Chapter 13: Marble Zone Madness!

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Music Insert: Marble Zone (By Masato Nakamura!)

Our heroes have found the blue Chaos Emerald in the Green Hill Zone and now they're entering the ancient ruin complex of South Island, the Marble Zone where many traps and spikes are set and the whole area is surrounded by boiling hot lava pools.

Y/n: "Here we are, paisanos. The Marble Zone."

S/n: "This place is full of lava, spikes and traps."

Clover: *Felt uneasy as she clung onto Y/n for safety* "I'm getting flashbacks in the Dark Lands."

Sam: "Don't remind us, Clover."

Alex: "I hope we find the next Chaos Emerald before Robotnik does."

Britney: "Whatever you do, don't trip."

Sonic, Y/n and the girls ran through the grassy surface of the ruins when they reached the first lava pool.

Y/n: "We'll have to use those loose platforms to get across."

S/n: " We better be careful. If we stay too long on those things, they'll sink into the lava."

Alex: "That's at first."

The heroes cautiously jumped from platform to platform before they were sunk into the magma. They've also gone over some platforms going up and down and they slid down to the underground dungeons where the Batbrains and Caterkillers are.

Britney: "Oh boy. More Badniks."

Sam: "I see why Robotnik is not fond of nature."

Y/n: "And that's why we're here to cool off the situation. Right, Sonic?"

Sonic nodded as he and Y/n attacked the Marble Zone Badniks. Some Buzzbombers ambushed above but just before they could attack Y/n and Sonic, an iceball froze one and released one of the Animal Critters.

Y/n: "Huh?"

The plumber looked at Sonic as shrugged in confusion of who threw the ice ball and finally turned to see the girls in their Ice Forms. Their spy suits turned cyan but their belt buckles remain their representative color.

Y/n: "Nice save, girls."

Britney: "You could say we're cool as ice."

S/n: "No offense but you're not funny enough for that, dude."

Alex: "At least we know how to fight fire with ice."

Sam: "Attack first, talk later!"

Sure enough, more Batbrains and Buzz Bombers were summoned as the Ice Spies attacked the flying Badniks as Y/n kicked Sonic like a ball as the Blue Blur spin attacked a row of Caterkillers in front of them. After a few minutes of bashing Badniks and freeing more Animals, the heroes proceeded as they rode on the boxes across pools of lava, avoiding being crushed by Cylinders, Crushers & Weights and dodging spikes.


The heroes got through the underground ruins and reached the end of the Marble Zone, but still had no luck with the next Chaos Emerald.

Y/n: "Whew! That was an Indiana Jones experience. How about you, girls?"

S/n: "This is exactly why I hate the Marble Zone. It just slows you down for no reason at all."

Sam: "Just be glad that we got out safely."

Alex: "Yeah, but there's no Chaos Emeralds around here."

Clover: "How many Chaos Emeralds are there exactly?"

S/n: "There's 7 in total, but Jerry told the other six would be here."

Britney: "By the way, while we were exploring the Marble Zone, I found many gold rings in a hidden room.

Britney showed the others a bag and a treasure chest with hundreds of rings inside.

Sam: "Where did you find these?"

Britney: "I came across a few hidden rooms and found these. I wonder if you can wear them."

S/n: "Actually...This is legal tender. I looked it up on the internet and these rings have a value of $58.85 each."

The spies: "$58.85 each?!?!"

Y/n: "Mamma mia..."

Alex: "Wait... I see something else inside the ring pile."

Clover: "What is it?"

Alex dug her hand through the pile of rings and discovered that there was the Yellow Chaos Emerald!

Sam: "A Chaos Emerald!"

S/n: "Hard to believe Britney found a Chaos Emerald without even knowing."

Y/n: "Come on! We gotta go before Robotnik knows!"

Unfortunately, it was too late now.

Dr. Robotnik discovered the heroes found the second Chaos Emerald and attacked from above using his Egg Scorcher. The others saw the mad doctor and became alarmed!

Y/n: "Don't look now, but evil scientist, 12:00 o' clock."

Sonic then had an idea. He gave Robotnik's by taunting him as the doctor noticed the blue hedgehog. Sonic lured Robotnik to a pool of lava as the villain tried to scorch the blue blur.

S/n: "Sonic bought us some time, we better return the favor."

Sure enough, Y/n grabbed the item bag and found a Super Leaf and transformed into Raccoon Y/n.

Y/n: "I'll keep Robotnik occupied in the air. You girls help Sonic and cool off the situation."

Clover: "Good thing we didn't lose our Ice Forms through these lava-infested ruins."

The girls left to help Sonic as Y/n flew up to Robotnik. As the mad doctor attempted to fry Sonic, he saw Raccoon Y/n flying towards him. He tried to fry Y/n but the plumber was smart enough to know the Egg Scorcher could only drop fireballs. So instead, he attacked the enemy by using his tail to attack or in most terms spin the enemy aircraft to make Robotnik dizzy and let his guard down. Meanwhile the Ice Spies were buying Sonic some time by freezing the fire from the Egg Scorcher as Sonic kept Spin-Jumping underneath Robotnik hit after hit. Before Sonic could attack again, he almost fell into the lava pool which was frozen by the Ice Spies for a short time. Meanwhile, Raccoon Y/n was distracting Dr. Robotnik as well as stomping him on the head. The mad doctor was getting pummeled as well as his Egg Scorcher. After one final hit from Sonic, the Egg Scorcher has been defeated and Dr. Robotnik fled from the heroes once more!

S/n: "Another victory for Team Y/n Bros.!"

Britney: "And Sonic too!"

Sonic replied with a thumbs up as he pressed the switch on the next Capsule as many Rickies and Rockies were from Robotnik's control.

Clover: "I'm glad we freed these Animals from this Zone."

Sam: "So am I."

Y/n: *Floated down* "Two down, four to go. We're making progress."

Alex: "Agreed. At least it's better than the Dark Lands."

Clover: "Don't remind us, Alex."

S/n: "Come on! The next Zone's calling our name."

Y/n: "Hope we have enough Super Leaves for this one!"

Dr. Robotnik's attempt to scorch the heroes have been foiled, thanks to Y/n, Sonic and the girls. They managed to find the Yellow Chaos Emerald, with the help of Britney when she found a treasure hoard of rings. With the Marble Zone finished, their next destination awaits in the exotic urban park. Are they plucky enough to pass the pinball trials of the Spring Yard Zone?

Y/n, Sonic & Friends Cleared the Marble Zone!


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