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Namjoon woke up about half an hour before his alarm was supposed to sound, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Yoongi staring at him. Upon being caught, Yoongi snatched the pillow out from under Namjoon's head and put it over the tall guy's face before quickly rolling over, definitely earning a laugh. Moving the pillow off of his face, Namjoon propped himself up on his elbow and moved a little closer to Yoongi, slipping his arm around the smaller man's waist."Did you sleep well?" he asked before nuzzling gently into Yoongi's hair.

"Yeah." Yoongi had slept amazingly well, in fact. After the bliss and pleasure from their sex, he had been filled with a sort of happiness that he had never known before. It was different from his childhood happiness with his family. He felt like Namjoon really did save him for at least the moment. Grabbing the blanket, he pulled it further over himself; Namjoon had probably covered them after Yoongi had fallen asleep."But..." There was something else on Yoongi's mind. This thing made him feel guilty and unsure.

"But what?" Namjoon really hoped nothing was wrong. Did Yoongi regret their intimate decisions? Had Namjoon unknowingly hurt him during sex?

With a sigh, Yoongi glanced at his broken arm then spoke."Am I cheater?" He could only imagine how angry Hoseok was going to be if he found out about this."Hoseok's my boyfriend, but we..."

Now Namjoon understood."You're upset about being unfaithful, aren't you?" He moved his hand to Yoongi's arm, softly rubbing his bicep to soothe him a little."Technically, yes, this does make you a cheater, and in a healthy relationship, that would be a bad thing." There was no point in denying that."But you're not in a healthy relationship. Hoseok uses and abuses you. He is also unfaithful. He doesn't deserve your loyalty. You, Yoongi-hyung, deserve to find happiness with someone who will cherish you."

"Will you cherish me?" Yoongi didn't even look at Namjoon as he asked that, feeling too shy about such a question.

Pressing a tender kiss to Yoongi's shoulder, Namjoon smiled against his flesh."I already do."

It got silent between them as Yoongi didn't have anything to say back to that, and Namjoon felt satisfied with what he'd said. Well, at least it was silent until Namjoon's alarm start blaring, effectively scaring them both."Why is your alarm so loud?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon rolled over to grab the alarm.

Once he turned it off, Namjoon sat up and ran a hand through his hair."I just want to make sure I never oversleep." He got off the bed, knowing he needed to get ready for work."Don't forget that you can help yourself to anything while I'm at work." he reminded Yoongi, not wanting him to be hungry all night again.

"Actually, I think I should go to work tonight." Sitting up, Yoongi held the blanket up to keep himself covered."I can't keep missing work. I'll end up losing my job."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked as he grabbed clothes from his closet."By going to work, you'll just be putting yourself at risk of harassment and making more money for Hoseok." It was known to Namjoon by now that Hoseok had Yoongi's debit card, having full access to all of Yoongi's money."If you lose your job, that'll take something away from Hoseok, but you won't lose anything."

Yoongi shook his head though."I want to go, Namjoon. I don't want to just sit around here all the time. I feel useless."

"I guess I understand." Stepping around the bed to get in front of Yoongi, Namjoon leaned down and stroked the shorter guy's cheek."I'll ask Sooyoung-noona to let me work with you. I don't want you to work alone while you're hurt."

Feeling his cheeks grow hot, Yoongi pressed his left hand to Namjoon's chest, pushing."Okay, okay. Namjoon, you're naked. Go away."

Laughing at Yoongi's adorable reaction, Namjoon walked toward the bedroom door with his clothes in his hands."I'm going to take a quick shower. If you want, you can take one after me."

Yoongi covered his face with his hand and wondered how he was going to handle Namjoon. Sure, the guy was friendly and sweet, but he was proving himself to be playful sometimes too, and Yoongi didn't know how to react to that. He always thought Namjoon's sappy words were going to actually melt his heart. Now he had to figure out how to handle the playfulness. Getting off the bed as well, Yoongi pulled the blanket with him, wrapping it around himself like a cape or robe. He stepped over to the fish tank and watched Styx swim about."You watched us, didn't you? Pervert fish." he said with a small smile on his lips.


"This is my first time paying attention to Yoongi so closely." Seokjin commented as they were walking to work."I didn't really realize the height difference before." With a chuckle, he motioned to Yoongi."He looks even smaller in your clothes, Namjoon."

Yoongi wasn't really comfortable with this, but he figured it was fine. He knew Seokjin was on his and Namjoon's side. He just wasn't used to being around him."I, um...had nothing to wear." he spoke with his head hung low and gaze toward the ground.

Namjoon was standing in the middle, holding Yoongi's hand to provide a little comfort."Yeah, Yoongi-hyung needed something clean to wear, so he's borrowing my clothes and shoes." It had been lucky to discover that he and Yoongi wore the same size shoes. It had also been funny, in Namjoon's opinion.

"How long are you going to be staying with Namjoon?" Seokjin asked curiously, looking across at Yoongi."Is this the new living arrangement? Are you going to return to Hoseok?"

"I don't know..." Yoongi had thought about that a lot yesterday. What was he going to do? Was he going to stay with Namjoon? Could he do that? What would Hoseok do to make him return? He still had to worry about that sex video being posted online. Why had Hoseok not posted it yet while Yoongi was staying with Namjoon?"Hoseok is probably mad at me for running away."

Having a similar thought to Yoongi, Namjoon pursed his lips for a couple seconds before voicing his thoughts."Why hasn't Hoseok posted that video?" he wondered aloud."He threatened to post it if you didn't go back to him before, but you've been with me for two days now, and I don't think he's posted it. If he did, we would know. I'm sure he would text you to gloat about it."

"I think I know why he hasn't posted it." Seokjin chimed in with an idea."It's what he's using against Yoongi, right? The blackmail? He won't be able to use it against him anymore if he posts it. He probably doesn't have anything else to use against him as blackmail."

At that, Yoongi shook his head."But he has..." He wanted to throw up as he thought of what else Hoseok had to use against him."He has...pictures...of me." He stopped walking and felt so embarrassed and gross."The day he used that video to get me to go back to him, he punished me when I got home. He...hurt me, but then...he had handcuffs. He made me strip and cuffed my hands behind my back. He took lewd pictures of me."

Having an overwhelming feeling of heartbreak from hearing that, Seokjin rushed to Yoongi and threw his arms around the smaller man. It didn't even surprise him though when Yoongi was quick to squirm away."Sorry, I just feel so bad. At that time, I was still on Hoseok's side. I hadn't known the truth. Now that I know, I want to do anything I possibly can to help. I want to be your friend, Yoongi."

"Can he be your friend, Yoongi-hyung?" Namjoon asked with hope. He knew Seokjin could be trusted now that he was on their side and knew what was right.

Yoongi didn't know what to say. Would it be okay to welcome Seokjin as a friend? He wasn't sure."Um, I, uh..." He didn't know Seokjin well. He didn't trust him yet.

Seeing where this was going, Seokjin backed off and smiled."It's okay. You don't need to accept me as a friend right away. I need to earn your trust. With everything that's going on for you, trust must be extremely important." When Yoongi nodded in confirmation of that, Seokjin didn't feel bad at all about his friendship being rejected for now."When I am able to earn your trust, I hope we can be good friends."

"Aw, look at you two being cute." Namjoon teased."Yoongi-hyung, I know Seokjin-hyung will be a good friend to you once you accept him. Don't rush it though. Go at your own pace."

"I'll let you know, H-Hyung." Yoongi wasn't entirely sure of what to think while knowing that Seokjin now wanted to be his friend. He was really shy about it and definitely uneasy with talking to anyone other than Namjoon for now. Still, maybe talking a little to Seokjin would be okay. He was on their side after all. Until he would trust him though, Yoongi would keep certain things just between him and Namjoon. As such, he had asked Namjoon before they'd left the house to not tell Seokjin that they had sex together. He was far too shy about that and also didn't want Hoseok to find out. Just thinking about how angry Hoseok would be about that terrified Yoongi.

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