T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I'll find you.

"What in the actual hell of all nine circles of Hell was this?"

—J. Lynn.

"And... There's my little man!" The man put on a red bowtie on the baby. His different coloured irises were widened, his little mouth open as he glanced at the tie on his neck and back to his father.

Philip chuckled at the adorable expression, picking him from the couch where he sat and put him down with his carbon copy on the carpet. The babies fumbled with legos, and Philip would stop them whenever they attempted to put in in their mouth.

"Sir, I'm talking the boys to the car now," the nanny informed and Philip nodded.

"Take Nick first, then come for Nate. Dana and I will be out in a few." He said.

It was the day of his parent's anniversary. Dana was still in the room dressing while he had been keeping the boys company. When the nanny had taken the boys out he glanced at his wristwatch and sighed when he saw the time. Over thirty minutes had passed since her make-up was done but she still hadn't come out.

The click-clack sound on the tiles made him direct his gaze to the direction of the noise, and his jaw dropped at the sight that met his eyes.

Dana was in a purple dress. Her milky white shoulders and a little cleavage were out. The dress was shaped in a very attractive manner, her tiny waist accentuated by the flaring of her hips.

He sucked in a breath when she stopped before him.

"You look breathtakingly gorgeous!"

"You look so beautiful that words can't explain."

"How did I get so lucky?"

"God can really create."

"Wow..." Of all the numerous thoughts and compliments swimming in his head, that was the only thing that left his lips. Just wow.

"Shall we?" He snapped out of his dazed state as her voice broke his line of thoughts and took her dainty fingers into his.

One minute thought, however, made Philip halt the strides he was about to take. If he admired his wife whom he'd been with for over two years like this, what about those at the party?

"I think you should cover your cleavage a bit. I don't want others coveting what's mine."

Dana chuckled. "Do I smell the green-eyed monster?" She leaned towards him, pressing her chest against his with a small smirk.

Philip sucked in a deep breath and stepped back. "You little tease!" He huffed.

Dana burst into a giggling fit as she sashayed out of the door while he kept sulking behind her.

As they were about to enter the car, Dana twisted around with a speed that could be compared to the speed of light.

Philip swung around, following the line of her gaze but didn't see anything.

"Danny? What is it?" He asked as her eyes had gone wide like saucers.

"I saw something, and I hope it's not what I think," she replied and started to walk back, farther into the parking lot.

Philip walked beside her, wondering what it was that she saw, and glancing around to see if he could get a clue but he saw nothing.

"Babe, there's nothing here." He held her hand and tried to tug her but she shook off his grip. She jogged first, then broke into a full sprint.

"I said it!" Dana screamed.

Philip ran after her, his pace slowing as he discovered what she had been referring to. There was a black bag, but It looked too long to be a normal bag.

He took three steps closer and it dawned on him. Its length and size. He had never seen that type of bag before except in the movies, and there was only one thing it was used for—disposing of bodies.

He grabbed his wife by her arm. The bag looked full, some parts protruding and it formed a slight familiar shape.

"Don't go close," he warned as he felt cold sweat trickling down his forehead. Who would drop a body bag in their parking lot and why?

"I'm going to see what it is, let me go, Philip." Her stance was rigid, and she had a determined look in her eyes.

"Do not go there, Dana! It's dangerous!" Philip said again. She did not bother to argue, and before he knew what was happening, she was beside the bag.

"I said don't go there!" He ran until he got to where the bag lay, still trying to stop her but broke off his movement when she zipped the bag open.

A dark-skinned girl lay in it; the side of her lip was busted, her lips were chapped and bruised, her shut eyes swollen and there was a large cut on her forehead. Blood seeped out of the cut, some clotted and blotched around it, down the left side of her face as it blended with dried tears.

She looked tortured.

A loud gasp fled their lips at the same time and Philip stepped back, trying to pull Dana away from the body.

"Dana that should do, let's call the police, don't touch her any further."

She ignored Philip and knelt beside the body, zipping it further. A white dress was on the girl, stains of stale blood and dirt on the chest part.

The thought of finding more gashes and cuts on the girl did not go down well with Philip. Who on earth would do this to their fellow human? He swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked over and over again to stop the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. The girl laying in the body bag could not be up to twenty years of age. That would mean she was even younger than his younger sisters.

Philip had had enough. He pulled Dana away with force this time.

"I told you not to touch that body! What is wrong with you? How did she get here that you know? You wanna cause trouble for yourself?"

"I know what I'm doing, Philip! Stop yelling at me. I'm a doctor and I must handle such emergencies. This is a matter of life and death, I'm trying to check if she's still alive so chill!"

She went back to the body and placed two fingers beside her jaw.

"She's still breathing, call 911."

Philip searched his pockets but it wasn't there. "I'm not with my phone." As he was about to run to the car to get it, he saw a golden purse on the ground. Dana must have dropped it while running. Reasoning a possibility that Dana's phone would be in it, Philip zipped the purse open.

That was how they ended up in the hospital's waiting room. Philip made sure that the boys got to his mother with a shallow explanation of the situation, so it was only he and Dana that was at the hospital. He met with the police, but from the minimal information he gave, they would have to come back to obtain a statement from the victim herself.

Dana, on the other hand, was meeting with the other doctors to discuss the girl's condition and know if she was to go in.

As Philip sat with his back against the chair, an image of how they found the girl flashed in his head again. Every time he thought about it his heart sank deeper into his stomach. He had refused to look when they took her out of the bag and placed her on the stretcher, but Philip had heard his wife's scream, that was enough to let him know that the situation was way more terrifying than he realised.

Could she have been a victim of severe domestic violence? Or was she a victim of kidnap? A criminal?

The first option was more reasonable though because he noticed a ring mark on her ring finger. But then she couldn't be married, could she? She looked too young. Oh, a live-in girlfriend. That should be it.


He whipped around as he heard his name. Dana stood before him with a sober expression. Her make-up had been smudged off, and her hair was sticking out in almost all angles.

"Babe," he said as he rose to his feet. Philip took off his suit and draped it around her, helping her to the chair.

Dana wrapped her trembling arms around his torso, burying her head against his chest as she broke into sobs.

"I feel so...so bad for her."

He pat her back as she cried, holding her against himself tight but making sure she was still comfortable. "What did they say? How's her condition?"

"Horrible. Four broken ribs that have already been infected,  she has horrible scars on her body, especially her back. The gashes are so deep and rough and scary and..." She burst into tears again. "I don't want to even imagine what she went through. She was raped, and to crown it all she is pregnant."

"Oh my God!" Philip blinked back the tears that sprang up in his eyes once more. Who could have done such a thing to their fellow human? Just who?

A doctor approached them with a sombre expression and they stood.

"How's it going, Doctor?" Philip asked.

"The situation is very complicated. For now, we have to bring in a plastic surgeon to take out the infected ribs, and the ob/gyn to ensure that the babies are safe. The surgeries would be very risky as she has lost a lot of blood. Either she survives and the babies don't--"

"Babies?" Philip cut in. When he heard babies at first, he thought the doctor must have made a mistake.

"Yes, babies. She carrying twins. It's even more complicated because she's eleven weeks pregnant. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope they all survive."

A chilling sensation travelled through his spine. What if they didn't? If that was the case, he would blame himself for trying to stop Dana when she had been helping.

"Alright, thank you Doc."

Dana started to cry again.

"Please calm down Danny." He stroked her arms as she cried, placing his head on hers and pulling her in for a hug. "Fingers crossed, okay? They will be fine."

Philip was hanging on by a thread inside, but he couldn't show his wife that side. He had to be strong for her, and he so hoped and prayed that the girl would survive. Even though the glimmer of hope was bleak.

Double update 😎 which might be tripled.🤸🤸

Out Leticia has finally been delivered 🥺 although we have to wait and see how and when she recovers😔

So tell me, how did you find the chapter? A detailed comment would be thousands much appreciated 💓

Thank you for sticking around so far even with the irregular updates. Y'all are the real MVPs 🥺

Thank you for reading❤🤗
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