Chapter 1 - First Step in Galar.

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August POV

I'm looking around Hulbury street, seeing kids walking around, playing hopscotch.  People walking through the street, with a small market down the path from where I'm standing.   It's currently high noon when I landed here. I smiled at seeing the place, glad that I decided to come here to travel for awhile. Pulling my jacket hood over a little more on my head, to block the sunshine. I'll be looking around the area, trying to figure out which direction is to the train station.

Taking out my Rotom Dex from my bag,  it quickly flew out of my hand the moment it was brought out.   It quickly greeted me happily. "Heyzz there Roto Jr!  Needzz any helpzz with directionzz?" While Rotom Dex float gently in front of me.

  I nodded a little, "That would be nice.  Thanks Rotom." I gave it a small smile,  reaching to giving it a quick poke on the right cheek.  

  The Rotom would quickly float back after getting poked, giggle to itself before coming back over. "It'zzz no problemzz atz allzzz!!" As it's screen show Galar's Map.   With the icon showing you're currently in Hulbury. 

  I looked at the map, mentally thinking, 'Aw man, this region is somewhat big..'. As I continue to look for direction to the train station. 'This seem to be the way to the station..' as I began walking to the station, while glancing up at the street ahead every once in awhile from the Rotom Dex's Map.

  While I was walking down the street, I glance around the my surroundings. Before taking in the views of the ocean again.  I quickly taken out my phone from my jacket pocket.  Quickly taking a picture of the beautiful ocean.  'First picture in Galar.'

   As I was checking the picture that I took,  I saw from the corner of my eyes a blue blob standing in front the railing.  I'll looked over to see them, glancing out into the ocean. 'A someone who's also enjoying the view..Nice.' I'll stare at her for a bit before I when back to checking the picture again.

While I was checking through the photos, I'll feel a slight taps from my shoulder hearing "Excuses me?" I quickly turn my head to see, a beautiful tanned lady, dark blue hair, with Pool blue streaks strands in front of her. Her seaside color eyes, somewhat glimmers a little underneath the sun. "Would you happen to seen Leon?"

I'll give her a confuse look, before shaking my head a little. "I sadly don't know whom you're asking for.." the moment I said that, her eyes gotten wide, in shock but also surprised?  She'll quickly noticed the Rotom Dex that was floating beside me. Her eyes glance at me up and down before saying. "You're not from here, are you?"

I'll nodded to that statement, putting my hood down, "Yeah, I just got here from Alola, today". Her eyes would look amazed at the statement, "I see, then, Welcome to Galar. What happen to be your name, sir?" 

I'll look at her, mentally sighing. "Umm..I'm August."  I'll slip my phone back into the pocket, taking my right hand out for a shake. 

  She'll shakes hands with me, "I'm Nessa, a gym leader here in Hulbury. It's nice to meet you, August." Nessa would give me a gentle smile before letting go of my hand. I smiled back, giving her a small nods. "A gym leader? That's amazing and Nice to meet you also, Nessa. But..Back to the question.. Who were you looking for?"

Nessa would quickly wave it off before looking at the street again, "Oh, don't worry about it. Just coming to pick him up." She'll look back behind her, before see the said person. "Ah ha, found him," she'll look back at me. "Thanks for the small talk August. Hopefully the waves would collides again in a near future. See ya around."

She'll quickly walk off the the direction she was from. I saw her approaching a tall, royal purple hair black cap on his head. With a Charizard standing right behind him. I'm glancing at the crowed that had surrounded him.

'He seem to be surrounded by a crowd,. And.. are they cheering out his name? He must be popular here then..' I'll give a small quiet 'huh.' Before glancing back at Rotom Dex, "Let's continue heading over to the station, Rotom."

"Yezz! Letzz go!!" Rotom would bounce up and down in the air, before showing me the map again.

I'll smile a little before started heading over the crowd. As I step closer to them, I hear getting louder and louder. They're cheering out 'LEON! LEON! LEON!' Or 'I LOVE YOUR CHARIZARD POSE!' The Charizard pose intrigued me, but I decided to look it up later.

As I continue to walk pass by the crowd, ignoring them, since it's not in my current to do list. First thing, find the train station. I feel a stares into my back as I walked away from the crowd. I'll glance back to see the same man, that was surrounded by the crowd, staring at me with his Golden eyes burning into me.

My eyebrows crooked up, in question, before I glance back to Rotom. Continuing on my merry way to the train station.  Ignoring the stares from  the man behind me.  I continue to walk away from the crowd while getting farther away from them.  As the cheers get quieter, I sighed in relief.  

  "Therezz the trainzz zzStation Roto Jr!"  Rotom use its little arm , pouting to my left, the direction to the station.  I'll quickly thanks the Rotom before start heading over to it.

    'Why was that man staring at me? And why did Nessa talked to me..' I thought about it, while I walked over to the station.   'That's not normal right? I'm just a random stranger to them.. Nessa also mistaken me as male also.  That's good right?' as I continue to think,  somewhat deep in thoughts.

    I sighing in exhale softly, somewhat mentally tired.  Finally gotten inside the train station.  I head over to the chairs and taking a quick seat while Rotom was floating around, checking the place out, not really going faraway.  I'll mumble underneath my breath in tiredness...

  "What a trip..." I say to myself.   Leaning back on the chair, glanced up at the ceiling.  Cover my eyes with my right hand, somewhat thinking to myself.  I didn't noticed how fast the time passed, but I really wasn't paying attention to the surrounded.  Still deep in thought when a voice cut through,

"What an excellent afternoon! Don't you think so Charizard?"

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