Chapter Sixteen: Hell-Bent or Heaven-Held

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Chapter Sixteen

Hell-Bent or Heaven-Held


Mizushima Kasumi’s Point of View


            Julia stood on the pedestal right beside me, placing her goggles on, as I did myself.

            “You’re dead,” she smirked. “And then Haruka will be all mine, you jerk.”

            I paused before answering, “We’ll see about that, hahaha.”

            “Oh, really,” Julia sneered.

            “Women, mark your stands!” the announcer spoke, arousing the crowds. “Get set . . . Go!”

            I dove into the crystal azure waters. Using the pedestal to head start my dive, I was ahead of the rest . . . well, at least so far. Julia was still a threat.

            “Oh, would you look at that! Mizushima is racing ahead of everyone!” the speaker announced. “Oh, snap! But Julia Smith is trailing right behind her!”


            “Go, Kasumi!” I heard Nanase yell while I was taking a breath.

            All I could see was the deep blue of the waters . . . Then everlasting line of cobalt ended as soon as a wall was seen.



            I suddenly felt a surge of confidence and profound credence and kicked harder and swifter and stroked my arms more rapidly.

            It wasn’t long before I reached the end of lap one. This time around, my mind was focused on this race . . . more than I have ever been . . . Four more laps.

            “Oh, would you look at that? Julia Smith’s winning streak seems to be getting slimmer. Mizushima is a whole body length away from the nearest contestant—Smith!”


            I felt a precipitous surge of even more conviction . . . more than ever to reach the end of the race.

            “I can do it,” I thought, as I stroked and kicked swifter than I ever had before.

            It wasn’t much later before I had reached the fifth and final lap.

            “Well, there you go, folks! Smith is trailing right behind Mizushima!” the announcer shouted into the microphone. “Oh, but, Mizushima is still going strong on her last fifty meters!”

            At that cue, I flipped at the board wall. I could barely hear the sounds going above up above.

            “The last fifty meters,” I thought, as I pushed myself harder. “This is for Nii-san . . . Haruka . . . Rin . . . Nagisa . . . Makoto . . . Japan . . .”


            After only seeing bubbles, cerulean and crystal, deep blue for the past few minutes, it wasn’t long before a white, polished wall was seen.

            “A little further . . .” I told myself as I managed to pull myself off further.

            After I had touched the wall, I took in gallons of air to steady myself.

            A little hesitant, I then looked at the scoreboard, panting.

            First: Mizushima Kasumi.

            Second: Julia Smith

            Third: Yulia Zapilinski

            First . . . I won first! My eyes were widened in delight. I then looked at Nanase, who was smiling contently at me. I guess his romance levels were leveled now. Hahaha . . . Back to his old self now, huh?

            “Damn you,” Julia sneered at me.

            “What? I won fair and square,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

            “I should’ve won, you effing . . . ugh! I have no words to describe you!” Julia grudged.

            “Is it because I’m too amazing? Hahaha,” I chuckled.

            “No! You little-“ she was interrupted by the announcer.

            “Would the winners please be at the awards ceremony for the night at 7:30 before celebrating at the night’s banquet tonight,” the announcer began. “Repeat. Would the winners please be at the awards ceremony for the night at 7:30 before celebrating at the night’s banquet tonight . . .”


            After the announcement, I quickly showered and changed into black shorts, a light green t-shirt, converses, and a swim jacket.

            Once up the stairs from the pool stadium, I saw Haruka standing by the vending machine, seeming waiting for someone.

            “Haruka!” I softly shouted his name as I embraced him in a hug.

            After we let go of our hug, he replied, “I told you that you could do it.”

            At that, he jabbed my forehead with his pointer finger in a joking manner.

            “That, you did,” I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

            Suddenly, a scream was echoing through the front office.

            “You, bitch!” Julia shrieked. “You don’t just go off kissing random people!”

            Haruka held me close before he whispered in my ear, “Ignore.”           

            “Ignore, and divide,” I stuck my tongue at him playfully.

            “Dive and conquer, you mean,” he sped up his pace to his room as we parted ways. “Water style.”

            “Dive and conquer, it is, then,” I laughed before we ran for our lives from the cynical Julia Smith.


Julia Smith’s Point of View


            That. Little. Annoying. Bitch. Stole. My. Boyfriend. Nanase is mine! Not hers! I won more contests and competitions! I won the most gold in swimming in the history of the world! I should be dating him! Nanase and I are alike! We both are number one in the swimming world! Why?! This isn’t happening!

            I fell on my bed, tears rolling down my face. Before long, an awe-inspiring idea popped into my head.

            “Oh, I see how it is,” I smirked. “Let’s see if this plan comes into action.”


Nanase Haruka’s Point of View


            I was dead-beat tired. After being chased by Julia for a good thirty minutes, I was dead-beat tired. I picked up my cell phone and called Kasumi to see when she wanted to attend the awards ceremony tonight so that I could escort her.

            “Neh, Kasumi,” I said into the phone, after she said hello.

            “Hm?” she asked.

            “What time will you go to the awards ceremony?” I inquired.

            “Um, 6:45?” she replied hesitantly.

            “C-can I escort you there?” I stammered.

            “Would you ever think I would say no?” she laughed through the phone line.

            “It is a possibility,” I laughed nervously.

            “I don’t see the harm, so sure,” she responded, chuckling lightly.

            “Then, I’ll see you then,” I replied, returning to my old self once again- that monotonous self.

            “See ya, monotony guy,” she said playfully into the phone.

            At that, the phone line went dead, and I then dreamed and pondered what life with Kasumi would be like in the future.


I don't know when the AnimeWattyAwards allow voting, but when they do, please vote for me!

This is my favorite story right now that I'm writing and I would really like to win first on this book! >.<

Thanks so much! :D


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