Boyf Riends- Youtube/Vidcon au

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(Art up top is mine. The video however is not. It's by trash class on YouTube)

Boyf: TODAY!

Riends: Wha?

Riends: oh

Riends: OH

Boyf: You ready to go?

Rieands: Yeah! Absolutely!

Boyf: ...

Boyf: You just woke up didn't you?

Riends: ...Maybe?

Boyf: I'm heading over there. You better be ready soon.

Riends: Will do!

Jeremy shut off his phone with a small smile on his face.

He then proceeded to grab his suitcase and bag, before making his way out the door to where Michael lived.

It was still summer, so the boys still had a bit before they went off to college.

Around 15 minutes later Jeremy had made it to Michael's house, though instead of knocking on the door, he let himself in.

"Michael! Are you ready?" Jeremy yelled, hearing a crash from what sounded like Michael's room.

Curious, he walked up the steps to said boys room to see Michael on the ground surrounded by his suitcase, bag, clothes, electronic cords, and other various different items.

Jeremy blinked before he burst out laughing.

Michael quickly stood up and brushed the stuff off of him. "Jeremy!"

Jeremy calmed down enough to talk, "Dude, you're not packed yet? I mean I know you just woke up but you should have packed like last night."

"I was almost ready until you came and made me mess up all my progress and spill everything." Michael protested as he began putting things in his suitcase and backpack. "Just help me would ya?"

Jeremy shook his head, a small smile on his face before he went to help Michael with his things.

~Time skip to where the boyfs are all packed and ready~

"Done!" Michael shouted happily as he zipped up his suitcase.

"Finally." Jeremy said, "Now to the airport! Or else we're going to be late."

"Alright then off we go!" Michael said as he grabbed his stuff and ran to his PT Cruiser, Jeremy trailing behind with his luggage.

"Onward!" Michael said starting the car and driving to the airport, blasting music from the car's speakers.

~Time skip to them getting off of the airplane and onto California~

Jeremy and Michael stepped off the plane, backpack carry-ons on their backs, and made their way towards the baggage claim.

While standing at the conveyer belt waiting for their suitcases to come around a lady came up to them holding onto her child's hand.

She tapped them both on the shoulder, Jeremy and Michael turned around to face her.

"Hello, are you aware that your backpacks make the word 'boyfriends'?" She asked.

"Yep. Well aware. Why?" Michael asked.

"Are you?" She asked.

"Are we what?" Michael asked crossing his arms.

"You know.....boyfriends?" She asked.

Michael just cocked an eyebrow before turning and kissing Jeremy.

He then pulled away, from a now extremely flustered Jeremy, and turned back to the woman, "That answer your question?" He asked.

The woman just turned on her heel and quickly began to pull her child away.

The child looked back towards Michael and Jeremy with a small smile on his face. Michael winked at him before grabbing his and Jeremy's luggage and grabbing Jeremy's hand pulling him towards the exit, the child giggled and turned back to walking with his mom.

Jeremy and Michael made their way to the shuttle area and grabbed a shuttle to the hotel they would be staying at during their time in LA for vidcon.

They made it to the hotel, payed the driver, grabbed their bags, and headed to check in.

~time skip to the first day of vidcon~

Michael woke up a bit before Jeremy and looked down at said boy who was snuggled into his chest.

Although the were officially dating, they still hadn't told their followers, they were planning on doing it soon though.

Michael smiled softly before planting a small kiss to Jeremy's head.

Jeremy began to stir and opened his eyes groggily and looked up at Michael.

"Morning." Michael said.

Jeremy hummed in response before snuggling more into Michael, planning on going back to sleep.

"We have to get up Jer, we have to get to the building early so we have some time to look around a bit before our panel.

Jeremy groaned and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed.

He grabbed his clothes and made his way to the bathroom so that he could take a shower and get changed.

Michael got up as well and proceeded to get dressed and ready.

By the time Jeremy was out of the bathroom, clothed, showered, and ready to go, Michael was sat on the edge of the bed watching tv.

"Let's go get some food." Jeremy said.

Michael smiled and turned off the tv before kissing Jeremy's cheek and walking out the door, Jeremy not far behind.

~time skip to when they're at the exposition hall~

The two had decided to walk around a bit and look at some things before they had to go to their panel.

They met a few fans along the way and took a few pictures and signed a few things before it was almost time for their panel and they had to make their way to the room where it would be held.

The made their way to the crew and began setting things up and getting ready.

Soon the two began to hear people begin to flood in and made their way backstage and to the wings.

"You ready?" Jeremy asked as he turned slightly to face Michael.

"Of course! As long as I've got my player two, I'm ready for anything!" Michael said smiling before taking another sip of his slushie that he had gotten from the expo hall right before they came to start preparing.

Jeremy gave a small laugh and blushed slightly at the answer.

A few of the crew members came by and hooked the two up to their mics, before signaling the 'all clear' for Michael and Jeremy.

The stage and room's lights shut off and a video began to play on the screen (video uptop)

The video ended cueing applause and cheers from the audience and Jeremy and Michael made their way on stage and greeted everyone.

"Hey everyone!" Michael shouted waving enthusiastically with one hand and holding a slushie in the other.

"Hey!" Jeremy said before turning to look at Michael, "Why'd you bring the slushie out with you?"

"Because I wasn't done with it." Michael said before taking another drink.

Jeremy rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, "Yeah, alright."

"Anyway, welcome to the panel!" Michael said earning a loud cheer from the audience.

"So we've set up a little thing on twitter where you can send us questions or dares using the hashtag 'heerelookatthis'." Jeremy explained.

"We're basically doing a live truth or dare except we have almost no control over what goes on!" Michael exclaimed.

"There's a monitor up here so that we can see and read the tweet. They will be read aloud along with displayed up there," Jeremy pointed to the big screen above them that was currently displaying their Channel banner (picture up top), "so that you guys can see it as well."

"Let's start with the first one!" Michael said, "Alright. '@theonewhostolethecookie asked is the squip real? Is it stILL HERE?!'" (In this au the squip is kinda like antisepticeye or darkiplier)

"Well-" Jeremy began cheekily before Michael slapped his hand over Jeremy's mouth.

"sHHHHHH! No say nothing!" Michael said before turning to the crowd, "We speak not of the squip."

Jeremy moved Michael's hand and looked back to the monitor. "Next, '@mellisheere asked Jeremy, why did you and Christine break up?'"

"Geez, that was awhile ago, but it was because we both realized we liked someone else. And are now happily with that someone else." Jeremy said.

Michael smiled and turned to the monitor, "Alrighty then, '@theseboys I dare Michael to serenade Jeremy.'"

Michael turned toward Jeremy and began to sing to him, "~like a river flows, surely to the sea,darling so it goes, some things, are meant to be~"

A very loud collective scream from fangirls of the audience filled the room.

"Have I ever told you that you have a fricken amazing voice Michael?" Jeremy asked.

"I believe so." Michael said with a small laugh.

Jeremy looked to the monitor, " '@iwantedthecookie said Michael, let Jeremy wear your hoodie!'"

Michael shrugged, "Alright." He then took off his hoodie and handed it to Jeremy.

Jeremy slipped it on over his head and found that it was big on him so it hung loosely on his frame and allowed him to create sweater paws.

"Awww! You look cute." Michael said before he could stop himself.

Jeremy hid his now extremely red face in his hands that were covered with the sweater.

"Staaaaahhhhhp!" Came the muffled response of the flustered Jeremy.

Michael looked at the monitor, " '@iwillgodownwiththeships says JUST KISS!'"

"We don't have to provide you with yo fan service." Michael replied sassily causing Jeremy to laugh.

"Alright, last one. '@chillinhell what is the squip exactly? Also, is it true that Rich set a fire and burned down Jake's house?'"

"I already told you, we do not speak of the squip!" Michael said.

"And, yeah. That is actually a thing that happened, but it was for......certain reasons." Jeremy said.

"Well, I do believe our time heere is up!" Michael said.

"Did you just?" Jeremy asked.

"I did. Thank you all for coming! We had an amazing time!" Michael said.

"Yeah, well, we're gonna go, bye!" Jeremy said as he waved and walked off stage with Michael following him.

~time skip to when they're getting ready to sleep~

"Pretty sure they know by now but, should we officially announce our boyfness to our followers?" Michael asked as he layed in bed cuddling with Jeremy.

"Yeah. I g-guess I'm ready if you are." Jeremy said slightly nervous.

Michael nodded and took out his phone quickly taking a picture of the two of them, Jeremy still had michael's hoodie on and was laying snuggled against his chest.

Michael smiled at the picture and added the caption 'good night' before posting it.

Jeremy decided to do the same and added the same caption and posted his picture as well.

They plugged their phones up and shut off the lights.

"What do you say I take you on a Disney date tomorrow?" Michael asked.

"I'd love to."


There you have it the first chapter! I'm pretty happy with it. Anyway, that's all for now. What did you think? Feel free to leave some suggestions for the next chapter in the comments. Till next time, bye!

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