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Jasmine blinked, stricken not only by the claim but by the way the words had been spoken.

Jasmine: "Uh . . . kid? Darling? You okay?"

Daniel: "CUT!"

The word sliced through the awkward situation, Daniel's voice loud. It had been a while since Jasmine had heard that from him. It didn't happen too often. He was usually so particular about things before the scene started that things rarely went wrong during the scene itself.

She bit her lip lightly, putting a hand lightly on Meggy's shoulder, eyes soft, whispering.

Jasmine: "Sweetheart are you okay?"

Meggy: "I . . . oh gosh . . ."

She closed her eyes.

Meggy: "I . . . I just had another memory spell. I'm so sorry!"

She apologized, embarrassed. Jasmine smiled gently, feeling very motherly towards Meggy, even if she didn't put any real stock into Meggy's outburst . . . and yet . . . the role of a young girl in her life . . . felt the need to be filled . . . as more than a mentor or protector, as a mother.

And so something about Meggy's words . . . didn't exactly ring true, but they mimcked what she needed to hear.

Jasmine: "Ssshh, it's okay, Honey. I'll get Daniel to call a break. It happens to the best of us, okay?"

She smiled gently, embracing her for a moment.

Jasmine: "It's all right . . ."

She then released Meggy and walked over to Daniel quietly. Meggy stared after her, clutching her head.

Jasmine: "Daniel, Hon, I think we should take a break. We've been working hard, so maybe we can just take it easy for a bit and work again later."

Daniel sighed, nodding.

Daniel: "I get it, Jas. You had a few moments, too, when you started out."

Jasmine blushed, looking down.

Jasmine: "I know. It wasn't easy. But the counseling helped. Not a problem anymore."

Daniel laughed lightly, tilting her head up gently.

Daniel: "Jas. It's not big deal. Things happen. After the condition I found you in, I expected as much. You deserve a break as much as anyone else. Take it easy."

He kissed her forehead briefly.

It wasn't something he did often, but when he did, she knew that he was concerned about her. He'd done it very few times.

Jasmine: ". . . Did Angel tell you about the letter?"

She whispered to him.

He just shrugged.

Daniel: "She didn't have to, Jas. I know everything about my girl."

She smiled weakly. He didn't think of her romantically, that she knew. But he was very affectionate to a select few. It was like having a brother. A very affectionate brother.

Daniel: "Now go let them know that it's break time and we'll have some pizza in under an hour."

Jasmine nodded and finished talking to Daniel, walking back over to the girls.

Jasmine: "Hey Sweethearts. Daniel said we'll all take a break. As long as you need. We're going to have some delicious pizza delivered within an hour, and there's a trailer just outside for you if you need any privacy. Mine's right next door."

She glanced at Meggy.

Jasmine: "If you need to talk, I'm here."

She forced a weak smile.

Jasmine: "I'm here for all of you, if you're having a hard time."

Meggy: "Thanks . . ."

Meggy trailed off, not meeting Jasmine's gaze. She and the other girls quickly went out to their trailer.

Jasmine took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but it was only to have Angela approach while she was trying to control herself.

Another blue envelope was produced from Angela's purse and handed over quietly. Jasmine glanced up from the paper to Angela slowly, knowing only one thing would be coming to her in a blue envelope.

She swore she would do her best not to crumple this one, too.

She took a deep breath and decided to make her way to her trailer outside to read the letter in private.

She glanced at the trailer for the girls for a moment before making her way inside her own.

She sat down, opening the envelope slowly before sliding the letter itself out, reading it cautiously.

Dear Jasmine,

I promised I would write you again before the letter with the date, time and location, and so I am. I hope I'm not bothering you, I just wish to let you know that I'm thinking of you often and would like to make you happy. I want to be only the best sort of man, but only when it comes to you. You're a beautiful maiden and no other can compare.

Would it be crazy to say I feel I've met you before? Like I've known you when I haven't? I'm not sure where it comes from, but I sometimes wonder if you feel the same about me . . . and then I remember, you probably still haven't a clue who I am. And while that's disappointing, I hope that if you ever notice me, you'll just sort of . . . know.

If you give me the chance, Jasmine, I will always be there for you.

She sighed lightly, folding the paper back up and slipping it back into the envelope, before placing it into her purse, concealing it from the outside world.

She held her face in her hands, breathing slowly. It was still bittersweet, but at least this time it didn't send her into a hysterical fit . . .

She lay down on the couch slowly.

Jasmine: "Where are you . . . ?"

She shuddered lightly, closing her eyes.

Jasmine: "Who are you?"

Her curiosity was killing her. She was certain that the second she got that letter with the date and time, she'd be off, even if she had to wait a week or a month or a year, she would wait for him there.

She took a deep breath, trying to relax, trying to stay calm . . . unfortunately, it worked a little too well and she was asleep before she knew it. This dream was unlike anything she'd experienced before. Everything was foggy. Everything was . . . dark.

She was lying down at the same level she was now, but a thick gray fog was everywhere, moving around like dust in a strong wind.

A tall, dark figure moved toward her in the gray. She couldn't make out a face, or any features, other than he was tall and strong.

He was reaching for her.

Given her surroundings, she immediately reacted, striking him across the face with a shriek.

Jasmine: "Stay away from me!"

The figure recoiled, a hand going to it's cheek.

???: "Jas! What is wrong with you?"

She blinked several times, the fog fading, the light returning.

The dream had been more real than she'd thought.

But the figure hadn't meant her any harm. She blushed, looking down.

Jasmine: "S-sorry, Daniel."

She stammered.

Jasmine: "I didn't know . . . I thought you were going to hurt me. I thought I was in trouble. I thought . . ."

She bit her lip lightly.

Jasmine: "I didn't know what to think . . ."

His face immediately contorted in concern.

Daniel: "Jasmine, are you all right?"

He kneeled down in front of her slowly as a few tears threatened mutiny against her eyes. She nodded quickly. Too quickly.

Jasmine: "I'm. I'm fine, Daniel. Just . . ."

She sighed lightly.

Jasmine: "I'm just . . . having some bad dreams. That's all."

Daniel let out a slow breath.

Daniel: "Again?"

She nodded, bracing her hands on her knees, staring at the floor.

Daniel: "Are they as bad as they were before?"

She shook her head slowly.

Jasmine: "Worse . . ."

Daniel nodded slowly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Daniel: "Jas, honey, how about I take you back for a day? Where I found you . . . Maybe that'll help, Jas. We'll all take a break from the movie for a day or two. I'll take you out and they can all go do whatever."

She nodded slowly, and he gave her a light pat on the back.

Daniel: "Pizza's here, by the way."

And with that, he walked out. It was typical behavior. He never wanted anyone to suspect him of something . . . conspicuous. Of course, in public, he would do just about anything to show his affection, but in private, he didn't want people getting the wrong idea if someone wandered in.

Jasmine took a few more minutes to regain her composure before heading out, passing by the girls' trailer, and hearing several high-pitched screams, she immediately detoured in their direction, knocking lightly at the door before opening it a crack.

Jasmine: "Girls? Everything okay in here . . . ?"

All three of them looked like they'd frozen in place after doing something odd and suspicious . . . Especially with Meggy holding a broom like a weapon.

Meggy: "We ah . . . We saw a spider . . . Really, really big one."

She added, Yistina, following along.

Yistina: "Yeah . . . It was the size of a walnut!"

Tanisha tried not to groan at the obvious cover-up.

Tanisha: "Uh . . . yeah . . . spider."

Jasmine nodded slowly, eyeing the broom suspiciously.

Jasmine: "Anyway . . . pizza's here."

Meggy: "Okay, Uhm we'll be out in awhile!"

Yistina: "Yeah, we hafta kill the sucker!"

Yistina agreed. Meggy looked almost pained at the excuses. Jasmine nodded before shaking her head lightly as she closed the door, heading out.  

Had she not had so much to deal with already, she probably would've taken a greater interest in whatever they were dealing with now.

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