Chapter Forty Eight

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"No!!" Optimus yelled angrily and punched him hard. He continued to fight him and punch him.

Megatron fought back and laughed darkly. The father continued to fight him as tears of rage filled his eyes. His once friend and trusted ally had killed his wife, and now his son. Megatron punched him hard and kicked him while he was down. Optimus lay on his side and coughed as Megatron stared down at him.

"You should have stopped when I told you to all those years ago." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

He kicked him again and the officer yelled in pain through clenched teeth. Megatron pulled out his gun and pressed it against the father's head. Optimus looked up at him and glared back as blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Tell Elita I said hello." He sneered as he smiled wickedly and cocked the gun. Optimus just glared at him as a tear fell.

"Megatron!" They turned as they heard a voice they didn't recognize. It was hoarse as if it hadn't been used. The villains eyes widened as he faced the young man. His gun still against the officers head.

"You took my voice. You will never rob anyone, from anything ever again." Bumblebee seethed angrily and fired.

Megatron's eyes widened and he looked at his chest as blood stained his shirt. He grunted and stumbled back. The con touched the wound and looked at the blood. He grunted again and fell back with a thud. Optimus stared at Megatron's lifeless body, eyes wide in surprise. Bumblebee held his hand out to him and smiled slightly. Optimus took his hand firmly and his son pulled him up.

"Bumblebee... how?" he grunted quietly and clutched his side. He winced and his son carefully set his free arm over his shoulders. He was confused as to how his son could speak, not to mention how he was alive.

The young man smiled slightly and moved his shirt a little to reveal a bullet proof vest. Optimus smiled weakly and wondered if he had actually said something. They started walking away from the scene.

"Wait..." Optimus mumbled and looked at Megatron. "We need his phone... it could help us find... the bomb." He rasped.

Bumblebee nodded slowly and leaned him against the wall before hesitantly going over. He put a glove on and then set the phone in a bag before going back to his father. He put the mans arm across his shoulders and headed back. Optimus stared at Megatron's lifeless body. He wished it could have ended differently.


Once back at the barricade, which had moved to the small medical facility, Bumblebee handed the phone to Chief Burns and took his father over to Ratchet. Ultra Magnus was recovering at the moment as a nurse monitored him. Optimus watched his son carefully and wondered if he even realized he had spoken. He laid down on a berth as Ratchet looked him over.

"Dad!" Smokescreen yelled then ran over and stopped by Bumblebee. "Are you alright?" He asked. His father nodded slowly and winced a little. He looked around and furrowed his brow.

"Wheres Bulkhead?" He asked quietly.

"He was attacked by Hardshell, but he's alright." Ratchet muttered as he stopped him from getting up. The father fell silent and looked at Chief Burns who was looking at the phone. Optimus glanced at Bumblebee and furrowed his brow.

*Everything alright Dad?* He signed as he looked at him with concern.

"You spoke earlier." He muttered and watched him. Smokescreen looked at his brother and furrowed his brow.

"You did? Say something now!" He said as he watched him intently. Bumblebee frowned and stared at them like they were crazy. He thought for a few minutes and shook his head.

"Like what?" He rasped and his eyes widened in surprise. The others went silent and Optimus smiled ever so slightly. Ratchet stopped and looked at the young man in disbelief.

"My voice..." he rasped and touched his neck. He looked at them as tears filled his eyes and he grinned. "Ratchet... I have my voice back." He rasped and hugged the doctor tightly.

"Yes." He chuckled and looked at him, with a rare smile. "Yes we noticed." He muttered and watched him. Bumblebee looked at him and grinned happily as tears fell down his face.

"Thank you..." he rasped and let go, Smokescreen slapped Bee on the back playfully then hugged him tightly. Ratchet watched for a moment then went back to helping Optimus. The father could tell his friend was a little bothered.

"It would seem you made good after all." The officer said as he watched him.

"It's good to know.... even though I've doomed this city." He muttered bitterly then looked at the young man.

"Bumblebee have one of the nurses look you over. I heard you got shot and we need to make sure everything is alright." He said seriously.

"He's wearing a bullet proof vest." Smokescreen pointed out.

"What did I just say?" Ratchet snapped angrily and glared at him. Smokescreen put his hands up defensively. Bee smiled slightly and stepped forward.

"Go sit on that berth and..." he trailed off as he looked around at the nurses and aids. He furrowed his brow as he debated on who was available. He didn't really know names.

"Ah. Cassidy please assist Bumblebee." He said seriously and got back to work. Bumblebee watched the young girl as she came over to him. She was quiet as she took his vitals.

"Hello." He rasped and coughed a little at the scratchy feeling. He frowned as he realized it might take time to use his voice properly. He sighed forcefully as she half waved. He kept quiet figuring she didn't want to talk to him. She finished and took out a notebook and pen. She wrote something down before giving it to him to read. He read it and couldn't help but smile.

'My name is Cassidy Weathers and I'm a mute. You're perfectly fine as far as I can tell and are good to go.'

He looked at her and watched as she gathered her things. He tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

*I'm Bumblebee and it's nice to meet you.* he signed as he smiled. *I've only recently been able to talk... but it's a little difficult to do when I haven't in so long.* he smiled nervously. She watched him quietly then smiled a little. The two sat and signed to each other for a moment as the officers waited for the chief.

A few minutes later Optimus was up and about, despite Ratchet's protests. He walked over to check on Bulkhead who was still out. He was worried about him after hearing he got hit in the back. He was afraid his son might become paralyzed. He gently brushed some hair out of his face and watched him carefully.

"Remain strong Bulkhead." He muttered and sighed quietly. He didn't want his son to be hurt. He didn't want any of them to get hurt anymore.

"Dad?" Smokescreen asked quietly as he walked over. "You going to be okay?" He muttered as he looked at his brother. The man nodded absentmindedly and thought for a moment.

"Smokescreen.... I-"

"Optimus." Burns said seriously and looked at him as he paled. The father stared at the other man and furrowed his brow.

"Chief Burns... do I dare ask?" He muttered quietly. The man hesitated and showed him the phone.

A texted from Megatron to Soundwave indicated that the bomb was in the tower. Optimus nodded once and the two men headed out.

They gathered a team together and made a plan. The team was almost ready when Knockout got a text. All the Decepticons were in the tower and waiting for the plan to take effect. Megatron had decided to blow up the tower, with the cons inside so it would appear to be an accident. While the city was recovering and thought the cons were gone, that's when he was going to rise to power. He had built a security system that would seal them inside and prevent the cops from getting in. The officers listened as he explained all this to them. He had figured it was a rumor, hence why he hadn't said anything about it.

"Is he just crazy?" Smokescreen asked as he narrowed his eyes. "What if it's accidentally activated and they're still inside? That's just stupid." He muttered. Others agreed and Optimus hushed them as he glared. He explained what they needed to do and they nodded. Chief Burns gasped quietly and they all looked at him.

"Ironhide... is still alive." He said as he stared at them. Optimus narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. He couldn't believe they had been led to think he was dead. This was now a rescue mission.

"Boulder, Heatwave, Wheeljack and the rest of your team will go and disarm the bomb. Bumblebee and Smokescreen stay out here with your teams and grab anyone that tries to get away. Optimus, Jazz and Chase..." Burns said seriously and looked at them. "Get our man back." He seethed angrily. They all nodded and headed out.

Chief Burns stayed with the others as they prepared for a possible attack in the streets. Knockout left with the teams to lead them to the tower. They went into the back way and he told them where to go to get the basement. He took the others to go find Ironhide.

The one team ran into some trouble as they went to the basement. Boulder, Heatwave and Wheeljack managed to slip by and got down there. The others kept the cons distracted as they worked. It took a little bit but they eventually found the bomb. They looked around cautiously and went towards it. Shockwave stepped out and stared at them blankly. He had just finished setting it up and was headed back. He looked at Heatwave and clenched his fists a little.

"It is illogical for you to be here little brother." He said seriously. Heatwave glared and clenched his own fists.

"You should have never gotten into this." He said. "You dragged Soundwave into this mess." He muttered.

"Our younger brother chose to get involved. I won't let you stop this from happening." Shockwave said seriously.

"I don't have a problem with fighting you." Heatwave growled angrily and swung at him. Shockwave punched him hard and the firefighter punched him in return. Wheeljack and Boulder quickly slipped passed them and kept running for the bomb. The engineer knelt down and examined it for a few minutes. He furrowed his brow and glanced at Wheeljack.

"This is controlled by remote... or by a computer." He said seriously.

"I'll find it and turn it off, you stay here and try to disable it." Wheeljack muttered and took off. Boulder just watched him before starting on what he could.

Wheeljack ran around like crazy looking for the control room. He growled in annoyance and found a random con. After a few punches he told him where to go to find what he wanted. Wheeljack was angry as he ran to an elevator and hit the button to the top. He was mad at this situation and wanted it to end. He got to the top and walked to the big double doors at the end of the hall. He kicked them open and walked into the big office. He saw a section that had a lot of computers. He frowned and looked around for a moment. He saw two samurai katanas on the wall and smirked slightly. That would cause damage. He took them and cut a chair as he swung it.

"Sweet." He said as he smiled mischievously. He looked up and saw a man standing by the door. He just stared at him blankly as he held an IPad.

"Huh... you must be Megatron's computer nerd." Wheeljack muttered and walked to the said device. "Stand back kid so you don't get hurt." He said as he smirked. Soundwave narrowed his eyes and stood in front of him.

"Don't want to accidentally harm ya nerd." He smirked cockily. Soundwave just stood there and stared at him blankly. "Oh please. What can you possibly-" the man didn't finish as he was kicked into the desk. Soundwave stood taller as he straightened up.

"Ah... you think you can fight?" Wheeljack grunted as he got up and brought up his fists. "I can easily beat ya." He smirked. Soundwave walked over to his desk and pulled something out. He faced the man and dropped part of what he was holding. A long metal whip. Soundwave hit a button and electricity flowed along the weapon. He made it clear he wasn't playing around.

"How... the heck did you get an electric whip?" He asked in disbelief and pulled out his katanas.

Soundwave didn't respond and charged him. He swung at the man and dodged as he tried to cut him. He wrapped the whip around his leg and shocked him. Wheeljack cried out in pain and cut the man's arm. Soundwave glared and continued to swing at him. His whip wrapped around one of the a swords and he yanked it away from the man. He looked at it then fought with it and the whip.

Wheeljack struggled to avoid the whip and block the sword. Soundwave smacked him in the face with the hilt, then kicked him hard in the chest. Wheeljack stumbled back and into the glass window. Soundwave spun and kicked him again, the glass broke.

Wheeljack's eyes widened as he fell back and felt himself falling out the window. He looked at the sky and his eyes got bigger as he felt nothing but empty space.

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