Boyf Riends- Rc9gn AU

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Randy: Jeremy
Howard: Michael
Sorcerer: Squip
Mcfist: Larry Murphy
Viceroy: Jared (let's say he got a job even though he's in high school)

Jeremy sat in class staring at the clock boredly.

There hadn't been a monster attack all day, and something is off.

The bell rang and Jeremy met his friend Michael as they walked towards Michael's house at the end of the day.

"I'm telling you something is off. No one has been squiped, no robot attacks, nothing!" Jeremy said.

"Relax Jer. I'm sure it'll be fine." Michael said.

"Alright. I'll just try and relax for a bit. Maybe I'm getting a day off." Jeremy said.

"Yeah! Now let's go beat level 9!" Michael said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Jeremy said.

The two boys ran into Michael's house, threw their stuff down, and ran to the basement to play their game.


Larry sat with Jared trying to figure out a plan to capture the ninja.

"I got it!" Jared said.

"You mean I've got it." Larry said.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Jared said. "So you know how the ninja is always hanging around and seams pretty close to that Mell kid who goes to my school?"

"Yeah, what of it?" Larry asked.

"Well, if we get the Mell kid, we can lure the ninja to our trap." Jared said.

"It's perfect!" Larry exclaimed. "How will we get him here?"

"Well..." Jared trailed off with a grin on his face.

~next day~

Jeremy and Michael walked to school ecstatically talking about their recent victory of level 9 on Apocalypse of the Damned.

"Whoa wait." Michael said as they arrived at the entrance to school.

There in the school yard was a giant arena, but not a sports arena, no. This was a gaming arena.

The two boys rushed up to it to see a sign that read 'gaming tournament. Can be single or teams of no more than two. Winner(s) get a trip and tour to Murphy industries. ~Larry Murphy'

"Dude we have to enter this!" Michael exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't know Michael. It's run by the ninja's enemy." Jeremy said.

"Oh come on!" Michael said.

"Buuuut, Jeremy Heere is ready to kill the competition!" Jeremy said signing them up.

"Yes!" Michael shouted throwing his fists in the air.

~time skip~

Michael and Jeremy were crushing it.

They were the lead team by a lot. No one had even come close.

It was the final round and they were way ahead.

"Foe defeated. Stand-bi and gaymer have won" the game announced.

"Yes!" Michael and Jeremy exclaimed hugging each other excitedly.

"Congratulations boys, please proceed to the limo." A roboape said gesturing towards a limo that awaited outside the arena.

They slid into the back and just talked excitedly as they drove.

Once they arrived at their destination the boy's hopped out and agent into the building.

"Mr. Murphy is waiting for you on the top floor." The roboape said.

Michael and Jeremy ran up the steps, into the building, into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

They made it to the top floor and saw nothing but an empty room.

"Uh...what the hell?" Jeremy asked.

"Wasn't Mr. Murphy supposed to be here or something?" Michael asked looking around.

Suddenly the light turned on and the two were wrapped in rope and suspended in the air.

"Again I ask, what the hell?!" Jeremy shouted.

"We were originally just planning on having Mell, but I guess it's fine if you're here too." Mr. Murphy said coming out of the background with Jared behind him.

"Jared? Why are you here?" Michael asked.

"Because this is my job." Jared answered.

"Now, we figured that since the ninja is always near or around Mell, if he was taken here the ninja would follow." Mr. Murphy said.

"So what, we wait here until he maybe shows up?" Jeremy asked. "Did you ever think he wouldn't know, or wouldn't come?"

"Well uh...." Mr. Murphy trailed off.

"So your entire plan depended on the ninja seeing this, suspecting something, and showing up, and you didn't make sure he would come. Lame!" Michael shouted.

"Fine! Then if the ninja has not come, he must be here and hiding. We'll just have to draw him out." Jared said pressing a button.

A few different robots came out and surrounded Michael and Jeremy and they were let down to the ground and released from the ropes.

"Can we at least get swords or something to give us a fighting chance since I kinda doubt the ninja is going to show up." Jeremy asked.

Mr. Murphy and Jared shrugged before tossing the two boys a sword each.

Michael and Jeremy stood back to back.

"Ready dude?" Jeremy asked.

"Hell ya bro!" Michael said.

"Find the bad guy push him aside!" The two launched away from each other and headed towards a robot of their own.

"Then move on forward with your friend at your side!" They came back together as more robots surrounded them once more.

"It's a two player game so when they make an attack!" Jeremy leapt over Michael and killed a robot that was trying to sneak attack him. "You know you got a brother gonna have your back!"

"Then you stay on track and AHH! Remain on corse!" They dodged a close swing and killed the robot.

"And if they give you a smack you GAH use your force!" They pushed past two more robots and now only one remained.

"And if you leave your brother behind its lame! 'Cuz it's an 'effed up world but it's a two player game!" They both jumped and slashed the last robot in half.

Michael was out of breath and Jeremy stood up throwing his sword to the ground while Michael dropped his.

"Hmm...interesting." Jared said.

"What?" Mr. Murphy asked.

"Jeremy looks like he knows how to fight pretty well. Almost as if he's done it countless times before." Jared said. "Let me try something."

Jared pressed a button that released another robot that came right for Michael.

Jeremy, acting quickly and on instinct, picked up one of the swords from the ground, jumped into the air and sliced the robot while flipping over it and cutting it down the middle.

"Thanks Jer." Michael said.

"No problem Micha." Jeremy responded, deciding to hold onto the sword for now.

Jared pulled up video feed on his tablet from a recent ninja fight with the same robot and the feed of Jeremy just now and compared them side by side.

He smirked and stepped forward grabbing Jeremy's wrist. "Mr. Murphy, may I present to you, the ninja." Jared said holding Jeremy's wrist in the air.

Michael and Jeremy looked to each other before bursting out in laughter.

"You think Jeremy is the ninja?" Michael asked.

Well he was but they couldn't let them know that, so they stalled.

"Yeah. I mean look at me. Do I look like I could be the ninja to you?" Jeremy asked.

"Well no, but if we look at the way you just defended Michael, and how the ninja defended him in a recent battle against the same robot, the technique and form are exactly the same." Jared said.

"Jared, if I were the ninja-which I'm not- don't you think I would have suited up, or at least smoke bombed out of here by now?" Jeremy asked.

"I would, if I thought you were dumb enough to reveal your self. I'll just search you for the ninja mask and or suit." Jared said as two roboapes came and searched Jeremy.

Jeremy let them. Having given the mask to Evan before they left. (I know only Howard knows in the show, but just go with it)

The roboapes shook their heads and when back to whatever they were doing before.

Jared frowned and turned to Michael. "So if Jeremy's not the ninja then you must know who he is. You two seem pretty close."

"Yeah, that's 'cuz we're close friends." Michael said.

"I've only seen you close with Jeremy at school and the ninja whenever you're around him. So if you're his close friend then what's Jeremy to you?" Jared asked.

"He's-" Michael began before he was cut off by Jeremy.

"I'm his boyfriend!" Jeremy exclaimed.

The other three people turned to look at the lanky boy in shock.

"Isn't that right Mikey?" Jeremy asked walking over closer to Michael.

"Y-yeah. He's my boyfriend." Michael said grabbing Jeremy's hand and intertwining their hands making them both blush.

"Prove it." Jared said. At this point he just wanted some pictures so Evan and Connor would pay him the $20 they would owe him.

"H-how?" Jeremy stuttered.

"Kiss him." Jared said.

By now Mr. Murphy had given up, lost interest and left the room.

Jeremy and Michael's faces both turned beat red.

They turned to face each other.

Michael looked at Jeremy looking into his eyes, silently asking him if it was okay for to kiss him.

Jeremy gave a small nod and Michael closed the distance between them.

It was a bit painful as Michael's glasses were a bit awkward and hit Jeremy in the face causing him to chuckle and smile into the kiss.

They parted and looked over to see Jared with his phone in his hand.

"C-can we go now?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, sure, the limo is outside. Grab your stuff and go." Jared said.

Michael and Jeremy left hand in hand.

~Later that night~

"So, do you actually want to be my boyfriend?" Michael asked Jeremy and they layed in Jeremy's bed.

"Michael, I kissed you a few hours ago. And I would totally do it again. Of course I do." Jeremy smiled.

Michael pecked Jeremy's lips and Jeremy snuggled into Michael's side.

The two fell asleep happy in each other's arms.

If you haven't realized most of my one shots may contain the step bros AU. I love the AU so yeah. It's in there. Anyway, that's all for now. What'd you think? Feel free to leave a suggestion for a future chapter. Till next time, bye!

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