Just for an hour

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Heatwave let out a sigh of frustration. He had an extra shift today that he just finished. And he's glad he did cause he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open for more than 2 minutes. And to top it all off, his brothers and sisters weren't doing much help either. Chase had to go to the store today, Boulder had some homework that he probably wasn't doing, and Blades was focus on keeping his younger sisters from bothering him. He needed a break. Really bad.

All of a sudden, the phone ringed. Blades went to go pick it up. "Hello........Oh hi Ratchet.......yes I'll go get him. Heatwave, it's for you!" Blades shouted from upstairs. Heatwave got up from his work table and went upstairs to the kitchen.


Once he got there, Heatwave grabbed the phone while Blades ran off to play with the others. "Hello?"

"It's me Ratchet."

"Whatcha need Doc?" Heatwave smirked and he could swear he heard Ratchet growling from the other line. It only made him smirk grow wider. "Don't. Call. Me. Doc."

"Okay. How's it going Sunshine?" Heatwave said with his smirk still on his face. He could tell Ratchet wanted to smash his com-link. "Sry my bad. So whatcha need?"

"I need you to watch the kids again."

"Didn't Wheeljack have that job?"

"He failed."


"It's better if I tell you in person."

"When do I come over?"

"Like, right now." Heatwave was so surprised he almost dropped the phone. "But-"

"It'll only be for an hour."

"But I-" Just before he could finish his sentence, the com-link went dead. "Great, just great."


As Heatwave was about to walk out the door, he turned around and faced Boulder. "Boulder listen, I wanna you to look after you brother and sisters okay?"

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Boulder said as Heatwave rolled his eyes. "I'll be back in an hour." Heatwave said as he finally walked out the door. Boulder looked towards Blades and both of them smirked. "Wanna do something foolish?"

"Only if it involves hoverboards."

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