Kleinsen- The Artist and the Writer

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Evan nervous fidgeted, his hands hovering over the key board. Fake persona. Channel you're fake persona. Evan took a deep breath, and opened the chat from the famous MiraculousLoser.

Hey! Big fan of your art. It's super good! I was thinking, maybe you could do some concept art for my new fan fic?

Only if you want to, of course!

I don't want to pressure you into anything

Evan smiled. This person seemed really nice! And not like a twelve year old.

Yeah, sure! I'm a huge fan of your writing too! It's pawsitively amazing! Evan chuckled at his wording, sending it immediately.

So they weren't lying when they said you were like an IRL version of Chat.

So what do you say?

Evan smiled. Just tell me what you want, and it'll be done. Promise, princess.

That's sweet of you, but I'm not a princess;)

Evan chuckled at his computer. Prince?

That's more like it. I'll send you the base copy of the story, and highlight what parts I would like? If that's okay

Sounds great! Evan typed. I'll get right on it!

The two's friendship grew from there. The two message everyday, wither it was updates on the show, or memes they wanted to show each other. Both boys were head over heels for the other, but both didn't have the confidence to say anything.

"What are you doing, Hansen? Looking for porn?"

Evan quickly shut his laptop, stuttering out a response. "No, no, it, I was not, I wasn't!"

"Sure." Jared dragged out his word, loudly setting his stuff down across from Evan at the lunch table. "So, what were you looking at?"

"I, uh, it was just, some uh, stuff? Yeah." Evan fidgeted with his shirt, not making eye contact.

"Okay, now I'm shook. The hell were you looking at?"

Evan sighed, realizing Jared wouldn't let go of the topic. "I uh, I draw fan art for this show, and uh, someone I like was messaging me, so, uh, I messaged back? And I was reading through the chats and stuff, so."

"What show?" Jared asked, in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Uh, Miraculous Ladybug?" Evan mumbled shyly. "It's just some, uh, stupid kids show, and I just-"

As he rambled on, Jared mind went down a dark hole. What if it was him? What if he'd been chatting with Evan all along? That would make things so much easier.

"Can I see your art?" Jared asked, interrupting Evans rambled.

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure. Uh, I guess." Evan opened his laptop, and turned it around so Jared could see the drawings.

And Jared scrolled, Evans face turned more and more red. "I uh, I know they aren't like, good, or anything, and that, that it's for a kids show, so uh, you don't, you don't have to rub it in, or uh, or anything. I-"

"Oh my god." Jared mumbled, finally looking up at Evan. "It's you."

"It's me?" Evan asked. "I don't, I don't understand."

"Hold on." Jared pulled out his phone, opening his tumblr app. "Look." He shoved the phone in Evans face. Jared sat back, crossing his arms in an attempt to cover himself more.

"Oh my god. It's, you're, you." Evan stuttered out.

"Yeah, so uh. I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted. Or like, at all what you expected. Want to just pretend this never happened?" Jared asked, a fake smile on his face. "I'm totally up for that. I mean, I get it. You're amazing, and talented, and fuck, hot, and I'm not, so I guess-"

Jared stopped when he felt Evans lips against his own. He almost pulled away in surprise, but instead he pulled Evan closer, holding him as if he'd disappear if he let go.

Evan eventually pulled away, laughing softly to himself. "I'm so happy it was you. I thought, I don't know. I liked, I liked both of you, but you guys are the same, and-"

"Don't worry, Hansen." Jared said with a wink. "We liked you too."

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