𖤈 Chapter Fifty-Nine: Nonsense

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Jaemin was focused on scanning the papers he was holding while walking down the hallway, looking up just in time to turn around the corner.

But as soon as he turns, he almost bumps into someone. About to briefly apologize to the person but abruptly stops himself when he takes a good look on who it is.

He tries to walk away, however he was pulled back by the wrist before he could even pass the person's figure.


"You actually did it, huh?" The slightly shorter boy says.

"Did what?" Jaemin squints his eyes, high-key glaring at the elder boy in front of him.

"You asked Jeno to be your boyfriend. The person we've been trying to avoid." Jaemin scoffs at the response he received and shakes his head.

"The person you misunderstood," he emphasizes. "I'm going to say this for the last time, Renjun. Just stop this nonsense."

"It isn't nonsense when all I'm trying to do is protect you–"

"Manipulating me and twisting words isn't how you protect someone." Jaemin cuts him off. "I don't know how you still managed to keep Haechan with you, after all this."

"I can't believe you're against us." Renjun glares back, huffing through his nostrils, he then adds.

"How can you easily believe Jeno like that? Taking his side and not talking to us about it?"

"Because I know you guys would freak out and just try to push us away from each other." Jaemin replies, very sure of his answer.

And he knows Renjun silently agrees. Because it's a predictable reaction from his two best friends.

"And I didn't take his side at first, I observed how you guys were behaving towards him until I got sick of it."

When Renjun raises a brow, Jaemin elaborates. "Seriously, you and Haechan talk about Jeno's drama almost all the time, it's obvious enough you haven't moved on."

"What the hell? Of course I have moved on, I don't have feelings for him anymore–"

"Sure you have lost feelings for him, but you haven't moved on from the misunderstanding." Jaemin says.

"Like I said, Jeno didn't cheat on you. But you're too stubborn to talk to him about it and get closure. Unlike him who's been waiting."

Renjun bites his inner cheek and retorts back, "and you're too gullible to believe him just that easily!"

"For heaven's sake, Renjun. Can we talk about this more privately and I don't know... In a civilized manner?"

Shaking his head, Renjun refuses to get his act together and deflects the question. "Jaemin, why can't you listen to me anymore?"

"Renjun, you're literally the one who isn't– or have not listened to me majority of the time." Jaemin tries to keep calm.

Dear Lord, at first he was just heading to the principal's office to send these papers like he was told to do.

And now, since he's bumped into Renjun, all he planned on doing was to not cause more fights.

Besides, Jeno was the one who seemed more calm and mature. He's told Jaemin to not get revenge on his friends or not make matters worse.

He can either ignore it or try to talk things out properly once and for all.

However, it isn't as easy as Jeno had said.

"I thought you didn't want to be involved in things like this, Jaem? To be part of drama and cliques."

"I thought the same thing, Renjun. But then I realized I've always been part of your clique. Always gossiping about Lee Jeno for no reason." Jaemin replies.

"Plus, you were kind of the one who started it." Jaemin shrugs his shoulders in nonchalance. "Don't make me repeat what I said though, you'll get even more mad."

Clenching his fists, the elder boy takes a deep breath. "Jaem," he sighs deeply. "You are seriously going to get hurt by him."

Before Jaemin could stop him like he usually would, the elder boy quickly continues on to explain.

"He's going to get bored and go behind your back, I'm not saying you're not worth it or anything. But that's Jeno's nature."

"Remember, Jeno has had numerous hookups and boyfriends. More often than not, he has hurt those people."

Jaemin scoffs in sarcasm. He couldn't believe what Renjun's telling him right now.

"And you say I'm the one who easily believes things." He mutters harshly at the elder boy.

"None of those boyfriends were as real as you to him. He told me that before, countless of times. Those hookups did not start because of him."

"They're the ones who break up with Jeno. They're the ones who get bored and hurt him for no reason. Not the other way around."

He lowers his voice as he looks around, slightly cautious as he says.

"now I'm saying this one last time. Stop being toxic and get your act together before talking to us. We want closure, Injun."

When the blond haired boy was about to walk off, he was stopped once again.

"Jaemin." Renjun calls, sounding desperate as he places a hand on Jaemin's shoulder. "It is not too late to think about this."

"I could say the same thing for you." Jaemin mumbles, not turning around to face his best friend.

"Jaem, he will hurt you. Or worse, as much as he did to me."

But Renjun's plea was ignored, the blond haired boy brushes the hand off his shoulder as he says, "get to class, Injun. Haechan's probably looking for you."

As Jaemin walks away to head to the principal's office like he initially was doing, Renjun was left there watching the blond haired boy's figure getting far away from him.

He bites his lower lip, trying to get his thoughts together as he couldn't help but feel worried of Jaemin.

Besides the fact that the main point was about Lee Jeno– Jaemin's new boyfriend whom is also Renjun's ex boyfriend, there's another thing he knows could be a problem.

The attention they're getting could lead some mishaps.

But seeing how Jaemin seems to have gotten used to it, he doesn't exactly know what to do at this point.


Writing this while staying in bed lmfao.

I got sick, 38.0 was my temperature this morning.

I was taking care of my siblings for the past two days, but then I have gotten sick as well.

So I apologize for the shit update, it probably doesn't make sense and is literally on repeat again 💀

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