Shadow Play

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The New Year happened to be terrible to say the least. Spider Queen's attack aside, Wukong found out about Lady Bone Demon coming back, and she was bad news. A really horrible one. She was a threat that his successor wasn't ready for yet. And he himself was in no condition to face her too. But whatever she was plotting, he still had time. And he wasn't really sure that even was her for sure. After all, she was buried by him and sealed by his master centuries ago, so maybe it just was a small part of her.

He needed to find out more.

Yet, at the same time, there was that Macaque, or Mòchóu now, case... His past friend though, wasn't a threat like that Bone Demon, so he could wait. Even if it wasn't easy to not think about the ebony monkey when for the last few days it was the only thing on his mind, poisoning him with old memories and leading him to the edges of his sanity. Yeah, it might be a bit hard to just stop thinking about it now. Especially when he now has a place and time where this shadow of his past is gonna be...

Well maybe he could find some time for it too, when he thinks about it.

Before leaving to look deeper into that LBD case, he decided it wouldn't hurt to drop by the theater first. He had to train MK later that day and tell him about his upcoming 'vacation' too, so he would be around for the day anyway. So he flew fastly to the city, his shitty disguise on, jumped off of Nimbus in an alley close by and walked up to the building.

Wukong furrowed his brows as he looked around the theater with his Gold Vision, and, to his surprise, there was nothing suspicious. Well there were no people yet, it was a bit early. Most citizens were still sleeping at this hour so there weren't many bypassers, but also probably because the place was still closed. He walked up to the entrance looking for numbers to be able to tell, on what hour it opens. It looked like there should be one shadow play at noon and two around the evening. He's so close yet still so far...

It makes his insides turn upside down and squeeze tightly, under all the pressure of the things that he has to do not only today but in the near future. Wukong bit his lip and placed his hand on a poster with two purple shadows of characters "Please, at least let this part not turn into disaster in my hands, dear Buddah..." he murmured, and with a heavy sigh he turned his back on the theater and walked away.


Sun was high above when Monkey King had finished training MK. It was good, Wukong was actually more focused that day despite having a lot on his head. Maybe it was a way for him to detach from all the problems for at least that one moment or he finally realized he should give the delivery boy some proper training before leaving. Maybe both. Or none.

Then they both went back to the hut. Wukong handed his successor a bottle of weather to hydrate a bit, as he looked around. He thought about how to start the talk about his leaving that day, but he couldn't think of a good start. But before he could really muster at least one word, MK spoke first.

"So, Monkey King, can we talk about something..?" he asked as he shrunk his staff and hid it in own ear, finishing the given drink.

"Well, it depends on the topic." the stone monkey looked at him and grinned "I'm not really good at 'bees and flowers' talk, you should ask Pigsy 'baut that one." he added, watching with amusement his successor's reaction

"NO! NO!" he started waving his hands in the air, slightly panicked at the thought "Gods forbid. It's not about that." he said all red and panicked, he rather not know how the 'bees and flowers' talk looks in mystic monkey view.

"Oh, cool. What's it then?" Wukong raised his tail, and went back to looking through his own stuff.

It was quiet for a while, and if Great Sage would grace his student with his look, he would see the growing anxiety on the young delivery boy's face.

"Are you..." he started, placing one hand on his elbow "are you okay Monkey King?" he asked finally.

"Huh?" the gold gaze shot the surprised look to the boy "I'm fine. Thanks." he answered with a light chirp, his tail twitched from side to side once, then went back to the normal slow switch and moved lazily behind the King.

"No, but really... you can talk to me. Is it about that mysterious person from your drawings?" MK persisted, worry was filling his eyes "I mean that's when you started to act so off..." he added, as he walked up closer to the stone monkey.

MK could feel something was not right with Wukong. Maybe he didn't know the mystic monkey too well or long, but he just knew there was something on the other's mind. He could see it in a way Great Sage became obsessed with the mentioned person, how his mind was constantly fleeting somewhere else and how he looked over all like a bigger mess than it was healthy. It made the boy worried, he didn't want to see his mentor hurt and sad, and he hoped he could somehow help, or at least share the monkey's burden with him...

Wukong sighed, but hadn't dropped the light expression "Okay, MK, listen, It's nothing you should worry about."

"But it does make you act so weird and anxious. I worry." expressed the boy sincerely "Next time I see this person-" he furrowed his brows and clenched his fists, anger suddenly rising in him, but he was interrupted.

"If you see him, you go opposite direction." Wukong's tone suddenly got firm and sharp, surprising both of them.

"What? Why?" the boy said, he clearly was lost and didn't understand what kind of situation his mentor was in.

Wukong looked at his successor then to the sun, it was clear the boy was already worried, and it probably was best to give him at least a bit of explanation, so he wouldn't go investigating on his own. The monkey sighed heavily, his gaze returning to the lost boy.

"Kid, this dude is bad news. Not world-threatening one's but 'I will mess with your head' kind." he said, crossing his arms over his chest "Like, he will be just fucking sweet to you at first, play your best friend for however long he sees amusing, just to stab you in the back and leave when you need him most." he didn't knew when it suddenly bacemed a personal rant "And then he haunts you, making you go to the edges of your sanity, testing your patience at every step, destroying everything you worked so hard on and then painting it as if you were the bad guy!" Wukong was panting at this point, catching himself surprisingly off guard, so when his thoughts cathed up to his words he collected himself quickly.

"So this person... Is evil?" MK concluded, surprised by how raw all those emotions in the stone monkey's speech were.

"NO!" he bared his teeth before he could think. He shakes his head, scolding himself mentally for that sudden outburst, not knowing why his successor's words angered him out of the blue "I mean.. kinda, but not really... it's complicated okay?" he corrects himself, scratching the back of his hand, his tail twitched anxiously behind him.

"Well, are they..." MK started unsure, with a more careful tone.

"He. It's a he." Wukong corrected him with a sigh.

"Alright. So, is he your friend or enemy?" asked the boy, wanting to at least understand that part, since it was hard to tell between Great Sage's words and actions.

"Well we used to be friends but we had this huge fall out and then fight and then I-" his throat dried and clenched tightly, oh he would surely choke and suffocate if he said those words, so he rephrased it, holding back the urge to vomit "I don't really know. Haven't seen a guy in centuries. So I kinda thought he was dead." he shrugs, his tone light and uncaring.

"OOOOOH" the boy nods and then he pauses "Oh." his expression frowning slightly at sudden realization, he looks up to Wukong with something weird in his gaze "Well I hope time heals all wounds. Despite all the bad things you said about him, It looks like you still care for him." he gave the monkey a warm, hopeful smile, taking him off guard for a moment.

"WHAT? NO!" he says fastly, fur bristling on him "Of course I don't! I just want to make sure he's not here to cause any trouble!" he huffs, again crossing arms over his chest.

"Whatever helps you wake up every morning.~" MK teased, amused at his menor's reactions, feeling slightly better. It looked like it wasn't a huge threat and, who knows, maybe when they talk it out his mentor will introduce them. That would be cool.

"I'm serious." he panted, tail lashing behind him "The guy can be a menace if he wants to. Really nasty type." he pressed.

"Mhm." the boy chuckled but decided to end his mentor's torment and changed the subject quickly "Anyway. I was wondering if Mei could join us from time to time on trainings." he smiled sheepishly.

"Hmm? Dragon girl?" Wukong was grateful for the change, Mk nodded "Well I suppose, but it won't be very soon. I ask you today to stay a bit longer after the lesson to tell you I'm gonna be absent for some time." he went back to looking through his stuff.

"What?! Why? Where?" the delivery boy looked at him in shock and disbelief.

"I'm going on vacation." Monkey King announced lightly and made a suitcase from his hair.

"What do you mean 'vacation'?" MK whined in disbelief, but his attention was quickly drawn to the buzzing of his own phone. 'Sleep bug! Download it now, from-' — the boy threw his device away before it finished whatever ad it was playing.

"Naaah, c'mon bud! I promised myself when I find a successor I go see some friends. Take a tour on my old stomping grounds. Just cut lose, 'ya know." Wukong continued his rant as he threw more random stuff into his suitcase "OH! Gonna need these~." he puts on some red sunglasses with a smug expression.

"But, but, you can't just leave!" delivery boy argued "What if someone's attacks the city! EEEEUH! WHAT IF THE SPIDER QUEEN COMES BACK?!" his expression is terrified and full of raw emotions.

"Naaah, you'll figure it out! It's adorable how nervous you are." he smirks, walking up to the boy and closing his suitcase "But don't be! You've come a long way"

"Mgrrrr." MK mutters in annoyance, like an angry cat.

"And, you know- T h e     n e x t     s t e p     o f      y o u r      j o u r n e y,     y o u      m u s t     d o        a l o n e." Monkey King makes a weird, low tone and a pose with one leg on his suitcase, probably wanting to sound serious and wise like some old sage.

"Alone?" the boy's shoulders drop, and he can't believe this. He doesn't feel ready for it at all, but it looks like his mentor doesn't see this. Or at least pretends to not see it.

"But don't worry! I'll check in! Give you some training tools, remote lessons. Ahh, we'll figure it out. You'll be great! Don't worry!" the stone monkey throws his baggage on Nimbus and jumps on it too. He's a bit dismissive, maybe in a hurry, but he tries to sound comforting "Monkey King out!"

And just like that he was surfing through the air on his trusty cloud.


Wukong left the bagages right after he left the boy's gaze, dropping it into some bushes. After all, he wasn't really going on vacation. First he flew to the Celestial Realm, sneaking around hoping to overhear some conversations that could hint at Lady Bone Demon's return, or something similar. To his great disappointment it looked like gods and other heavenly higher ups were unaware of her presence.

It was slightly worrying, that she was able to hide from them so well, but at the same time he knew what bureaucracy looked like up there. Even if he would inform them about the situation, it would probably take way too long for them to finish with paperwork and it would be too late. So the only way was to take the matters in his own hands.

Later, when the sun was falling into the horizon, he flew down back to the Megapolis. It was hard, keeping with time, while in Heavenly Realm, but somehow he managed to be back, just in time for the last shadow play that day. Again in his terrible disguise, because hoodie and sweatpants were definitely not a fit for theater,yet he somehow blended into the crowd, discreetly blowing on his fur to turn it into a few yens, so he could buy a ticket.

He walked inside, surprised that so many people came. But soon he learns from the whispers of the crowd, that they were supposed to come earlier, but they for some reason slept through the whole day. He assumed it was some demon fault, but since they were awake now, MK must have dealt with it. A proud smile spread his lips at that thought, only making him more sure about the boy's capability to stay on his own for the time.

Wukong sat down in the further middle. He didn't want to be noticed, but he also wanted to see the stage. Stone monkey's face was hidden under the shadow of the hoodie, and when the lights turned off, he could take off his sunglasses.

Purple lights lit the stage, and thick smoke hid the floors.

Shadows run between people, making some of them flinch; starling the audience.

Doll fell before the curtain, hanging on strings, gathering the attention of everyone and pulling a loud gasp from them.

Music started playing, it seemed it was not a recorded sound, but someone was playing Guqin¹ backstage. And the curtain swung open, revealing the man dressed in black robe with red clouds on the ends of the material.

Wukong's heartbeat sped up.

As the man started telling his tale, a strange lantern illuminated the stage, levitating before him, and shadows swirled on the wall behind him, mirroring his words.

"Welcome viewers, to a shadow play likes the which have never been seen."

The dance of shadows and light started. In purple light on a wooden wall casted darkness shaped the story.

Wukong's ears perked up, trying to tell if that's Macaque's voice. But as the words reached him, a cold truth washed over him.

"It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior and how those who bring light into this world inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear."

He couldn't recall the sound of Macaque's voice.

The realization that he couldn't remember it, was like a dagger piercing through his heart. A cruel reminder of the time passing and how long ago it all happened. The pain of that forgotten melody, once so familiar and cherished, was a silent torment that cut deeper than any words ever could.

When his gaze sharpened again, focusing back on the man and the play, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

"Like light heroes bring warmth, hope and friendship. But they also give life to the darkness."

Wukong crossed gazes with the man. His fur bristled and his tail twitched in a nervous tick under his hoodie.

He didn't know what he searched for in those eyes, but he didn't find it. Macaque seemed to be indifferent to his presence, as if he wasn't there, as if he didn't know him and their shared history didn't existed.

"The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon."

His heart stinged, as if covered in cuts, a thousand needles pierced his soul. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here.

"Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth."

Wukong clenched his fists. If it wasn't Macaque, then how would that man know their story? How could he describe their bond, not being there, not knowing the full story? Actually, how dare he talk about something he has no idea about?!

Anger rose in him, and he bared his teeth, but before he would do something stupid another thought occurred.

If that person is a reincarnation of Macaque, maybe he dreamt of his past life... Maybe the memories from beneath the Earth stayed, eternal and undead, and whispered to him from the shadows around.

Then again, it might be just a continence. Maybe it's none of the above, and the story is just so vague and he's overthinking it too much. It might as well be some random citizen who just happens to have the same aesthetic, as his ex-friend.

"As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the Warrior was cast in that shadow."

Wukong's heart speeds up again, as they cross gazes again. Or not? Do they truly look in each other's eyes? Does the man on the stage see that in the crows there's Sun, looking at him with such vulnerable eyes? No. No, he's delusional.

Yeah, that's it. The man is looking at the viewers as all. Not at Wukong. He doesn't recognize the stone monkey.

It's not Macaque. Not his Macaque, at least.

"In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero."

Wukong's gaze was still fixed on a man in black robe with red clouds. Even as people in the audience clapped, cheered and started to walk out, he was sitting, observing. His gold eyes were plastered to the man, as he talked with a young person close to the curtains. He stayed still, like a stone he was born from, only one thought screaming in his head, as the realization layed heavy upon him.

His Macaque is dead. — one tear fell from his eyes, and he rushed out of there.


First of all I want to say thank you to my dear Beta for this chapter @takkasrakka ! They helped me a lot <3 

Guqin¹– is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument.(wikipedia: )(yt: )


sooo, is it weird that Mac ignored Wukong being in the theater? I mean ghosting your ex irl is hard but I guess one could play it off.

Or maybe I'm just delulu like Wukong-

Yeah, I might be-

Anyway, let me know your thoughts on Wukong's emotional satate and on Mochou!

See ya!


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