Trapmaster20 - Lore

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???(Narrating): They say that everyone has an origin. A reason for why they exist in the world in the first place, and it always starts with their birth. But I wasn't born through normal means. I was... created. Created for this world's own sick, twisted purposes.

The scene the changes to show a dark room, filled with scientists, and a heart-rate monitor on standby, being connected to the pod.

???(Narrating): I try and forget what happened in that place, but it never will truly leave me alone. I'll always remember what happened to me.

We see one of the doctors trying to talk to the other one, as they're setting up the final preparations, as they walk up to the pod.

Doctor: Dr. Edwards, please listen to me! You can't go through with this...!

Dr. Edwards: Don't be a coward on me now! You've been working on this project just as long as I have! You should know that risks are a part of science! It's the reason why we have our advanced technology!

Doctor: I know that...! But the data hasn't been fully tested yet! Can't we just wait-

Dr. Edwards: If we wait any more than what we have, we'll lose everything! Our progress, our lives, and most of all... our families! Do you realize that the United Nations have been sending spies to try and find out what we're doing?!

Doctor: ...

Dr. Edwards: It's been years since "Project: Feminea" was first being created. It's finally time to bring this creature to life.

Doctor: *sigh* Very well.

The Doctor then presses a button, and an announcement comes on.

Doctor: It's finally time to complete "Project: Feminea"! Grab the orb, and engage it into the capsule!

Some doctors then nod, and start getting into their positions, while one of the assistant scientists comes in with the core.

Assistant Scientist 1: Placing in the Haxobazite Core now!

The scientist then placed the core into another capsule, and when it starts functioning, Dr. Edwards starts infusing the energy of the core with the giant capsule, and as it starts to fuse, the scientists are keeping an eye on it.

Assistant Scientist 2: Everything so far is currently stable! Haxobazite Core is fusing perfectly into creation 6920!

Dr. Edwards smiles at this, knowing that so far the project is going well, and he starts shocking the body, hoping to get some heartbeat.

???(Narrating): They ran the most dangerous creation of God through my body, while shocking me with 6.9 Gigawatts of electricity.

Assistant Scientist 3: Artificial Heartbeat has been found! I repeat, we have found a heartbeat!

Doctor: I can't believe it...

Dr. Edwards: You best believe it, partner! From this moment onwards, we'll be known as the first-

Assistant Scientist 1: Doctor Edwards!


Assistant Scientist 1: The heartbeat is getting out of control! The voltage is-

The Assistant Scientist doesn't have any more time to explain, as the Haxobazite core blows up, covering every single scientist in the area with a giant explosion of pink gas.

The doctor then checks the computers in their area, and notice that there's no heartbeat.

Doctor: No heartbeat... We failed...

Dr. Edwards: I don't think so... whatever that was... surely wasn't human.

???(Narrating): Dr. Edwards thought I was still possibly intact, and I was. But not in the way that he thought.

As the smoke clears up, Dr. Edwards walks in, and steps on something. He then steps back, and as the smoke clears, he's in pure shock to see that it's a "girl" with blonde hair.

Dr. Edwards: The fuck...?

Blonde: *groans*

The blonde then groans and notices Dr. Edwards.

Blonde: Doctor... did we do it...? Is Project Femina a success?

Dr. Edwards: Who the fuck are you?

Blonde: What are you-

The Blonde then stops, and cover their mouth, in pure shock by what they're hearing. They then run to find a mirror, and when they notice their appearance, they scream in pure terror.

Doctor: Dr. Edwards! Something's heading your direction!

The doctor then starts heading the footsteps, and out of the pink smoke, comes a "girl" with a perfect face, long green hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

Dr. Edwards: Alright, I don't know who you are, but you better-

The "girl" then snaps her fingers, and a pink smoke cover Dr. Edwards. As the smoke dies down, it's shown that he's turned into a female.

Dr. Edwards: N-No... Why are you doing this?!

"Girl": You cursed me with this. It's only fair you suffer.

Dr. Edwards: Wh-What are you talking about?

"Girl": Don't pretend you don't know. You created me after all

It doesn't take Dr. Edwards long to figure out who it is.

Dr. Edwards: Creation 6920...

6920(Narrating): Yes. I am 6920, the creation of Dr. Edwards.

6920 then simply walks out, while grabbing some materials, and as the other doctor notices 6920 leaving, he starts questioning his own sexuality.

6920(Narrating): It wasn't long after my escape I learned that my "charms" were able to make anyone question themselves. I realized that I would make a world where my kind could live a life however they wanted.

The scene then changes to show 6920 in a custom room, left over from the remnants of the apartment complex that was used as a cover for the lab.

6920(Narrating): But I needed a test of my own. Luckily, there wasn't just my creation being made. I went throughout worlds, parallel to my own, and after many hard years, and many creations that inherited some of my power, I managed to forge my ultimate creation. One whose "charm" was nearly close to mine.

The scene then shows 6920 in a computer lab, pulling up images of his creation, that's causing many boys to have a gay panic.

6920(Narrating): Astolfo.

As 6920 scrolls through the computers, he notices that his creation is trending, and is said to be the master of sexual confusion.

6920: Master, huh...?

6920 then keeps looking up things, and notices that people have been calling some of his creations, "Traps."

6920: Hmmm.... I can't keep calling myself 6920. It might cause some suspicion...

The scene then changes to show a giant throne room, as music can be heard playing in the distance.

Trapmaster20(Narrating): And with that, I took on the name, "Trapmaster20," keeping a bit of my true name as a reminder to how I became who I was.

Footsteps can then be heard, and we now see Trapmaster20 in a blue hoodie, with very short shorts underneath.

Trapmaster20: I have created many traps over the course of my life... But that's only the beginning. I won't stop now. Not until the whole world falls to my "charms." And it will happen. Either by me....

The scene then pans down to under the floor, to show a giant capsule, working on another creation.

Trapmaster20: Or to my beautiful creations. MY CHILDREN!!!


A/n: Yeah, that's right. A whole lore chapter regarding my future as an indie VTuber. Note that I'm not doing it for the money, though if I do earn some cash, it'll be nice.

A/n: But yes, this will be happening. Though not yet. I plan to finish up my college year first, and then when I finish taking all of my Finals, I'll probably start for a bit, see how it goes.

A/n: Expect a debut stream, with a PowerPoint kinda explaining what might happen in the future, and what to expect. Other than that, see you later!

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