Great Basin Battle Part 2

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Optimus: Not going to happen, Megatron.

Optimus: Autobots, take care of the others. I will deal with Megatron.

Megatron: Try and stop me, Prime!

Optimus yells as he and Megatron charged at each other. They clash their weapons as they stare at each other.

Megatron: It's been so long since I last saw you. I'm happy that you managed to live throughout this time. It makes it far satisfying to see you crumble down when I retrieve what's mine.

Optimus: You will not reach the AllSpark, Megatron.

Megatron: I don't need you, Prime. NightBird a d Barricade will bring it too me. As for the boy...they'll have their way with him.

Optimus: Then they will have to go through me as well.

Optimus pushes Megatron back and they resume clashing their weapons at each other. The Autobots took on the other Decepticons, now with Wheeljack, Prowl, and Brawn at their side, evening the odds against them.

*with Michael and Mikaela*

Michael and Mikaela are seen running with the AllSpark in Michael's grasps.

Mikaela: Things are bound to get worse now that Megatron's here.

Michael: Yeah. After what we saw in that projection, he's bound to mop the floor with Optimus and the others. But I believe they can stand a chance as they've grown stronger than before.

Mikaela: Yeah.

Soon, they stopped to catch a breather as Mikaela noticed something.

Mikaela: Mike...the Cube's glowing.

Michael looks at it and sees that she's right. The AllSpark was glowing from the inside as he stares at it.

Michael: Woah. It hasn't been glowing like this since it shrunk down.

Mikaela: I think we should let the Bots know-

Suddenly, the Cube opens up, scaring both of them as Michael drops it.

Michael: Woah! What the Hell?!

Mikaela: What's it doing?!

Soon, the Cube scans Michael as he stares at it. Soon, images appeared in Michael's head, detailing the history of the Transformers while the AllSpark gathers his history from his family, friends, wrestling, and charity work. All the while, Michael's eyes glow bluer than normal.

Soon, the glowing fades as Michael broke out of his trans, with his eyes back to Normal, and looks at it in confusion.

Michael: Okay...that was interesting.

Mikaela: What happened?

Michael: It felt like...we just had a conversation.

Mikaela: What?

The AllSpark closes itself as the two stared at it. Suddenly, explosions rang out as they cover themselves. They look up and see Laserbeak heading towards them.

Michael: Shit! It's Bird Brain again! 

Michael stands up and fires his arm cannon at Laserbeak. It dodges as he extends its claws at them. Michael then grabs a big rock with the arm gauntlet and uses it as a shield. Laserbeak grabs the rock and Michael fires through it, blasting the Robot Bird.

Michael: *picks up the cube* Let's go-

Just as Michael was grabbing the AllSpark, Nightbird caught him by her hand and flies off with him.

Mikaela: Michael! *opens the communicator* Guys! Nightbird has Michael with the AllSpark!

*with the Bots*

Mikaela: Guys! Nightbird has Michael with the AllSpark!

Jazz: Scrap!

Optimus: Arcee, pick up Mikaela! *dodges a strike from Megatron* Get her to safety! 

Megatron: At last, the AllSpark will be mine! And I will reform Cybertron in my image!

Optimus: Too bad the image is only your imagination!

Optimus went for a strike, but Megatron blocks it and fires his Fusion Cannon at him, sending him flying to the ground. Megatron then fires at the other Autobots, while laughing maniacally.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Optimus then transforms and rams into Megatron before transforming back into robot mode and delivering an Uppercut while yelling.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Megatron goes down as Optimus looks up and sees Nightbird in the sky, holding Michael by her servo and trying to grab the AllSpark from him.

Wheeljack: I got it! *aims his cannon at the sky*

Optimus: No, Wheeljack! You might make her let go of him!

Bumblebee: Then what do we do, Prime?

Before Optimus could answer, Megatron tackles him down as the Cons resume their fight with the Bots.

*with Nightbird and Michael*

Nightbird is seen holding Michael by her servo as he prevents from grabbing the AllSpark.

Michael: No way! It's not yours!

Soon, Nightbird grabs it but Michael held on to it. He feels his grip slipping away as Nightbird was stronger than him. Soon, he pulls out his blaster and fires at Nightbird's wing. This caused Nightbird to go out of control as she let's go of the Cube and Michael fires at her face, making her release him.

Michael then grabs her arm climbs to her back as he rides on her before jumping on top of a mountain as she crashes down. Michael stands up as he gasps for air.

Michael: That was crazy. *calle Mikaela* Miki, are you okay?

Arcee: She's fine, Daredevil. Have her riding on me to get her to safety. Where are you?

Michael: On top of a mountain.

Mikaela: You okay, Mike?

Michael: I'm fine-UGH! *vomits blood*

Mikaela: Michael?!

Arcee: What's wrong?!

Michael: I think Nightbird held me too tight. The adrenaline made me ignore the pain of the grip. *grunts* But I still have the AllSpark.

Mikaela: Never mind the AllSpark! You're hurt!

Arcee: She's right! We need to get you of there!

Michael: I'll live. *looks down and sees how steep the Mountain is* I might need a ground bridge to get down from here?

Optimus: Michael, Colonel Lennox has sent some Helicopters to your location. They're going to pick you up to take you to safety. Be ready.

Michael: 10-4, Big Bot. *grunts* Might have broken ribs.

Suddenly, the AllSpark glows again as it opens and then it brings out some streams of energy onto Michael. Michael saw this and was startled by it, until he felt...warm. Soon, he pain slowly fades as the Cube closes again.

Michael: *sighs* I feel...fine. Did you...heal me up?

The AllSpark stayed dormant as Michael smiles.

Michael: I wonder what else this thing can do. But no time to think that.

Soon, Michael looks over from below and sees the battle from afar. He can tell that the Autobots are now even, but Megatron and Optimus were having a fight he never seen before.

Soon, he hears the the sound of Helicopters approaching as he sees them arriving. He waves at them as one descends in order to reach him. A soldier grabs his arm and pulls him towards the aircraft as ir flies up.

Soldier: Colonel Lennox, we have the boy.

William: Good. Take him somewhere far while we deal with these bastards.

Soldier: Understood. *looks at Michael* You can relax.

Michael: Can I if this battle is over me having this in hand?

Soldier: In the meantime, buddy. Even in War, there's time to collect yourself.

Michael: Alright. *sighs* Crazy, right?

Soldier: Yeah.

*with the bots*

Soundwave: Lord Megatron. The humans have collected the boy carrying the AllSpark!

Megatron: Starscream, destroy them and get me the AllSpark!

Starscream tosses Jazz away, fired at Ironhide and Wheeljack before transforming and flying off.

Optimus: No! *tries to fire at Starscream, but he gets blasted by Megatron*

William: Troops, a Jet is heading to you right now!

*with Michael*

William: Troops, a Jet is heading to you right now!

Soldier: Get into positions-

A Helicopter blows up as the soldiers inside the others scramble to get ready. Michael looks on as he sees them firing at Starscream. Starscream then transforms and punches another Helicopter, destroying it while the passages died by the explosion or fell to their deaths.

Soon, he aims his arm cannon at the last one, while a Soldier quickly puts a parachute on Michael's back.

Michael: What the-

Soldier: Sorry, kid. But we're committed. We don't want a younger man like you to lose their life.

Michael: But-

Soldier: JUMP!

Michael, regretfully, jumps off the Helicopter as Starscream fires at it. It blows up, killing everyone inside while the shock wave pushes Michael down in quick speed. Michael manages to hold on to the cube to his chest as he falls down.

Optimus: Michael?! Are you alright?!

Michael: ...I'm okay, Optimus. The red, white and blue jet Con attacked the escort copters, but the soldiers had me jump off with a Parachute.

Optimus: Oh thank, Primus. Where are you, now?

Michael: I'm-crap he's coming back!

Starscream looks over the debris before seeing Michael falling down with the AllSpark.

Starscream: There!

Starscream flies down and reaches Michael. He opens his hand to grab him, but Michael saw him, pulls out his arm blaster and fires at the Second in Command.

*with Optimus and Megatron*

Megatron: Decepticons, take care of Optimus! I will retrieve the AllSpark!

Optimus: No-

Soundwave fires a blast that sent Prime down while Megatron flies off. Soon, Optimus got up and was surrounded by Soundwave, Thundercraker, and Skywarp.

Thundercracker: This is payback for what happened on Cybertron.

Optimus: Yet you do not see that your Master has put you in a position that you cannot walk away? *brings out his two energon blades*

*back with Michael*

Starscream gets distracted by the blasts as he covers himself, allowing Michael to unleash his parachute, thrusting him up, all while dodging Starscream.

Michael: Shit.

Starscream turns and flies towards Michael.

Starscream: You think you could beat the mighty Starscream?!

He went to crap him, but Michael swings himself upward, making Starscream get his face plate covered by the parachute.

Starscream: What the-What is this?! I can't see!

Michael removes the parachute from him but wraps it around Starscream's wing. Starscream starts flying like crazy, trying to remove the parachute from his face while trying to avoid colliding with something.

Michael hangs on his back as he has a firm grip.

Arcee: Michael, where are you?!

Michael: Hanging behind the one called Starscream!

*back with the bots*

Michael: Hanging behind the one called Starscream!

Arcee looks up and sees Starscream being blinded by the parachute while Michael is hanging behind him.

Arcee: Hang on. On my mark, let go.

Michael: Okay!

Arcee: Hide, launch me!

Ironhide; Got it!

Arcee flies up as she brings out her rocket boosters from her original Cybertronian form. They turn on as she flies towards Starscream.

Arcee: Now!

*with Michael*

Michael: Thanks for the ride, Starscum!

Michael jumps off of Starscream as Arcee brings her arms out and catches him. She then pulls out her blaster and shoots Starscream in the foot.

Starscream: OH, MY FOOT! *goes crashing down*

Arcee: You alright?

Michael; I'm fine, thanks.

The begin to descend as Arcee uses her rocket boosters to slow it down to prevent Michael getting hurt by the impact.

Arcee: Crazy ride, huh?

Michael stayed silent. Arcee decided to not continue with the teasing, knowing he's shaken by the experience. Soon, she lands safely down as she puts Michael back onto the floor. She then places her servo on his shoulder to comfort him.

(Yes this is AI, but it looks good)

Arcee: Sorry. That was poor timing on my end.

Michael: It's okay.

Arcee: But...weren't you hurt? *scans his body* There's no wounds yet you sounded like you were in pain.

Michael: It was the AllSpark. It healed me.

Arcee: What?

Michael: I was shocked too. It seems like-

Ironhide: Arcee, watch out!

Arcee: What-

Arcee and Michael were sent flying by the explosion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, Megatron transformed and looks down at the Autobot and Human as they lay at his mercy. Michael grunts as he and Arcee crawl away from Megatron while getting up.

Megatron: So this is the one that is keeping the AllSpark away from me. And this Autobot is assigned to protect this fleshling. Pathetic. Though, I admire your capabilities, human, it would be meaningless once I rule Cybertron and turn your planet into nothing but resources.

Michael looks back and sees the AllSpark a few feet away from them.

Megatron: Now...what should you choose? Give it to me and I'll spare you...or defy me and allow me to put you out of your misery?

Arcee: I would rather go offline than letting you conquer other planets. *pulls out her blasters*

Megatron: *chuckles* So be it, Autobot.

Megatron brings out his Energon Mace while Arcee gets ready. Suddenly, Ironhide arrives and tackles Megatron down. Soon, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Ratchet arrive.

Arcee: About time you showed up.

Bumblebee: We had to help Prime and take care of the others.

Suddenly, Ironhide gets tossed down as everyone gets ready.

Megatron: You dare face me all at once? For I had experience during my days in the Pits of Kaon?! *chuckles* So be it. It would be entertaining.

Ratchet: Autobots, protect the AllSpark!

Arcee: Michael, get it and run!

Soon, everyone began firing at Megatron while Michael grabs the AllSpark and runs as fast as he can. However, despite the numbers gain, they were no match for the former Gladiator turned Tyrant as Megatron swatted them like Insecticons.

*with Optimus*

Optimus fires at the Cons as they drop down, no match for the Leader of the Autobots.

Optimus: I told you. None of you can come close to defeating me.

Skywarp: Slag!

Optimus: I need to reach the others. Prowl, Brawn, follow me!

Both: Right!

After taking care of Barricade and Tankor, the three transformed and drive off.

*with Megatron*

The Autobots gets beaten down as Megatron handles them with ease. Soon, he sees Michael running with the AllSpark and charges at him. Bumblebee tries to stop him but...

Megatron: *grabs Bee and tosses him away* Give me the AllSpark, Boy!

Michael runs as fast as he can but Megatron being taller and faster, was catching up to him. Soon, as Megatron tries to grab him, Michael ducks under his huge servo and rolls away. He then realizes Megatron was standing over him with an amused face.

Megatron: Not bad. For a Human. But you're delaying the inevitable. Hand it over, now!

Michael: Get fucked, Buckethead!

Megatron: And with such poor language coming out of your Vocalizer.

Megatron aims his cannon at Michael but gets attacked by Arcee, who managed to take him down despite the size difference between them. Arcee jumps off him and fires several shots at the Tyrant

Michael: Cee!

Arcee: Go! Don't worry about me!

Arcee fires at him with her blasters, but Megatron wasn't fazed as he then grabs her and slams her against the floor. He then stomps on Arcee as she yells in pain.

Michael: Arcee!

Megatron: *aims his Fusion Cannon at her head* So what would it be, Human? If you give me the AllSpark, I will spare your Guardian and have your planet under Cybertronian protection.

Arcee: Don't listen to him, Michael! He's only telling lies-

Megatron: Silence! Now, what is your decision? The AllSpark...or her life?

Michael glares at Megatron as Arcee looks at him, hoping he wouldn't do it. Suddenly, Michael brings out his blaster and aims it at the cube, lighting it up.

Megatron was shocked by this. This human...this creature...this parasite dares to destroy the Relic that would reform Cybertron to his vision?!

Arcee was shocked as well. She thought Michael would give the cube to Megatron in exchange for her life. But she couldn't be more proud that he knows what kind of being Megatron.

Michael: So what would it be? Step away from her or this gets destroyed?

Megatron: You fool! You dare barging me?! You realize that if you destroy the AllSpark, our planet would be doomed!

Michael: Yeah, I know. But, I don't care. Now, what do you choose?

Megatron growls as he brings his foot off of Arcee before kicking her to the side. Michael looks at her with worry as he glares at the Decepticon leader.

Megatron: Now...the AllSpark.

Michael: ...Go to Hell.

Megatron: *growls* YOU WRETCHED HUMAN!

Megatron aims his cannon and fires at Michael.

Arcee: No!

Michael covers himself and the AllSpark for the impact. Soon...


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