19: Acceptance

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A/N: That was such a cute KaiSaki chapter last time! But we're back on AiKou and---- I HAVE A WRITER'S BLOCK *lies down*

Chapter 19: Acceptance

A week later after the School Festival and everything is back to normal, it was one of those days that everything seemed boring. Aichi was walking to school early and he went to the classroom, no one was there except for Kourin who is looking at the window.

"Kourin-chan, Good morning." Aichi greeted as he sat in front of her.

"Aichi," Kourin smiled brightly at him, it made Aichi blush.

"U-uh…" Aichi stuttered, not knowing what to say. "K-Kourin-chan um…"

Kourin giggled and reached Aichi's face and pinched his cheeks, "You're cute."

"Eh?! Ah…" Aichi blushed harder and he chuckled, "B-but… aren't you…. the cutest?"

This statement made Kourin also blush, she pouted and lightly slapped Aichi's face. "Idiot, you are."

"I said that wrong, huh… t-then… um… Kourin-chan is the most beautiful girl." Aichi whispered and grinned as Kourin's face turned red.

"S-stop it!" Kourin said and looked away.

"Haha…" Aichi laughed and then spoke, "Hey, is it possible to talk to your family… once again?"

"Well, I think you still can't. And that would be too hard to do, Aichi." Kourin replied and Aichi nodded.

"I see," Aichi mumbled.

"All we can do is to keep this a secret, about our relationship." Kourin said.

Aichi only smiled at that, "I understand. But one day, we will tell them. I only want you to be free and do what you want. But don't rebel once you do, okay?"

"Idiot, we're already rebelling against them now."

"Ah… are we?"


Kourin watched as Aichi looked confused, and she couldn't help but to laugh. Causing Aichi to look at her.

"W-what?" Aichi spoke.

"No it's nothing," Kourin said and looked at the window.

Aichi then heard the door open and other students came. 'It's just another day at school, huh…' Aichi thought and smiled as he saw Naoki and Shingo.

The classes ended, Aichi and Kourin were both walking at to the school gates. They weren't actually near each other, they had to be away since Rekka was outside the school gates of the highschool building.

"Kourin!" Rekka called on to Kourin as Kourin went to her. "Hey Kourin, can you please call Aichi Sendou?" Rekka said as she went closer to her sister.

Kourin glanced at Aichi who seem to be looking at them, Kourin nodded and signalled Aichi to approach them.

"I-is there anything… wrong?" Aichi asked.

Rekka then smiled at Aichi, "No there's nothing, but I want to talk to the two of you."

"U-uh… Sure…" Aichi replied.

Kourin gulped, as she saw Suiko on their car looking at them. She felt really nervous as Rekka dragged Aichi along to the car, Kourin hurriedly followed them.

They went inside the car, and Suiko was with them. Suiko looked seriously at Aichi and Kourin.

"I know what you two have been doing these past few days," Suiko said, and it made the two teenagers get shocked.

"We know you two are still talking to each other, and we know you are into each other." She continued.

"H-how did you know-" Kourin was about to speak but Rekka stopped her.

"We saw you two on the School Festival, talking to each other."

Aichi looked down.

"Aichi Sendou, are you the one who continued doing this stuff?" Suiko asked.

"Yes…" Aichi replied, "I am."

"And you asked her to be your girlfriend?"

"I-I did…"

Suiko sighed, "Aichi-kun… I think… I should stop being harsh on you."

Aichi got surprised and looked at the blue haired girl.

"I really think Takuto's getting too strict on Kourin, and we just realized how Kourin became sadder when we forced the two of you to stop talking to each other." Suiko said, "Kourin's illness... is not meant to be an excuse for her to stop being friendly."

"S-so you mean… Kourin-chan will…" Aichi responded, his hopes high as he think that Kourin can be free.

"Yes, Kourin can easily go out with you. And we're sorry for what we did for the last year, Aichi-kun." Suiko told Aichi and smiled.

"Is this true, Suiko? Rekka?" Kourin asked, as she wants to make sure.

"Of course, Kourin! After all, we want you to be happy!" Rekka said and embraced Kourin's arm. Kourin smiled back at Rekka.

Aichi felt really happy and he can't help but to hold Kourin's hand. "I'm so glad, thank you!"

"No problem, Aichi-kun." Suiko replied, "I hope you two can be together for as long."

"Yeah! And one day, maybe you two can get married and have as many children as you want!" Rekka said and smirked at Kourin and Aichi.

"E-excuse me?!" Kourin blushed and pushes Rekka away.

"Oh! Don't deny it, Kourin!" Rekka then looked at Aichi. "How about you Aichi Sendou? I mean… future brother-in-law?"

"E-eh?! Ah… um…" Aichi also blushed, and he only laughed nervously.

Rekka then huffed, crossing her arms as she pouted. "Suiko, I swear these two are the densest couple ever."

"Don't say that, Rekka. But I quite agree with you, these two shall get married." Suiko replied in a teasing manner.

"I know right?!"

"I heard you two!" Kourin yelled and they all laughed. Aichi felt much better as Kourin's siblings accepted them.

"Aichi, how many kids do you want when you two get married?" Rekka asked, and since Aichi is only staring at Kourin, he immediately answered.

"Maybe four."

"What the heck?! Aichi?!" Kourin looked at Aichi in shock and confusion.

"E-eh…? What…" Aichi then realized what he just said and he got embarrassed. "I-I mean! I didn't mean that!"

Suiko and Rekka laughed while Kourin and Aichi only blushed harder as the two kept teasing them. Kourin is just glad that Aichi can be with her now, she just hoped that her sisters will just stop on the teasing.


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