seat on the couch across her.

"I am Kim YuHeom." He said to me in Korean as he eyed me from head to toe. I could feel a hint of despise from his look. He grabbed her mom's cup of tea and took a sip.

"My name is Hazel Lowell, nice to meet you Oppa." I said bowing politely. Even though he didn't bowed like every one, I don't want Yugyeom's family to think I am rude in any way.

He narrowed his eyes and then directed his gaze to Yugyeom. "Yugyeom-ah is nice to see you again. How is everything with that kpop group of yours?" He asked while taking another sip to his tea.

I noticed how Yugyeom's mom was a bit stressed due to his son's behavior. "GOT7's been doing pretty well, they've won several trophies." She said quickly.

Yugyeom remained silent, I noticed he was angry since his jaw was clenched just as his fists. "Hmm, interesting. I didn't know you received trophies for singing and dancing on television." He said in a mocking tone.

I felt my blood boiling. He was sure worse than JB. Suddenly memories of JB during my first two weeks on JYP blossomed on my mind. They looked a bit similar on behavior.

"We do – He said and smiled sardonically – But of course you wouldn't know since you don't care about me or anyone in this family!" He answered back in Korean raising his tone.

"Excuse me?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I noticed the mother going nervous.

"I don't understand why you ask about me if you clearly don't care. Stop faking it. You don't care about this family at all." He said and stood.

"I don't care about this family? Are you being stupid boy? Or this foreigner turned you into one?" He said in an angry tone.

"YuHeom-ah." The mother started, grabbing gently his son's arm.

"I believe is the other way around, you are the one who doesn't care about this family at all. Bringing a foreigner to this house, presenting her as your new girlfriend, inviting her to spend Christmas with us, are you insane Kim Yugyeom? You are the one who doesn't give a shit about this family!" He yelled.

Yugyeom clenched his fist and started walking towards his brother but I grabbed him by the arms to stop him. The mother grabbed the arms of the older brother to stop him too.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Yugyeom yelled.

"Yugyeom." I started as I fought my way to prevent him from going after his brother. Yugyeom looked taller than him and stronger.

"Yugyeom please." I insisted.

"You don't care about mom, and about our friends. What do you think they're going to say when they found out you brought a foreigner to the house?" He kept spitting his venomous words. Yugyeom clenched his teeth and shook his head.

"Let me go." He said to me but I held on tight on his arms.

"No Yugyeom, stop!" I exclaimed.

"YuHeom! – The mother started to yelled at his older son – Stop this please. She's Yugyeom's girlfriend you should respect it." She said pushing his oldest son away from the youngest.

"Yugyeom let's go." I said dragging him away from the living room.

"Yaah!" He groaned in frustration as he grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. He walked faster through the hall and stopped on the door of his room, he opened it and walked me inside, he was about leave the room and close the door behind him but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Please don't." I said. He was outside the door. He looked down to his hand who was being held by mine.

"You'll regret it later." I said. He looked at me and groaned again, he pushed the door and stepped inside with me, slamming the door behind. He locked it and then leaned against the door. His face resting on the white wood of the door, his fists clenched to each side of his head.

I took a couple of steps back since I wanted to give him some space. I knew he was having a hard time right now, especially because of all those things his brother said.

After a few seconds, I took a couple of steps towards him. He remained leaning on the door without looking at me. I lifted my hand and placed it on his arm and caressed the soft material of his sweater.

"Hun- I said but he didn't let me said anything, he just turned around and closed the distance between us, he buried his face on the crook of my neck and started crying.

I froze on my spot because I've never seen him crying before and it was a raging cry. He held me tight and squeezed me towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and caressed his back.

"Yugyeom." I whispered but he didn't muttered a word. He just stayed there on my neck, crying.

I could feel those words have affected him more than they did to me. Of course I was mad at his brother but like he asked me before, I didn't pay much attention.

I waited patiently for him to stop crying. I could feel his hands closing on the sweater on my back. His cries decreased a few minutes later and he stood straight. He cleaned his tears but I moved his hands away and wiped them myself. He remained silent waiting for me to finish to wipe his tears.

"Are you okay now?" I asked and he nodded. His eyes were fixed on my face the whole time.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry Hazel." He said desperately. I shook my head.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, this isn't your fault." I said.

"I should have told you. I should have warned you-

"You did. I am fine Yugyeom, seriously." I said caressing his cheeks and hair.

"How can you be so calm? He insulted you. I wanted to break his nose, I swear." He said.

"It's okay. I admit those weren't the nicest words I've been said but it's fine really. I don't care about him I care about you and only you." I said holding his face between my hands. I got on my tiptoes and placed a chast kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes and just when I was about to break the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me even closer, he kissed me deeper. Out lips in sync , I could feel his cheeks still wet from all the crying but I really didn't care.

His kiss was different from all the ones we've shared. This was needy in a way I really can't explain. It was a totally new feeling between us. It was like he really needed it, like he was hungry of it.

After a few seconds he broke the kiss. I could feel my chest burning, our breathings were heavy. He rested his forehead against mine and held me close. "Promise me you'll never leave me." He whispered to my lips.

"Yugyeom- I stared.

"No. Promise me Hazel. Promise me you'll never leave me. No matter what people say, no matter what people think, just stay with me, please." He begged.

I never thought of leaving him, but I thought maybe it was necessary discuss this issue of his brother hating me for being foreigner better. I swallowed hard and looked at his cute dark brown eyes. I felt my heart skipping a beat.

His words were sincere and he looked honest and desperate. "I promise." I said. He closed his eyes and breathed out in relief. He hugged me once more and then we heard soft knocks on his door. He breathed and opened the door.

His mother was standing there with an ashamed look. She entered and hugged his son. She whispered something to him in Korean that I couldn't catch and then she looked at me and walked towards me.

"Hazel-ah. I am deeply sorry by YuHeom's behavior. Please know that you're more than welcomed in this house always that you want. He's having a hard time right now, he doesn't know what he's talking about, please forgive my family for all this damaged we caused." She said, her eyes filled with tears. I shook my head.

"Please Omoni, don't worry about it. I am not offended at all. There's no need to ask for forgiveness." I said bowing. He brought me closed and pulled me into a hug.

"Yugyeom is a good boy, please don't leave him for this." She whispered. I looked at Yugyeom who was standing still on the door, looking at me with lovingly eyes.

"Never." I replied to his mom.

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