Boyf Riends- Mario AU

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I'm kinda pulling from my memory of the super Mario games.

Michael and Jeremy sat in Michael's basement trying to decide what game to play.

"Here, I got the new Super Mario game, let's just play that." Michael suggested pulling out the case.

"That's not new, that's from the 90s at least." Jeremy said looking at the cover.

"Whatever. It's new and unplayed by us. So let's play." Michael said.

"Fine." Jeremy agreed

Michael got up from his bean bag and put the game into his console.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

"Ready." Jeremy answered.

"Then let's go!" Michael shouted excitedly. And started up the game.

They got through the start up before blacking out.

Michael woke up to the sight of a castle and Jeremy in a princess peach ensemble in front of him.

"Jeremy? Why are you dressed like peach?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. Why are you dressed like Mario? And what happened to your basement?" Jeremy asked looking around at the castle setting.

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was starting up the game and then...." Michael trailed off a look of shock and excitement on his face, "No way."

"What?" Jeremy asked.

Michael quickly got up and ran towards the window. "Yes way! Jeremy, we're in the game!"

Jeremy's eyes lit up, "Really? That's awesome!"

Though their excitement didn't last too long as it was interrupted by the door being kicked down.

There in the door way stood the Squip.

"I guess we found out who's Bowser." Michael mumbled.

The Squip grabbed Jeremy and vanished from Michael's sight before he could do anything to stop it.

Michael growled angrily. "Don't worry Jeremy, I'm coming for you."

He then bolted out the door and proceeded to the first level.

~time skip to the boss battle~

Michael had finally made it to Bowser's, or in this case Squip's, castle.

He took a deep breath before bursting through the doors to see Jeremy suspended in the air by a rope tied around his waist.

"Ah, Michael, I see you have arrived to save the one you hold dear." Squip said.

"Shut up. If we're going to fight let's just get on with it already." Michael said, prepared to fight.

(This next part isn't following the original plot of the game but oh well.)

"There's no need for that." Squip said. "All you have to do to set him free is confess."

Michael dropped his stance. "That's all?"

Squip nodded looking a bit confused at his calm reaction.

Michael shrugged. "Okay."

Michael walked over to Jeremy as he was lowered down to where his feet reached the ground.

"Hey Jer." Michael said.

"Hey Micha. Got something to tell me?" Jeremy asked.

"Yep. Jeremiah Heere. I love you." Michael said. "Like. I'm really gay for you. Your laugh, your hair, your eyes, your nervous ticks, your nerdy-sorry geekyness, and so much more."

Jeremy giggled. "I love you too ya dork."

"But I'm your dork." Michael said.

"And you have been for about a month." Jeremy said.

"Yep. Month and hopefully beyond." Michael said smiling.

"Defiantly beyond." Jeremy said with a smile.

Squip looked confused for a second and then shrugged before snapping his fingers and the rope disappeared from around Jeremy's waist.

"Now, how do we get out of here?" Jeremy asked.

"Just walk out the exit behind you." Squip said pointing to the exit.

"Whelp. Then we're out. See ya!" Michael said and took Jeremy by the hand and ran though the exit.

Once the boy's returned to Michael's basement they decided to just sit down and cuddle while watching movies.

All in all, it was a good night.

Okay, so the one part didn't match up to the original Mario but eh. Also, THE BMC BOOTLEG HAS REVIVED ME. IT WAS ONLY 35 MINUTES OF IT BUT STILL! Okay I'm good now. Anyway, that's all for now. What'd you think? Feel free to leave a suggestion for another chapter. Till next time, bye!

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