Day 3: Leechball War

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I curled up onto the bed as Cameron, Cody, and Mike were also getting ready. "Oh, yeah, this is the life." Mike said.

"Yeah, but I feel a little guilty looking at Sam's empty bed. I hope he's okay over on Boney Island." Cam said as I nodded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, but let's get some sleep so we can win tomorrow's challenge and then Sam can enjoy it here." I say as the others agree with me and we go to sleep.

It's late in the night as I wake up feeling something is off. I turn over and see Mike over by Sam's stuff. 

"Mike, what are you doing?" I ask as I hear a gasp.

"Oh nothing, just going to the bathroom, now go back to sleep." I hear him say as my mind agrees with him as I slip back into sleep.

I wake up earlier then the others and head down to see what was for breakfast and the butler showed me to the dining room as I smiled seeing the seats. I sit down and get served mostly bacon with a side of sunny side up eggs and a glass of milk. 

"Thanks." I say as he bows to me before leaving. I stash some of the bacon as the others soon wake up and I eat.

"Okay, explanation time Kid." I look at Cameron as I see the others looking at me, but the one who caught my eye the most was Cody. He looked as if he didn't know if he could trust what he was seeing. I bite my lip.

"Okay, so, when I fell into the volcano as Kaylub... I didn't die I just fell unconscious and needed to heal from well being in a volcano so I retreated into my own mind... kinda like going into a self inflicting coma, but instead my mind split locking the injured me away and allowing me to continue to grow and live. But because the pain included my memories those were locked away with me. The only thing that remained with my conscious self was non harmful things like language, numbers, and my own name. Thus Kid. I guess getting hit hard enough in the head allowed me to slip far enough to unlock the door holding my past. I'm still Kid from season four, but now I'm also Kaylub Usinagi the boy on the hunt for his birth father... did any of that make sense?" Before I could get a response Chris came over the speaker.

"Attention campers, forest recon in five, over!" Chris said as I get up and walk with the rest of the campers in the woods. I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail with my bang out tucked behind my ear as my hood was up covering my blushing face since Mike was walking really close behind me.

After a while, I notice Courtney glaring at Gwen. 

"You know if you take a picture it'll last longer." I say as I walk past Courtney to hear her gasp and stutter out words along the line of "No, ew, I don't, and how could you" I couldn't help myself from giggling as I give a soft smile to Gwen who smiled back in a way. I then see Alejandro walking on his hands and raise a brow.

"At ease, soldiers," Chris said once we arrived at the clearing. "Let's all welcome back exiled hamster...Sam." Sam came in along with Chef on a jeep.

"Hey, Sam! How was exile?" Zoey asked as Sam was covered in cuts, had a black eye, and most of his clothes were torn.

"Aside form the blinding hunger and bear attacks, pretty good actually." He then collapses. We go over to him.

"Don't worry, buddy! We smuggled you breakfast!" Mike whispered as we all pulled out our smuggled food.

"You 'bots are expert-level awesome." He takes the bacon from my hand. He eats in and savors it. "Maple bacon power pellets."

We then regroup with the Vultures. 

"Welcome to today's experiment with your pain thresholds." He laughs as the others look concerned. "Get ready for an ingenious twist on the war movie challenge from season two. There are two weapon caches in the heart of the forest. The big one is filled with state-of-the-art paintball weaponry and the little one has a bunch of cruddy old paintball slingshots. Whoever gets there first, gets their pick, and then you gotta pick off the competition."

"Looking forward to it." Courtney said glaring at Gwen as I rolled my eyes. 

/"She does know they're on the same team... right?"\

"You get one point for each opponent you splatter. First team to six points wins. And one of the losers will get a dishonorable discharge tonight, flush o' shame styles."

"Paintball again? Ohh, original. What a twist," Duncan said sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, that. One of the conditions of my parole is that I can't use or be around hard projectiles like paintballs. So... instead, you'll be using... leeches!" Chris said as Chef held up one as we all groaned and complained. "As winners of yesterday's challenge, the Heroes get a full minute head start." We cheer as the Villains groaned. "Ready...set...go!" We race off as Mike and Sierra drop back to help Sam.

"Anyone know where is the heart of the forest is exactly?" Sierra asked as I was about to nod.

"I'll go get a better look." Zoey said as she made her way up into the trees as the others marveled at her skill.

"It's just down this left path up here." I say as I continued to run. Zoey popped down beside me.

"Sorry, I didn't know you knew the way," She said as we ran together.

"I know these woods like the back of my hand. I traveled through them all the time early morning and on break days last season and first season," I said with a smile.

"Wow, so you really do remember everything." I nod as we soon enter the heart of the forest.

"The big one! Go for the big one!" Cody said as I sprinted for it only to bump right into Duncan and fall backwards looking up confused and with a blush.

"Whoa, where'd they come from?" Mike asked.

"Ha-ha! Suckers!" Duncan said with a wink to me. I blush as I backed up and went back to my team.

"The small one! Go for the small one!" Cody commented as we opened it to see pails of leeches and slingshots.

"Guess this is the low-tech crate all right," Mike said as we get situated.

I jump as I hear a boom to look over and see it was just a cannon... wait, they get a freakin cannon!

We then head off back into the woods to find a safety spot. "Of course the villains get machine gun shooters. We'll never beat them with these puny slingshots!"

"Sure we can..." Cam starts.

"If we're stealthy and score first!" Cameron, Sierra, Cody, and I say in unison as we all high-five. Which causes Mike to drop Sam. The four of us share a laugh as I blush feeling Cody's eyes on me.

"A cave, Sam can rest in there while the rest of us can take on the villains." Zoey said as I sighed in relief for her rescue for the situation. 

We take Sam to the cave. "Power levels low."

"Should someone stay to guard him?" Mike asked.

"I'll do it." I look at Cody. We nod and start to leave.

"We have to find the villains before they find us," Zoey said.

"Stealthy forest maneuvers? Heh. This sounds like a job for Svetlana." He then takes a deep breath in.

"Oh, goody. She's my favorite," Sierra said giddy.

"Svetlana? Is that you?" Cam asked as I shook my head.

"Nah, still me," Mike said disappointed.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with you." I say with a light blush when he smiles my way. I grab my chest where the necklace he gave me resides. "Anyway, I was planning to stay around this area in case any get too close to the cave," I said as the others nodded before heading out. I take to the trees and circle around the area keeping watch. 

I enter the cave to check on Sam and Cody and overhear a conversation as I hid behind a rock.

"I watched the entire season and saw how he reacted with the other males I even watched our own time spent together and I don't think even now I'm deserving of this ring. I mean I'm not strong and most of the time he's saving me. I should be the one protecting him right?"

"Well, man, Dakotazoid and I we have a similar dynamic. I mean it's okay if the girl protects the guy or in your case the boy protects the guy. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you just as much as the others."

I exit feeling like I shouldn't have eavesdropped. Then I hear Chris' laugh over the speakers.

"That's two for the heroes, and zilch for the villains." I do a silent cheer. "True, but friendly fire counts." Hearing that makes me giggle a bit trying to think about what happened... I bet it was Courtney. I hear him laugh again. "Make that three to zero!"

I scout around for a bit more. 

"The villains lock in a point, but the heroes still lead by three!" After a while, "the villains score again, but the heroes still lead, 4 points to 2! It's 5 to 2 Heroes. One more point and the Hamsters win!" 

I then hear it, someone entering the cave. Darn it, I was too busy listening to Chris that I forgot my role. I instantly took off back to the cave and silently entered to see Jo with two guns. I hear shooting which was my cue to run closer. I picked up one just as she finished shooting at Cody who tried to protect Sam. "Five points to three. It ain't over yet!"

"Let's make it five to four." Jo said. Or we can end this. I already had my slingshot loaded and released it as Jo turned around hitting her in the head. She groaned as I smiled. I walked over to her.

"This just in: with a final score of six points to three, the heroes win!" I cheer as I easily get the leech off of Jo. 

"Welcome back, Villainous Vultures, second elimination in a row." Chris chuckles as my team sat in the peanut gallery. "Way to lose! Now, get ready to cut someone loose. It's votin' time!"

"Don't worry, Sam, no one's gonna make you go back to Boney Island twice in a row. Right guys?" I nod agreeing with Zoey.

"It's not that. While Sam was in exile, someone trashed his gameguy!" Cam said as Sam held up the busted gameguy.


"Who would do such a thing?"

"Huh! I know, right? It's so totally unexplainable," Mike said sounding nervous as I looked at him.

"Who do you think is going home? My money's on Jo." Sierra said to Cameron as I sat between Sierra and Mike.

"Unless she can convince them..."

"To cut Heather!" Sierra, Cam, Cody, and I say together. She then turns to me with that look of a fan-girl that makes me shiver and back away only to bump into Mike who looked at me concerned causing me to blush.

"The votes are in." Chris said causing us all to pay attention. "But before I announce our loser du jour. I need a Hamster to volunteer for exile."

"I'll do it." I say standing up.

"Nooooo!" Sierra cried out.

"What?" Zoey, Cody, and Mike said together.

/"I need to think about somethings alone for a moment." I blush lightly.\

"Good luck, Kid," Zoey said as I got up and was lead away by Chef.

"He's so little, and he wears that black hoodie, maybe the animals won't notice he's there?" I hear Mike say before I'm out of earshot.

I get on the boat and get to Boney Island where my eyes instantly shine and I smile letting my canines show. This will be easy. I head off into the jungle to find food and a shelter. I see the other animals and they all seem to instantly recognize me and leave me alone. 

I then sit down and think in a tree looking at the stars. Did I really make him feel like that? Am I a bad love? Thoughts similar to these rush through my head as the stars move above.

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